コード例 #1
        static void Main()
            Logging.Info("+static Main()");

                splashscreen_window.UpdateMessage("Logging in");

                LoginWindow login_window = new LoginWindow();


                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error(ex, "Exception caught at Main() application.Run().  Disaster.");


            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error(ex, "Exception caught at Main().  Disaster.");

            Logging.Info("-static Main()");
        public static PivotResult GeneratePivot(MultiMapSet <string, string> map_y_axis, MultiMapSet <string, string> map_x_axis)
            List <string> y_keys = new List <string>(map_y_axis.Keys);
            List <string> x_keys = new List <string>(map_x_axis.Keys);


            List <string>[,] common_fingerprints = new List <string> [y_keys.Count, x_keys.Count];

            int y_progress = 0;

            Parallel.For(0, y_keys.Count, (y, loop_state) =>
                         //for (int y = 0; y < y_keys.Count; ++y)
                int y_progress_locked = Interlocked.Increment(ref y_progress);

                if (General.HasPercentageJustTicked(y_progress_locked, y_keys.Count))
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatusBusy("LibraryPivot", "Building library pivot", y_progress_locked, y_keys.Count, true);
                    WPFDoEvents.DoEvents();// HackityHack

                    if (StatusManager.Instance.IsCancelled("LibraryPivot"))
                        Logging.Warn("User cancelled library pivot generation");

                string y_key = y_keys[y];
                HashSet <string> y_values = map_y_axis.Get(y_key);

                for (int x = 0; x < x_keys.Count; ++x)
                    string x_key = x_keys[x];
                    HashSet <string> x_values = map_x_axis.Get(x_key);

                    var common_fingerprint = y_values.Intersect(x_values);
                    if (0 < common_fingerprint.Count())
                        common_fingerprints[y, x] = new List <string>(common_fingerprint);

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LibraryPivot", "Built library pivot");

            PivotResult pivot_result = new PivotResult();

            pivot_result.y_keys = y_keys;
            pivot_result.x_keys = x_keys;
            pivot_result.common_fingerprints = common_fingerprints;
コード例 #3
        public override DocumentPage GetPage(int page_zero_based)
            // Hackity hack

            if (null != last_document_page)
                last_document_page = null;

            int page = page_from + page_zero_based;

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("PDFPrinter", String.Format("Printing page {0} of {1}", page_zero_based + 1, this.PageCount), page_zero_based + 1, this.PageCount, true);

            // Render a page at 300 DPI...
            using (Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(pdf_renderer.GetPageByDPIAsImage(page, 300))))
                PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderAnnotations(image, pdf_document, page, null);
                PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderHighlights(image, pdf_document, page);
                PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderInks(image, pdf_document, page);
                BitmapSource image_page = BitmapImageTools.CreateBitmapSourceFromImage(image);

                DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
                using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen())
                    // Rotate the image if its orientation does not match the printer
                    if (
                        page_size.Width < page_size.Height && image_page.Width > image_page.Height ||
                        page_size.Width > page_size.Height && image_page.Width < image_page.Height
                        image_page = new TransformedBitmap(image_page, new RotateTransform(90));

                    dc.DrawImage(image_page, new Rect(0, 0, page_size.Width, page_size.Height));


                last_document_page = new DocumentPage(dv);
コード例 #4
        void Regenerate()
            HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints = null;

            if (null != PDFDocuments && 0 < PDFDocuments.Count)
                parent_fingerprints = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var pdf_document in PDFDocuments)

            MultiMapSet <string, string> map_y_axis = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GenerateAxisMap((string)ObjYAxis.SelectedItem, Library, parent_fingerprints);
            MultiMapSet <string, string> map_x_axis = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GenerateAxisMap((string)ObjXAxis.SelectedItem, Library, parent_fingerprints);

            LibraryPivotReportBuilder.IdentifierImplementations.IdentifierImplementationDelegate identifier_implementation = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.IdentifierImplementations.GetIdentifierImplementation((string)ObjIdentifier.SelectedItem);

            LibraryPivotReportBuilder.PivotResult pivot_result = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GeneratePivot(map_y_axis, map_x_axis);

            GridControl ObjGridControl = new GridControl();

            ObjGridControlHolder.Content     = ObjGridControl;
            ObjGridControl.Model.RowCount    = map_y_axis.Count + 2;
            ObjGridControl.Model.ColumnCount = map_x_axis.Count + 2;

            // ROW/COLUMN Titles
            for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, 0].CellValue     = pivot_result.y_keys[y];
                ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, 0].CellValueType = typeof(string);
            for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, x + 1].CellValue     = pivot_result.x_keys[x];
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, x + 1].CellValueType = typeof(string);

            // Grid contents
            for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                if (General.HasPercentageJustTicked(y, pivot_result.y_keys.Count))
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatusBusy("LibraryPivot", "Building library pivot grid", y, pivot_result.y_keys.Count, true);
                    WPFDoEvents.DoEvents();// HackityHack

                    if (StatusManager.Instance.IsCancelled("LibraryPivot"))
                        Logging.Warn("User cancelled library pivot grid generation");

                for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                    identifier_implementation(Library, pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x], ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, x + 1]);
            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LibraryPivot", "Finished library pivot");

            // ROW/COLUMN Totals
                int y_total = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                        int total = 0;
                        for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                            if (null != pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x])
                                total += pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x].Count;

                        ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = total;
                        ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                        y_total += total;

                int x_total = 0;
                    for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                        int total = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                            if (null != pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x])
                                total += pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x].Count;

                        ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, x + 1].CellValue     = total;
                        ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, x + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                        x_total += total;

                int common_total = (x_total + y_total) / 2;
                if (common_total != x_total || common_total != y_total)
                    throw new GenericException("X and Y totals do not match?!");
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = common_total;
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                ObjGridControl.Model[0, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = "TOTAL";
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(string);
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, 0].CellValue     = "TOTAL";
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, 0].CellValueType = typeof(string);

            // Store the results for the toolbar buttons
            last_pivot_result   = pivot_result;
            last_ObjGridControl = ObjGridControl;
 public void UpdateMessage(string message)
     TxtMessage.Text = message;