コード例 #1
ファイル: Pets.cs プロジェクト: tsebalj1/rawr
        protected override void FinalizeModifiers()

            WarlockTalents talents = Mommy.Talents;

            // multipliers go into SpecialModifiers
            if (Mommy.CastSpells.ContainsKey("Corruption"))
            if (Mommy.CastSpells.ContainsKey("Curse Of Agony"))
            if (Mommy.CastSpells.ContainsKey("Immolate"))
            if (Mommy.CastSpells.ContainsKey("Unstable Affliction"))
コード例 #2
ファイル: Pets.cs プロジェクト: tsebalj1/rawr
        protected override void FinalizeModifiers()

            WarlockTalents talents      = Mommy.Talents;
            float          demonologist = talents.MasterDemonologist * .01f;

            // crit goes into the stats object
            Stats.SpellCrit += demonologist;
            if (talents.DemonicEmpowerment > 0)
                Stats.SpellCrit += .2f * 30f / GetEmpowermentCooldown();

            // multipliers go into SpecialModifiers
            SpecialModifiers.AddAdditiveMultiplier(.1f * talents.ImprovedImp);
            SpecialModifiers.AddAdditiveMultiplier(.04f * talents.UnholyPower);
            SpecialModifiers.AddAdditiveMultiplier(.1f * talents.EmpoweredImp);
            SpecialModifiers.AddCritBonusMultiplier(.2f * talents.Ruin);
            if (talents.GlyphImp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Pets.cs プロジェクト: tsebalj1/rawr
        protected override void FinalizeModifiers()

            WarlockTalents talents = Mommy.Talents;
            float          apBonus = 1.5f + talents.DemonicBrutality * .1f;

            if (Mommy.Talents.GlyphFelguard)
                apBonus *= 1.2f;
                = (1f + Stats.BonusAttackPowerMultiplier) * apBonus - 1f;
                talents.MasterDemonologist * .01f);

            if (talents.DemonicEmpowerment > 0)
                    new SpecialEffect(
                        new Stats()
                    PhysicalHaste = .2f
コード例 #4
 private void ApplyPetsRaidBuff(
     Stats stats,
     string pet,
     WarlockTalents talents,
     List <Buff> activeBuffs)
     stats.Health    += CalcPetHealthBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs);
     stats.Intellect += CalcPetIntBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs);
     stats.Spirit    += CalcPetSpiBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs);
コード例 #5
        public static float CalcPetHealthBuff(string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List <Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
            if (!pet.Equals("Imp"))

            //spell ID 6307, effect ID 2190
            float SCALE = 1.3200000525f;

            return(StatUtils.GetBuffEffect(activeBuffs, SCALE * buffBaseValues[options.PlayerLevel - 80], "Health", s => s.Health));
コード例 #6
        public static float CalcPetMP5Buff(string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List <Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
            if (!pet.Equals("Felhunter"))

            //spell ID 54424, effect ID 47203
            float SCALE = 0.7360000014f;

            return(StatUtils.GetBuffEffect(activeBuffs, SCALE * buffBaseValues[options.PlayerLevel - 80], "Mana Regeneration", s => s.Mp5));
コード例 #7
        public static float CalcPetSpiBuff(
            string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List <Buff> activeBuffs)
            if (!pet.Equals("Felhunter"))

                       64f * (1 + talents.ImprovedFelhunter * .05f),
                       s => s.Spirit));
コード例 #8
        public TalentsBase TalentSpec()
            if (Spec == null)
            TalentsBase spec;

            if (Class == CharacterClass.DeathKnight)
                spec = new DeathKnightTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Warrior)
                spec = new WarriorTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Paladin)
                spec = new PaladinTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Shaman)
                spec = new ShamanTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Hunter)
                spec = new HunterTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Rogue)
                spec = new RogueTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Druid)
                spec = new DruidTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Warlock)
                spec = new WarlockTalents(Spec);
            else if (Class == CharacterClass.Priest)
                spec = new PriestTalents(Spec);
                spec = new MageTalents(Spec);
コード例 #9
        public static float CalcPetHealthBuff(
            string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List <Buff> activeBuffs)
            if (!pet.Equals("Imp"))

                       1330f * (1 + talents.ImprovedImp * .1f),
                       s => s.Health));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Pets.cs プロジェクト: tsebalj1/rawr
        protected override void FinalizeModifiers()

