public WicPlanarCacheSource(IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform source, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descY, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descC, WICRect crop, WICBitmapTransformOptions transformOptions, uint width, uint height, double ratio) { // TODO fractional ratio support? subsampleRatioX = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Width / descC.Width); subsampleRatioY = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Height / descC.Height); var scrop = new WICRect(); scrop.X = (int)Math.Floor(crop.X / ratio); scrop.Y = (int)Math.Floor(crop.Y / ratio); scrop.Width = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Width / ratio), (int)descY.Width); scrop.Height = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Height / ratio), (int)descY.Height); if (subsampleRatioX > 1d) { descC.Width = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX), descC.Width); descY.Width = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Width * subsampleRatioX, scrop.Width); if (scrop.X % subsampleRatioX > 0) { scrop.X = (int)(scrop.X / subsampleRatioX) * (int)subsampleRatioX; } } else { descC.Width = descY.Width = (uint)scrop.Width; } if (subsampleRatioY > 1d) { descC.Height = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Height / subsampleRatioY), descC.Height); descY.Height = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Height * subsampleRatioY, scrop.Height); if (scrop.Y % subsampleRatioY > 0) { scrop.Y = (int)(scrop.Y / subsampleRatioY) * (int)subsampleRatioY; } } else { descC.Height = descY.Height = (uint)scrop.Height; } sourceTransform = source; sourceTransformOptions = transformOptions; planeDescriptionY = descY; planeDescriptionC = descC; scaledCrop = scrop; scaledWidth = width; scaledHeight = height; strideY = (uint)scrop.Width + 3u & ~3u; buffHeightY = 16u; strideC = (uint)(Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX)) * 2u + 3u & ~3u; buffHeightC = (uint)(buffHeightY / subsampleRatioY); sourceY = new WicPlanarSource(this, WicPlane.Luma, descY); sourceC = new WicPlanarSource(this, WicPlane.Chroma, descC); }
public void Rotate(WICBitmapTransformOptions options) { var clip = WICImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFlipRotator(); clip.Object.Initialize(_comObject.Object, options).ThrowOnError(); _comObject?.Dispose(); _comObject = clip; }
public virtual int Initialize( IWICBitmapSource pISource, WICBitmapTransformOptions options ) { var fp = GetFunctionPointer(8); if (m_InitializeFunc == null) { m_InitializeFunc = (InitializeFunc)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(InitializeFunc)); } return(m_InitializeFunc(m_ptr, pISource != null ? pISource.Ptr : IntPtr.Zero, options)); }
public virtual int DoesSupportTransform( WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, out int pfIsSupported ) { var fp = GetFunctionPointer(6); if (m_DoesSupportTransformFunc == null) { m_DoesSupportTransformFunc = (DoesSupportTransformFunc)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(DoesSupportTransformFunc)); } return(m_DoesSupportTransformFunc(m_ptr, dstTransform, out pfIsSupported)); }
/// <summary> /// Check the transformation to see if it's a simple scale and/or rotation and/or flip. /// </summary> internal void GetParamsFromTransform( Transform newTransform, out double scaleX, out double scaleY, out WICBitmapTransformOptions options) { Matrix m = newTransform.Value; if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(m.M12) && DoubleUtil.IsZero(m.M21)) { scaleX = Math.Abs(m.M11); scaleY = Math.Abs(m.M22); options = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate0; if (m.M11 < 0) { options |= WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal; } if (m.M22 < 0) { options |= WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipVertical; } } else { Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.IsZero(m.M11) && DoubleUtil.IsZero(m.M22)); scaleX = Math.Abs(m.M12); scaleY = Math.Abs(m.M21); options = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate90; if (m.M12 < 0) { options |= WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal; } if (m.M21 >= 0) { options |= WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipVertical; } } }
