private void SetSolutionFilter(VsSolution solution) { ClearFilter(); Filter.SolutionFilter = solution; Filter.IsSolutionFilterEnabled = true; }
public void VsSolutionParserReadsProjectDetails() { // Arrange var solutionFileContent = @" Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 2012 Project(""{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"") = ""SomeProject"", ""Test\Test.csproj"", ""{80E5FD2A-A29A-47C7-8DE9-853D14295BAC}"" EndProject"; var projectContent = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <Project ToolsVersion=""4.0"" DefaultTargets=""Build"" xmlns=""""> <Import Project=""$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props"" Condition=""Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')"" /> <PropertyGroup> <ProjectGuid>{975304D3-BFFA-45B4-BBC9-9A27323A670C}</ProjectGuid> <ProjectTypeGuids>{E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47};{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids> </PropertyGroup> </Project>"; var solutionFile = CreateSolutionFile(solutionFileContent); var projectFile = CreateProjectFile(solutionFile, @"Test\Test.csproj", projectContent); // Act var solution = new VsSolution(solutionFile); var project = solution.Projects.First(); // Assert Assert.Equal("SomeProject", project.ProjectName); Assert.Contains(new Guid("fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc"), project.ProjectTypeGuids); Assert.Equal(projectFile, project.AbsolutePath); Assert.True(project.IsWap); Assert.False(project.IsWebSite); }
void CreateVsSolution(string solutionFileName = @"d:\projects\test\Test.sln") { var helper = new SolutionHelper(solutionFileName); fakeProjectService = new FakePackageManagementProjectService(); fakeProjectService.OpenSolution = helper.MSBuildSolution; solution = new VsSolution(fakeProjectService); }
public void MakeRelativePath_ParentPath() { String slnPath = @"C:\users\myuser\documents\Visual Studio 10.0\Project\MySolution\"; String filePath = Path.Combine(slnPath, @"..\..\MyProject\Files\File1.txt"); String relative = VsSolution.MakeRelativePath(slnPath, Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); Assert.Equal(@"..\..\MyProject\Files\File1.txt", relative); }
void CreateVsSolution(string solutionFileName = @"d:\projects\test\Test.sln") { var msbuildSolution = new Solution(new MockProjectChangeWatcher()); msbuildSolution.FileName = solutionFileName; fakeProjectService = new FakePackageManagementProjectService(); fakeProjectService.OpenSolution = msbuildSolution; solution = new VsSolution(fakeProjectService); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_solutionEventsCookie != 0) { VsSolution.UnadviseSolutionEvents(_solutionEventsCookie); _solutionEventsCookie = 0; } _solutionEventsHandler = null; base.Dispose(disposing); }
public void When_loading_solution_then_correct_projects_must_be_loaded() { //// Arrange var path = "../../../MyToolkit.sln"; //// Act var solution = VsSolution.Load(path); //// Assert Assert.IsTrue(solution.Projects.Any(p => p.Path.EndsWith("\\MyToolkit.csproj"))); }
protected override void ReloadProject() { IVsSolution4 solution4 = VsSolution as IVsSolution4; VsSolution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(DteProject.UniqueName, out IVsHierarchy hierarchy); int hr = 0; hierarchy.GetGuidProperty(Constants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectIDGuid, out Guid guid); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(hr); solution4.UnloadProject(guid, (uint)_VSProjectUnloadStatus.UNLOADSTATUS_UnloadedByUser); solution4.ReloadProject(guid); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the project in the solution, /// given a unique name. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="project"> /// Full path to the solution project. /// </param> /// /// <returns> /// Pointer to the IVsHierarchy interface /// of the project referred to by project. /// </returns> /// /// <remarks> /// /// </remarks> protected virtual IVsHierarchy GetProjectHierarchyItem(string project) { const int S_OK = 0; int exitCode = VsSolution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(project, out IVsHierarchy hierarchyItem); if (exitCode != S_OK) { AddMessage($"Exit code: { exitCode }", MessageCategory.ER); } return(hierarchyItem); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the project in the solution, /// given a unique name. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="project"> /// Full path to the solution project. /// </param> /// /// <returns> /// Pointer to the IVsHierarchy interface /// of the project referred to by project. /// </returns> /// /// <remarks> /// /// </remarks> protected virtual IVsHierarchy GetProjectHierarchyItem(string project) { const int S_OK = 0; ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); int exitCode = VsSolution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(project, out IVsHierarchy hierarchyItem); if (exitCode != S_OK) { AddMessage($"Exit code: { exitCode }", TaskErrorCategory.Error); } return(hierarchyItem); }
public void PathPropertyReturnsInputFilePath() { // Arrange var solutionFileContent = @" Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 2012"; var solutionFile = CreateSolutionFile(solutionFileContent); // Act var solution = new VsSolution(solutionFile); // Assert Assert.Equal(solutionFile, solution.Path); }
