public void SelectOnCountry() { if (GameMapManager.SelectedCountryManager != null) { GameCountryManager = GameWorldManager.WorldCountryManagement.FirstOrDefault(e => ==; if (GameCountryManager != null) { GameMapManager.DebugText.text = string.Format("SELET {0}, {1}",, GameCountryManager.CountryGovernment.MapLookUpName); gameObject.SetActive(true); wmslObj.FlyToCountry(GameCountryManager.CountryGovernment.MapLookUpName, 1f, wmslObj.lastKnownZoomLevel); GameMapManager.DebugText.text = string.Format("elected Country Government {0}",; GovernmentName.text =; CountryNationals.text = GameCountryManager.CountryGovernment.TitleOfPopulation; CountryFounding.text = GameCountryManager.CountryGovernment.FoundingYear.ToString(); CaptialName.text = GameCountryManager.CountryGovernment.CaptialName; GameMapManager.GameMapSelectedType = MapSelected.Country; } else { GameMapManager.DebugText.text = string.Format("Missing Government {0}",; gameObject.SetActive(false); GovernmentName.text =; wmslObj.FlyToCountry(, 1f, wmslObj.lastKnownZoomLevel); } // SetPanelsByModeOnClick(); ColorizeCountry(); } else { // relations GameMapManager.DebugText.text = "NO RELATIONS OPEN EMBASSY"; } }
void Start() { App app = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <App>(); var folder = Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath); // Market market = new Market(); State.turn = 1; State.SetEra(MyEnum.Era.Early); State.setGamePhase(MyEnum.GamePhase.adminstration);; autoSave = app.GetAutoSave(); humanNation = app.GetHumanNation(); scenario = app.GetScenario(); map = WMSK.instance; ApplyScenarioDataToMap(); map.renderViewportCurvature = -2.5f; map.Redraw(); ToggleHumanPlayer(); InitializeNation initializer = new InitializeNation(); foreach (Nation nation in nations.Values) { initializer.InitializeThisNation(nation); } ColourContries(); CreateMiniMap(); // PlaceResourcesOnMap(); cheat(); // CreateTariffTable(); InitializeTechnologies(); deactivateGUIs(); // Debug.Log("Child Count " + cultureHand.transform.childCount); State.initializeTacticCards(); State.createTacticCardDeck(); State.initalizeCultureCards(); testCards(); headerValues.assignHeaderValues(); Texture2D cursorTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/mousepointer") as Texture2D; Cursor.SetCursor(cursorTexture, hotSpot, cursorMode); Nation human = State.getNations()[app.GetHumanIndex()]; State.refillTurnOrder(); map.FlyToCountry(app.GetHumanIndex(), 1.5f, 0.365f); // map.VGOToggleGroupVisibility(0, false); }
void Start() { // Get a reference to the World Map API: map = WMSK.instance; // UI Setup - non-important, only for this demo labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; labelStyleShadow = new GUIStyle(labelStyle); labelStyleShadow.normal.textColor =; buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(labelStyle); buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; buttonStyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture; buttonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; // setup GUI resizer - only for the demo GUIResizer.Init(800, 500); /* Register events: this is optionally but allows your scripts to be informed instantly as the mouse enters or exits a country, province or city */ map.OnCityEnter += (int cityIndex) => Debug.Log("Entered city " + map.cities [cityIndex].name); map.OnCityExit += (int cityIndex) => Debug.Log("Exited city " + map.cities [cityIndex].name); map.OnCityClick += (int cityIndex) => Debug.Log("Clicked city " + map.cities [cityIndex].name); map.OnProvinceEnter += (int provinceIndex, int regionIndex) => Debug.Log("Entered province " + map.provinces [provinceIndex].name); map.OnProvinceExit += (int provinceIndex, int regionIndex) => Debug.Log("Exited province " + map.provinces [provinceIndex].name); map.OnProvinceClick += (int provinceIndex, int regionIndex) => Debug.Log("Clicked province " + map.provinces [provinceIndex].name); map.FlyToCountry("France", 3, 0.05f); }
void Start() { // Get a reference to the World Map API: map = WMSK.instance; // UI Setup - non-important, only for this demo labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; labelStyleShadow = new GUIStyle(labelStyle); labelStyleShadow.normal.textColor =; buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(labelStyle); buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; buttonStyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture; buttonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; colorPicker = gameObject.GetComponent <ColorPicker> (); sliderStyle = new GUIStyle(); sliderStyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture; sliderStyle.fixedHeight = 4.0f; sliderThumbStyle = new GUIStyle(); sliderThumbStyle.normal.background = Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("GUI/thumb"); sliderThumbStyle.overflow = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); sliderThumbStyle.fixedWidth = 20.0f; sliderThumbStyle.fixedHeight = 12.0f; // setup GUI resizer - only for the demo GUIResizer.Init(800, 500); /* Register events: this is optionally but allows your scripts to be informed instantly as the mouse enters or exits a country, province or city */ map.OnCellEnter += (int cellIndex) => Debug.Log("Entered cell #" + cellIndex + " at row " + map.cells[cellIndex].row + ", column " + map.cells[cellIndex].column); map.OnCellExit += (int cellIndex) => Debug.Log("Exited cell #" + cellIndex + " at row " + map.cells[cellIndex].row + ", column " + map.cells[cellIndex].column); map.OnCellClick += (int cellIndex) => { int row = map.cells[cellIndex].row; int col = map.cells[cellIndex].column; Debug.Log("Clicked cell #" + cellIndex + " at row " + row + ", column " + col + ", center = " + map.cells[cellIndex].center); if (enableFadeOut) { FadeOutCells(row, col); } }; map.SetZoomLevel(0.3f); map.showGrid = true; cellsCount = map.gridColumns; map.FlyToCountry("Spain", 0, 0.17f); }
// Utility functions called from OnGUI: void FlyToCountry(int countryIndex) { map.FlyToCountry(countryIndex, 2.0f); map.BlinkCountry(countryIndex,,, 3.0f, 0.2f); }
// Utility functions called from OnGUI: void FlyToCountryAndBlinkIt(string countryName) { map.FlyToCountry(countryName, 2.0f); map.BlinkCountry(countryName,,, 3.0f, 0.2f); }