protected void fvAg_WFP3_Encumbrance_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { int? i = null; int iCode = 0; FormView fv = fvAg_WFP3_Encumbrance; DropDownList ddlEncumbrance = fv.FindControl("ddlEncumbrance") as DropDownList; CustomControls_AjaxCalendar ecDate = fvAg_WFP3_Encumbrance.FindControl("tbCalEncumbranceDate") as CustomControls_AjaxCalendar; TextBox tbAmount = fv.FindControl("tbAmount") as TextBox; TextBox tbNote = fv.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { if (wDataContext.form_wfp3_get_okToEncumber(FK_Wfp3) != "N") { string sEncumbrance = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlEncumbrance.SelectedValue)) { sEncumbrance = ddlEncumbrance.SelectedValue; } else { sb.Append("Encumbrance is required. "); } DateTime?dtDate = ecDate.CalDateNotNullable; if (dtDate == null) { sb.Append("Date is required. "); } decimal?dAmount = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbAmount.Text)) { try { dAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(tbAmount.Text); if (dAmount < (decimal)0.01) { sb.Append("Encumbrance ammount must be greater than zero"); } } catch { sb.Append("Amount is incorrect. Must be a number (Decimal). "); } } else { sb.Append("Amount is required. "); } string sNote = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbNote.Text)) { sNote = WACGlobal_Methods.Format_Global_StringLengthRestriction(tbNote.Text, 255); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { iCode = wDataContext.form_wfp3_encumbrance_add(FK_Wfp3, sEncumbrance, dtDate, dAmount, sNote, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode != 0) { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } else { PK_Wfp3Encumbrance = Convert.ToInt32(i); } } else { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), iCode); } } else { WACAlert.Show("It is not okay to encumber this package. ", 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } }