コード例 #1
 private bool ApplyShowOnlyProjectsWithMultipleSolutionsFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!ShowOnlyProjectsWithMultipleSolutions || _projectSolutionUsages[project].Count > 1);
コード例 #2
 private bool ApplySolutionFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!IsSolutionFilterEnabled || SolutionFilter == null || SolutionFilter.Projects.Contains(project));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get latest JObject for package identity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo"></param>
        /// <param name="identity"></param>
        /// <param name="allowPrerelease"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <JObject> GetLastestJObjectsForPackage(SourceRepository repo, JObject jObject, VsProject project, bool allowPrerelease, int skip, int take, bool takeAllVersions)
            List <JObject> jObjects = new List <JObject>();
            string         id       = jObject.Value <string>(Properties.PackageId);
            string         version  = jObject.Value <string>(Properties.Version);
            NuGetVersion   nVersion = GetNuGetVersionFromString(version);

            if (!takeAllVersions)
                string latestVersion = GetLastestVersionForPackage(repo, id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, nVersion, false);
                if (latestVersion != null)
                    NuGetVersion laVersion = GetNuGetVersionFromString(latestVersion);
                    if (laVersion > nVersion)
                        Task <JObject> task          = repo.GetPackageMetadata(id, laVersion);
                        JObject        latestJObject = task.Result;
                JObject package = GetJObjectForPackageId(repo, id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, skip, take);
                IEnumerable <NuGetVersion> versionList = GetAllVersionsForPackageId(package).OrderByDescending(v => v);
                // Work around a bug in repo.Search(), where prerelease versions are not filtered out.
                if (!allowPrerelease)
                    versionList = versionList.Where(p => p > nVersion && p.IsPrerelease == false);
                    versionList = versionList.Where(p => p > nVersion);

                foreach (NuGetVersion updateVersion in versionList)
                    JObject updateObject = GetPackageByIdAndVersion(repo, id, updateVersion.ToNormalizedString(), allowPrerelease);
コード例 #4
 private bool ApplyShowOnlyProjectsWithNuGetPackagesFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!ShowOnlyProjectsWithNuGetPackages || project.NuGetReferences.Any());
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates the site.master layout files from the source WebForms project into the \Shared folder
        /// in the Blazor target application project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webFormSiteMasterFiles">The flattened list of WebForms project objects/files</param>
        /// <param name="blazorServerProject">The target Blazor project object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        ///         private async Task ConvertAspxPage(VsDocument sourcePage, VsProject targetProject, VsProjectFolder targetPagesFolder, VsCSharpSource sourceCodeBehind = null)
        private async Task <string> ConvertLayoutFiles(IEnumerable <VsModel> webFormSiteMasterFiles, VsProject blazorServerProject)
            string headerData = null;
            //put the files in the target project
            var targetFolder = await blazorServerProject.CheckAddFolder("Shared");

                foreach (var layoutFile in webFormSiteMasterFiles)
                    //We don't want to touch/migrate any of the *.designer files
                    if (layoutFile.Name.ToLower().Contains("designer"))

                    String targetFileName = layoutFile.Name.Replace(".", "");
                    //Get any existing children in the targetFolder that match.
                    var existingBlazorMatches = await targetFolder.GetChildrenAsync(true, false);

                    var docMatches = existingBlazorMatches.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(targetFileName.ToLower())).Cast <VsDocument>();

                    foreach (VsDocument matchFile in docMatches)
                        //delete each matched file in the target folder.
                        await matchFile.DeleteAsync();

                    //work on just the Site.Master file which is basically a specialized *.aspx file.
                    if (!layoutFile.Name.ToLower().Contains(".cs"))
                        var docObj         = layoutFile as VsDocument;
                        var textFromResult = await docObj.GetDocumentContentAsStringAsync();

                        //grab the <%Page element from the source and pull it from the text.  Its meta data anyway and just screws up the conversion down the line.
                        var pageHeaderData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(textFromResult, @"<%@\s*[^%>]*(.*?)\s*%>").Value;

