コード例 #1
        public static WFManualWorkItem GetWorkItem(string wID)
            IWFWorkflowService svc        = Common.GetWorkFlowAPI();
            string             workItemID = wID;// for example, "54A648A0A3004A02981E7F0848820FE7";
            WFManualWorkItem   workItem   = null;

                workItem = svc.GetWorkItem(workItemID);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            userNameWithDomain = "ap-fvzlpv2\\agpsvc";
            passWord           = "******";
            AuthHeader         = string.Format("Basic " + Base64Encode(string.Format("{0}:{1}", userNameWithDomain, passWord)));

                WFManualWorkItem   workItemResponse     = GetWorkItem("804738002502C7551199AE51BDBC1BEF");
                IWFWorkflowService wfService            = GetWorkflowService();
                WFManualWorkItem   wFProcessDefinitions = wfService.GetWorkItem("804738002502C7551199AE51BDBC1BEF");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nException Caught!");
コード例 #3
        public string getDisplayName(string processInstanceID)
            WFManualWorkItem thisNode = getNextNode(processInstanceID);

コード例 #4
        public void setValue(string pid, string name, object value)
            WFManualWorkItem thisNode = getNextNode(pid);

            api.SetCustomAttr(thisNode.WorkObjectID, name, value);
コード例 #5
        public object getValue(string pid, string name)
            WFManualWorkItem thisNode = getNextNode(pid);

            return(api.GetCustomAttr(thisNode.WorkObjectID, name));
コード例 #6
        private string prepareNextNode(string processInstanceID, string lastUserID, int OrganizationUnitID, ref string email)
            WFManualWorkItem nextNode = getNextNode(processInstanceID);

            if (nextNode == null)
                return(null); //process finished
                string participant      = "";
                string participantEmail = "";
                nextNode.UserID = nextNode.UserID.Split('\\')[1].ToString();

                //translate participant(防止多个流程角色)
                string[] ids = nextNode.OriginalUserID.Split('\\')[1].ToString().Split("|".ToCharArray());
                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    string uid = string.Empty;

                    string PositionTypeCode = ids[i].ToString();
                    getUserIDByIdentifier(PositionTypeCode, OrganizationUnitID, ref uid, ref email);

                    if (uid == "none")
                        participant      += uid + "&";
                        participantEmail += email;
                participant = participant.TrimEnd('&');
                // update workitem
                APWorkFlow.NodeStatusDataTable dt = new APWorkFlow.NodeStatusDataTable();
                APWorkFlow.NodeStatusRow       dr = dt.NewNodeStatusRow();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(participant) && participant != "none")   //user found
                    dr.STATUS      = FlowNodeStatus.ASSIGNED;
                    dr.PARTICIPANT = participant;
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    string clientData = sw.ToString();

                    System.Collections.ArrayList attrList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    attrList.Add(new NameValue("UserID", dr.PARTICIPANT));//更新该步骤的userid
                    attrList.Add(new NameValue("CLIENT_DATA", clientData));
                    NameValue[] attributes = (NameValue[])attrList.ToArray(typeof(NameValue));
                    api.UpdateWorkItem(nextNode.WorkItemID, attributes);
                    //update email
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(participantEmail))
                        email = participantEmail;
                else     // 没有找到人员
                    dr.STATUS      = FlowNodeStatus.ONERROR;
                    dr.PARTICIPANT = "P" + lastUserID + "P";
                    //dr.ERROR_MSG = "错误代码:Invalid UserId (" + nextNode.ProcInstName + "," + nextNode.OriginalUserID + "," + nextNode.UserID + ")";
                    dr.ERROR_MSG = "未能找到下一步审批人!";
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    string clientData = sw.ToString();

                    System.Collections.ArrayList attrList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    attrList.Add(new NameValue("UserID", dr.PARTICIPANT));
                    attrList.Add(new NameValue("CLIENT_DATA", clientData));
                    NameValue[] attributes = (NameValue[])attrList.ToArray(typeof(NameValue));
                    api.UpdateWorkItem(nextNode.WorkItemID, attributes);

