コード例 #1
    //Attack is called when the weapon is used
    public override void Attack(WeaponAimInfo weaponAimInfo, GameObject meleeGameObject, GameObject prefabAttackLight, Transform transformHead, bool buttonDown)
        //Reset attack interval to prevent continuous melee attacks
        m_attackIntervalTimer = m_template.GetAttackInterval();

        if (weaponAimInfo.m_raycastHit)
            //Weapon hit an object
            Debug.Log("Attacking with melee weapon, hit " + weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.name);

            GameObject goHit = weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.collider.gameObject;
            //Apply random attack damage (between set min and max) to hit enemies
            if (goHit.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                int damageAmount = Random.Range(m_template.GetMinAttackDamage(), m_template.GetMaxAttackDamage() + 1);
                weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.GetComponent <Enemy>().Damage(damageAmount);
                UIManager.instance.ShowEnemyHitPopup(damageAmount, weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.point);
            //Explode any hit objects with the ExplodeOnImpact component
            else if (goHit.CompareTag("ExplodeOnImpact"))
                goHit.GetComponent <ExplodeOnImpact>().Explode();
            Debug.Log("Attacking with melee weapon, hit nothing");

        //Trigger the attack animation and sound
        meleeGameObject.transform.Find("Weapon").GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("Attack");
        SoundEffectPlayer.instance.PlaySoundEffect2D(m_template.m_attackSound, m_template.m_attackSoundVolume, 0.95f, 1.05f);
コード例 #2
    //Attack is called when the player shoots
    public override void Attack(WeaponAimInfo weaponAimInfo, GameObject gunGameObject, GameObject prefabFireLight, Transform transformHead, bool buttonDown)
        if (!m_gunTemplate.GetContinuousFire() && !buttonDown)
            //If continuous fire is disabled and the mouse button was not pressed on this frame, do not fire

        //Reset attack interval to prevent continuous firing
        m_attackIntervalTimer = m_template.GetAttackInterval();

        //Instantiate fire particles and light
        GameObject fireParticles = m_gunTemplate.GetFireParticles();
        Transform  parentMuzzle  = gunGameObject.transform.Find("AimPoint");

        if (fireParticles != null)
            Object.Instantiate(fireParticles, parentMuzzle);
        Object.Instantiate(prefabFireLight, parentMuzzle);

        if (weaponAimInfo.m_raycastHit)
            //Gun hit an object
            Debug.Log("Gun fired, hit " + weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.name);

            GameObject goHit = weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.collider.gameObject;
            //Apply random attack damage (between set min and max) to hit enemies
            if (goHit.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                int damageAmount = Random.Range(m_template.GetMinAttackDamage(), m_template.GetMaxAttackDamage() + 1);
                weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.GetComponent <Enemy>().Damage(damageAmount);
                UIManager.instance.ShowEnemyHitPopup(damageAmount, weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.point);
            //Explode any hit objects with the ExplodeOnImpact component
            else if (goHit.CompareTag("ExplodeOnImpact"))
                goHit.GetComponent <ExplodeOnImpact>().Explode();
            Debug.Log("Gun fired, hit nothing");

        //Reduce ammo, or throw an error if shooting with no ammo
        if (m_loadedAmmo >= 0)
            Debug.LogError("Shooting gun with no ammo (" + m_template.GetWeaponName() + ")");

        //Trigger the shoot animation and sound
        gunGameObject.transform.Find("Gun").GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("Shoot");
        SoundEffectPlayer.instance.PlaySoundEffect2D(m_template.m_attackSound, m_template.m_attackSoundVolume, 0.95f, 1.05f);
コード例 #3
    void Update()
        //Aim info to use for this frame
        weaponAimInfo = GetWeaponAimInfo();

        //Call Update on all weapons each frame
        for (int i = 0; i < availableWeapons.Length; i++)
        //Call HeldUpdate only on the weapon that is currently being held
        if (activeWeapon != null)

        //Player specific updates
        if (playerControlsWeapons)

        //Hide the active weapon if the entity should have an empty hand
        if (emptyHand)

        //Aiming down sights is activated by pressing the right mouse button with a gun or prototype weapon
        if ((activeWeapon is GunWeapon || activeWeapon is PrototypeWeapon) && Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
            aimDownSights = true;
            aimDownSights = false;

        //Turn the primary weapon torch on/off if the L key is pressed
        if (activeWeapon is GunWeapon activeGun && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))
            bool torchOn = activeGun.ToggleTorchOn();
コード例 #4
ファイル: GrenadeWeapon.cs プロジェクト: Euryallus/Modules5-6
    //Attack is called when the grenade is thrown
    public override void Attack(WeaponAimInfo weaponAimInfo, GameObject weaponGameObject, GameObject prefabAttackLight, Transform transformHead, bool buttonDown)
        //Use up a grenade and reset attack interval to prevent continuous throwing
        m_attackIntervalTimer = m_template.GetAttackInterval();

        //Hide the held grenade to give the appearance of it being thrown

        //Add a new ThrownGrenade - thrown grenades are handled seperately to allow multiple thrown grenades to be active at any time,
        //  while still only having a single grenade slot in the weapon holder
        m_thrownGrenades.Add(new ThrownGrenade(this, m_grenadeTemplate.GetDelay(), transformHead));

        //Play the throw sound set in the template editor
        SoundEffectPlayer.instance.PlaySoundEffect2D(m_grenadeTemplate.m_throwSound, m_grenadeTemplate.m_throwSoundVolume, 0.95f, 1.05f);
コード例 #5
    //Alternate melee attack for guns
    public override void AlternateAttack(WeaponAimInfo weaponAimInfo, GameObject weaponGameObject, Transform transformHead)
        //Alternate attack only allowed for guns with melee ability
        if (!m_gunTemplate.GetCanUseAsMelee())

        //Reset attack interval to prevent continuous melee attacks
        m_alternateAttackIntervalTimer = m_gunTemplate.GetMeleeInterval();

        if (weaponAimInfo.m_raycastHit)
            //Gun hit an object
            Debug.Log("Attacking with gun as melee weapon, hit " + weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.name);

            GameObject goHit = weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.collider.gameObject;
            //Apply random melee attack damage (between set min and max) to hit enemies
            if (goHit.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                int damageAmount = Random.Range(m_gunTemplate.GetMinMeleeAttackDamage(), m_gunTemplate.GetMaxMeleeAttackDamage() + 1);
                weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.transform.GetComponent <Enemy>().Damage(damageAmount);
                UIManager.instance.ShowEnemyHitPopup(damageAmount, weaponAimInfo.m_hitInfo.point);
            //Explode any hit objects with the ExplodeOnImpact component
            else if (goHit.CompareTag("ExplodeOnImpact"))
                goHit.GetComponent <ExplodeOnImpact>().Explode();
            Debug.Log("Attacking with gun as melee weapon, hit nothing");

        //Trigger the melee animation and sound
        weaponGameObject.transform.Find("Gun").GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("MeleeAttack");
        SoundEffectPlayer.instance.PlaySoundEffect2D(m_gunTemplate.m_meleeSound, m_gunTemplate.m_meleeSoundVolume, 0.95f, 1.05f);
コード例 #6
ファイル: GrenadeWeapon.cs プロジェクト: Euryallus/Modules5-6
 //Grenade has no alternate attack
 public override void AlternateAttack(WeaponAimInfo weaponAimInfo, GameObject weaponGameObject, Transform transformHead)