                        if (pageHeaderData.Length > 0)
                            textFromResult = Regex.Replace(textFromResult, @"<%@\s*[^%>]*(.*?)\s*%>", string.Empty);

                        //Swap ASP.NET string tokens for Razor syntax  (<%, <%@, <%:, <%#:, etc
                        var targetText = RemoveASPNETSyntax(textFromResult);

                        //Convert Site.Master file into razor syntax, specifically the asp:controls that might be used there.
                        var conversionData = await ReplaceAspControls(targetText);

                        //Drop the pageHeaderData into the Dictionary for later processing by any downstream T4 factories
                        conversionData.Add("HeaderData", pageHeaderData);

                        //Setup Page directives, using statements etc
                        var targetWithMeta = await SetRazorPageDirectives(targetFileName, conversionData);

                        VsDocument success = await _visualStudioActions.ProjectFolderActions.AddDocumentAsync(targetFolder, $"{targetFileName}.razor", targetWithMeta);

                        //Updating the dialog
                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Information,
                                                                       $"The file {targetFileName}.razor was copied to {targetFolder.Name}.");

                    //Get sibling/named code-behind file
                    //1. Get the children of this *.aspx file
                    //2. Grab the doc that has the same name with a ".cs" extension on the end of it
                    if (layoutFile.Name.Contains(".cs"))
                        targetFileName = layoutFile.Name.Replace(".cs", "");
                        targetFileName = targetFileName.Replace(".", "");

                        var sourceObj          = layoutFile as VsCSharpSource;
                        var codeSource         = sourceObj.SourceCode;
                        var metaDataDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        metaDataDictionary.Add("Namespace", $"{blazorServerProject.Name}.Pages");

                        //Setup Page directives, using statements etc
                        //var targetWithMeta = await SetRazorPageDirectives(targetFileName, conversionData);
                        CsModelStore modelStore = new CsModelStore();
                        var codebehind = await _visualStudioActions.ProjectFolderActions.AddDocumentAsync(targetFolder,
                                                                                                          Templates.PageCodeBehind.GenerateSource(modelStore, metaDataDictionary));

                        // Updating the dialog
                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Information,
                                                                       $"The file {targetFileName}.razor.cs was copied to {targetFolder.Name}.");

            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                               $"The following unhandled error occured while trying to migrate the layout files. '{unhandledError.Message}'");
コード例 #6
        private void Deploy(DebugPort port)
            Debug.Assert(port != null && !port.IsLocalPort);


            CorDebugProcess process      = null;
            bool            fDeviceFound = false;


            for (int retries = 0; retries < 60; retries++)
                VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg(String.Format(DiagnosticStrings.Iteration, port.Name, DeployDeviceName, retries));

                    process = GetDeviceProcess();

                    if (process != null)
                        switch (port.PortFilter)
                        case PortFilter.Serial:
                        case PortFilter.Usb:
                        case PortFilter.TcpIp:
                            //test the connection.  This doesn't tell you if the connection will fail during the AttachToEngine,
                            //but it's a pretty good guess.
                            VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg(String.Format(DiagnosticStrings.OpeningPort, process.PortDefinition.Port));
                            fDeviceFound = process.PortDefinition.TryToOpen();
                            if (!fDeviceFound)
                                VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg(String.Format(DiagnosticStrings.PortNotFound, process.PortDefinition.Port));

                            SetDeployFailure(string.Format("Device {0} has an unsupported/unexpected port type", this.DeployDeviceDescription));

                        if (fDeviceFound)
                catch (IOException)


            if (!fDeviceFound || process == null)
                SetDeployFailure(string.Format("Device not found or cannot be opened - {0}", this.DeployDeviceDescription));


            Engine engine = process.AttachToEngine();

            if (engine == null)
                SetDeployFailure(string.Format(DiagnosticStrings.UnableToCommunicate, this.DeployDeviceDescription));



                ArrayList assemblies       = new ArrayList();
                Hashtable systemAssemblies = new Hashtable();
                //Ensure Assemblies are loaded
                if (process.IsDeviceInInitializeState())

                    while (process.IsDeviceInInitializeState())

                        //need to break out of this or timeout or something?

                WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_Assembly[] assms = engine.ResolveAllAssemblies();

                // find out which are the system assemblies
                // we will insert each system assemblies in a hash table where the value will be the assembly version
                foreach (Debugging_Resolve_Assembly resolvedAssembly in assms)
                    VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg(String.Format(DiagnosticStrings.FoundAssembly, resolvedAssembly.m_reply.Name, resolvedAssembly.m_reply.m_version.ToString()));
                    if ((resolvedAssembly.m_reply.m_flags & Debugging_Resolve_Assembly.Reply.c_Deployed) == 0)
                        systemAssemblies[resolvedAssembly.m_reply.Name.ToLower()] = resolvedAssembly.m_reply.m_version;

                string[] pes  = m_project.GetDependencies(true, true, engine.IsTargetBigEndian);
                string[] dlls = m_project.GetDependencies(true, false, engine.IsTargetBigEndian);

                Debug.Assert(pes.Length == dlls.Length);

                // now we will re-deploy all system assemblies
                for (int i = 0; i < pes.Length; ++i)
                    string assemblyPath = pes[i];
                    string dllPath      = dlls[i];

                    //is this a system assembly?
                    string fileName          = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(assemblyPath), null).ToLower();
                    bool   fDeployNewVersion = true;

                    if (systemAssemblies.ContainsKey(fileName))
                        // get the version of the assembly on the device
                        Debugging_Resolve_Assembly.Version deviceVer = (WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_Assembly.Version)systemAssemblies[fileName];

                        // get the version of the assembly of the project
                        // We need to load the bytes for the assembly because other Load methods can override the path
                        // with gac or recently used paths.  This is the only way we control the exact assembly that is loaded.
                        byte[] asmData = null;

                        using (FileStream sr = new FileStream(dllPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                            asmData = new byte[sr.Length];
                            sr.Read(asmData, 0, (int)sr.Length);

                        System.Reflection.Assembly assm = Assembly.Load(asmData); Version deployVer = assm.GetName().Version;

                        // compare versions strictly, and deploy whatever assembly does not match the version on the device
                        if (VsProject.TargetFrameworkExactMatch(deviceVer, deployVer))
                            fDeployNewVersion = false;
                            //            !!! SPECIAL CASE !!!            //
                            //                                            //
                            // MSCORLIB cannot be deployed more than once //

                            if (assm.GetName().Name.ToLower().Contains("mscorlib"))
                                string message = string.Format("Cannot deploy the base assembly '{9}', or any of his satellite assemblies, to device - {0} twice. Assembly '{9}' on the device has version {1}.{2}.{3}.{4}, while the program is trying to deploy version {5}.{6}.{7}.{8} ", this.DeployDeviceDescription, deviceVer.iMajorVersion, deviceVer.iMinorVersion, deviceVer.iBuildNumber, deviceVer.iRevisionNumber, deployVer.Major, deployVer.Minor, deployVer.Build, deployVer.Revision, assm.GetName().Name);
                    // append the assembly whose version does not match, or that still is not on the device, to the blob to deploy
                    if (fDeployNewVersion)
                        using (FileStream fs = File.Open(assemblyPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg(String.Format(DiagnosticStrings.AddingPEtoBundle, assemblyPath));
                            long   length = (fs.Length + 3) / 4 * 4;
                            byte[] buf    = new byte[length];

                            fs.Read(buf, 0, (int)fs.Length);

                VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg("Attempting deployment...");

                if (!engine.Deployment_Execute(assemblies, false, VsPackage.MessageCentre.DeploymentMsg))
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the ok button click event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Hosting user control.</param>
        /// <param name="e">We dont use the routing args with this implementation.</param>
        private void ButtonOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Loading the selected projects from the dialog
            VsProject webformProject = ComboboxWebFormsProject.SelectedItem as VsProject;
            VsProject blazorProject  = ComboboxBlazorProject.SelectedItem as VsProject;

            //Checking that a source webforms project has been selected.
            if (webformProject == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You must select a  Webforms Project before continuing.");

