public void Create_IsSaved() { try { // Run the test against one instance of the context using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { IWarehouseRepository service = new WarehouseRepository(context, NullLogger <WarehouseRepository> .Instance); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse() { Code = "123456789", Description = "yo dawg", ProcessingDelayMins = 1 }; service.Create(wh); } // Use a separate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { Assert.Equal(1, context.Hops.Count()); Assert.Equal("123456789", context.Hops.Single().Code); Assert.Equal("yo dawg", context.Hops.Single().Description); } } finally { } }
public void Create_ThrowsDuplicateHopExpection() { try { using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { IWarehouseRepository service = new WarehouseRepository(context, NullLogger <WarehouseRepository> .Instance); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse() { Code = "123456789", Description = "yo dawg", ProcessingDelayMins = 1 }; service.Create(wh); } using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { IWarehouseRepository service = new WarehouseRepository(context, NullLogger <WarehouseRepository> .Instance); Warehouse wh = new Warehouse() { Code = "123456789", Description = "yo dawg", ProcessingDelayMins = 1 }; Assert.Throws <DuplicateHopExpection>(() => service.Create(wh)); } } finally { } }
public void GetByCode_ReturnsHop() { try { // Run the test against one instance of the context using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { Warehouse wh = new Warehouse() { Code = "123456789", Description = "yo dawg", ProcessingDelayMins = 1 }; context.Hops.Add(wh); context.SaveChanges(); } // Use a separate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database using (var context = new DatabaseContext(options)) { IWarehouseRepository service = new WarehouseRepository(context, NullLogger <WarehouseRepository> .Instance); Warehouse wh = service.GetByCode("123456789"); Assert.Equal("123456789", wh.Code); Assert.Equal("yo dawg", wh.Description); } } finally { } }
public DataManager() { cont = new ModelContainer(); branchRepository = new BranchRepository(cont); categoryRepository = new CategoryRepository(cont); checkDishRepository = new CheckDishRepository(cont); checkMerchandiseRepository = new CheckMerchandiseRepository(cont); clientRepository = new ClientRepository(cont); companyOwnerRepository = new CompanyOwnerRepository(cont); companyRepository = new CompanyRepository(cont); contactPersonRepository = new ContactPersonRepository(cont); dishRepository = new DishRepository(cont); documentRepository = new DocumentRepository(cont); ejectionRepository = new EjectionRepository(cont); employeeRepository = new EmployeeRepository(cont); encashmentRepository = new EncashmentRepository(cont); landlordRepository = new LandlordRepository(cont); orderRepository = new OrderRepository(cont); personRepository = new PersonRepository(cont); positionRepository = new PositionRepository(cont); prepackRepository = new PrepackRepository(cont); productRepository = new ProductRepository(cont); purchaseRepository = new PurchaseRepository(cont); recipeDishIngrRepository = new RecipeDishIngrRepository(cont); recipeDishPrepRepository = new RecipeDishPrepRepository(cont); recipePrepIngrRepository = new RecipePrepIngrRepository(cont); recipePrepPrepRepository = new RecipePrepPrepRepository(cont); roomRepository = new RoomRepository(cont); shiftRepository = new ShiftRepository(cont); tableRepository = new TableRepository(cont); warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(cont); }
