コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an object representing an email validation batch, waiting for its completion and issuing multiple retries if needed.
        /// Makes a GET request to the /email-validations/{uniqueId} resource.
        /// <remarks>To initiate a new email validation batch, please use <see cref="Submit(IEnumerable{string})" />.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueId">The unique identifier for an email validation batch to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForCompletionOptions">The options about waiting for the validation completion.</param>
        /// <returns>An object representing the current status of the requested email validation batch.</returns>
        public Validation Query(Guid uniqueId, WaitForCompletionOptions waitForCompletionOptions)
            // Handle the case when the client wishes to avoid waiting for completion

            if (waitForCompletionOptions == WaitForCompletionOptions.DontWait)
                return QueryOnce(uniqueId);

            // The client needs to wait for completion

            var pollingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (true)
                    var result = QueryOnce(uniqueId);

                    // A null result means the validation has not been found

                    if (result == null)
                        return null;

                    // Returns immediately if the validation has been completed

                    if (result.Status == ValidationStatus.Completed)
                        return result;

                    // Wait for the polling interval


            // Waits for the request completion or for the timeout to expire


            // Handles any eventual exception

            if (pollingTask.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Assert(pollingTask.Exception != null, "pollingTask.Exception != null");

                if (pollingTask.Exception.InnerException != null)
                    throw pollingTask.Exception.InnerException;

                throw pollingTask.Exception;

            if (pollingTask.IsCompleted)
                return pollingTask.Result;

            // A timeout occurred

            return null;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates a new email validation batch. Makes a POST request to the /email-validations resource.
        /// <remarks>Upon initialization, batches usually are in the <see cref="ValidationStatus.Pending">Pending</see> status.
        /// Validations are completed only when their <see cref="Validation.Status">Status</see> property
        /// is <see cref="ValidationStatus.Completed">Completed</see>; the <seealso cref="waitForCompletionOptions"/> parameter
        /// allows to wait for the completion of the batch, without having to manually poll the API.
        /// In order to retrieve the most up-to-date snapshot of a validation batch, call the <see cref="Query(Guid)">Query() method</see>
        /// along with the batch's <see cref="Validation.UniqueID">unique identifier</see>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailAddresses">A collection of email addresses to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForCompletionOptions">The options about waiting for the validation completion.</param>
        /// <returns>An object representing the email validation batch.</returns>
        public Validation Submit(IEnumerable<string> emailAddresses, WaitForCompletionOptions waitForCompletionOptions)
            if (emailAddresses == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("emailAddresses");
            if (waitForCompletionOptions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("waitForCompletionOptions");

            var requestEntries = emailAddresses
                .Select(emailAddress => new
                    inputData = emailAddress

            if (requestEntries.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't validate an empty batch.", "emailAddresses");

            // Build the REST request

            var request = new RestRequest
                Method = Method.POST,
                RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json,
                Resource = "email-validations"

                entries = requestEntries

            // Send the request to the Verifalia servers

            var response = _restClient.Execute<Validation>(request);

            switch (response.StatusCode)
                case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                    // The batch has been completed in real time

                    response.Data.Status = ValidationStatus.Completed;
                    return response.Data;

                case HttpStatusCode.Accepted:
                    // The batch has been accepted but is not yet completed

                    if (ReferenceEquals(waitForCompletionOptions, WaitForCompletionOptions.DontWait))
                        response.Data.Status = ValidationStatus.Pending;
                        return response.Data;

                    // Poll the service until completion

                    return Query(response.Data.UniqueID, waitForCompletionOptions);

                case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                    // The batch has NOT been accepted because of an issue with the supplied credentials

                    throw new AuthorizationException(response.ErrorMessage)
                        Response = response

                case HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired:
                    // The batch has NOT been accepted because of low account credit

                    throw new InsufficientCreditException(response.ErrorMessage)
                        Response = response

