/// <summary> /// Checks if data already exists in the DynamicDataCache. /// If the data is equal to the mnemonic entered in the input fields, display the ConfirmMnemonicMenu. /// </summary> /// <returns> True if the mnemonic was unique and the wallet can be directly imported. </returns> private bool CheckCreatedMnemonic() { Wallet wallet = null; string newMnemonic = string.Join(" ", wordFields.Select(field => field.Text)).Trim(); byte[] seed = (byte[])dynamicDataCache.GetData("seed"); try { wallet = new Wallet(newMnemonic, null, WalletUtils.DetermineCorrectPath(newMnemonic)); nextButton.GetComponent <InteractableButton>().OnCustomPointerExit(); } catch { nextButton.interactable = false; importMneomonicMenuAnimator.AnimateIcon(importMneomonicMenuAnimator.nextButtonErrorIcon); importMneomonicMenuAnimator.AnimateIcon(importMneomonicMenuAnimator.nextButtonErrorMessage); importMneomonicMenuAnimator.OpeningWallet = false; return(false); } if (seed?.SequenceEqual(wallet.Seed) == true) { uiManager.OpenMenu <ConfirmMnemonicMenu>(); return(false); } else { SetWalletInfo(wallet); return(true); } }