            WarlockTalents talents      = Mommy.Talents;
            float          demonologist = talents.MasterDemonologist * .01f;

            // crit goes into the stats object
            Stats.SpellCrit += demonologist;

            // multipliers go into SpecialModifiers
コード例 #11
ファイル: Rotation.cs プロジェクト: LucasPeacecraft/rawr
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a modified version of the user's spell priorities, for internal
 /// purposes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spellPriority"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<string> GetPrioritiesForCalcs(WarlockTalents talents, bool execute)
     List<string> forCalcs = new List<string>(SpellPriority);
     if (talents.Backdraft > 0 && !SpellPriority.Contains("Incinerate (Under Backdraft)"))
         forCalcs.Insert(forCalcs.Count, "Incinerate (Under Backdraft)");
     if (!execute
         && Filler.Equals("Shadow Bolt")
         && !forCalcs.Contains("Shadow Bolt (Instant)")
         && ShadowBolt_Instant.IsCastable(talents, forCalcs))
         forCalcs.Insert(forCalcs.Count, "Shadow Bolt (Instant)");
     return forCalcs;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a modified version of the user's spell priorities, for internal
        /// purposes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spellPriority"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <string> GetPrioritiesForCalcs(WarlockTalents talents, bool execute)
            List <string> forCalcs = new List <string>(SpellPriority);

            if (talents.Backdraft > 0 && !SpellPriority.Contains("Incinerate (Under Backdraft)"))
                forCalcs.Insert(forCalcs.Count, "Incinerate (Under Backdraft)");
            if (!execute &&
                Filler.Equals("Shadow Bolt") &&
                !forCalcs.Contains("Shadow Bolt (Instant)") &&
                ShadowBolt_Instant.IsCastable(talents, forCalcs))
                forCalcs.Insert(forCalcs.Count, "Shadow Bolt (Instant)");
コード例 #13
        public void CalcStats1()
            WarlockTalents talents = Mommy.Talents;

            //Stats.Strength = 453f;
            //Stats.Agility = 883f;
            Stats.SpellPower   = CalcSpellPower();
            Stats.AttackPower  = CalcAttackPower();
            Stats.PhysicalCrit = .0328f;


            Stats.SpellHaste    = GetHasteWithProcs(s => s.SpellHaste);
            Stats.PhysicalHaste = GetHasteWithProcs(s => s.PhysicalHaste);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Pets.cs プロジェクト: tsebalj1/rawr
        public void CalcStats1()
            // Stam & Int have to happen in this stage, so that Demonic
            // Knowledge is in effect when calculating the benefit of a
            // Demonic Pact proc.

            // Crit has to happen in this stage, so that Empowered Imp gives
            // the warlocks the right amount of crit.

            WarlockTalents talents  = Mommy.Talents;
            float          vitality = talents.FelVitality * .05f;
            float          tacticsCrit
                = .02f * talents.DemonicTactics
                  + .1f
                  * talents.ImprovedDemonicTactics
                  * (Mommy.CalcSpellCrit()
                     - Mommy.Stats.SpellCritOnTarget);

            Stats = new Stats()
                Stamina = BaseStamina + StaminaCoef * Mommy.CalcStamina(),
                         = BaseIntellect + IntellectCoef * Mommy.CalcIntellect(),
                Strength = 297f,
                Agility  = 90f,
                BonusStaminaMultiplier   = vitality,
                BonusIntellectMultiplier = vitality,
                             = BaseSpellCrit + tacticsCrit + Mommy.Stats.Warlock2T9,
                SpellPower   = BaseSpellPower,
                AttackPower  = BaseAttackPower,
                PhysicalCrit = .0329f + tacticsCrit + Mommy.Stats.Warlock2T9,


            Stats.SpellHaste    = GetHasteWithProcs(s => s.SpellHaste);
            Stats.PhysicalHaste = GetHasteWithProcs(s => s.PhysicalHaste);
コード例 #15
        public override Stats GetCharacterStats(Character character, Item additionalItem)
            WarlockTalents            talents  = character.WarlockTalents;
            CalculationOptionsWarlock calcOpts = character.CalculationOptions as CalculationOptionsWarlock;
            BossOptions bossOpts = character.BossOptions;
            Stats       stats    = BaseStats.GetBaseStats(character);