private void Search() { _projectDataContext = new ProjectDataContext(); _warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(_projectDataContext); dgvDuLieu.DataSource = _warehouseRepository.GetAll().OrderBy(_ => _.WarehouseName); Control(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取生成的仓库编码 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public object GetWareCode() { string warehouseCode = ""; IQueryable <Warehouse> wareQuery = WarehouseRepository.GetQueryable(); var wareCode = wareQuery.Max(w => w.WarehouseCode); if (wareCode == string.Empty || wareCode == null) { warehouseCode = "01"; } else { int i = Convert.ToInt32(wareCode); i++; string newcode = i.ToString(); if (newcode.Length <= 2) { for (int j = 0; j < 2 - i.ToString().Length; j++) { newcode = "0" + newcode; } warehouseCode = newcode; } } return(warehouseCode); }
public new bool Add(Cell cell) { var cellAdd = new Cell(); var warehouse = WarehouseRepository.GetQueryable().FirstOrDefault(w => w.WarehouseCode == cell.WarehouseCode); var area = AreaRepository.GetQueryable().FirstOrDefault(a => a.AreaCode == cell.AreaCode); var shelf = ShelfRepository.GetQueryable().FirstOrDefault(s => s.ShelfCode == cell.ShelfCode); var product = ProductRepository.GetQueryable().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductCode == cell.DefaultProductCode); cellAdd.CellCode = cell.CellCode; cellAdd.CellName = cell.CellName; cellAdd.ShortName = cell.ShortName; cellAdd.CellType = cell.CellType; cellAdd.Layer = cell.Layer; cellAdd.Col = cell.Col; cellAdd.ImgX = cell.ImgX; cellAdd.ImgY = cell.ImgY; cellAdd.Rfid = cell.Rfid; cellAdd.Warehouse = warehouse; cellAdd.Area = area; cellAdd.Shelf = shelf; cellAdd.Product = product; cellAdd.MaxQuantity = cell.MaxQuantity; cellAdd.IsSingle = cell.IsSingle; cellAdd.Description = cell.Description; cellAdd.IsActive = cell.IsActive; cellAdd.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; CellRepository.Add(cellAdd); CellRepository.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 根据参数Code查询仓库信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="wareCode">仓库Code</param> /// <returns></returns> public object FindWarehouse(string wareCode) { IQueryable <Warehouse> wareQuery = WarehouseRepository.GetQueryable(); var warehouse = wareQuery.Where(w => w.WarehouseCode == wareCode).AsEnumerable().Select(w => new { w.WarehouseCode, w.WarehouseName, w.WarehouseType, w.ShortName, w.Description, IsActive = w.IsActive == "1" ? "可用" : "不可用", UpdateTime = w.UpdateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") }); return(warehouse.First(w => w.WarehouseCode == wareCode)); }
public void RemoveWarehouse_GivenAnInstance_RemovesTheRecord() { // assert List <Warehouse> data = new List <Warehouse>(); data.Add(new Warehouse() { ID = 10 }); Warehouse existingRecord = new Warehouse() { ID = 10 }; Mock <DbSet <Warehouse> > mockSet = EntityMockFactory.CreateSet(data.AsQueryable()); Mock <LocationDb> mockContext = new Mock <LocationDb>(); mockContext.Setup(c => c.Warehouses).Returns(mockSet.Object); WarehouseRepository sut = new WarehouseRepository(mockContext.Object, null); // act sut.RemoveWarehouse(existingRecord); // assert mockSet.Verify(s => s.Attach(It.Is <Warehouse>(a => a.ID == 10)), Times.Once()); mockSet.Verify(s => s.Remove(It.Is <Warehouse>(a => a.ID == 10)), Times.Once()); mockContext.Verify(c => c.SaveChanges(), Times.Once()); }
public object GetWareArea() { var warehouses = WarehouseRepository.GetQueryable().AsEnumerable(); HashSet <Tree> wareSet = new HashSet <Tree>(); foreach (var warehouse in warehouses)//仓库 { Tree wareTree = new Tree(); = warehouse.WarehouseCode; wareTree.text = "仓库:" + warehouse.WarehouseName; wareTree.state = "open"; wareTree.attributes = "ware"; var areas = AreaRepository.GetQueryable().Where(a => a.Warehouse.WarehouseCode == warehouse.WarehouseCode) .OrderBy(a => a.AreaCode).Select(a => a); HashSet <Tree> areaSet = new HashSet <Tree>(); foreach (var area in areas)//库区 { Tree areaTree = new Tree(); = area.AreaCode; areaTree.text = "库区:" + area.AreaName; areaTree.state = "open"; areaTree.attributes = "area"; areaSet.Add(areaTree); } wareTree.children = areaSet.ToArray(); wareSet.Add(wareTree); } return(wareSet.ToArray()); }
