/*private static float CalculateCd(float time) * { * return time + time*Player.PercentCooldownMod; * }*/ private static float GetComboDamage(Obj_AI_Hero Enemy) { float damage = 0; if (Q.IsReady()) { damage += Q.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (W.IsReady()) { damage += W.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (Q2.IsReady()) { damage += Q2.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (W2.IsReady()) { damage += W2.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (!Player.IsWindingUp) { damage += (float)ObjectManager.Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(Enemy, true); } return(damage); }
public static void CastW2(Vector3 t) { if (W2.IsReady() && !W2.StillJumped()) { W2.Cast(t); } }
static float GetComboDamage(AIHeroClient Enemy) { float damage = 0; if (Q.IsReady()) { damage += Q.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (W.IsReady()) { damage += W.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (Q2.IsReady()) { damage += Q2.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (W2.IsReady()) { damage += W2.GetDamage(Enemy); } if (!Player.Spellbook.IsAutoAttacking) { damage += (float)ObjectManager.Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(Enemy, true); } return(damage); }
private void Jungle() { if (Program.LaneClear && Player.Mana > RMANA + WMANA + WMANA) { var mobs = Cache.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, 700, MinionTeam.Neutral); if (mobs.Count > 0) { var mob = mobs[0]; if (Range) { if (Q.IsReady() && Config.Item("jungleQ", true).GetValue <bool>()) { Q.Cast(mob.ServerPosition); return; } if (W.IsReady() && Config.Item("jungleE", true).GetValue <bool>()) { if (SebbyLib.Orbwalking.InAutoAttackRange(mob)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (Config.Item("jungleR", true).GetValue <bool>()) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (Q2.IsReady() && Config.Item("jungleQm", true).GetValue <bool>() && mob.IsValidTarget(Q2.Range)) { Q2.Cast(mob); return; } if (W2.IsReady() && Config.Item("jungleWm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { if (mob.IsValidTarget(300)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (E2.IsReady() && Config.Item("jungleEm", true).GetValue <bool>() && mob.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { if (mob.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { E2.Cast(mob); } return; } if (Config.Item("jungleR", true).GetValue <bool>()) { R.Cast(); } } } } }
private static void Jungle() { if (Program.LaneClear && myHero.Mana > RMANA + WMANA + WMANA) { var jgminion = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetJungleMonsters().OrderByDescending(j => j.Health).FirstOrDefault(j => j.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)); if (jgminion != null) { if (Range) { if (Q.IsReady() && jungleQ) { Q.Cast(jgminion.ServerPosition); return; } if (W.IsReady() && jungleE) { if (myHero.IsInAutoAttackRange(jgminion)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (jungleR) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (Q2.IsReady() && jungleQm && jgminion.IsValidTarget(Q2.Range)) { Q2.Cast(jgminion); return; } if (W2.IsReady() && jungleWm) { if (jgminion.IsValidTarget(300)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (E2.IsReady() && jungleEm && jgminion.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { if (jgminion.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { E2.Cast(jgminion); } return; } if (jungleR) { R.Cast(); } } } } }
private static void Jungle() { if (Program.LaneClear && Player.Mana > RMANA + WMANA + WMANA) { var mobs = Cache.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, 700, MinionTeam.Neutral); if (mobs.Count > 0) { var mob = mobs[0]; if (Range) { if (Q.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleQ")) { Q.Cast(mob.ServerPosition); return; } if (W.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleE")) { if (Orbwalking.InAutoAttackRange(mob)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleR")) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (Q2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleQm") && mob.LSIsValidTarget(Q2.Range)) { Q2.Cast(mob); return; } if (W2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleWm")) { if (mob.LSIsValidTarget(300)) { W.Cast(); } return; } if (E2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleEm") && mob.LSIsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { if (mob.LSIsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { E2.Cast(mob); } return; } if (getCheckBoxItem(farmMenu, "jungleR")) { R.Cast(); } } } } }