public void VsSolutionParserReadsWebsiteDetails(string solutionFileContent, string absolutePath) { var solutionFile = CreateSolutionFile(solutionFileContent); // Act var solution = new VsSolution(solutionFile); var project = solution.Projects.First(); // Assert Assert.Equal("WebSite1", project.ProjectName); Assert.Empty(project.ProjectTypeGuids); Assert.Equal(absolutePath, project.AbsolutePath); Assert.False(project.IsWap); Assert.True(project.IsWebSite); }
/// <summary>Tries to open the solution. </summary> /// <param name="solution">The solution. </param> public void TryOpenSolution(VsSolution solution) { var title = string.Format("Open solution '{0}'?", solution.Name); var message = string.Format("Open solution '{0}' at location \n{1}?", solution.Name, solution.Path); if (MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Process.Start(solution.Path); if (MinimizeWindowAfterSolutionLaunch) { Application.Current.MainWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } App.Telemetry.TrackEvent("OpenSolution"); } }
private void UpdateUserSettings(ITextBuffer buffer, ITextSnapshot snapshot) { var sus = VsSolution.GetUserSettings(); if (sus == null) { return; } String filename = TextEditor.GetFileName(buffer); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return; } filename = VsSolution.MakeRelativePath(filename); sus.Store(filename, Regions.GetStorableData(snapshot)); }
public void VsSolutionParsesSolutionFile() { // Arrange var solutionFileContent = @" Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 2012 Project(""{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"") = ""Test"", ""Test\Test.csproj"", ""{80E5FD2A-A29A-47C7-8DE9-853D14295BAC}"" EndProject"; var solutionFile = CreateSolutionFile(solutionFileContent); // Act var solution = new VsSolution(solutionFile); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, solution.Projects.Count()); Assert.Equal("Test", solution.Projects.First().ProjectName); }
private void Parse(string solutionFile, string[] skip) { VsSolution solution = VsSolution.Parse(File.ReadAllLines(solutionFile)); string solutionPath = solutionFile; solutionPath = solutionPath.Remove(solutionPath.LastIndexOf('\\')); skip = TrimToLower(skip); List <ListBoxItemData> allFiles = new List <ListBoxItemData>(); int totalLines = 0; int totalItems = 0; long totalSize = 0; foreach (VsSolutionProjectPart each in solution.LinkedProjects) { if (!Contains(skip, each.Name.ToLower().Trim())) { string projectPath = solutionPath + "\\" + each.Path; if (File.Exists(projectPath)) { VsProject proj = VsProject.Parse(projectPath.Remove(projectPath.LastIndexOf('\\')), File.ReadAllText(projectPath)); projectPath = projectPath.Remove(projectPath.LastIndexOf('\\')); ProcessProject(allFiles, ref totalLines, ref totalItems, ref totalSize, each, projectPath, proj); } } } Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { files.ItemsSource = allFiles; skipBox.IsEnabled = solutionPathBox.IsEnabled = browseButton.IsEnabled = parseButton.IsEnabled = true; parseButton.Content = "_Parse"; lineCount.Text = totalLines.ToString() + " line" + (totalLines != 1 ? "s" : ""); itemCount.Text = totalItems.ToString() + " item" + (totalItems != 1 ? "s" : ""); itemSize.Text = IOHelpers.FormatFileSize(totalSize); }); }
private async Task LoadProjectsAsync() { ClearLoadedProjects(); var errors = new Dictionary <string, Exception>(); var tuple = await RunTaskAsync(async() => { var projectsTask = VsProject.LoadAllFromDirectoryAsync(RootDirectory, IncludedProjectPathFilter, ExcludedProjectPathFilter, IgnoreExceptions, _projectCollection, errors); var solutionsTask = VsSolution.LoadAllFromDirectoryAsync(RootDirectory, IncludedProjectPathFilter, ExcludedProjectPathFilter, IgnoreExceptions, _projectCollection, errors); await Task.WhenAll(projectsTask, solutionsTask); await Task.Run(() => { var projectCache = projectsTask.Result.ToDictionary(p => p.Path, p => p); foreach (var solution in solutionsTask.Result) { solution.LoadProjects(IgnoreExceptions, projectCache, errors); } }); return(new Tuple <List <VsProject>, List <VsSolution> >(projectsTask.Result, solutionsTask.Result)); }); if (tuple != null) { var projects = tuple.Item1; var solutions = tuple.Item2; AllSolutions.Initialize(solutions.OrderBy(p => p.Name)); AllProjects.Initialize(projects.OrderBy(p => p.Name)); SelectedProject = FilteredProjects.FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var error in errors) { AddLog(error.Key + "\n" + error.Value.Message); } InitializeFilter(); IsLoaded = true; } }
private VsSolution GetSolution(string solutionFolderPath, string applicationsPattern) { var sln = new VsSolution(); var solutionFolder = new DirectoryInfo(solutionFolderPath); var solutionFiles = solutionFolder.GetFiles().Where(x => x.Extension.Equals(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); FileInfo solutionFile = null; if (solutionFiles.Count == 0) { return(sln); } else if (solutionFiles.Count == 1) { solutionFile = solutionFiles.First(); } else { var found = false; foreach (var file in solutionFiles) { if (solutionFolder.Name.IndexOf(file.Name.Replace(".sln", "")) > -1) { solutionFile = file; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { solutionFile = solutionFiles.First(); } } var applicationDetails = GetApplicationDetails(solutionFolderPath, solutionFile.FullName, applicationsPattern); sln.Name = solutionFile.Name.Replace(".sln", ""); sln.FolderName = solutionFolder.Parent.Name; sln.Applications = applicationDetails; return(sln); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize all Visual Studio Objects /// </summary> public void InitializeVsObjects() { Dte = GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE; Dte2 = GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE2; VsSolution = GetService(typeof(SVsSolution)) as IVsSolution; if (Dte2 == null || Dte == null || VsSolution == null) { VsShell = GetService(typeof(SVsShell)) as IVsShell; _shellPropertyEventsHandler = new ShellPropertyEventsHandler(VsShell, InitializeVsObjects); } else { _shellPropertyEventsHandler = null; ToolWindowPane window = FindToolWindow(typeof(NAntRunnerToolWindow), 0, true); _solutionEventsHandler = new SolutionEventsHandler(window.Content as NAntRunnerToolWindowControl); VsSolution.AdviseSolutionEvents(_solutionEventsHandler, out _solutionEventsCookie); } }