public bool RemoveMatrailofTreatment(int clinecID, int matrailID = 0, int treatmentID = 0) { bool check; MaterialRepository materialRepository = new MaterialRepository(); int quantity = materialRepository.getQuanityOfMatrailTreatment(matrailID, treatmentID); int storgeID = 0; StorgeRepository storgeRepository = new StorgeRepository(); IEnumerable <int> storgeList = storgeRepository.getClinecStorgesList(clinecID); if (storgeList.Count() > 0) { storgeID = storgeList.First(); Warehouse warehouse = new Warehouse() { ItemID = matrailID, StorageID = storgeID }; WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(); Warehouse Getwarehouse = warehouseRepository.Getwarehouse(warehouse); Getwarehouse.Available += quantity; warehouseRepository.UpdateWarehouse(Getwarehouse); } check = materialRepository.removeTreatmentMatrail(matrailID, treatmentID); return(check); }
public static SelectList GetSelectList_Warehouse(object sValue, string NullOrNameEmpty) { var selectListItems = new List <SelectListItem>(); WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(new Domain.Sale.ErpSaleDbContext()); if (NullOrNameEmpty != null) { SelectListItem itemEmpty = new SelectListItem(); itemEmpty.Text = NullOrNameEmpty; itemEmpty.Value = null; selectListItems.Add(itemEmpty); } try { var q = warehouseRepository.GetAllWarehouse().OrderBy(item => item.Id); foreach (var i in q) { SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem(); item.Text = i.Name; item.Value = i.Id.ToString(); selectListItems.Add(item); } } catch { } var selectList = new SelectList(selectListItems, "Value", "Text", sValue); return(selectList); }
public static SelectList GetSelectList_Warehouse(object sValue, int?BranchId, string NullOrNameEmpty, bool IsSale = true) { var selectListItems = new List <SelectListItem>(); WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(new Domain.Sale.ErpSaleDbContext()); if (NullOrNameEmpty != null) { SelectListItem itemEmpty = new SelectListItem(); itemEmpty.Text = NullOrNameEmpty; itemEmpty.Value = null; selectListItems.Add(itemEmpty); } try { var q = warehouseRepository.GetAllWarehouse().Where(x => x.IsSale == IsSale).OrderBy(item => item.Id).AsEnumerable(); if (BranchId != null) { q = q.Where(x => x.BranchId == BranchId); } foreach (var i in q) { SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem(); item.Text = i.Name; item.Value = i.Id.ToString(); selectListItems.Add(item); } } catch { } var selectList = new SelectList(selectListItems, "Value", "Text", sValue); return(selectList); }
public List <TransportToWarehouse> GetTransportToWarehouse() { List <TransportToWarehouse> lstTimeZone = new List <TransportToWarehouse>(); lstTimeZone = new WarehouseRepository().GetTransportToWarehouse(); return(lstTimeZone); }
private void FillDiscrepancies() { if (DocumentUoW.Root.Warehouse != null && DocumentUoW.Root.Warehouse.Id > 0) { var warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(); nomenclaturesWithDiscrepancies = warehouseRepository.GetDiscrepancyNomenclatures(UoW, DocumentUoW.Root.Warehouse.Id); } }
public void Cleanup() { _mainContext = null; _productRepository = null; _warehouseRepository = null; _productComandsHandler = null; _productService = null; }
public void Initialize() { _mainContext = new MainContext(); _productRepository = new ProductRepository(_mainContext); _warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(_mainContext); _productComandsHandler = new ProductComandsHandler(_productRepository, _warehouseRepository); _productService = new ProductService(_productRepository, _warehouseRepository, _productComandsHandler); }
public FrayteWarehouse GetWarehouseDetail(int warehouseId) { FrayteWarehouse warehouseDetail = new FrayteWarehouse(); warehouseDetail = new WarehouseRepository().GetWarehouseDetail(warehouseId); return(warehouseDetail); }
