コード例 #1
    public void SendWasCardupdate()
        if (Ag.mySelf.ShouldUpdateCard())
            //dicMenuList ["CenterCircle"].SetActive (true);
            WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                User = Ag.mySelf,                                         // arrSendCard = Ag.mySelf.arrNewCard
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                //dicMenuList ["CenterCircle"].SetActive (false);
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString("MenuManager_Pack  ::  CARD UpdateOK   Done  ");

                case -1:
                case 4:
コード例 #2
    // additionalBuyFlag : 0 (no), 1 (additional)
    //    public List<string> playerNamze = new List<string> ();
    //    public List<int> backNum = new List<int> ();
    // 0 : cash, 1 : gold

     * public WasPurchaseCard ()
     * {
     *  string hangen = WWW.UnEscapeURL ("%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1%EC%9E%90");
     *  Ag.LogString ("WasPurchaseCard ::     Generation   ...  " + hangen);
     *  dlgt_WillSend = () => {
     *      return User.arrCard.Count < 30;
     *  };
     * }
    public override void SendAction()
        Ag.LogString("WasPurchaseCard :: SendAction ...   Started ...  ");
        SendStr = "";
        SendStr = SendStr.AddCodeKeyKKOID(User, 220);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("option", option);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("eaNum", eaNum);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("leagueType", leagueType);

        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("formatVersion", 2);  // Deck
        //SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue ("kind", kind);
//        SendStr = SendStr.AddArray ("backNum", JsonMapper.ToJson (backNum));
//        SendStr = SendStr.AddArray ("playerName", JsonMapper.ToJson (playerName));

        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("additionalBuyFlag", additionalBuyFlag);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("buyType", buyType, false);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddParen();

        postAction += () => {
            Ag.LogString("WasPurchaseCard :: postAction " + RcvdStr);
            //JsonData jsData = JsonMapper.ToObject (RcvdStr);
            JSONNode jsCard = NdObj ["arrCard"];

            if (Result.result == 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < jsCard.Count; k++)
                    AmCard nuCard = new AmCard();
                    nuCard.WAS.WasCardParse(jsCard [k]);
                    if (User.GetCardIdOf(jsCard [k] ["ID"].AsInt) == null)
                        nuCard.KickOrder = -1;
            // Card Update   ....
            WasCardUpdate bObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                User = User
            bObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

            // 0 : 성공, -1 : 코인부족, -2 : 기타 에러
            Ag.LogString("WasPurchaseCard :: postAction " + Result.result + "   New Card :  " + User.arrNewCard.Count);
            //Ag.LogString (((string)(jsData ["cash1"])).LogWith ("cash1") + ((string)(jsData ["cash2"])).LogWith ("cash2") + ((string)(jsData ["gold"])).LogWith ("gold"));

コード例 #3
    public void GameSceneCardUpdate()
        if (Ag.mySelf.ShouldUpdateCard())
            WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                User = Ag.mySelf, arrSendCard = null
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:

                case -1:
                case 4:
コード例 #4
    public void RegCardUpdate()
        Ag.LogIntenseWord(" RegCardUpdate  KKO  ID ::::::  " + Ag.mySelf.WAS.KkoID);

        WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate()
            User = Ag.mySelf, arrSendCard = Ag.mySelf.GetMainCards()

        aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
            switch (pInt)   //
            case 0:

            case -1:
            case 4:
コード例 #5
    public void SetColumnA()
        muiCol = 0;
        muiRow = 0;
        int colN = 0, colEA;

        GUI.Label(myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++), myUser.WAS.KkoID + "   " + myUser.WAS.League);

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Regist   _____
        Rect curRegis = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        chkTeamName = GUI.TextField(myGUI.DivideRect(curRegis, 3, 0), chkTeamName, 15);
        colEA       = 5;
        colN        = 2;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRegis, colEA, colN++), "Chk Team"))
            WasTeamCheck aObj = new WasTeamCheck()
                ID = myUser.WAS.KkoID, TgtName = chkTeamName
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRegis, colEA, colN++), "Reg"))
            myUser.WAS.TeamName = chkTeamName;

            WasRegist aObj = new WasRegist()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRegis, colEA, colN++), "S. Ver"))
            WasServerVersion aObj = new WasServerVersion()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                aObj = null;
//        if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (curRegis, colEA, colN++), "SvrVer")) {
//            WasServerVersion aObj = new WasServerVersion () { User = myUser };
//            //AgStt.GoToLoginAfterRegist = false;
//            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
//            };
//        }
//        if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (curRegis, colEA, colN++), "UnRgst")) {
//            WasUnRegist aObj = new WasUnRegist () { User = myUser };
//            //AgStt.GoToLoginAfterRegist = false;
//            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
//            };
//        }
        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Login 2   _____
        Rect curLogin = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN  = 0;
        colEA = 3;