public virtual int CopyPixels( ref WICRect prcSource, uint uiWidth, uint uiHeight, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, WICPlanarOptions dstPlanarOptions, ref WICBitmapPlane pDstPlanes, uint cPlanes ) { var fp = GetFunctionPointer(4); if (m_CopyPixelsFunc == null) { m_CopyPixelsFunc = (CopyPixelsFunc)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(CopyPixelsFunc)); } return(m_CopyPixelsFunc(m_ptr, ref prcSource, uiWidth, uiHeight, dstTransform, dstPlanarOptions, ref pDstPlanes, cPlanes)); }
public virtual int CopyPixels( ref WICRect prc, uint uiWidth, uint uiHeight, out Guid pguidDstFormat, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, uint nStride, uint cbBufferSize, out byte pbBuffer ) { var fp = GetFunctionPointer(3); if (m_CopyPixelsFunc == null) { m_CopyPixelsFunc = (CopyPixelsFunc)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(CopyPixelsFunc)); } return(m_CopyPixelsFunc(m_ptr, ref prc, uiWidth, uiHeight, out pguidDstFormat, dstTransform, nStride, cbBufferSize, out pbBuffer)); }
public virtual int DoesSupportTransform( out uint puiWidth, out uint puiHeight, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, WICPlanarOptions dstPlanarOptions, ref Guid pguidDstFormats, out WICBitmapPlaneDescription pPlaneDescriptions, uint cPlanes, out int pfIsSupported ) { var fp = GetFunctionPointer(3); if (m_DoesSupportTransformFunc == null) { m_DoesSupportTransformFunc = (DoesSupportTransformFunc)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(DoesSupportTransformFunc)); } return(m_DoesSupportTransformFunc(m_ptr, out puiWidth, out puiHeight, dstTransform, dstPlanarOptions, ref pguidDstFormats, out pPlaneDescriptions, cPlanes, out pfIsSupported)); }
private static WICBitmapTransformOptions TransformOptionsFromUshort(ushort value) { WICBitmapTransformOptions result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate0; switch (value) { case 2: result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal; break; case 3: result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate180; break; case 4: result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipVertical; break; case 5: result = (WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate90 | WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate180 | WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal); break; case 6: result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate90; break; case 7: result = (WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate90 | WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal); break; case 8: result = WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate270; break; } return(result); }
public void CopyPixels([In] ref WICRect prc, [In] uint uiWidth, [In] uint uiHeight, Guid dstFormat, [In] WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, [In] uint nStride, [In] uint cbBufferSize, byte[] pbBuffer) { try { Log.Trace($"Trans CopyPixels called"); Log.Trace($"Trans CopyPixels called: {uiWidth}, {uiHeight} {dstFormat}"); if (dstFormat == GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA) { CopyBGRA(ref prc, nStride, cbBufferSize, pbBuffer); } if (prc.Y + prc.Height == rgbmap.Height) { rgbmap.Dispose(); } Log.Trace("CopyPixels finished"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("CopyPixels failed: " + e); throw; } }
public HRESULT DoesSupportTransform(WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, BOOL *pfIsSupported) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICBitmapSourceTransform *, WICBitmapTransformOptions, BOOL *, int>)(lpVtbl[6]))((IWICBitmapSourceTransform *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), dstTransform, pfIsSupported)); }
internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializeBitmapFlipRotator( IntPtr /* IWICBitmapFlipRotator */ THIS_PTR, IntPtr /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, WICBitmapTransformOptions options);
public void DoesSupportTransform([In] WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, out int pfIsSupported) { Log.Trace($"Trans DoesSupportTransform called"); pfIsSupported = 0; }
public static IWICBitmapSource GetOrientedImageSource(this IWICImagingFactory factory, IWICBitmapSource source, WICBitmapTransformOptions opt) { if (factory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("factory"); } if (opt == WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate0) { return(source); } IWICBitmap iwicbitmap = null; factory.CreateBitmapFromSource(source, WICBitmapCreateCacheOption.WICBitmapCacheOnDemand, out iwicbitmap); IWICBitmapFlipRotator iwicbitmapFlipRotator = null; factory.CreateBitmapFlipRotator(out iwicbitmapFlipRotator); iwicbitmapFlipRotator.Initialize(iwicbitmap, opt); IWICBitmapSource result = iwicbitmapFlipRotator; GraphicsInteropNativeMethods.SafeReleaseComObject(iwicbitmap); return(result); }