                    // sendMail(getUserEmailByID(int.Parse(lastUserID)), "", "您提交的单据发生错误", "单据编号为:" + nextNode.ProcInstName);

                    throw new ApplicationException(dr.ERROR_MSG);
コード例 #7
        public string approve(bool isApproved, string approvalComment, string userID, string userName, string processInstanceID, string proxyUserName, int OrganizationUnitID, ref string email)
            try {
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processInstanceID))
                    throw new Exception("approve - processInstanceID is empty");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userID))
                    throw new Exception("approve - userID is empty");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                    throw new Exception("approve - userName is empty");

                string where = "WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS.PROC_INST_ID='" + processInstanceID + "' and WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS.STATUS in ('" + WFManualWorkItem.ASSIGNED + "','" + WFManualWorkItem.OVERDUE + "','" + WFManualWorkItem.REASSIGNED + "','" + WFManualWorkItem.PSEUDO + "') and CHARINDEX('P" + userID + "P',WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS.USER_ID)>0";
                WFManualWorkItem[] wis = api.QueryWorkListEx(where);

                if (wis.Length > 0)
                    WFManualWorkItem wi = wis[0];
                    APWorkFlow.NodeStatusDataTable dt = new APWorkFlow.NodeStatusDataTable();
                    StringReader sr = new StringReader(wi.ClientData);
                    APWorkFlow.NodeStatusRow dr = dt[0];
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUserName))
                        dr.APPROVED_BY = userName;
                        dr.APPROVED_BY = proxyUserName + " 代理 " + userName;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(approvalComment))
                        dr.COMMENTS = "";
                        dr.COMMENTS = approvalComment;
                    dr.COMPLETED_DATE = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                    if (isApproved)//若状态为通过
                        //  首先判断是否为尝试修复的
                        if (dr.STATUS.Equals(FlowNodeStatus.ONERROR))
                            // recover this node
                            System.Collections.ArrayList attrList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                            attrList.Add(new NameValue("UserID", wi.OriginalUserID));
                            NameValue[] attributes = (NameValue[])attrList.ToArray(typeof(NameValue));
                            api.UpdateWorkItem(wi.WorkItemID, attributes);
                            dr.STATUS = FlowNodeStatus.APPROVED;//通过
                            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                            string clientData = sw.ToString();                               //将信息写入XML并保存

                            WFEvent evt = api.CompleteWorkItemEx(wi.WorkItemID, clientData); //完成当前步骤
                            evt = getFullEvent(evt);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Error))
                                throw new Exception("approve - " + evt.Error);

                        if (dr.STATUS.Equals(FlowNodeStatus.ONERROR))
                            dr.COMMENTS = dr.ERROR_MSG;
                        dr.STATUS = FlowNodeStatus.CANCELLED;
                        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                        string clientData = sw.ToString();

                        ArrayList attrList = new ArrayList();
                        attrList.Add(new NameValue("CLIENT_DATA", clientData));
                        NameValue[] nv = (NameValue[])attrList.ToArray(typeof(NameValue));
                        api.UpdateWorkItem(wi.WorkItemID, nv);
                        WFEvent evt = api.CancelProcInst(processInstanceID);
                        evt = getFullEvent(evt);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Error))
                            throw new Exception("approve - " + evt.Error);

                    //prepare next node

                    string nextUser = prepareNextNode(processInstanceID, userID, OrganizationUnitID, ref email);
                    //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextUser) && nextUser == "P" + userID + "P") // 如果下一步包有且只有同一个人就自动审批(后面需要在审批历史里加入自动通过的标识)
                    //    return approve(isApproved, approvalComment, userID, userName, processInstanceID, proxyUserName, OrganizationUnitID, ref email);
                    throw new Exception("approve - 用户不能操作当前流程");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is ApplicationException)
                    throw e;
                throw new Exception(errorMSGPrefix + e.Message, e);
コード例 #8
ファイル: APHelper.cs プロジェクト: hijoy/CPL_ERS
        public WFManualWorkItem approvetest(WFManualWorkItem WorkItem, int OrganizationUnitID)
            string participant = "";
            WorkItem = getNextNode(WorkItem.ProcInstID);
            if (WorkItem != null) {
                string[] ids = WorkItem.OriginalUserID.Split('\\')[1].ToString().Split("|".ToCharArray());
                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) {
                    string uid = string.Empty;
                    string PositionTypeCode = ids[i].ToString();
                    string email = "";

