private void BtnItemSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FmsActionFormulaMain main = tvMain.SelectedItem as FmsActionFormulaMain; if ((main == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(main.PKNO))) { return; } FmsActionFormulaDetail detail = gbItem.DataContext as FmsActionFormulaDetail; if (detail == null) { return; } #region 校验 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.FORMULA_CODE)) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("请选择配方主信息。", "保存"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.FORMULA_DETAIL_NAME)) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("请输入配方明细名称。", "保存"); return; } #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.PKNO)) //新增 { detail.PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(); ws.UseService(s => s.AddFmsActionFormulaDetail(detail)); //重新刷新数据 List <FmsActionFormulaDetail> details = ws.UseService(s => s.GetFmsActionFormulaDetails($"FORMULA_CODE = {main.FORMULA_CODE} AND USE_FLAG >= 0")) .OrderBy(c => c.PROCESS_INDEX) .ToList(); gridItem.ItemsSource = details; } else //修改 { ws.UseService(s => s.UpdateFmsActionFormulaDetail(detail)); } //提示保存成功 gbItem.IsCollapsed = true; gbItem.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BindHelper.SetDictDataBindingGridItem(gbItem, gridItem); }
private void BtnItemSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FmsActionFormulaMain main = tvMain.SelectedItem as FmsActionFormulaMain; if ((main == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(main.PKNO))) { return; } FmsActionFormulaDetail detail = gbItem.DataContext as FmsActionFormulaDetail; if (detail == null) { return; } #region 校验 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.FORMULA_CODE)) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("请选择配方主信息。", "保存"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.FORMULA_DETAIL_NAME)) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("请输入配方明细名称。", "保存"); return; } #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.PKNO)) //新增 { detail.PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(); FmsActionControl action = new FmsActionControl() { PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(), ACTION_NAME = detail.FORMULA_DETAIL_NAME, ACTION_TYPE = detail.PROCESS_ACTION_TYPE.ToString(), START_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbCondition.Text)? "": cmbCondition.SelectedValue.ToString(), START_CONDITION_VALUE = tbConditionValue.Text, EXECUTE_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbExecute.Text) ? "" : cmbExecute.SelectedValue.ToString(), EXECUTE_WRITE_VALUE = tbExecuteValue.Text, EXECUTE_PARAM1_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam1.Text) ? "" : cmbParam1.SelectedValue.ToString(), EXECUTE_PARAM2_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam2.Text) ? "" : cmbParam2.SelectedValue.ToString(), FINISH_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbFinish.Text) ? "" : cmbFinish.SelectedValue.ToString(), FINISH_CONDITION_VALUE = tbFinishValue.Text, }; detail.PROCESS_ACTION_PKNO = action.PKNO; ws.UseService(s => s.AddFmsActionControl(action)); ws.UseService(s => s.AddFmsActionFormulaDetail(detail)); //重新刷新数据 List <FmsActionFormulaDetail> details = ws.UseService(s => s.GetFmsActionFormulaDetails($"FORMULA_CODE = {main.FORMULA_CODE} AND USE_FLAG >= 0")) .OrderBy(c => c.PROCESS_INDEX) .ToList(); gridItem.ItemsSource = details; } else //修改 { FmsActionControl action = ws.UseService(s => s.GetFmsActionControlById(detail.PROCESS_ACTION_PKNO)); if (action == null) { action = new FmsActionControl() { PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(), ACTION_NAME = detail.FORMULA_DETAIL_NAME, ACTION_TYPE = detail.PROCESS_ACTION_TYPE.ToString(), START_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbCondition.Text) ? "" : cmbCondition.SelectedValue.ToString(), START_CONDITION_VALUE = tbConditionValue.Text, EXECUTE_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbExecute.Text) ? "" : cmbExecute.SelectedValue.ToString(), EXECUTE_WRITE_VALUE = tbExecuteValue.Text, EXECUTE_PARAM1_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam1.Text) ? "" : cmbParam1.SelectedValue.ToString(), EXECUTE_PARAM2_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam2.Text) ? "" : cmbParam2.SelectedValue.ToString(), FINISH_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbFinish.Text) ? "" : cmbFinish.SelectedValue.ToString(), FINISH_CONDITION_VALUE = tbFinishValue.Text, }; detail.PROCESS_ACTION_PKNO = action.PKNO; ws.UseService(s => s.AddFmsActionControl(action)); } else //修改控制 { action.ACTION_NAME = detail.FORMULA_DETAIL_NAME; action.ACTION_TYPE = detail.PROCESS_ACTION_TYPE.ToString(); action.START_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbCondition.Text) ? "" : cmbCondition.SelectedValue.ToString(); action.START_CONDITION_VALUE = tbConditionValue.Text; action.EXECUTE_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbExecute.Text) ? "" : cmbExecute.SelectedValue.ToString(); action.EXECUTE_WRITE_VALUE = tbExecuteValue.Text; action.EXECUTE_PARAM1_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam1.Text) ? "" : cmbParam1.SelectedValue.ToString(); action.EXECUTE_PARAM2_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbParam2.Text) ? "" : cmbParam2.SelectedValue.ToString(); action.FINISH_CONDITION_TAG_PKNO = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbFinish.Text) ? "" : cmbFinish.SelectedValue.ToString(); action.FINISH_CONDITION_VALUE = tbFinishValue.Text; ws.UseService(s => s.UpdateFmsActionControl(action)); } ws.UseService(s => s.UpdateFmsActionFormulaDetail(detail)); } //保存成功 gbItem.IsCollapsed = true; gbItem.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BindHelper.SetDictDataBindingGridItem(gbItem, gridItem); }
/// <summary> /// 后台自动升级程序 /// <param name="bFisrtCheck">是否首次检测</param> /// </summary> public static void UpdateAppVersion(bool bFisrtCheck) { try { if (File.Exists(UpgradeBatFile)) { File.Delete(UpgradeBatFile); } //删除升级文件 string updateCmd = ""; int iUpdateIndex = 0; //升级文件的序号 bool bForceUpdate = false; //强制升级 foreach (SysAppInfo appInfo in AllModels) { string error; List <string> value = VersionProcess.GetDBVersionNO(appInfo.MODEL_CODE, out error); //获取服务器的新版本 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) //错误 { if (bFisrtCheck) //第一次检验失败 { WPFMessageBox.ShowError(error + "请检查连接!", "系统启动失败"); App.AppExit(5); //系统退出 } continue; } int dbVersion = -1; string newAppPKNO = ""; if (value.Count >= 2) { newAppPKNO = value[0]; dbVersion = SafeConverter.SafeToInt(value[1]); } if (dbVersion < appInfo.MODEL_INNER_VERSION) //服务器版本 < 当前版本 => 上传 { string filename = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(appInfo.APP_RELATIVE_PATH) ? "" : appInfo.APP_RELATIVE_PATH + "\\") + appInfo.APP_NAME; if (!File.Exists(filename)) { continue; } #region 版本 SysAppInfo newApp = new SysAppInfo() { PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(), MODEL_CODE = appInfo.MODEL_CODE, MODEL_NAME = appInfo.MODEL_NAME, MODEL_INNER_VERSION = appInfo.MODEL_INNER_VERSION, MODEL_VERSION = appInfo.MODEL_VERSION, APP_NAME = appInfo.APP_NAME, APP_RELATIVE_PATH = appInfo.APP_RELATIVE_PATH, VERSION_INTROD = appInfo.VERSION_INTROD, MODEL_CONTENT = FileHelper.FileToBytes(filename), //上传文档 CREATED_BY = CBaseData.LoginName, CREATION_DATE = DateTime.Now, VERSION_TYPE = appInfo.VERSION_TYPE, REMARK = appInfo.REMARK, }; bool ret = VersionProcess.UploadApp(newApp); //上传到数据库 if (ret) { EventLogger.Log($"上传最新版本 {newApp.MODEL_VERSION} 的程序【{newApp.MODEL_NAME}】到服务器。"); } #endregion } else if (dbVersion > appInfo.MODEL_INNER_VERSION) //服务器版本 > 当前版本 => 升级 { #region 载最新版本 SysAppInfo newApp = VersionProcess.GetNewApp(newAppPKNO); //下载 #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newApp?.PKNO)) //下载失败 { continue; } bool updateResult = false; //强制升级 #region 保存到本地,并升级 string newfilename = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Temp\\" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH) ? "" : newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH + "\\") + newApp.APP_NAME; string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(newfilename); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } FileHelper.BytesToFile(newApp.MODEL_CONTENT, newfilename); string oldfilename = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH) ? "" : newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH + "\\") + newApp.APP_NAME; string filename = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH) ? "" : newApp.APP_RELATIVE_PATH + "\\") + newApp.APP_NAME; try { File.Copy(newfilename, oldfilename); updateResult = true; //升级成功 EventLogger.Log($"【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 完成自动升级。"); } catch (Exception) //升级失败 { iUpdateIndex++; //索引号 #region 形成升级Bat updateCmd += $"echo {iUpdateIndex}. 正在升级 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 到 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} ..." + Environment.NewLine; //显示提示信息 updateCmd += "ping -n 2 > nul " + Environment.NewLine; //暂停2s updateCmd += "if not exist Temp\\" + filename + " (" + Environment.NewLine; //检验是否已经下载了文件 updateCmd += $" echo 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} ... 尚未下载,升级失败!" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += $")" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += "copy /y " + "Temp\\" + filename + " " + filename + Environment.NewLine; //复制 => 升级文件 updateCmd += "if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (" + Environment.NewLine; //复制成功 updateCmd += $" echo 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 升级成功。" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += $" echo %DATE% %TIME% 完成【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 的升级 >>log\\AutoUpdate.txt" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += ") else (" + Environment.NewLine; //复制失败 updateCmd += " copy /y " + "Temp\\" + filename + " " + filename + Environment.NewLine; //二次复制 => 升级文件 updateCmd += " if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (" + Environment.NewLine; //复制成功 updateCmd += $" echo 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 升级成功。" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += $" echo %DATE% %TIME% 完成【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 的升级 >>log\\AutoUpdate.txt" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += " ) else (" + Environment.NewLine; updateCmd += $" echo 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 升级失败,请退出系统后,运行【{UpgradeBatFile}】。" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += $" echo %DATE% %TIME% 【{appInfo.MODEL_NAME}】 {appInfo.MODEL_VERSION} 升级失败,错误代码为 %ERRORLEVEL% >>log\\AutoUpdate.txt" + Environment.NewLine; // updateCmd += " pause" + Environment.NewLine; updateCmd += " exit" + Environment.NewLine; updateCmd += " )" + Environment.NewLine; updateCmd += ")" + Environment.NewLine; #endregion updateResult = false; } #endregion if ((!updateResult) && (!bForceUpdate)) //升级失败,检验是否强制升级 { if (bFisrtCheck) { bForceUpdate = true; //强制升级 } else //不是第一次检测,则需要检测是否强制升级 { int updateType = VersionProcess.CheckUpdateVersion(appInfo.MODEL_CODE, appInfo.MODEL_INNER_VERSION.Value); //获取版本升级信息,是否强制升级 #region 强制升级 if (updateType == 2) //强制升级 { bForceUpdate = true; //强制升级 } #endregion } } } } //end foreach if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateCmd)) //有升级 { if (!Directory.Exists("log")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("log"); } updateCmd = "@echo off " + Environment.NewLine + " color fc " + Environment.NewLine + " title ******** 客户端自动升级程序 ******* " + Environment.NewLine + " echo *****************客户端自动升级程序(共" + iUpdateIndex + "个) ************* " + Environment.NewLine + updateCmd; updateCmd += "echo 系统升级成功!" + (bFisrtCheck ? "请重新打开程序。": "") + Environment.NewLine; //升级成功 updateCmd += "del /f /q " + UpgradeBatFile + Environment.NewLine; //删除本身 FileHelper.SaveStrToFile(updateCmd, UpgradeBatFile, true); //保存升级文件 } if (bForceUpdate) //强制升级 { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring( $"检测到系统有强制升级的新版本,系统自动升级失败,需要强制升级。" + Environment.NewLine + "***!