public static void CastW2(Vector3 t) { Champion.PlayerSpells.R.CastOnUnit(ObjectManager.Player); return; if (W2.IsReady() && !W2.StillJumped()) { W2.Cast(t, true); } }
static void LaneClear() { var Minions = MinionManager.GetMinions(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, W.Range, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly); if (Minions != null) { if (Human() && Player.ManaPercent >= Option.Item("LMana").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { if (Option_Item("Human Lane W") && W.IsReady()) { MinionManager.FarmLocation farmLocation = W.GetLineFarmLocation(Minions); if (farmLocation.MinionsHit >= 3) { W.Cast(farmLocation.Position, true); } } if (Option_Item("Human Lane Q") && Q.IsReady()) { var Minion = MinionManager.GetMinions(Q.Range, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly) .Where(x => x.Health < W.GetDamage(x)).OrderByDescending(x => x.MaxHealth).ThenByDescending(x => x.Distance(Player)).FirstOrDefault(); if (Minion != null) { Q.Cast(Minion, true); } } } if (Spider()) { if (Option_Item("Spider Lane Q") && Q2.IsReady()) { var Minion = MinionManager.GetMinions(Q2.Range, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly) .Where(x => x.Health < W.GetDamage(x)).OrderByDescending(x => x.MaxHealth).ThenByDescending(x => x.Distance(Player)).FirstOrDefault(); if (Minion != null) { Q2.Cast(Minion, true); } } if (Option_Item("Spider Lane W") && W2.IsReady()) { var Minion = MinionManager.GetMinions(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, 150, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly); if (!Orbwalking.CanAttack() && Orbwalking.CanMove(10) && Minion != null) { W2.Cast(true); } } } } if (Minions == null) { return; } }
private void OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (Range && E.IsReady() && Utils.TickCount - Etick < 250 + Game.Ping) { E.Cast(EcastPos); } if (Config.Item("flee", true).GetValue <KeyBind>().Active) { FleeMode(); } if (Range) { if (Program.LagFree(1) && Q.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoQ", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicQ(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && W.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoW", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicW(); } } else { if (Program.LagFree(1) && E2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoEm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicE2(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && Q2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoQm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicQ2(); } if (Program.LagFree(3) && W2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoWm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicW2(); } } if (Program.LagFree(4)) { SetValue(); if (R.IsReady()) { LogicR(); } } Jungle(); LaneClearLogic(); }
private static void ExecuteCompleteCombo() { if (ComboMode == ComboMode.Mode2xQ && !Q.IsReady() && R.IsReady()) { Champion.PlayerSpells.Q2.CastOnUnit(Target); } if (ComboMode == ComboMode.Mode2xW && !W.IsReady() && W2.IsReady() && !W2.StillJumped()) { PlayerSpells.CastW2(Target.Position); } }
public override void Execute() { var CougarForm = Q.Name == "Takedown"; if (!CougarForm && R.IsReady() && W2.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); W.Cast(Game.CursorPos); } if (CougarForm && R.IsReady() && W2.IsReady()) { W.Cast(Game.CursorPos); } }
private static void ByWr() { var targetw = TargetSelector.GetTarget(W2.Range, DamageType.Magical); if (comb["Rw"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { if (W2.IsReady() && R.IsReady()) { if (targetw.IsValidTarget(W2.Range)) { R.Cast(); W2.Cast(targetw); } } } }
private static void ExecuteMode2xW() { if (!Target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { return; } if (!W.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && !W2.StillJumped()) { return; } Champion.PlayerSpells.CastW(Target); Champion.PlayerSpells.CastW2(Target.Position); //Champion.PlayerSpells.CastW2(Target); }