            AccumulateItemStats(stats, character, additionalItem);
            AccumulateBuffsStats(stats, character.ActiveBuffs);
            AccumulateSetBonusStats(stats, character.SetBonusCount);
            ApplyPetsRaidBuff(stats, calcOpts.Pet, talents, character.ActiveBuffs, calcOpts);

            float[] demonicEmbraceValues = { 0f, .04f, .07f, .1f };
            Stats   statsTalents         = new Stats {
                BonusStaminaMultiplier = demonicEmbraceValues[talents.DemonicEmbrace] //Demonic Embrace

            if (talents.Eradication > 0)
                float[] eradicationValues = { 0f, .06f, .12f, .20f };
                    new SpecialEffect(
                        new Stats()
                    SpellHaste = eradicationValues[talents.Eradication]
                        10f,    //duration
                        0f,     //cooldown
                        .06f)); //chance

                = Math.Max(
                      .001f * Spell.CalcUprate(talents.SoulLeech > 0 ? 1f : 0f, 15f, bossOpts.BerserkTimer * 1.1f));
コード例 #16
ファイル: TalentPicker.xaml.cs プロジェクト: rakot/rawr
        TalentsBase parse_talents_wowhead(CharacterClass characterclass, string talent_string)
            // wowhead format: [tree_1]Z[tree_2]Z[tree_3] where the trees are character encodings
            // each character expands to a pair of numbers [0-5][0-5]
            // unused deeper talents are simply left blank instead of filling up the string with zero-zero encodings

            bool hasGlyphs = talent_string.Contains(":");

            int[] talent_trees = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] glyph_trees  = new int[] { 3, 3, 3 };

            switch (characterclass)
            case CharacterClass.Warrior:     { WarriorTalents talents = new WarriorTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Paladin:     { PaladinTalents talents = new PaladinTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Hunter:      { HunterTalents talents = new HunterTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Rogue:       { RogueTalents talents = new RogueTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Priest:      { PriestTalents talents = new PriestTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.DeathKnight: { DeathKnightTalents talents = new DeathKnightTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Shaman:      { ShamanTalents talents = new ShamanTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Mage:        { MageTalents talents = new MageTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Warlock:     { WarlockTalents talents = new WarlockTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            case CharacterClass.Druid:       { DruidTalents talents = new DruidTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            int[]   encoding      = new int[talent_trees[0] + talent_trees[1] + talent_trees[2]];
            int[][] glyphEncoding = new int[][] {
                new int[3],
                new int[3],
                new int[3],
            int[] tree_count  = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] glyph_count = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            int tree  = 0;
            int count = 0;

            #region Talents parsing
            for (int i = 1; i < talent_string.Length; i++)
                if (tree >= 3)
                    //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Too many talent trees specified.\n", name() );

                char c = talent_string[i];

                if (c == ':')
                    break;           // glyph encoding follows
                if (c == 'Z')
                    count = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j <= tree; j++)
                        count += talent_trees[tree];

                decode_t decode = null;
                for (int j = 0; decoding[j].key != '\0' && decode == null; j++)
                    if (decoding[j].key == c)
                        decode = decoding[j];

                if (decode == null)
                    //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Translation for '%c' unknown.\n", name(), c );

                encoding[count++] += decode.first - '0';
                tree_count[tree]  += 1;

                if (tree_count[tree] < talent_trees[tree])
                    encoding[count++] += decode.second - '0';
                    tree_count[tree]  += 1;

                if (tree_count[tree] >= talent_trees[tree])

            #region Glyphs Parsing
            #region Notes

            /* This is totally crappy....
             * Glyphs do not follow the same parsing rules. If you apply what was there for talents directly
             * to glyphs you get 1202032213120011050000000000000000. Which should only have 1's and 0's
             * Warriors: As I'm checking glyphs, here's what I get:
             * == PRIMES ==
             *   Link                           decode  id       Name
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43415 58388 Devastate
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43416 58367 Bloodthirst
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43421 58368 Mortal Strike
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43422 58386 Overpower
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43423 58385 Slam
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 43424 58364 Revenge
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 43425 58375 Shield Slam
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 43432 58370 Raging Blow
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:R 12 45790 63324 Bladestorm
             * == MAJORS ==
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43397 Long Charge
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43399 Thunder Clap
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43413 Rapid Charge
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43414 Cleaving
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43417 Piercing Howl
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 43418 Heroic Throw
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 43419 Intervene
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 43427 Sunder Armor
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:R 12 43428 Sweeping Strikes
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:s 13 43430 Resonating Power
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:a 14 43431 Victory Rush
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:q 15 45792 Shockwave
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:b 20 45795 Spell Reflection
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:d 21 45797 Shield Wall
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:r 22 63481 Colossus Smash
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:f 23 67482 Intercept
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:w 24 67483 Death Wish
             * == MINORS ==
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43395 Battle
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43396 Berserker Rage
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43398 Demoralizing Shout
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43400 Enduring Victory
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43412 Bloody Healing
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 45793 Furious Sundering
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 45794 Intimidating Shout
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 49084 Command
             * So http://www.wowhead.com/talent#LubcfRMRurkcrZ0b:RMcrsR0kV would mean:
             *   Prime: Bladestorm, Mortal Strike, Overpower
             *   Major: Colossus Smash, Resonating Power, Sweeping Strikes
             *   Minor: Battle, Command, Furious Sundering
             * Which is correct, that's what we come out to