public HRESULT CopyPixels([NativeTypeName("const WICRect *")] WICRect *prcSource, uint uiWidth, uint uiHeight, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, WICPlanarOptions dstPlanarOptions, [NativeTypeName("const WICBitmapPlane *")] WICBitmapPlane *pDstPlanes, uint cPlanes) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform *, WICRect *, uint, uint, WICBitmapTransformOptions, WICPlanarOptions, WICBitmapPlane *, uint, int>)(lpVtbl[4]))((IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), prcSource, uiWidth, uiHeight, dstTransform, dstPlanarOptions, pDstPlanes, cPlanes)); }
public WicPlanarCache(IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform source, ReadOnlySpan <WICBitmapPlaneDescription> desc, WICBitmapTransformOptions transformOptions, uint width, uint height, in PixelArea crop)
public static bool RequiresCache(this WICBitmapTransformOptions opt) => opt != WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformRotate0 && opt != WICBitmapTransformOptions.WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal;
public int CopyPixels([NativeTypeName("const WICRect *")] WICRect *prc, [NativeTypeName("UINT")] uint uiWidth, [NativeTypeName("UINT")] uint uiHeight, [NativeTypeName("WICPixelFormatGUID *")] Guid *pguidDstFormat, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, [NativeTypeName("UINT")] uint nStride, [NativeTypeName("UINT")] uint cbBufferSize, [NativeTypeName("BYTE *")] byte *pbBuffer) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICBitmapSourceTransform *, WICRect *, uint, uint, Guid *, WICBitmapTransformOptions, uint, uint, byte *, int>)(lpVtbl[3]))((IWICBitmapSourceTransform *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), prc, uiWidth, uiHeight, pguidDstFormat, dstTransform, nStride, cbBufferSize, pbBuffer)); }
public int DoesSupportTransform(WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, [NativeTypeName("BOOL *")] int *pfIsSupported) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICBitmapSourceTransform *, WICBitmapTransformOptions, int *, int>)(lpVtbl[6]))((IWICBitmapSourceTransform *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), dstTransform, pfIsSupported)); }
public WicPlanarCache(IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform source, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descY, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descC, WICRect crop, WICBitmapTransformOptions transformOptions, uint width, uint height, double ratio) { subsampleRatioX = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Width / descC.Width); subsampleRatioY = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Height / descC.Height); var scrop = new WICRect { X = (int)Math.Floor(crop.X / ratio), Y = (int)Math.Floor(crop.Y / ratio), Width = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Width / ratio), (int)descY.Width), Height = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Height / ratio), (int)descY.Height) }; if (subsampleRatioX > 1d) { if (scrop.X % subsampleRatioX > double.Epsilon) { scrop.X = (int)(scrop.X / subsampleRatioX) * (int)subsampleRatioX; } if (scrop.Width % subsampleRatioX > double.Epsilon) { scrop.Width = (int)Math.Min(Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX) * (int)subsampleRatioX, descY.Width - scrop.X); } descC.Width = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX), descC.Width); descY.Width = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Width * subsampleRatioX, scrop.Width); } else { descC.Width = descY.Width = (uint)scrop.Width; } if (subsampleRatioY > 1d) { if (scrop.Y % subsampleRatioY > double.Epsilon) { scrop.Y = (int)(scrop.Y / subsampleRatioY) * (int)subsampleRatioY; } if (scrop.Height % subsampleRatioY > double.Epsilon) { scrop.Height = (int)Math.Min(Math.Ceiling(scrop.Height / subsampleRatioY) * (int)subsampleRatioY, descY.Height - scrop.Y); } descC.Height = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Height / subsampleRatioY), descC.Height); descY.Height = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Height * subsampleRatioY, scrop.Height); } else { descC.Height = descY.Height = (uint)scrop.Height; } sourceTransform = source; sourceTransformOptions = transformOptions; scaledCrop = scrop; scaledWidth = width; scaledHeight = height; strideY = scrop.Width + 3 & ~3; strideC = (int)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX) * 2 + 3 & ~3; buffHeightY = Math.Min(scrop.Height, transformOptions.RequiresCache() ? scrop.Height : 16); buffHeightC = (int)Math.Ceiling(buffHeightY / subsampleRatioY); sourceY = new PlanarPixelSource(this, WicPlane.Luma, descY); sourceC = new PlanarPixelSource(this, WicPlane.Chroma, descC); }
internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize( System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFlipRotator */ THIS_PTR, System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, WICBitmapTransformOptions options);
public WicPlanarCacheSource(IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform source, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descY, WICBitmapPlaneDescription descC, WICRect crop, WICBitmapTransformOptions transformOptions, uint width, uint height, double ratio, bool cacheFull) { this.cacheFull = cacheFull; // TODO fractional ratio support? subsampleRatioX = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Width / descC.Width); subsampleRatioY = Math.Ceiling((double)descY.Height / descC.Height); var scrop = new WICRect { X = (int)Math.Floor(crop.X / ratio), Y = (int)Math.Floor(crop.Y / ratio), Width = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Width / ratio), (int)descY.Width), Height = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling(crop.Height / ratio), (int)descY.Height) }; if (subsampleRatioX > 1d) { if (scrop.X % subsampleRatioX > 0d) { scrop.X = (int)(scrop.X / subsampleRatioX) * (int)subsampleRatioX; } if (scrop.Width % subsampleRatioX > 0d) { scrop.Width = (int)Math.Min(Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX) * (int)subsampleRatioX, descY.Width); } descC.Width = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX), descC.Width); descY.Width = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Width * subsampleRatioX, scrop.Width); } else { descC.Width = descY.Width = (uint)scrop.Width; } if (subsampleRatioY > 1d) { if (scrop.Y % subsampleRatioY > 0d) { scrop.Y = (int)(scrop.Y / subsampleRatioY) * (int)subsampleRatioY; } if (scrop.Height % subsampleRatioY > 0d) { scrop.Height = (int)Math.Min(Math.Ceiling(scrop.Height / subsampleRatioY) * (int)subsampleRatioY, descY.Height); } descC.Height = Math.Min((uint)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Height / subsampleRatioY), descC.Height); descY.Height = (uint)Math.Min(descC.Height * subsampleRatioY, scrop.Height); } else { descC.Height = descY.Height = (uint)scrop.Height; } sourceTransform = source; sourceTransformOptions = transformOptions; scaledCrop = scrop; scaledWidth = width; scaledHeight = height; strideY = scrop.Width + 3 & ~3; buffHeightY = Math.Min(scrop.Height, cacheFull ? scrop.Height : 16); strideC = (int)Math.Ceiling(scrop.Width / subsampleRatioX) * 2 + 3 & ~3; buffHeightC = (int)Math.Ceiling(buffHeightY / subsampleRatioY); sourceY = new WicPlanarSource(this, WicPlane.Luma, descY); sourceC = new WicPlanarSource(this, WicPlane.Chroma, descC); }
public int Initialize([NativeTypeName("IWICBitmapSource *")] IWICBitmapSource *pISource, WICBitmapTransformOptions options) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICBitmapFlipRotator *, IWICBitmapSource *, WICBitmapTransformOptions, int>)(lpVtbl[8]))((IWICBitmapFlipRotator *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), pISource, options)); }
public HRESULT DoesSupportTransform(uint *puiWidth, uint *puiHeight, WICBitmapTransformOptions dstTransform, WICPlanarOptions dstPlanarOptions, [NativeTypeName("const WICPixelFormatGUID *")] Guid *pguidDstFormats, WICBitmapPlaneDescription *pPlaneDescriptions, uint cPlanes, BOOL *pfIsSupported) { return(((delegate * unmanaged <IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform *, uint *, uint *, WICBitmapTransformOptions, WICPlanarOptions, Guid *, WICBitmapPlaneDescription *, uint, BOOL *, int>)(lpVtbl[3]))((IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), puiWidth, puiHeight, dstTransform, dstPlanarOptions, pguidDstFormats, pPlaneDescriptions, cPlanes, pfIsSupported)); }