public override void Combo() { AIHeroClient target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Qcharge.Range, DamageType.Physical); if (IsValidTarget(target)) { if (!isMelee) { ShouldE(); if (ModeMenu["QEcombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsReady() && E.IsReady() && E.IsLearned) { CastQE(target); } if (ModeMenu["Q2combo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q2.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { Q2.Cast(target); } if (ModeMenu["W2combo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& W2.IsReady() && Hero.Distance(target.Position) <= Hero.AttackRange + 25) { W2.Cast(); } if (ModeMenu["Rcombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsInRange(target) && !Q2.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && R.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (ModeMenu["Qcombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsReady() && Q.IsInRange(target)) { Q.Cast(target); } if (ModeMenu["Wcombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& W.IsReady() && W.IsInRange(target)) { W.Cast(); } if (ModeMenu["Rcombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& !Q.IsReady() && !W.IsReady() && R.IsReady()) { if (ModeMenu["Ecombo"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& E.IsReady()) { E.Cast(target); } R.Cast(); } } } }
static void CastSpiderAutoE() { if (Spider() && E2.IsReady()) { var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(E2.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.True, true); if (target != null) { if ((!Q2.IsReady() || Q2.Range <= Player.Distance(target)) && !W2.IsReady()) { if (target.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Stun)) { E2.Cast(true); } } } } }
static void CastR() { var Target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical, true); var Target2 = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q2.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical, true); if (Target != null && R.IsReady()) { if (Human()) { if (!Q.IsReady() && !W.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { if (_spideQcd == 0 && _spideWcd <= 1.8f) { if ((Target.Health <= Q.GetDamage(Target) && _humaQcd <= 1.5f) && (_humaQcd <= 1.2f || _humaWcd <= 2)) { return; } else { R.Cast(true); } } } } if (Spider()) { if (!Q2.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && !Player.HasBuff("EliseSpiderW")) { if (_humaQcd == 0 || (_humaWcd <= 1.5f && _humaEcd <= 0.8f)) { if ((_spideQcd <= 1.0f && Target2.Health <= Q2.GetDamage(Target2)) || (_spideQcd <= 1.4f || _spideWcd <= 1.9f)) { return; } else { R.Cast(); } } } } } }
private static void CastR() { var Target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical); var Target2 = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q2.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical); if ((Target == null) || !R.IsReady()) { return; } if (Human()) { if (!Q.IsReady() && !W.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { if ((_spideQcd <= 0f) && (_spideWcd <= 1.8f)) { if ((Target.Health <= Q.GetDamage(Target)) && (_humaQcd <= 1.5f) && ((_humaQcd <= 1.2f) || (_humaWcd <= 2))) { return; } else { R.Cast(); } } } } if (Spider()) { if (!Q2.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && !Player.HasBuff("EliseSpiderW")) { if ((_humaQcd <= 0f) || ((_humaWcd <= 1.5f) && (_humaEcd <= 0.8f))) { if ((!(Target2.Health <= Q2.GetDamage(Target2)) || !(_spideQcd <= 1.0f)) && !(_spideQcd <= 1.4f) && !(_spideWcd <= 1.9f)) { R.Cast(); } } } } }
public override void Combo() { AIHeroClient target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(QE.Range, DamageType.Physical); if (IsValidTarget(target)) { if (isMelee) { if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.q"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsReady() && Q.IsInRange(target)) { Q.Cast(target); } if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.w"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& W.IsReady() && W.IsInRange(target)) { W.Cast(); } if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.r"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& !Q.IsReady() && !W.IsReady() && R.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); } } else { ShouldE(); if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.qe"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsReady() && E.IsReady() && E.IsLearned) { CastQE(target); } if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.q2"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q2.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { Q2.Cast(target); } if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.w2"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& W2.IsReady() && hero.Distance(target.Position) < hero.AttackRange + 100) { W2.Cast(); } if (ModeMenu["jayce.combo.r"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& !Q2.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && R.IsReady() && hero.Distance(target.Position) < Q.Range + 20 && CD[0] == 0) { R.Cast(); } } } }