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curLogin, colEA, colN++), "Login"))
            WasLogin aObj = new WasLogin()
                User = myUser, osVer = "1.1"
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Result :: " + pInt);
                if (pInt == 0)
                    WasUserInfo bObj = new WasUserInfo()
                        User = myUser, flag = 1
                    bObj.messageAction = (int pInt2) => {
                        WasItemPrice cObj = new WasItemPrice()
                            User = myUser, DiscountOnly = false
                        cObj.messageAction = (int pInt3) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curLogin, colEA, colN++), "U:Info:f0"))
            WasUserInfo aObj = new WasUserInfo()
                User = myUser, flag = 0
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                aObj = null;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curLogin, colEA, colN++), "Review"))
            WasReview aObj = new WasReview()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Login 2   _____

        Rect curRank = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN  = 0;
        colEA = 3;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRank, colEA, colN++), "Friend Rank"))
            WasFriendRank aObj = new WasFriendRank()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRank, colEA, colN++), "Itm:Pr"))
            WasItemPrice aObj = new WasItemPrice()
                User = myUser, DiscountOnly = false
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRank, colEA, colN++), "EvntList"))
            WasEventList aObj = new WasEventList()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        GUI.Label(myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++), " C/C/G : " + myUser.mCash1 + " _ " + myUser.mCash2 + " _ " + myUser.mGold);

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Purchase 5   _____
        Rect curR = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colEA = 4;
        colN  = 0;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curR, colEA, colN++), "Free"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User       = myUser,
                itemType   = "GloveFreeTime",
                itemTypeId = "GloveFreeDay",// "GloveFreeMonth",
                ea         = 1,
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curR, colEA, colN++), "Ticket"))
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User = myUser, itemType = "TICKET", itemTypeId = "TicketNormal", ea = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogString(" result :    >>> " + pInt.LogWith("result is"));
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curR, colEA, colN++), "Drink"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User = myUser, itemType = "DRINK", itemTypeId = "TeamBlueDrink", // "BlueDrink", // "GreenDrink",
                ea   = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogString(" result :    >>> " + pInt.LogWith("result is"));
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curR, colEA, colN++), "Ceremony"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User       = myUser,
                itemType   = "CEREMONY",
                itemTypeId = "CeremonySkill01",
                ea         = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogString(" result :    >>> " + pInt.LogWith("result is"));
        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Purchase   _____
        Rect rctPur = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colEA = 4;
        colN  = 0;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPur, colEA, colN++), "Msg"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User = myUser, itemType = "MESSAGE", itemTypeId = "EndMessage", ea = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogString(" result :    >>> " + pInt.LogWith("result is"));
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPur, colEA, colN++), "Func"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User       = myUser, itemType = "Func", ea = 1,
                itemTypeId = "FuncCardExtendD" //"FuncBackNumEdit : ",
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                aObj = null;

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Purchase Item with TextField   _____
        Rect curRpur = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN       = 0;
        colEA      = 3;
        itemType   = GUI.TextField(myGUI.DivideRect(curRpur, colEA, colN++), itemType);
        itemTypeID = GUI.TextField(myGUI.DivideRect(curRpur, colEA, colN++), itemTypeID);

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRpur, colEA, colN++), "Purchase"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem()
                User = myUser, itemType = itemType, itemTypeId = itemTypeID, ea = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Purchase    _____
        Rect rctPrc = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN  = 0;
        colEA = 4;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPrc, colEA, colN++), "Uniform"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseUniform aObj = new WasPurchaseUniform()
                User          = myUser,
                uniformTypeID = "KickerUniformTop4", // "DefaultUniform",
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPrc, colEA, colN++), "Costume"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseCostume aObj = new WasPurchaseCostume()
                User = myUser, costumeName = "RoseCostume"
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPrc, colEA, colN++), "BuyGold"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseGold aObj = new WasPurchaseGold()
                User = myUser, Gold = 100
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctPrc, colEA, colN++), "Card"))      // Purchase
            WasPurchaseCard aObj = new WasPurchaseCard()
                User       = myUser, option = 1, eaNum = 1, buyType = 0,
                leagueType = "K", additionalBuyFlag = 1
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    ItemUse Drink / Scouter   _____
        Rect curRUse = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN  = 0;
        colEA = 3;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUse, colEA, colN++), "UseDrink"))      // Item Use
            WasItemUse aObj = new WasItemUse()
                User = myUser, itemType = "DRINK", itemTypeId = "GreenDrink"
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                Ag.LogString(" result :    >>> " + pInt.LogWith("result is"));
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUse, colEA, colN++), "Scout"))      // Scouter
            WasScouter aObj = new WasScouter()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                aObj = null;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUse, colEA, colN++), "Add +"))      // Scouter
            myUser.GetCardOrderOf(1).AddScouterValue(3, false);