                    // An unhandled exception happened at the Verifalia side

                    throw new VerifaliaException(response.ErrorMessage)
                        Response = response
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates a new email validation batch. Makes a POST request to the /email-validations resource.
        /// <remarks>Upon initialization, batches usually are in the <see cref="ValidationStatus.Pending">Pending</see> status.
        /// Validations are completed only when their <see cref="Validation.Status">Status</see> property
        /// is <see cref="ValidationStatus.Completed">Completed</see>; the <seealso cref="waitForCompletionOptions"/> parameter
        /// allows to wait for the completion of the batch, without having to manually poll the API.
        /// In order to retrieve the most up-to-date snapshot of a validation batch, call the <see cref="Query(Guid)">Query() method</see>
        /// along with the batch's <see cref="Validation.UniqueID">unique identifier</see>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailAddresses">A collection of email addresses to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForCompletionOptions">The options about waiting for the validation completion.</param>
        /// <returns>An object representing the email validation batch.</returns>
        public Validation Submit(IEnumerable <string> emailAddresses, WaitForCompletionOptions waitForCompletionOptions)
            if (emailAddresses == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("emailAddresses");
            if (waitForCompletionOptions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("waitForCompletionOptions");

            var requestEntries = emailAddresses
                                 .Select(emailAddress => new
                inputData = emailAddress

            if (requestEntries.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't validate an empty batch.", "emailAddresses");

            // Build the REST request

            var request = new RestRequest
                Method        = Method.POST,
                RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json,
                Resource      = "email-validations"

                entries = requestEntries

            // Send the request to the Verifalia servers

            var response = _restClient.Execute <Validation>(request);

            switch (response.StatusCode)
            case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                // The batch has been completed in real time

                response.Data.Status = ValidationStatus.Completed;

            case HttpStatusCode.Accepted:
                // The batch has been accepted but is not yet completed

                if (ReferenceEquals(waitForCompletionOptions, WaitForCompletionOptions.DontWait))
                    response.Data.Status = ValidationStatus.Pending;

                // Poll the service until completion

                return(Query(response.Data.UniqueID, waitForCompletionOptions));

            case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                // The batch has NOT been accepted because of an issue with the supplied credentials

                throw new AuthorizationException(response.ErrorMessage)
                          Response = response

            case HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired:
                // The batch has NOT been accepted because of low account credit

                throw new InsufficientCreditException(response.ErrorMessage)
                          Response = response

                // An unhandled exception happened at the Verifalia side

                throw new VerifaliaException(response.ErrorMessage)
                          Response = response
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an object representing an email validation batch, waiting for its completion and issuing multiple retries if needed.
        /// Makes a GET request to the /email-validations/{uniqueId} resource.
        /// <remarks>To initiate a new email validation batch, please use <see cref="Submit(IEnumerable{string})" />.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueId">The unique identifier for an email validation batch to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForCompletionOptions">The options about waiting for the validation completion.</param>
        /// <returns>An object representing the current status of the requested email validation batch.</returns>
        public Validation Query(Guid uniqueId, WaitForCompletionOptions waitForCompletionOptions)
            // Handle the case when the client wishes to avoid waiting for completion

            if (waitForCompletionOptions == WaitForCompletionOptions.DontWait)

            // The client needs to wait for completion

            var pollingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (true)
                    var result = QueryOnce(uniqueId);

                    // A null result means the validation has not been found

                    if (result == null)

                    // Returns immediately if the validation has been completed

                    if (result.Status == ValidationStatus.Completed)

                    // Wait for the polling interval


            // Waits for the request completion or for the timeout to expire


            // Handles any eventual exception

            if (pollingTask.IsFaulted)
                Debug.Assert(pollingTask.Exception != null, "pollingTask.Exception != null");

                if (pollingTask.Exception.InnerException != null)
                    throw pollingTask.Exception.InnerException;

                throw pollingTask.Exception;

            if (pollingTask.IsCompleted)

            // A timeout occurred