public void manageW() { var target = ARAMTargetSelector.getBestTarget(1400f); if (target == null) { return; } if (!player.IsBurrowed()) { if (W1.IsReady() && player.HealthPercent < 9 && player.Mana > 0) { W1.Cast(); } if (W1.IsReady() && !player.QActive()) { W1.Cast(); } if (!E1.IsInRange(target) && player.Distance(target.Position) < E2.Range && W1.IsReady()) { W1.Cast(); } } else if (player.IsBurrowed()) { if (W2.IsReady() && player.IsUnder(target)) { W2.Cast(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Put in here what you want to do when the mode is running /// </summary> public static void Execute() { var target = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetJungleMonsters().OrderByDescending(a => a.MaxHealth).FirstOrDefault(a => a.IsValidTarget(900)); if (SpellsManager.IsSpider) { if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("q2Use") && Q2.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.Q2.Range)) { Q2.Cast(target); } if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("w2Use") && W2.IsReady()) { W2.Cast(); } if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("rUse") && R.IsReady() && E.IsReady() && W.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); } } else { //HUMAN if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("eUse") && E.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.E.Range) && E.GetPrediction(target).HitChance >= HitChance.Medium) { E.Cast(target); } if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("qUse") && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.Q.Range)) { Q.Cast(target); } if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("WUse") && W.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { W.Cast(target); } if (JungleClearMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("rUse") && R.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); } } }
public override void Harass() { AIHeroClient target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Qcharge.Range, DamageType.Physical); if (IsValidTarget(target)) { if (!isMelee || ((isMelee && R.IsReady() && R.Cast()))) { if (ModeMenu["QEharass"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q.IsReady() && E.IsReady() && E.IsLearned) { CastQE(target); } if (ModeMenu["Q2harass"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& Q2.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { Q2.Cast(target); } if (ModeMenu["W2harass"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& W2.IsReady() && Hero.Distance(target.Position) <= Hero.AttackRange + 25) { W2.Cast(); } } } }
private static void doFarm() { foreach ( var Minion in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>() .Where( minion => minion.Team != Player.Team && !minion.IsDead && Vector2.Distance(minion.ServerPosition.To2D(), Player.ServerPosition.To2D()) < 600f) .OrderBy(minion => Vector2.Distance(minion.Position.To2D(), Player.Position.To2D()))) { if (IsCougar) { if (Q2.IsReady() && Config.Item("farm_Q2").GetValue <bool>()) { Q2.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); } else if (W2.IsReady() && Config.Item("farm_W2").GetValue <bool>() && Player.Distance(Minion) > 200f) { W2.Cast(Minion.Position, PacketCasting); } else if (E2.IsReady() && Config.Item("farm_E2").GetValue <bool>()) { E2.Cast(Minion.Position, PacketCasting); } } else if (R.IsReady() && Config.Item("farm_R").GetValue <bool>()) { R.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); } else if (E1.IsReady() && Config.Item("farm_E1").GetValue <bool>()) { E1.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); } return; } }
/// <summary> /// Put in here what you want to do when the mode is running /// </summary> public static void Execute() { var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(1100, DamageType.Magical); if (SpellsManager.IsSpider) { // SPIDER COMBO if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("q2Use") && Q2.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.Q2.Range)) { Q2.Cast(target); } if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("w2Use") && W2.IsReady()) { W2.Cast(); } if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("e2Use") && E2.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { E2.Cast(target); } } else { //HUMAN if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("eUse") && E.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.E.Range) && E.GetPrediction(target).HitChance >= HitChance.Medium) { E.Cast(target); } if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("qUse") && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(SpellsManager.Q.Range)) { Q.Cast(target); } if (HarassMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("WUse") && W.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { W.Cast(target); } } }