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Mail   _____
        Rect curB = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN = 0;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curB, 3, colN++), "Mail"))
            WasMailFetch aObj = new WasMailFetch()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curB, 3, colN++), "M:Erase"))
            WasMailErase aObj = new WasMailErase()
                User   = myUser, msgID1 = myUser.arrMail [0].WAS.msgID1,
                msgID2 = myUser.arrMail [0].WAS.msgID2
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curB, 3, colN++), "M:Send"))
            WasMailSend aObj = new WasMailSend()
                User = myUser, friendID = "88214690633939121", itemTypeId = "BlueDrink", content = " JJJ !!! "
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {


        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Card 3   _____
        Rect curFetch = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curFetch, 4, 0), "F:Item : " + myUser.arrItem.Count))     // Item
            WasItemInfo aObj = new WasItemInfo()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curFetch, 4, 1), "F:Card"))     // Card
            WasCardUniformCostume aObj = new WasCardUniformCostume()
                User = myUser, code = 240
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");
            //            myUser.CheckKickOrder ();
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curFetch, 4, 2), "F:Unif"))     // Uniform
            WasCardUniformCostume aObj = new WasCardUniformCostume()
                User = myUser, code = 241
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curFetch, 4, 3), "F:Cstm"))     // Costume
            WasCardUniformCostume aObj = new WasCardUniformCostume()
                User = myUser, code = 242
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Item  _____    Update   _____
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++), "Msg Update :  " + myUser.arrItem.Count))
            // 아이템은 메시지만 업데이트 대상임.
            AmItem startMsg = myUser.arrItem.GetMemberWithCond((AmItem iObj) => {
                return(iObj.WAS.itemTypeID == "CeremonySkill01");  //"EndMessage"; //"StartMessage";  // 이렇게 조건을 지정하여 해당 아이템을 가져온다.

            startMsg.WAS.applyID = -1;

            startMsg.WAS.msg = " again DoitAgain''' ";
            WasItemUpdate aObj = new WasItemUpdate()
                User    = myUser,
                itemObj = startMsg // 이렇게 업데이트 대상 아이템 <하나> 만 넣어준다.
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  DivideRect  _____    Update   _____
        Rect curRUp = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++);

        colN  = 0;
        colEA = 4;
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUp, colEA, colN++), "Uniform " + myUser.arrUniform.Count))      // Update
            WasUniformUpdate aObj = new WasUniformUpdate()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");

        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUp, colEA, colN++), "Cstm " + myUser.arrCostume.Count))      // Update

            myUser.arrCostume [0].WAS.cardId  = 11;
            myUser.arrCostume [0].WAS.etcInfo = " Changed Info";

            WasCostumeUpdate aObj = new WasCostumeUpdate()
                User = myUser
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");
        if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(curRUp, colEA, colN++), "Card " + myUser.arrCard.Count))      // Update
        //if (GUI.Button (myGUI.GetRect (muiCol, muiRow++), " < Card Update :: " + myUser.arrCard.Count + " >")) { // Update

            for (int kk = 0; kk < myUser.arrCard.Count; kk++)
                myUser.arrCard [kk].mustUpdate = true;

            List <AmCard> cardArr = myUser.GetUpdateCards();
            if (cardArr.Count != 0)
                WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                    User = myUser, arrSendCard = null
                aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                    switch (pInt)   // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위
                    case 0:
                        Ag.LogString(" result : Success ");

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
コード例 #6
    public override void SendAction()
        Ag.LogString("WasCardUpdate :: SendAction ...   Started ...  " + arrSendCard.Count);

        SendStr = "";
        SendStr = SendStr.AddCodeKeyKKOID(User, 310);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("formatVersion", 1);