private static RunStepResult TakeSolutionSnapshot(IRunExecutorHost host, RunStartParams rsp, RunStepInfo rsi) { var solutionGrandParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(rsp.Solution.Path.Item)); var projects = VsSolution.GetProjects(host.HostVersion, rsp.Solution.Path.Item).ToList(); var toCopy = new List <Tuple <string, SearchOption> > { new Tuple <string, SearchOption>(Path.GetDirectoryName(rsp.Solution.Path.Item), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly), }; Array.ForEach(rsp.Config.SnapshotIncludeFolders, item => { toCopy.Add(new Tuple <string, SearchOption>(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(rsp.Solution.Path.Item), item), SearchOption.AllDirectories)); }); projects.ForEach(p => { var projectFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(rsp.Solution.Path.Item), p.RelativePath); var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile); toCopy.Add(new Tuple <string, SearchOption>(folder, SearchOption.AllDirectories)); }); toCopy.ForEach(item => { if (!host.CanContinue()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } CopyFiles(rsp, solutionGrandParentPath, item.Item1, item.Item2); }); SnapshotGC.mark(FilePath.NewFilePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(rsp.Solution.SnapshotPath.Item))); TelemetryClient.TrackEvent(, new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double> { { "ProjectCount", projects.Count } }); return(RunStepStatus.Succeeded.ToRSR(RunData.NoData, "What was done - TBD")); }
private void LoadRegions(ITextBuffer buffer) { var sus = VsSolution.GetUserSettings(); if (sus == null) { return; } String filename = TextEditor.GetFileName(buffer); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return; } filename = VsSolution.MakeRelativePath(filename); OutlineSettings settings = sus.Load <OutlineSettings>(filename); if (settings != null) { this.Regions.LoadStoredData(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, settings); } }
public ISiteBuilder CreateBuilder(ITracer tracer, ILogger logger, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, IRepository repository) { string repositoryRoot = repository.RepositoryPath; // Use the cached vs projects file finder for: a. better performance, b. ignoring solutions/projects under node_modules var fileFinder = new CachedVsProjectsFileFinder(repository); // If there's a custom deployment file then let that take over. var command = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Command); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return(new CustomBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, command)); } // If the user provided specific generator arguments, that overrides any detection logic string scriptGeneratorArgs = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.ScriptGeneratorArgs); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptGeneratorArgs)) { return(new CustomGeneratorCommandSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, scriptGeneratorArgs)); } // If the repository has an explicit pointer to a project path to be deployed // then use it. string targetProjectPath = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Project); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { tracer.Trace("Specific project was specified: " + targetProjectPath); targetProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath.TrimStart('/', '\\'))); } if (settings.RunFromLocalZip()) { return(new RunFromZipSiteBuilder()); } if (!settings.DoBuildDuringDeployment()) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; return(new BasicBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { // Try to resolve the project return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath, settings, fileFinder, tryWebSiteProject: true, searchOption: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } // Get all solutions in the current repository path var solutions = VsHelper.GetSolutions(repositoryRoot, fileFinder).ToList(); if (!solutions.Any()) { return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, settings, fileFinder, searchOption: SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } // More than one solution is ambiguous if (solutions.Count > 1) { // TODO: Show relative paths in error messages ThrowAmbiguousSolutionsError(solutions); } // We have a solution VsSolution solution = solutions[0]; // We need to determine what project to deploy so get a list of all web projects and // figure out with some heuristic, which one to deploy. // TODO: Pick only 1 and throw if there's more than one // shunTODO need to implement this VsSolutionProject project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsWap || p.IsWebSite || p.IsAspNetCore || p.IsFunctionApp).FirstOrDefault(); if (project == null) { // Try executable type project project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsExecutable).FirstOrDefault(); if (project != null) { return(new DotNetConsoleBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } logger.Log(Resources.Log_NoDeployableProjects, solution.Path); // we have a solution file, but no deployable project // shunTODO how often do we run into this return(ResolveNonAspProject(repositoryRoot, null, settings)); } if (project.IsWap) { return(new WapBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (project.IsAspNetCore) { return(new AspNetCoreBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (project.IsWebSite) { return(new WebSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } return(new FunctionMsbuildBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); }
public ISiteBuilder CreateBuilder(ITracer tracer, ILogger logger, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, IRepository repository, DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo) { string repositoryRoot = repository.RepositoryPath; // Use the cached vs projects file finder for: a. better performance, b. ignoring solutions/projects under node_modules var fileFinder = new CachedVsProjectsFileFinder(repository); // If there's a custom deployment file then let that take over. var command = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Command); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return(new CustomBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, command)); } // If the user provided specific generator arguments, that overrides any detection logic string scriptGeneratorArgs = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.ScriptGeneratorArgs); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptGeneratorArgs)) { return(new CustomGeneratorCommandSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, scriptGeneratorArgs)); } // If the repository has an explicit pointer to a project path to be deployed // then use it. string targetProjectPath = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Project); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { tracer.Trace("Specific project was specified: " + targetProjectPath); targetProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath.TrimStart('/', '\\'))); } if (deploymentInfo != null && deploymentInfo.Deployer == Constants.OneDeploy) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; return(new OneDeployBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath, deploymentInfo)); } if (settings.RunFromLocalZip()) { return(new RunFromZipSiteBuilder()); } if (!settings.DoBuildDuringDeployment()) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; return(new BasicBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath)); } string msbuild16Log = String.Format("UseMSBuild16: {0}", VsHelper.UseMSBuild16().ToString()); tracer.Trace(msbuild16Log); KuduEventSource.Log.GenericEvent( ServerConfiguration.GetRuntimeSiteName(), msbuild16Log, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty ); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { // Try to resolve the project return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath, settings, fileFinder, tryWebSiteProject: true, searchOption: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } // Get all solutions in the current repository path var solutions = VsHelper.GetSolutions(repositoryRoot, fileFinder).ToList(); if (!solutions.Any()) { return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, settings, fileFinder, searchOption: SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } // More than one solution is ambiguous if (solutions.Count > 1) { // TODO: Show relative paths in error messages ThrowAmbiguousSolutionsError(solutions); } // We have a solution VsSolution solution = solutions[0]; return(DetermineProjectFromSolution(logger, settings, repository, solution)); }
public ISiteBuilder CreateBuilder(ITracer tracer, ILogger logger, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, IFileFinder fileFinder) { string repositoryRoot = _environment.RepositoryPath; // If there's a custom deployment file then let that take over. var command = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Command); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return(new CustomBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, command)); } // If the repository has an explicit pointer to a project path to be deployed // then use it. string targetProjectPath = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Project); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { tracer.Trace("Specific project was specified: " + targetProjectPath); targetProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath.TrimStart('/', '\\'))); // Try to resolve the project return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath, settings, fileFinder, tryWebSiteProject: true, searchOption: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } // Get all solutions in the current repository path var solutions = VsHelper.GetSolutions(repositoryRoot, fileFinder).ToList(); if (!solutions.Any()) { return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, settings, fileFinder, searchOption: SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } // More than one solution is ambiguous if (solutions.Count > 1) { // TODO: Show relative paths in error messages ThrowAmbiguousSolutionsError(solutions); } // We have a solution VsSolution solution = solutions[0]; // We need to determine what project to deploy so get a list of all web projects and // figure out with some heuristic, which one to deploy. // TODO: Pick only 1 and throw if there's more than one VsSolutionProject project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsWap || p.IsWebSite).FirstOrDefault(); if (project == null) { logger.Log(Resources.Log_NoDeployableProjects, solution.Path); return(ResolveNonAspProject(repositoryRoot, null, settings)); } if (project.IsWap) { return(new WapBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } return(new WebSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); }