private static void SpellRanges(EventArgs args) { if (Config.Item("disable.draws").GetValue <bool>()) { return; } if (!R_Manager.CougarForm) { if (Config.Item("Draw.Q").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { if (Q.Level > 0) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, Q.Range, Q.IsReady() ? Config.Item("Draw.Q").GetValue <Circle>().Color : System.Drawing.Color.Red, Config.Item("CircleThickness").GetValue <Slider>().Value); } } if (Config.Item("Draw.W").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { if (W.Level > 0) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, W.Range, W.IsReady() ? Config.Item("Draw.W").GetValue <Circle>().Color : System.Drawing.Color.Red, Config.Item("CircleThickness").GetValue <Slider>().Value); } } if (Config.Item("Draw.E").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { if (E.Level > 0) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, E.Range, E.IsReady() ? Config.Item("Draw.E").GetValue <Circle>().Color : System.Drawing.Color.Red, Config.Item("CircleThickness").GetValue <Slider>().Value); } } } if (R_Manager.CougarForm) { if (Config.Item("Draw.W2").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { if (W2.Level > 0) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, W2.Range, W2.IsReady() ? Config.Item("Draw.W2").GetValue <Circle>().Color : System.Drawing.Color.Red, Config.Item("CircleThickness").GetValue <Slider>().Value); } } if (Config.Item("Draw.E2").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { if (E2.Level > 0) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, E2.Range, E2.IsReady() ? Config.Item("Draw.E2").GetValue <Circle>().Color : System.Drawing.Color.Red, Config.Item("CircleThickness").GetValue <Slider>().Value); } } } }
private void JungleClear() { if (!ManaManager.HasMana("JungleClear")) { return; } var mobs = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.Position, 800, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.Neutral, MinionOrderTypes.MaxHealth); if (mobs.Any()) { var mob = mobs.FirstOrDefault(); if (!IsMelee) { if (Menu.Item("UseEJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady() && Menu.Item("UseQJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady()) { var gateVector = Player.ServerPosition + Vector3.Normalize(Game.CursorPos - Player.ServerPosition) * 50; if (mob != null && mob.IsValidTarget(QExtend.Range)) { E.Cast(gateVector); QExtend.Cast(mob.Position); } } if (Menu.Item("UseQJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady()) { var qFarm = MinionManager.GetBestLineFarmLocation(mobs.Select(x => x.Position.To2D()).ToList(), Q.Width, Q.Range); if (qFarm.MinionsHit >= 1) { Q.Cast(qFarm.Position); } } if (Menu.Item("UseWJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady()) { if (mob.Distance(Player) <= 550) { W.Cast(); } } if (Menu.Item("UseRJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && R.IsReady()) { if (Qcd != 0 && Wcd != 0 && Ecd != 0) { R.Cast(); } } } else { if (Menu.Item("UseWJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && W2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(300)) { W2.Cast(); } if (Menu.Item("UseQJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && Q2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(Q2.Range)) { Q2.CastOnUnit(mob); } if (Menu.Item("UseEJungleHam", true).GetValue <bool>() && E2.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(E2.Range)) { E2.CastOnUnit(mob); } if (Menu.Item("UseRJungle", true).GetValue <bool>() && R.IsReady()) { if (Q1Cd != 0 && W1Cd != 0 && E1Cd != 0) { R.Cast(); } } } } }
public override void Execute() { var CougarForm = Q.Name == "Takedown"; var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q.Range, DamageType.Magical); // Check if Q2 is ready (on unit) if (Q2.IsReady() && Settings.UseCQ && target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= Q2.RangeSquared + 150 * 150) { Q2.Cast(target.Position); if (Player.HasBuff("Takedown")) { Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.AttackUnit, target); } } // Check is pounce is ready if (W2.IsReady() && Settings.UseCW && (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) > 275 * 275)) { if (TargetHunted(target) & target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= 735 * 735) { if (Q2.IsReady()) { Q2.Cast(); } W.Cast(target.Position); } else if (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= 400 * 400) { if (Q2.IsReady()) { Q2.Cast(); } W.Cast(target.ServerPosition); } } // Check