            tree  = 0;
            count = 0;

            if (hasGlyphs)
                for (int i = talent_string.IndexOf(":") + 1; i < talent_string.Length; i++)
                    if (tree >= 3)
                        //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Too many talent trees specified.\n", name() );

                    char c = talent_string[i];

                    if (c == 'Z')
                        count = 0;

                        /*for (int j = 0; j <= tree; j++) {
                         *  count += glyph_trees[tree];
                         * }*/

                    decode_t decode = null;
                    for (int j = 0; decoding[j].key != '\0' && decode == null; j++)
                        if (decoding[j].key == c)
                            decode = decoding[j];

                    if (decode == null)
                        //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Translation for '%c' unknown.\n", name(), c );

                    glyphEncoding[tree][count++] += (decode.first - '0') * 10 + decode.second - '0';
                    glyph_count[tree]            += 1;

                    if (glyph_count[tree] >= (glyph_trees[tree]))
                        tree++; count = 0;

            string newtalentstring = "";
            foreach (int i in encoding)
                newtalentstring += i.ToString();
            if (hasGlyphs)
                //newtalentstring += ".";
                //for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
                //    foreach (int i in glyphEncoding[t]) { newtalentstring += i.ToString(); }

            switch (characterclass)
            case CharacterClass.Warrior: { return(new WarriorTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Paladin: { return(new PaladinTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Hunter: { return(new HunterTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Rogue: { return(new RogueTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Priest: { return(new PriestTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.DeathKnight: { return(new DeathKnightTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Shaman: { return(new ShamanTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Mage: { return(new MageTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Warlock: { return(new WarlockTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }

            case CharacterClass.Druid: { return(new DruidTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null)); }
コード例 #17
 private void ApplyPetsRaidBuff(Stats stats, string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List <Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
     stats.Health += CalcPetHealthBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
     stats.Mana   += CalcPetManaBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
     stats.Mp5    += CalcPetMP5Buff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
コード例 #18
        public static float CalcPetMP5Buff(string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List<Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
            if (!pet.Equals("Felhunter"))
                return 0f;

            //spell ID 54424, effect ID 47203
            float SCALE = 0.7360000014f;
            return StatUtils.GetBuffEffect(activeBuffs, SCALE * buffBaseValues[options.PlayerLevel - 80], "Mana Regeneration", s => s.Mp5);
コード例 #19
        public static float CalcPetHealthBuff(string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List<Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
            if (!pet.Equals("Imp"))
                return 0f;

            //spell ID 6307, effect ID 2190
            float SCALE = 1.3200000525f;
            return StatUtils.GetBuffEffect(activeBuffs, SCALE * buffBaseValues[options.PlayerLevel - 80], "Health", s => s.Health);
コード例 #20
 private void ApplyPetsRaidBuff(Stats stats, string pet, WarlockTalents talents, List<Buff> activeBuffs, CalculationOptionsWarlock options)
     stats.Health += CalcPetHealthBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
     stats.Mana += CalcPetManaBuff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
     stats.Mp5 += CalcPetMP5Buff(pet, talents, activeBuffs, options);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Spells.cs プロジェクト: LucasPeacecraft/rawr
 public static bool IsCastable(WarlockTalents talents, List<string> priorities)
     return priorities.Contains("Corruption") && (talents.GlyphOfCorruption || talents.Nightfall > 0);
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>Gets the total Stats of the Character</summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// The Character to get the total Stats of
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="additionalItem">
        /// An additional item to grant the Character the stats of (as if it
        /// were worn)
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The total stats for the Character</returns>
        public override Stats GetCharacterStats(
            Character character, Item additionalItem)
            WarlockTalents            talents = character.WarlockTalents;
            CalculationOptionsWarlock options
                = character.CalculationOptions as CalculationOptionsWarlock;
            Stats stats = BaseStats.GetBaseStats(character);