public List <FrayteWarehouse> GetAllWarehouseList() { List <FrayteWarehouse> lstFraytehouse = new List <FrayteWarehouse>(); lstFraytehouse = new WarehouseRepository().GetAllWarehouseList(); return(lstFraytehouse); }
public FrayteResult DeleteWarehouse(int warehouseId) { FrayteResult result = new FrayteResult(); result = new WarehouseRepository().DeleteWarehouse(warehouseId); return(result); }
public List <ShipmentWarehouse> GetWarehouseList() { List <ShipmentWarehouse> lstTimeZone = new List <ShipmentWarehouse>(); lstTimeZone = new WarehouseRepository().GetWarehouseList(); return(lstTimeZone); }
private void FillDiscrepancies() { if (Entity.Warehouse != null && Entity.Warehouse.Id > 0) { var warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(); nomenclaturesWithDiscrepancies = warehouseRepository.GetDiscrepancyNomenclatures(UoW, Entity.Warehouse.Id); } }
public NomenclatureStockFilterViewModel(IEntityAutocompleteSelectorFactory warehouseSelectorFactory) { WarehouseSelectorFactory = warehouseSelectorFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(warehouseSelectorFactory)); UserHasOnlyAccessToWarehouseAndComplaints = ServicesConfig.CommonServices.CurrentPermissionService.ValidatePresetPermission("user_have_access_only_to_warehouse_and_complaints") && !ServicesConfig.CommonServices.UserService.GetCurrentUser(UoW).IsAdmin; AvailableWarehouses = new WarehouseRepository().GetActiveWarehouse(UoW); }
public JsonResult GetWarehouse(string name) { WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(_connectionString); var warehouse = warehouseRepository.Save(name); return(Json( new { warehouse = warehouse, total = 1, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ManageWarehouseProductCheckController(WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository , WarehouseProductCheckRepository warehouseProductCheckRepository , UsersAccessRepository usersAccessRepository , ProductRepostitory productRepostitory) : base(usersAccessRepository) { _warehouseRepository = warehouseRepository; _warehouseProductCheckRepository = warehouseProductCheckRepository; _productRepostitory = productRepostitory; }
/// <summary> /// 根据仓库类型获取仓库列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="warehouseType">仓库类型</param> /// <returns>仓库列表</returns> public List<Warehouse> GetWarehousesByType(WarehouseType warehouseType) { using (IUnitOfWork unitwork = MSSqlHelper.DataContext()) { IWarehouseRepository warehouseRep = new WarehouseRepository(unitwork); List<Warehouse> warehouses = warehouseRep.GetWarehouseByType(warehouseType); return warehouses; } }
public ActionResult Index() { string playerName = "Chavp"; WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(_connectionString); var warehouse = warehouseRepository.Save(playerName); ViewBag.PlayerName = playerName; return(View(warehouse)); }
public StoragesController( StoragesRepository repository, ProductRepository productRepository, WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository ) : base(repository) { _repository = repository; _productRepository = productRepository; _warehouseRepository = warehouseRepository; }
public void StartSync() { try { LoggerUtility.InitializeLogger(); int BranchID = 45; DateTime syncStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-15); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"Warehouse sync started at {syncStartTime.ToLongTimeString()}"); //Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Warehouse sync started at {syncStartTime.ToLongTimeString()}"); WarehouseRepository warehouseRepository = new WarehouseRepository(); CloudRepository cloudRepository = new CloudRepository(); DataTable dtEntity = cloudRepository.GetEntityData(BranchID, "ToCloud"); foreach (DataRow entityRow in dtEntity.Rows) { string entityName = entityRow["ENTITYNAME"].ToString(); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"{entityName} up sync started"); //Console.WriteLine($"{entityName} up sync started"); DataTable dtEntityWiseData = warehouseRepository.GetEntityWiseData(entityName, entityRow["SYNCDATE"]); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"Found {dtEntityWiseData.Rows.Count} records to up sync in entity : {entityName} "); Console.WriteLine($"Found {dtEntityWiseData.Rows.Count} records to up sync in entity : {entityName} "); cloudRepository.SaveData(entityName, dtEntityWiseData); cloudRepository.UpdateEntitySyncStatus(entityRow["ENTITYSYNCSTATUSID"], syncStartTime); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"{entityName} up sync completed"); //Console.WriteLine($"{entityName} up sync completed"); } // start down sync from cloud dtEntity = cloudRepository.GetEntityData(BranchID, "FromCloud"); foreach (DataRow entityRow in dtEntity.Rows) { string entityName = entityRow["ENTITYNAME"].ToString(); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"{entityName} down sync started"); //Console.WriteLine($"{entityName} down sync started"); DataTable dtEntityWiseData = cloudRepository.GetEntityWiseData(entityName, entityRow["SYNCDATE"]); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"Found {dtEntityWiseData.Rows.Count} records to down sync in entity : {entityName} "); Console.WriteLine($"Found {dtEntityWiseData.Rows.Count} records to down sync in entity : {entityName} "); warehouseRepository.SaveData(entityName, dtEntityWiseData); cloudRepository.UpdateEntitySyncStatus(entityRow["ENTITYSYNCSTATUSID"], syncStartTime); //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"{entityName} down sync completed"); //Console.WriteLine($"{entityName} down sync completed"); } //LoggerUtility.Logger.Info($"Warehouse sync completed"); Console.WriteLine($"Warehouse sync completed"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); Console.ReadLine(); } Thread.Sleep(5 * 60 * 1000); StartSync(); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate new line item quantity from inventory/in-store inventory /// </summary> /// <param name="lineItem">line item</param> /// <param name="changeQtyReason">messages explain to clients why item's quantity is changed</param> /// <param name="shipment">shipment</param> /// <returns>new line item quantity</returns> protected decimal GetNewLineItemQty(LineItem lineItem, List <string> changeQtyReason, Shipment shipment) { var newLineItemQty = shipment != null?Shipment.GetLineItemQuantity(shipment, lineItem.LineItemId) : lineItem.Quantity; if (newLineItemQty < lineItem.MinQuantity) { newLineItemQty = lineItem.MinQuantity; changeQtyReason.Add("by Min Quantity setting"); } else if (newLineItemQty > lineItem.MaxQuantity) { newLineItemQty = lineItem.MaxQuantity; changeQtyReason.Add("by Max Quantity setting"); } var entryRow = GetEntryRowForLineItem(lineItem); if (!InventoryTrackingEnabled(entryRow)) { return(newLineItemQty); } var warehouseCode = shipment != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipment.WarehouseCode) ? shipment.WarehouseCode : lineItem.WarehouseCode; if (shipment == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseCode)) { var w = WarehouseRepository.List().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsFulfillmentCenter && x.IsActive); warehouseCode = w.Code; } IWarehouse warehouse = WarehouseRepository.Get(warehouseCode); if (warehouse == null || !warehouse.IsActive) { changeQtyReason.Add("by inactive warehouse"); return(0); } var inventoryRecord = InventoryService.Get(lineItem.Code, warehouseCode); if (inventoryRecord == null) { changeQtyReason.Add("by inactive warehouse"); return(0); } // In case inventory status is Disable, always using newLineItemQty. if (!inventoryRecord.IsTracked) { return(newLineItemQty); } return(GetNewLineItemQtyFromInventory(inventoryRecord, changeQtyReason, lineItem, newLineItemQty)); }
public WarehouseService(WarehouseRepository warehouseRepo, EmployeeItemRepository employeeItemRepo) { _warehouseRepo = warehouseRepo; _employeeItemRepo = employeeItemRepo; }