int FindNearestShip(int playerIndex, ref WarsContent warsContent) { Dictionary <int, float> dict = new Dictionary <int, float>(); int i = 1; Ship me = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndex); Ship other; while ((other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(i)) != null) { if (i != playerIndex) { dict[i] = (me.Pos - other.Pos).Length(); } i++; } if (dict.Count == 0) { return(0); } KeyValuePair <int, float> nearest = new KeyValuePair <int, float>(0, 0); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, float> kvp in dict) { if (nearest.Key == 0 || kvp.Value < nearest.Value) { nearest = kvp; } } return(nearest.Key); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { this.Exit(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.M)) { warsContent.AddExplosion(1); warsContent.PlayExplosionSound(); } /* * Keys[] keys = Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys(); * foreach(Keys key in keys) * { * Console.WriteLine("Key pressed: {0}", key); * } */ // The time since Update was called last. float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; addShipCounter -= elapsed; if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Y) && addShipCounter <= 0) { addShipCounter = 0.3f; warsContent.AddShip(random.Next(4)); } counter -= elapsed; if (counter <= 0) { counter = 3f; //Console.WriteLine("elapsed game time: {0}, elapsed real time: {1}", elapsed, (float)gameTime.ElapsedRealTime.TotalSeconds); if (warsContent.ships.Count == 1) { warsContent.AddShip(random.Next(4)); /* * for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) * { * warsContent.AddShip(random.Next(4)); * } */ } //warsContent.AddShip(); //Console.WriteLine("Angle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(((Ship)warsContent.ships[0]).RotationAngle)); } // Joystick #if HAVE_LEGACY_DIRECTX try { // poll the joystick joystickDevice.Poll(); // update the joystick state field joystickState = joystickDevice.CurrentJoystickState; } catch (Exception err) { // we probably lost connection to the joystick // was it unplugged or locked by another application? Console.WriteLine(err.Message); } #endif // TODO: Add your update logic here foreach (Cat cat in warsContent.cats) { cat.RedShotSpacingCounter -= elapsed; } bool playerAbove1throttle = false; for (int player = 1; player <= warsContent.ships.Count; player++) { //Ship ship = (Ship)warsContent.ships[player]; Ship ship = warsContent.getPlayersShip(player); Commands com = warsControl.GetPlayerCommands(player, ref warsContent #if HAVE_LEGACY_DIRECTX , ref joystickState #endif ); if (com.left) { ship.RotationAngle += 4 * elapsed; //Console.WriteLine("RotationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(ship.RotationAngle)); } if (com.right) { ship.RotationAngle -= 4 * elapsed; //Console.WriteLine("RotationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(ship.RotationAngle)); } if (com.throttle) { // Sound if (player == 1) { warsContent.PlayEngineSound(player); } ship.Throttle = elapsed * ship.ThrottlePower; // NOTE NOTE NOTE TODO: Make dependent on time (elapsed) //Console.WriteLine("Ship speed: {0}", ship.Speed.ToString()); warsContent.AddFume(player); if (player > 1) { playerAbove1throttle = true; } } else { if (player == 1) { warsContent.PauseEngineSound(player); } ship.Throttle = 0; } ship.RedShotSpacingCounter -= elapsed; if ( == 1) { if (ship.RedShotSpacingCounter <= 0) { ship.RedShotSpacingCounter = ship.RedShotSpacing; //Console.WriteLine("Shot!"); warsContent.AddShot(player); } if (player == 1) { foreach (Cat cat in warsContent.cats) { if (cat.RedShotSpacingCounter <= 0) { cat.RedShotSpacingCounter = cat.RedShotSpacing; warsContent.AddCatShot(player, cat); } } } } } if (playerAbove1throttle) { warsContent.PlayEngineSound(2); } else { warsContent.PauseEngineSound(2); } // if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { // ship.Throttle -= 4 * elapsed; // } foreach (Cat cat in warsContent.cats) { cat.RotationAngle += 4 * elapsed; cat.PosRotationAngle -= 4 * elapsed; cat.Pos = warsContent.getPlayersShip(cat.Owner).Pos; //Vector2 goal = warsContent.getPlayersShip(cat.Owner).Pos + cat.PosRotationVector * cat.ShipDistance; cat.Pos += cat.PosRotationVector * cat.ShipDistance; //cat.Speed = goal; //cat.move(); } foreach (Ship ship in warsContent.ships) { ship.updateSpeed(); } for (int playerMinus1 = 0; playerMinus1 < warsContent.ships.Count; playerMinus1++) { if (playerMinus1 != 0) { warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerMinus1 + 1).move(); warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerMinus1 + 1).Pos -= warsContent.getPlayersShip(1).Speed; } } foreach (WarsObject obj in warsContent.planetObjects) { obj.Speed = -warsContent.getPlayersShip(1).Speed; obj.move(); } foreach (WarsObject obj in warsContent.bgObjects) { //obj.Speed = new Vector2(-ship.Speed.X, ship.Speed.Y); //obj.Speed = -((Ship)warsContent.ships[1]).Speed; obj.Speed = -warsContent.getPlayersShip(1).Speed; obj.move(); Vector2 newPos = obj.Pos; newPos.X = newPos.X % Constants.RESOLUTION_WIDTH; newPos.Y = newPos.Y % Constants.RESOLUTION_HEIGHT; if (newPos.X < 0) { newPos.X += Constants.RESOLUTION_WIDTH; } if (newPos.Y < 0) { newPos.Y += Constants.RESOLUTION_HEIGHT; } obj.Pos = newPos; } foreach (WarsObject obj in warsContent.fumeObjects) { obj.move(); //obj.Pos += new Vector2(-ship.Speed.X / Constants.FUME_SPEED_AFFECT_FACTOR, ship.Speed.Y / Constants.FUME_SPEED_AFFECT_FACTOR); //obj.Pos += new Vector2(-ship.Speed.X, ship.Speed.Y); //obj.Pos -= ((Ship)warsContent.ships[1]).Speed; obj.Pos -= warsContent.getPlayersShip(1).Speed; } for (int i = 0; i < warsContent.fumeObjects.Count; i++) { WarsObject obj = (WarsObject)warsContent.fumeObjects[i]; //newPos.X = newPos.X % Constants.RESOLUTION_WIDTH; //newPos.Y = newPos.Y % Constants.RESOLUTION_HEIGHT; if (obj.updateTTL(elapsed)) { warsContent.fumeObjects.RemoveAt(i); } else { if (obj.Pos.X < 0) { warsContent.fumeObjects.RemoveAt(i); } else if (obj.Pos.Y < 0) { warsContent.fumeObjects.RemoveAt(i); } } } // Shots foreach (WarsObject obj in warsContent.shotObjects) { obj.move(); //obj.Pos += new Vector2(-ship.Speed.X, ship.Speed.Y); //obj.Pos -= ((Ship)warsContent.ships[1]).Speed; obj.Pos -= warsContent.getPlayersShip(1).Speed; } for (int i = 0; i < warsContent.shotObjects.Count; i++) { WarsObject obj = (WarsObject)warsContent.shotObjects[i]; if (obj.updateTTL(elapsed)) { warsContent.shotObjects.RemoveAt(i); } } // Collision detection (player 1 shoots others) for (int playerIndexMinus1 = 1; playerIndexMinus1 < warsContent.ships.Count; playerIndexMinus1++) { Ship ship = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndexMinus1 + 1); BoundingSphere shipSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(ship.Pos, 0), (float)ship.Texture.Width / 2f); for (int i = 0; i < warsContent.shotObjects.Count; i++) { WarsObject obj = (WarsObject)warsContent.shotObjects[i]; BoundingSphere shotSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(obj.Pos, 0), (float)warsContent.redShot.Height / 2f); if (shotSphere.Intersects(shipSphere)) { if (obj.Owner != playerIndexMinus1 + 1) { warsContent.AddExplosion(playerIndexMinus1 + 1); warsContent.PlayExplosionSound(); warsContent.shotObjects.RemoveAt(i); warsContent.ships.RemoveAt(playerIndexMinus1); whiteFlash = true; break; } } } } // Collision detection (player 1 gets shot) Ship ship1 = warsContent.getPlayersShip(1); BoundingSphere ship1Sphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(ship1.Pos, 0), (float)ship1.Texture.Width / 2f); for (int i = 0; i < warsContent.shotObjects.Count; i++) { WarsObject obj = (WarsObject)warsContent.shotObjects[i]; BoundingSphere shotSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(obj.Pos, 0), (float)warsContent.redShot.Height / 2f); if (shotSphere.Intersects(ship1Sphere)) { if (obj.Owner != 1) { // warsContent.AddExplosion(1); // warsContent.PlayExplosionSound(); warsContent.shotObjects.RemoveAt(i); // warsContent.ships.RemoveAt(playerIndexMinus1); warsContent.PlayImHit(); break; } } } base.Update(gameTime); }