                    getUserIDByIdentifier(PositionTypeCode, OrganizationUnitID, ref uid, ref email);
                    if (uid == "none") {
                        participant = "P27P&";
                    } else {
                        participant += uid + "&";
                participant = participant.TrimEnd('&');
                System.Collections.ArrayList attrList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                attrList.Add(new NameValue("UserID", participant));//更新该步骤的userid
                NameValue[] attributes = (NameValue[])attrList.ToArray(typeof(NameValue));
                api.UpdateWorkItem(WorkItem.WorkItemID, attributes);
                WorkItem = getNextNode(WorkItem.ProcInstID);
            return WorkItem;
コード例 #9
        private String RenderActivityContent(WorkflowService api, WFBaseProcessInstance pi, string id, WFManualWorkItem[] mwks, WFAutomaticWorkItem[] awks)
            string header =
                //				"<DIV style=\"DISPLAY:none;OVERFLOW: auto\">\n"
                "<TABLE id='popupTable' align=center border=1 bordercolor=lightgrey>\n"
                + "<TR><td>\n"
                + "<TABLE style=\"background-color: #ffffcc;font-family: 宋体,Verdana,sans-serif;font-size: 12;Z-INDEX:106\" cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
            string footer = "</TABLE>\n" + "</TD></TR>\n" + "</TABLE>\n";
            string content = "";

            WFBaseActivityInstance ai = api.GetActivityInst(id);
            //Retreive process definition and Activity definition
            string xmlString = api.GetProcDefXml(pi.DefID);
            WFProcessDefinition processDef = new WFProcessDefinition();
            ProcDefXmlParser xmlParser = new ProcDefXmlParser(processDef);
            IWFActivityDefinition ad = processDef.FindActivityByName(ai.Name);
            WFManualActivityDefinition activityDef = null;
            if (ad != null && ad.GetType() == typeof(WFManualActivityDefinition))
                activityDef = (WFManualActivityDefinition)ad;
            bool isSub = false; //zhouli
            ArrayList arrSub = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arrSubName = new ArrayList();
            if (ai.Session > 0)
                string status = ConvUtil.GetDisplayStatus(pi.Status, ai.Session, ai.TokenPos.Value, ai.Pending, ai.InStack);

                string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT Proc_Inst_ID,Proc_Inst_Name FROM WF_PROC_INSTS WHERE SUPER_PROC_INST_ID='{0}'", pi.ProcInstID);
                DataTable dtSub = SQLHelper.GetDataTable2(sql);
                if (dtSub.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtSub.Rows)

                status = GetCNStatus(status);
                content += ConstructRow(status, "");
                content += ConstructRow(null, null);
                if (mwks == null || mwks.Length == 0)
                    content += ConstructRow("开始日期:", DTFormat(ai.StartedDate));
                    if (ai.CompletedDate.Ticks > 0)
                        content += ConstructRow("完成日期:", DTFormat(ai.CompletedDate));
                    if (awks != null)
                        Hashtable names = GetSubProcInstName(api, awks);
                        string url = null;
                        string procInstName = null;
                        foreach (WFAutomaticWorkItem wk in awks)
                            procInstName = (string)names[wk.WorkItemID];
                            url = string.Format("<a href=# onclick=\"parent.showSubProcess('{0}')\">Sub Process '{1}'</a>", wk.WorkItemID, procInstName);
                            content += ConstructRow(string.Format("#{0}", wk.Session), url);
                //Show Mannual activity information
                    ArrayList participantList = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList participantStatus = new ArrayList();
                    //Create a list of participant involved in this activity
                    for (int index = mwks.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                        if (mwks[index].Status == WFManualWorkItem.ASSIGNED || mwks[index].Status == WFManualWorkItem.OVERDUE || mwks[index].Status == WFManualWorkItem.COMPLETED)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mwks[index].UserID))