public PackageSolutionDetailControlModel( VsSolution solution, UiSearchResultPackage searchResultPackage) : base(solution, searchResultPackage) { }
public ISiteBuilder CreateBuilder(ITracer tracer, ILogger logger, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, IRepository repository, DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo) { string repositoryRoot = repository.RepositoryPath; // Use the cached vs projects file finder for: a. better performance, b. ignoring solutions/projects under node_modules var fileFinder = new CachedVsProjectsFileFinder(repository); // If there's a custom deployment file then let that take over. var command = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Command); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return(new CustomBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, command)); } // If the user provided specific generator arguments, that overrides any detection logic string scriptGeneratorArgs = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.ScriptGeneratorArgs); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptGeneratorArgs)) { return(new CustomGeneratorCommandSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, scriptGeneratorArgs)); } // If the repository has an explicit pointer to a project path to be deployed // then use it. string targetProjectPath = settings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.Project); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { tracer.Trace("Specific project was specified: " + targetProjectPath); targetProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath.TrimStart('/', '\\'))); } if (deploymentInfo != null && deploymentInfo.Deployer == Constants.OneDeploy) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; return(new OneDeployBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath, deploymentInfo)); } if (settings.RunFromLocalZip()) { return(new RunFromZipSiteBuilder()); } if (!settings.DoBuildDuringDeployment()) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; if (DeploymentHelper.IsDeploymentV2Request()) { return(new DeploymentV2Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot)); } else { return(new BasicBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath)); } } // Check if we really need a builder for this // If not, return the NoOpBuilder string appFramework = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FRAMEWORK"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appFramework) && string.Equals(appFramework, "STATICSITE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var projectPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath) ? targetProjectPath : repositoryRoot; return(new NoOpBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, projectPath)); } // If ENABLE_ORYX_BUILD is not set, for function app, we assume it on by default string enableOryxBuild = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ENABLE_ORYX_BUILD"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enableOryxBuild)) { if (StringUtils.IsTrueLike(enableOryxBuild)) { return(new OryxBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot)); } } else if (FunctionAppHelper.LooksLikeFunctionApp()) { return(new OryxBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot)); } string framework = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FRAMEWORK"); if (framework.Equals("ruby", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(new RubySiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { // Try to resolve the project return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath, settings, fileFinder, tryWebSiteProject: true, searchOption: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } // Get all solutions in the current repository path var solutions = VsHelper.GetSolutions(repositoryRoot, fileFinder).ToList(); if (!solutions.Any()) { return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, settings, fileFinder, searchOption: SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } // More than one solution is ambiguous if (solutions.Count > 1) { // TODO: Show relative paths in error messages ThrowAmbiguousSolutionsError(solutions); } // We have a solution VsSolution solution = solutions[0]; // We need to determine what project to deploy so get a list of all web projects and // figure out with some heuristic, which one to deploy. // TODO: Pick only 1 and throw if there's more than one // shunTODO need to implement this VsSolutionProject project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsWap || p.IsWebSite || p.IsAspNetCore || p.IsFunctionApp).FirstOrDefault(); if (project == null) { // Try executable type project project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsExecutable).FirstOrDefault(); if (project != null) { return(new DotNetConsoleBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } logger.Log(Resources.Log_NoDeployableProjects, solution.Path); // we have a solution file, but no deployable project // shunTODO how often do we run into this return(ResolveNonAspProject(repositoryRoot, null, settings)); } if (project.IsWap) { return(new WapBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (project.IsAspNetCore) { return(new AspNetCoreBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (project.IsWebSite) { return(new WebSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } return(new FunctionMsbuildBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); }