            //Checking to make sure a target blazor project has been selected.
            if (blazorProject == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You must have a Blazor Project selected before continuing.");

            //Checking to make sure the same project was not selected.
            if (webformProject.Name == blazorProject.Name)
                MessageBox.Show("The web forms project and the blazor project cannot be the same.");

            bool migrationStepsSelected = false;

            migrationStepsSelected = CheckBoxMigrateAspxPages.IsChecked.GetResult() | CheckBoxMigrateBundling.IsChecked.GetResult() |
                                     CheckBoxMigrateConfiguration.IsChecked.GetResult() | CheckBoxMigrateHttpModules.IsChecked.GetResult() |
                                     CheckBoxMigrateLogic.IsChecked.GetResult() | CheckBoxMigrateStaticFiles.IsChecked.GetResult() |

            if (!migrationStepsSelected)
                MessageBox.Show("You have to select a migration step in order to continue.");

                var migrationSteps = new MigrationSteps(CheckBoxStartupProcess.IsChecked.GetResult(),
                                                        CheckBoxMigrateHttpModules.IsChecked.GetResult(), CheckBoxMigrateStaticFiles.IsChecked.GetResult(),
                                                        CheckBoxMigrateBundling.IsChecked.GetResult(), CheckBoxMigrateAspxPages.IsChecked.GetResult(),
                                                        CheckBoxMigrateConfiguration.IsChecked.GetResult(), CheckBoxMigrateLogic.IsChecked.GetResult());

                //Creating an empty observable collection. This will be updated during the execution of the migration process.
                StepStatus = new ObservableCollection <MigrationStepStatus>();

                //Updating the dialog to not accept input while the migration is processing
                ButtonOk.Content       = "Processing";
                ButtonOk.IsEnabled     = false;
                ButtonCancel.IsEnabled = false;

                //Creating the migration process logic. Notice that we pass in a copy of the visual studio actions that code factory uses for visual studio automation.
                //In addition we pass a reference to the dialog itself.
                //We have implemented an interface on the dialog that allows the background thread to call into this dialog and update the migration status.
                var migrationProcess = new WebFormToBlazorServerMigration(_visualStudioActions, this);

                //Updating the UI to begin the migration process.

                //Starting the migration process on a background thread and letting the dialog keep processing UI updates.
                Task.Run(() => migrationProcess.StartMigration(webformProject, blazorProject, migrationSteps));
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                //Displaying the error that was not managed during the migration process.
                MessageBox.Show($"The following unhandled error occured while performing the setup operations. '{unhandledError.Message}'",
                                "Unhandled Setup Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This step is used to locate any code artifacts within the Web Forms application that inherit from HttpApplication in order to alter
        /// any of the default behavior of IIS.  Any code found will be copied and moved into the end of the blazor target projects Startup.cs file definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webFormProjectData">Pre cached project data about the web forms project.</param>
        /// <param name="webFormProject">The web forms project that we are migrating data from.</param>
        /// <param name="blazorServerProject">The blazor server project this is being migrated to.</param>
        private async Task MigrateStartupAsync(IReadOnlyList <VsModel> webFormProjectData, VsProject webFormProject, VsProject blazorServerProject)
                //Informing the dialog the migration step has started.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MigrationStatusEnum.Running);

                //Find class(es) that inherit HttpApplication
                var startupClasses = webFormProjectData.GetClassesThatInheritBase("HttpApplication");

                if (!startupClasses.Any())
                    //No startup classes were found updating the hosting dialog to inform the user there was nothing to convert in the startup process.
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MessageTypeEnum.Information, $"No classes were found in {webFormProject.Name} that inherit from 'HttpApplication'");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MigrationStatusEnum.Passed);


                var blazorStartupClass = await blazorServerProject.FindClassAsync("Startup", false);

                if (blazorStartupClass == null)
                    //No startup class was found in the blazor server project. Cannot update the startup class. Informing the user and failing the step
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MessageTypeEnum.Warning, $"The target project {blazorServerProject.Name} does not have definition for a Startup class ('public class Startup').");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MigrationStatusEnum.Failed);