        Ag.LogString(" WasCardUpdate :: Update Cards Number  >>>   " + arrSendCard.Count);

        string strArr = "";

        int count = arrSendCard.Count > 8 ? 8 : arrSendCard.Count;

        //int count = arrSendCard.Count > 5 ? 5 : arrSendCard.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            AmCard uObj = arrSendCard [i];
            ("  i = " + i).HtLog();
            try {
            } catch {
                uObj.WAS.skill = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            strArr += uObj.WAS.ToJsonStr();  // JsonMapper.ToJson (uObj.WAS).ToString () + " , ";
            if (i != (arrSendCard.Count - 1))
                strArr += ",";
        strArr  = strArr.AddSqreBrakt();  // [ ]
        SendStr = SendStr.AddArray("arrCardInfo", strArr, false);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddParen();

        postAction += () => {
            Ag.LogString("WasCardUpdate :: postAction " + RcvdStr);
            //JsonData jsUInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject (RcvdStr);
            // 0 : 성공

            if (Result.result == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    arrSendCard [i].UpdatedPerformed();

            if (User.GetUpdateCards().Count > 0)
                WasCardUpdate mObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                    User = User
                mObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                    mObj = null;

            Ag.LogString("WasCardUpdate :: postAction  .. >>>>  next step is messageAction  ");

コード例 #7
    //public int buyType;
    //  "arrItem":["itemTypeID":"CardCombiAdvt" ,"itemTypeID":"CardCombiAdvtHigh" ,"itemTypeID":"CardCombiGrade"]}
    public override void SendAction()
        Ag.LogString("WasCardCombi :: SendAction ...   Started ...  ");
        SendStr = "";
        SendStr = SendStr.AddCodeKeyKKOID(User, 253);

        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("formatVersion", 2);

        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("cardID1", cardID1);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("cardID2", cardID2);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("cardID3", cardID3);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddKeyValue("buyType", User.GetBuyType("FunCardMix"));

        string strArr = ""; // 0 일 때 에러 안나게

        if (arrItemStr.Count == 0)
            SendStr = SendStr.AddArray("arrItem", "[]");
            for (int k = 0; k < arrItemStr.Count; k++)
                string curStr = "";
                curStr  = curStr.AddKeyValue("itemTypeID", arrItemStr [k], false); //, ;
                curStr  = curStr.AddParen();
                strArr += curStr;
                if (k != (arrItemStr.Count - 1))
                    strArr += ",";
            strArr  = strArr.AddSqreBrakt();
            SendStr = SendStr.AddArray("arrItem", strArr, false);
        SendStr = SendStr.AddParen();

        postAction += () => {
            Ag.LogString("WasCardCombi :: postAction " + RcvdStr);
            //JsonData jsUInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject (RcvdStr);
            if (Result.result == 0)
                JSONNode contJs = NdObj ["cardInfoRslt"];
                Ag.LogString("WasCardCombi :: postAction  .. >>>>  next step is messageAction  ");

                AmCard theCard = new AmCard();
                if (User.GetCardIdOf(contJs ["ID"].AsInt) == null)
                    theCard.KickOrder = -1;
                theCard.mustUpdate = true;
                // Card Update   ....
                WasCardUpdate bObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                    User = User
                bObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {

コード例 #8
    public bool ParseUserInfoOK(JSONNode pData)
        if (!ParseUserProp(pData))

        JSONNode uniformArr, cardArr, itemArr, costumeArr;

        try {
            cardArr = pData ["arrCard"];
            if (cardArr.Count == 0)
            if (!ParseCards(cardArr))
            uniformArr = pData ["arrUniform"];
            if (!ParseUniform(uniformArr))
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse User Info  [ arrCard  arrUniform ] >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");
        try {
            itemArr = pData ["arrItem"];
            if (!ParseItem(itemArr))
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse User Info  [ arrItem ] >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");
        try {
            costumeArr = pData ["arrCostume"];
            if (costumeArr.Count == 0)
                Ag.LogString(" Costume ::  0   .... Skip   ");
            else if (!ParseCostume(costumeArr))
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse User Info  [ Array ] >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");


        // Ag.mySelf.arrCard [0].mustUpdate = true;  for test ...
        if (Ag.mySelf.ShouldUpdateCard())
            WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate()
                User = Ag.mySelf
            aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => {
                switch (pInt)   // 0:성공
                case 0:
                    Ag.LogString(" AmUserParse . cs  >>>    Card Update OK..  end of parsing .... ");

        Ag.LogString(" Parse ....  SetCostumeToCard   >>>>>     ");