if swipe is ready if (E2.IsReady() && Settings.UseCE) { if (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= E2.RangeSquared) { if (!W2.IsReady()) { E2.Cast(target.ServerPosition); } } } // Switch to human form if can kill in aa and cougar skill not available if (!W2.IsReady() && !E2.IsReady() && !Q2.IsReady()) { if (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) > Q2.RangeSquared) { if (Settings.UseR) { if (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= ObjectManager.Player.AttackRange * ObjectManager.Player.AttackRange + 50 * 50) { if (R.IsReady()) { R.Cast(); } } } } } // human Q if (!CougarForm && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { if (target.IsValidTarget() && Q.IsReady() && Settings.UseHQ) { Q.Cast(target); } } // Check bushwack and cast underneath targets feet. if (W.IsReady() && Settings.UseHW) { if (target.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, true) <= W.RangeSquared) { W.Cast(); } } }
private static void OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (Range && E.IsReady() && Utils.TickCount - Etick < 250 + Game.Ping) { E.Cast(EcastPos); } if (getKeyBindItem(miscMenu, "flee")) { FleeMode(); } if (Range) { if (getCheckBoxItem(wMenu, "autoWmove") && Orbwalker.LastTarget != null && Player.HasBuff("jaycehyperchargevfx")) { Orbwalker.DisableMovement = true; } else { Orbwalker.DisableMovement = false; } if (Program.LagFree(1) && Q.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(qMenu, "autoQ")) { LogicQ(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && W.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(wMenu, "autoW")) { LogicW(); } } else { if (Program.LagFree(1) && E2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(eMenu, "autoEm")) { LogicE2(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && Q2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(qMenu, "autoQm")) { LogicQ2(); } if (Program.LagFree(3) && W2.IsReady() && getCheckBoxItem(wMenu, "autoWm")) { LogicW2(); } } if (Program.LagFree(4)) { if (Program.None && getCheckBoxItem(miscMenu, "stack") && !Player.HasBuff("Recall") && Player.Mana > Player.MaxMana * 0.90 && (Items.HasItem(Tear) || Items.HasItem(Manamune))) { if (Utils.TickCount - Q.LastCastAttemptT > 4200 && Utils.TickCount - W.LastCastAttemptT > 4200 && Utils.TickCount - E.LastCastAttemptT > 4200) { if (Range) { if (W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } else if (E.IsReady() && (Player.InFountain() || Player.IsMoving)) { E.Cast(Player.ServerPosition); } else if (Q.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(Player.Position.LSExtend(Game.CursorPos, 500)); } else if (R.IsReady() && Player.InFountain()) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } else if (R.IsReady() && Player.InFountain()) { R.Cast(); } } } } SetValue(); if (R.IsReady()) { LogicR(); } } Jungle(); LaneClearLogic(); }
private void OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (Range && E.IsReady() && Utils.TickCount - Etick < 250 + Game.Ping) { E.Cast(EcastPos); } if (Config.Item("flee", true).GetValue <KeyBind>().Active) { FleeMode(); } if (Range) { if (Config.Item("autoWmove", true).GetValue <bool>() && Orbwalker.GetTarget() != null && Player.HasBuff("jaycehyperchargevfx")) { SebbyLib.Orbwalking.Move = false; } else { SebbyLib.Orbwalking.Move = true; } if (Program.LagFree(1) && Q.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoQ", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicQ(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && W.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoW", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicW(); } } else { if (Program.LagFree(1) && E2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoEm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicE2(); } if (Program.LagFree(2) && Q2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoQm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicQ2(); } if (Program.LagFree(3) && W2.IsReady() && Config.Item("autoWm", true).GetValue <bool>()) { LogicW2(); } } if (Program.LagFree(4)) { if (Program.None && Config.Item("stack", true).GetValue <bool>() && !Player.HasBuff("Recall") && Player.Mana > Player.MaxMana * 0.90 && (Items.HasItem(Tear) || Items.HasItem(Manamune))) { if (Utils.TickCount - Q.LastCastAttemptT > 4200 && Utils.TickCount - W.LastCastAttemptT > 4200 && Utils.TickCount - E.LastCastAttemptT > 4200) { if (Range) { if (W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } else if (E.IsReady() && (Player.InFountain() || Player.IsMoving)) { E.Cast(Player.ServerPosition); } else if (Q.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(Player.Position.Extend(Game.CursorPos, 500)); } else if (R.IsReady() && Player.InFountain()) { R.Cast(); } } else { if (W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } else if (R.IsReady() && Player.InFountain()) { R.Cast(); } } } } SetValue(); if (R.IsReady()) { LogicR(); } } Jungle(); LaneClearLogic(); }