            // Items
            AccumulateItemStats(stats, character, additionalItem);

            // Buffs
            AccumulateBuffsStats(stats, character.ActiveBuffs);
            if (options.Imbue.Equals("Grand Spellstone"))
                stats.HasteRating += 60f * (1f + talents.MasterConjuror * 1.5f);
                Debug.Assert(options.Imbue.Equals("Grand Firestone"));
                stats.CritRating += 49f * (1f + talents.MasterConjuror * 1.5f);
                stats, options.Pet, talents, character.ActiveBuffs);
            float aegis = 1f + talents.DemonicAegis * 0.10f;

            stats.SpellPower += 180f * aegis;                     // fel armor
            stats.SpellDamageFromSpiritPercentage += .3f * aegis; // fel armor

            // Talents
            float[] talentValues = { 0f, .04f, .07f, .1f };
            Stats   statsTalents = new Stats {
                //Demonic Embrace: increases your stamina by 4/7/10%
                BonusStaminaMultiplier = talentValues[talents.DemonicEmbrace],

                //Fel Vitality: increases your maximum Health & Mana by 1/2/3%
                BonusHealthMultiplier = talents.FelVitality * 0.01f,
                BonusManaMultiplier   = talents.FelVitality * 0.01f,

                //Suppression: increases your chance to hit with spells by
                SpellHit = (talents.Suppression * 0.01f),

                //Demonic Tactics: increases your spell crit chance by
                //Backlash: increases your spell crit chance by 1/2/3%
                    = talents.DemonicTactics * 0.02f + talents.Backlash * 0.01f

            if (talents.Eradication > 0)
                talentValues = new float[] { 0f, .06f, .12f, .20f };
                    new SpecialEffect(
                        new Stats()
                    SpellHaste = talentValues[talents.Eradication]
                = Math.Max(
                      * Spell.CalcUprate(
                          talents.ImprovedSoulLeech * .5f,
                          options.Duration * 1.1f));

コード例 #23
ファイル: Common.cs プロジェクト: superkhung/SingularMod3
 public static bool HasTalent(WarlockTalents tal)
     return TalentManager.IsSelected((int)tal);
コード例 #24
        TalentsBase parse_talents_wowhead(CharacterClass characterclass, string talent_string)
            // wowhead format: [tree_1]Z[tree_2]Z[tree_3] where the trees are character encodings
            // each character expands to a pair of numbers [0-5][0-5]
            // unused deeper talents are simply left blank instead of filling up the string with zero-zero encodings

            bool hasGlyphs = talent_string.Contains(":");

            int[] talent_trees = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] glyph_trees = new int[] { 3, 3, 3 };

            switch (characterclass)
                case CharacterClass.Warrior:     { WarriorTalents talents = new WarriorTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Paladin:     { PaladinTalents talents = new PaladinTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Hunter:      { HunterTalents talents = new HunterTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Rogue:       { RogueTalents talents = new RogueTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Priest:      { PriestTalents talents = new PriestTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.DeathKnight: { DeathKnightTalents talents = new DeathKnightTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Shaman:      { ShamanTalents talents = new ShamanTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Mage:        { MageTalents talents = new MageTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Warlock:     { WarlockTalents talents = new WarlockTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }
                case CharacterClass.Druid:       { DruidTalents talents = new DruidTalents(); talent_trees = talents.TreeLengths; break; }

            int[] encoding = new int[talent_trees[0] + talent_trees[1] + talent_trees[2]];
            int[][] glyphEncoding = new int[][] {
                new int[3],
                new int[3],
                new int[3],
            int[] tree_count = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] glyph_count = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            int tree = 0;
            int count = 0;