public Commands GetPlayerCommands(int playerIndex, ref WarsContent warsContent, ref Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.JoystickState joystickState) { Commands commands = new Commands(); /* * if (true)//joystickState.X != 0) * { * Console.WriteLine("joystickState.X = {0}", joystickState.X); * } * if (true)//joystickState.Y != 0) * { * Console.WriteLine("joystickState.Y = {0}", joystickState.Y); * } */ byte[] buttons = joystickState.GetButtons(); /* * for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) * { * if (buttons[i] >= 128) * { * Console.WriteLine("Button {0} pressed!", i); * } * } */ Ship me = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndex); if (me.ShipType == Constants.SHIP_TYPE_MANUALLY_CONTROLLED) { if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || joystickState.X == 0) { commands.left = true; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || joystickState.X == 65535) { commands.right = true; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || buttons[4] >= 128 || buttons[5] >= 128 || buttons[6] >= 128 || buttons[7] >= 128) { commands.throttle = true; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P) || buttons[0] >= 128 || buttons[1] >= 128 || buttons[2] >= 128 || buttons[3] >= 128) { = 1; } } else if (me.ShipType == Constants.SHIP_TYPE_COMPUTER_CONTROLLED) { //int left = random.Next(2); //Ship me = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndex); Ship other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(me.FightingPlayer); if (me.Counter <= 0) // find new ship to fight { me.Counter = 3; int newPlayerToFight = FindNearestShip(playerIndex, ref warsContent); if (newPlayerToFight != 0 && (other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(newPlayerToFight)) != null) { me.FightingPlayer = newPlayerToFight; Console.WriteLine("New player to fight: {0}", newPlayerToFight); } //else //{ // other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(1); //} } if (other == null) { other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(1); } //Ship other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(me.FightingPlayer); //Vector2 toOtherVec; toOtherVec = new Vector2(); toOtherVec = other.Pos - me.Pos; Vector2 totSpeedVec = other.Speed - me.Speed; float toOtherAngle = GetVectorAngle(toOtherVec); Console.WriteLine("toOtherAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(toOtherAngle).ToString()); float fromOtherAngle = MathHelper.WrapAngle(toOtherAngle - MathHelper.Pi); float speedAngle = GetVectorAngle(totSpeedVec); float diffAngle = MathHelper.WrapAngle(speedAngle - fromOtherAngle); if (diffAngle != 0) { float speedLength = totSpeedVec.Length(); if (speedLength != 0) { double sinDiffAngle = Math.Sin(diffAngle); if (sinDiffAngle != 0) { double val = (double)(speedLength / Constants.REDSHOT_SPEED) * sinDiffAngle; compensationAngle = -(float)Math.Asin(val); } } } toOtherAngle += compensationAngle; //Console.WriteLine("compensationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(compensationAngle)); //Console.WriteLine("compensationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(compensationAngle)); //Console.WriteLine("GetVectorAngle: {0}, {1}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(toOtherAngle), MathHelper.ToDegrees(me.RotationAngle)); if (me.RotationAngle - toOtherAngle > Constants.SMALLEST_ANGLE_DIFF_ACCEPT) { if (me.RotationAngle - toOtherAngle < MathHelper.Pi) // Handle wrap-around ("normal" case == < Pi ==> right) { commands.right = true; } else { commands.left = true; } } else if (toOtherAngle - me.RotationAngle > Constants.SMALLEST_ANGLE_DIFF_ACCEPT) { if (toOtherAngle - me.RotationAngle < MathHelper.Pi) // Handle wrap-around ("normal" case == < Pi ==> left) { commands.left = true; } else { commands.right = true; } } if (toOtherVec.Length() > 400 && (me.Speed.Length() <= other.Speed.Length() || Math.Abs(GetVectorAngle(me.Speed) - GetVectorAngle(toOtherVec)) > MathHelper.PiOver4)) { commands.throttle = true; } if (random.Next(10) == 5) { = 1; } } return(commands); }