private static void doCombo() { var Target = SimpleTs.GetTarget(Q1.Range, SimpleTs.DamageType.Magical); var Marked = Target.HasBuff("nidaleepassivehunted", true); var Hunting = Player.HasBuff("nidaleepassivehunting", true); var Distance = Player.Distance(Target); var useItems = Config.Item("combo_Items").GetValue <bool>(); if (useItems) { if (Items.CanUseItem(Bork.Id)) { Bork.Cast(Target); } if (Items.CanUseItem(Cutlass.Id)) { Cutlass.Cast(Target); } } var comboUT = Config.Item("combo_UT").GetValue <bool>(); /* Human Form */ if (!IsCougar) { if (Marked && R.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_R").GetValue <bool>() && Distance < 750f || (!Q1.IsReady() && !Q1.IsReady(2500) && Target.Distance(Player) < 300f) && (!Utility.UnderTurret(Target, true) || comboUT)) { R.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); } else if (Q1.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_Q1").GetValue <bool>()) { Q1.Cast(Target, PacketCasting); } else if (W1.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_W1").GetValue <bool>()) { W1.Cast(Target, PacketCasting); } else if (E1.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_E1").GetValue <bool>() && (!R.IsReady() || !Marked && Distance < W2.Range + 75f)) { E1.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); } } /* Cougar Form */ else { if (!Marked && R.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_R").GetValue <bool>() && Distance < W2.Range + 75f) { R.CastOnUnit(Player, PacketCasting); return; } // Deathfire grasp / Blackfire Torch var dmg = Q1.GetDamage(Target, 1) + W1.GetDamage(Target, 1) + E1.GetDamage(Target, 1); if (Target.IsValidTarget(DFG.Range) && Q1.IsReady() && W1.IsReady() && E1.IsReady() && dmg < Target.Health && (dmg * 1.2f) + (Target.MaxHealth * (DFG.Id == 3188 ? 0.20f : 0.15f)) > Target.Health && useItems) { DFG.Cast(Target); } if (Marked && Hunting && W2.IsReady() && Config.Item("combo_W2").GetValue <bool>() && Distance < 750f && Distance > 200f && (!Utility .UnderTurret(Target, true) || comboUT)) { Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(SpellSlot.W, Target); } else if (E2.IsReady() && Distance < 300f) { var Pred = Prediction.GetPrediction(Target, 0.5f); E2.Cast(Pred.CastPosition, PacketCasting); } } }
static void JungleClear() { var JungleMinions = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, W.Range, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.Neutral, MinionOrderTypes.MaxHealth); if (JungleMinions.Count >= 1) { foreach (var Mob in JungleMinions) { if (Human()) { if (Option_Item("Jungle R") && R.IsReady()) { if (!Q.IsReady() && !W.IsReady()) { if ((_spideQcd == 0 && _spideWcd <= 1.8f) || _humaQcd >= 1.2f) { R.Cast(true); } } } if (Player.ManaPercent >= Option.Item("JMana").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { if (Option_Item("Human Jungle W") && W.IsReady()) { MinionManager.FarmLocation Mobs = W.GetCircularFarmLocation(JungleMinions); if (JungleMinions.Count == 4) { if (Mobs.MinionsHit >= 3) { W.Cast(Mobs.Position, true); } } if (JungleMinions.Count == 3) { if (Mobs.MinionsHit >= 2) { W.Cast(Mobs.Position, true); } } ; if (JungleMinions.Count <= 2) { W.Cast(Mob.Position, true); } if (JungleMinions.Count == 0) { return; } } if (Option_Item("Human Jungle Q") && Q.IsReady()) { Q.CastOnUnit(Mob, true); } } } if (Spider()) { if (Option_Item("Jungle R") && R.IsReady()) { if (!Q2.IsReady() && !W2.IsReady() && !Player.HasBuff("EliseSpiderW") && Player.ManaPercent >= Option.Item("JMana").GetValue <Slider>().Value) { if ((_humaQcd == 0 && _humaWcd <= 1.5f) && (_spideQcd >= 1.4f || _spideWcd >= 1.8f) && (JungleMinions.Count == 1 && Mob.Health >= Q.GetDamage(Mob) || Mob.Health >= W.GetDamage(Mob))) { R.Cast(true); } } } if (Option_Item("Spider Jungle Q") && Q.IsReady()) { Q.CastOnUnit(Mob, true); } if (Option_Item("Spider Jugnle W") && W2.IsReady()) { var JungleMinion = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, 150, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.Neutral, MinionOrderTypes.MaxHealth); if (!Orbwalking.CanAttack() && Orbwalking.CanMove(10)) { if (JungleMinion != null) { W2.Cast(true); } } } } } } if (JungleMinions == null) { return; } }