            #region Talents parsing
            for (int i=1; i < talent_string.Length; i++) {
                if (tree >= 3) {
                    //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Too many talent trees specified.\n", name() );
                    return null;

                char c = talent_string[i];

                if (c == ':') break; // glyph encoding follows
                if (c == 'Z') {
                    count = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j <= tree; j++) {
                        count += talent_trees[tree];

                decode_t decode = null;
                for (int j=0; decoding[j].key != '\0' && decode==null; j++) {
                    if (decoding[j].key == c) { decode = decoding[j]; }

                if (decode == null) {
                    //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Translation for '%c' unknown.\n", name(), c );
                    return null;

                encoding[count++] += decode.first - '0';
                tree_count[tree] += 1;

                if (tree_count[tree] < talent_trees[tree]) {
                    encoding[count++] += decode.second - '0';
                    tree_count[tree] += 1;

                if (tree_count[tree] >= talent_trees[tree]) {

            #region Glyphs Parsing
            #region Notes
            /* This is totally crappy....
             * Glyphs do not follow the same parsing rules. If you apply what was there for talents directly
             * to glyphs you get 1202032213120011050000000000000000. Which should only have 1's and 0's
             * Warriors: As I'm checking glyphs, here's what I get:
             * == PRIMES ==
             *   Link                           decode  id       Name
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43415 58388 Devastate
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43416 58367 Bloodthirst
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43421 58368 Mortal Strike
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43422 58386 Overpower
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43423 58385 Slam
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 43424 58364 Revenge
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 43425 58375 Shield Slam
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 43432 58370 Raging Blow
            * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:R 12 45790 63324 Bladestorm
             * == MAJORS ==
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43397 Long Charge
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43399 Thunder Clap
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43413 Rapid Charge
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43414 Cleaving
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43417 Piercing Howl
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 43418 Heroic Throw
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 43419 Intervene
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 43427 Sunder Armor
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:R 12 43428 Sweeping Strikes
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:s 13 43430 Resonating Power
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:a 14 43431 Victory Rush
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:q 15 45792 Shockwave
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:b 20 45795 Spell Reflection
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:d 21 45797 Shield Wall
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:r 22 63481 Colossus Smash
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:f 23 67482 Intercept
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:w 24 67483 Death Wish
             * == MINORS ==
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:0 00 43395 Battle
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:z 01 43396 Berserker Rage
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:M 02 43398 Demoralizing Shout
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:c 03 43400 Enduring Victory
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:m 04 43412 Bloody Healing
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:V 05 45793 Furious Sundering
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:o 10 45794 Intimidating Shout
             * * http://www.wowhead.com/talent#L:k 11 49084 Command
             * So http://www.wowhead.com/talent#LubcfRMRurkcrZ0b:RMcrsR0kV would mean:
             *   Prime: Bladestorm, Mortal Strike, Overpower
             *   Major: Colossus Smash, Resonating Power, Sweeping Strikes
             *   Minor: Battle, Command, Furious Sundering
             * Which is correct, that's what we come out to

            tree = 0;
            count = 0;

            if (hasGlyphs) {
                for (int i=talent_string.IndexOf(":")+1; i < talent_string.Length; i++) {
                    if (tree >= 3) {
                        //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Too many talent trees specified.\n", name() );
                        return null;

                    char c = talent_string[i];

                    if (c == 'Z') {
                        count = 0;
                        /*for (int j = 0; j <= tree; j++) {
                            count += glyph_trees[tree];

                    decode_t decode = null;
                    for (int j=0; decoding[j].key != '\0' && decode==null; j++) {
                        if (decoding[j].key == c) { decode = decoding[j]; }

                    if (decode == null) {
                        //sim -> errorf( "Player %s has malformed wowhead talent string. Translation for '%c' unknown.\n", name(), c );
                        return null;

                    glyphEncoding[tree][count++] += (decode.first - '0') * 10 + decode.second - '0';
                    glyph_count[tree] += 1;

                    if (glyph_count[tree] >= (glyph_trees[tree])) { tree++; count = 0; }

            string newtalentstring = "";
            foreach (int i in encoding) { newtalentstring += i.ToString(); }
            if (hasGlyphs) {
                //newtalentstring += ".";
                //for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
                //    foreach (int i in glyphEncoding[t]) { newtalentstring += i.ToString(); }

            switch (characterclass)
                case CharacterClass.Warrior: { return new WarriorTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Paladin: { return new PaladinTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Hunter: { return new HunterTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Rogue: { return new RogueTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Priest: { return new PriestTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.DeathKnight: { return new DeathKnightTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Shaman: { return new ShamanTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Mage: { return new MageTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Warlock: { return new WarlockTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
                case CharacterClass.Druid: { return new DruidTalents(newtalentstring, hasGlyphs ? glyphEncoding : null); }
            return null;