                    //Show type of activity and participant info if it AgileWork of type process adaptation
                    if (activityDef != null && activityDef.CustomProperties.Contains("Ascentn.AgileWork.Premier.ProcessAdaptation"))
                        //Get type of the AgileWork
                        string activityType = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, id + "_ApprovalType") as string;
                        //Show type of the activity
                        content += ConstructRow(null, null);
                        content += ConstructRow("Activity Type:", activityType);

                        //Add those participant who have not been assgined yet(in case of sequential type) to participantList
                        if (activityType == "Sequential")
                            string activityProperties = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, id + "_ActivityProperties") as string;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(activityProperties))
                                string[] approverInfoList = activityProperties.Split(';');
                                //If number of Approver is more than one, only first approver is get assigned
                                //So add the rest approver(who have not been assigned)to the Participant List
                                if (approverInfoList.Length > 1)
                                    for (int i = 1; i < approverInfoList.Length; i++)
                                        string[] userInfoList = approverInfoList[i].Split('|');
                                        string user = userInfoList[0];
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                                            participantStatus.Add("In Queue");

                    #region 显示人物列表
                    //Show participant list  for the activity
                    if (participantList.Count > 0)
                        content += ConstructRow("参与该任务的用户", null);

                        for (int i = 0; i < participantList.Count; i++)
                            if (participantList[i].ToString().ToLower() != @"dev003\dummy")//zhouli
                                content += ConstructRow(participantList[i] + ":", participantStatus[i]);
                    foreach (WFManualWorkItem wk in mwks)
                        if (content.Length > 0)
                            content += ConstructRow(null, null);

                        if (wk.UserID.ToLower() == @"dev003\dummy") //zhouli
                            for (int sub = 0; sub < arrSub.Count; sub++)
                                //content += ConstructRow("子流程", arrSub[sub].ToString());
                                string url = string.Format("<a href=# onclick=\"parent.showSubProcess('{0}')\">{1}</a>", arrSub[sub].ToString(), arrSubName[sub].ToString());
                                content += ConstructRow("子流程", url);
                            content += ConstructRow("会话:", wk.Session);
                            content += ConstructRow("任务:", wk.Name);
                            content += ConstructRow("任务处理人:", GetUserName(wk.UserID)); //zhouli
                            content += ConstructRow("任务接收日期:", DTFormat(wk.AssignedDate));
                            //content += ConstructRow("过期日期:", DTFormat(wk.DueDate));
                            if (wk.CompletedDate.Ticks > 0)
                                content += ConstructRow("完成日期:", DTFormat(wk.CompletedDate));
                            content += ConstructRow("状态:", wk.Status);

                //Add custom attributes changes during this activity into content
                content += AddCustomAttribToContent(pi.ProcInstID, ai.StartedDate.ToString("M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss:fff tt"), ai.CompletedDate.ToString("M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss:fff tt"));

                //Show Process Adaptation Link only when AgileWork is of type Ascentn.AgileWork.Premier.ProcessAdaptation and not completed or cancled
                if (status != WFBaseActivityInstance.PASSED && status != WFBaseActivityInstance.CANCELLED
                    && activityDef != null && activityDef.CustomProperties.Contains("Ascentn.AgileWork.Premier.ProcessAdaptation"))
                    // Get Process Adaptation Url from web.config
                    string processAdaptationUrl = (String)ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProcessAdaptationUrl"];
                    string queryString = "?ProcessTemplate=" + pi.DefName + "&ProcessInstance=" + pi.ProcInstID + "&ActiveInstance=" + id;
                    string processAdptationLink = string.Format("<a href=# onclick=\"parent.showProcessAdaptation('{0}')\">Open Process Adaptation</a>", processAdaptationUrl + queryString);
                    //Add process adaptation link to the content
                    content += ConstructRow(null, null);
                    content += ConstructRow(processAdptationLink, null);
                content += ConstructRow("信息:", "此步骤还未流转到!");
            return header + content + footer;