系统将退出!***", "自动升级程序"); })); App.AppExit(5); } } catch (Exception ex) { NetLog.Error("自动升级程序失败,", ex); Console.WriteLine("自动升级程序失败,错误为:" + ex.Message); } }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AmAssetMasterN asset = cmbDeviceInfo.SelectedItem as AmAssetMasterN; if (asset == null) { return; } //保存 TmsDeviceToolsPos m_TmsDeviceToolsPos = dictInfo.DataContext as TmsDeviceToolsPos; if (m_TmsDeviceToolsPos == null) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.TOOLS_POS_NO)) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("请输入刀号!", "保存"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.PKNO)) //新增 { TmsDeviceToolsPos check = ws.UseService(s => s.GetTmsDeviceToolsPoss($"TOOLS_POS_NO = '{m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.TOOLS_POS_NO}' AND DEVICE_PKNO = '{asset.PKNO}' AND USE_FLAG > 0 ")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (check != null) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("该设备的刀位号已经存在,不能新增相同的刀位号!", "保存"); return; } m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.PKNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.CREATION_DATE = DateTime.Now; m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.CREATED_BY = CBaseData.LoginName; m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = DateTime.Now; ws.UseService(s => s.AddTmsDeviceToolsPos(m_TmsDeviceToolsPos)); } else //修改 { TmsDeviceToolsPos check = ws.UseService( s => s.GetTmsDeviceToolsPoss( $"TOOLS_POS_NO = '{m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.TOOLS_POS_NO}' AND PKNO <> '{m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.PKNO}' AND DEVICE_PKNO = '{asset.PKNO}' AND USE_FLAG > 0 ")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (check != null) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring("该设备的刀位号已经存在,不能修改为该刀位号!", "保存"); return; } m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = DateTime.Now; m_TmsDeviceToolsPos.UPDATED_BY = CBaseData.LoginName; ws.UseService(s => s.UpdateTmsDeviceToolsPos(m_TmsDeviceToolsPos)); } GetPage(); //重新加载 gbItem.IsCollapsed = true; dictInfo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
private void bTestMessageBoxWarring_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring((sender as Button).Content.ToString(), "测试"); }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //保存 AmAssetMasterN asset = cmbAssetInfo.SelectedItem as AmAssetMasterN; FmsAssetTagSetting assetTag = gbItem.DataContext as FmsAssetTagSetting; if (assetTag == null) { return; } #region 校验 if (asset == null) { MessageBox.Show("请选择设备!", "保存", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTag.TAG_CODE)) //标签编码 { List <FmsAssetTagSetting> existTags = _fmsClient.UseService(s => s.GetFmsAssetTagSettings( $"USE_FLAG = 1 AND TAG_CODE = '{assetTag.TAG_CODE}'")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTag.PKNO)) //修改 { existTags = existTags.Where(c => c.PKNO != assetTag.PKNO).ToList(); } if (existTags.Any()) { WPFMessageBox.ShowWarring( $"该标签编码【{assetTag.TAG_CODE}】已存在不能" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTag.PKNO) ? "添加" : "修改") + "为这个编码!", "保存"); return; } } #endregion #region 保存 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTag.PKNO)) { assetTag.PKNO = CBaseData.NewGuid(); assetTag.CREATED_BY = CBaseData.LoginName; assetTag.CREATION_DATE = DateTime.Now; assetTag.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = DateTime.Now; //最后修改日期 _fmsClient.UseService(s => s.AddFmsAssetTagSetting(assetTag)); } else { assetTag.UPDATED_BY = CBaseData.LoginName; assetTag.LAST_UPDATE_DATE = DateTime.Now; _fmsClient.UseService(s => s.UpdateFmsAssetTagSetting(assetTag)); } NotificationInvoke.NewNotification("保存", "设备通讯标签配置信息已保存。"); #endregion GetPage(); //重新刷新数据,根据需求是否进行刷新数据 //保存成功 gbItem.IsCollapsed = true; gbItem.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BindHelper.SetDictDataBindingGridItem(gbItem, gridItem); }