private ISiteBuilder DetermineProjectFromSolution(ILogger logger, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, IRepository repository, VsSolution solution) { string repositoryRoot = repository.RepositoryPath; // We need to determine what project to deploy so get a list of all web projects and // figure out with some heuristic, which one to deploy. // TODO: Pick only 1 and throw if there's more than one // shunTODO need to implement this VsSolutionProject project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsWap || p.IsWebSite || p.IsAspNetCore || p.IsFunctionApp).FirstOrDefault(); if (project == null) { // Try executable type project project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsExecutable).FirstOrDefault(); if (project != null) { if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild1607() || VsHelper.IsDotNetCore5(project.TargetFramework)) { return(new DotNetConsoleMSBuild1607Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild16()) { return(new DotNetCoreConsoleMSBuild16Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else { return(new DotNetConsoleBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } } logger.Log(Resources.Log_NoDeployableProjects, solution.Path); // we have a solution file, but no deployable project // shunTODO how often do we run into this return(ResolveNonAspProject(repositoryRoot, null, settings)); } if (project.IsWap) { return(new WapBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (project.IsAspNetCore) { if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild1607() || VsHelper.IsDotNetCore5(project.TargetFramework)) { return(new AspNetCoreMSBuild1607Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild16()) { return(new AspNetCoreMSBuild16Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else { return(new AspNetCoreBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } } if (project.IsWebSite) { return(new WebSiteBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild1607() || VsHelper.IsDotNetCore5(project.TargetFramework)) { return(new FunctionMSBuild1607Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else if (VsHelper.UseMSBuild16()) { return(new FunctionMSBuild16Builder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } else { return(new FunctionMsbuildBuilder(_environment, settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, solution.Path)); } }
public ISiteBuilder CreateBuilder(ITracer tracer, ILogger logger) { string repositoryRoot = _environment.RepositoryPath; var configuration = new DeploymentConfiguration(repositoryRoot); // If there's a custom deployment file then let that take over. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.Command)) { return(new CustomBuilder(repositoryRoot, _environment.TempPath, configuration.Command, _propertyProvider, _environment.SiteRootPath)); } // If the repository has an explicit pointer to a project path to be deployed // then use it. string targetProjectPath = configuration.ProjectPath; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetProjectPath)) { tracer.Trace("Found .deployment file in repository"); // Try to resolve the project return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, targetProjectPath, tryWebSiteProject: true, searchOption: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } // Get all solutions in the current repository path var solutions = VsHelper.GetSolutions(repositoryRoot).ToList(); if (!solutions.Any()) { return(ResolveProject(repositoryRoot, searchOption: SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } // More than one solution is ambiguous if (solutions.Count > 1) { // TODO: Show relative paths in error messages ThrowAmbiguousSolutionsError(solutions); } // We have a solution VsSolution solution = solutions[0]; // We need to determine what project to deploy so get a list of all web projects and // figure out with some heuristic, which one to deploy. // TODO: Pick only 1 and throw if there's more than one VsSolutionProject project = solution.Projects.Where(p => p.IsWap || p.IsWebSite).FirstOrDefault(); if (project == null) { logger.Log(Resources.Log_NoDeployableProjects, solution.Path); return(new BasicBuilder(repositoryRoot, _environment.TempPath, _environment.ScriptPath, _environment.SiteRootPath)); } if (project.IsWap) { return(new WapBuilder(_settings, _propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, _environment.TempPath, _environment.NuGetCachePath, solution.Path)); } return(new WebSiteBuilder(_propertyProvider, repositoryRoot, project.AbsolutePath, _environment.TempPath, _environment.NuGetCachePath, solution.Path)); }
void CreateVsSolution() { fakeProjectService = new FakePackageManagementProjectService(); solution = new VsSolution(fakeProjectService); }