                //Get the methods
                //Copy them into the blazorStartupClass commented out.
                foreach (var source in startupClasses)
                    //loading the class data
                    var sourceClass = source.Classes.FirstOrDefault();

                    //If no class was found continue the process.
                    if (sourceClass == null)

                    //double loop - I do not like this and it needs to be refactored.
                    foreach (var method in sourceClass.Methods)
                        await blazorStartupClass.AddToEndAsync(blazorStartupClass.SourceFiles.First(), $"\r\n/*{method.FormatCSharpDeclarationSyntax()}\r\n{{ { await method.GetBodySyntaxAsync()} \r\n}}*/");

                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MessageTypeEnum.Information, $"Class: {sourceClass.Name} Method: {method.Name} has been copied into the Startup.cs class commented out.  Please refactor manually.");

                //All items process updating the status of the step has passed.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MigrationStatusEnum.Passed);
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                //Dumping the exception that occured directly into the status so the user can see what happened.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MessageTypeEnum.Error, $"The following unhandled error occured. '{unhandledError.Message}'");

                //Updating the status that the step failed
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.Startup, MigrationStatusEnum.Failed);
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Get Installed Package References for a single project
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected IEnumerable<InstalledPackageReference> GetInstalledReferences(VsProject proj)
     IEnumerable<InstalledPackageReference> refs = Enumerable.Empty<InstalledPackageReference>();
     InstalledPackagesList installedList = proj.InstalledPackages;
     if (installedList != null)
         refs = installedList.GetInstalledPackages();
     return refs;
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Get Installed Package References a single project with specified packageId
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected InstalledPackageReference GetInstalledReference(VsProject proj, string Id)
     InstalledPackageReference packageRef = null;
     InstalledPackagesList installedList = proj.InstalledPackages;
     if (installedList != null)
         packageRef = installedList.GetInstalledPackage(Id);
     return packageRef;
コード例 #11
        private IEnumerable<PowerShellPreviewResult> AddToPowerShellPreviewResult(List<PowerShellPreviewResult> list, 
            PreviewResult result, PowerShellPackageAction action, VsProject proj)
            IEnumerable<PackageIdentity> identities = null;
            IEnumerable<UpdatePreviewResult> updates = null;
            switch (action)
                case PowerShellPackageAction.Install:
                        identities = result.Added;
                case PowerShellPackageAction.Uninstall:
                        identities = result.Deleted;
                case PowerShellPackageAction.Update:
                        updates = result.Updated;

            if (identities != null)
                foreach (PackageIdentity identity in identities)
                    PowerShellPreviewResult previewRes = new PowerShellPreviewResult();
                    previewRes.Id = identity.Id;
                    previewRes.Action = string.Format("{0} ({1})", action.ToString(), identity.Version.ToNormalizedString());
                    previewRes.ProjectName = proj.Name;

            if (updates != null)
                foreach (UpdatePreviewResult updateResult in updates)
                    PowerShellPreviewResult previewRes = new PowerShellPreviewResult();
                    previewRes.Id = updateResult.Old.Id;
                    previewRes.Action = string.Format("{0} ({1} => {2})", 
                        action.ToString(), updateResult.Old.Version.ToNormalizedString(), updateResult.New.Version.ToNormalizedString());
                    previewRes.ProjectName = proj.Name;

            return list;
コード例 #12
 private IEnumerable<PowerShellPreviewResult> ConvertToPowerShellPreviewResult(PreviewResult result, VsProject proj)
     List<PowerShellPreviewResult> psResults = new List<PowerShellPreviewResult>();
     AddToPowerShellPreviewResult(psResults, result, PowerShellPackageAction.Install, proj);
     AddToPowerShellPreviewResult(psResults, result, PowerShellPackageAction.Uninstall, proj);
     AddToPowerShellPreviewResult(psResults, result, PowerShellPackageAction.Update, proj);
     return psResults;
コード例 #13
 private void LogPreviewResult(PreviewResult result, VsProject proj)
     IEnumerable<PowerShellPreviewResult> psResults = ConvertToPowerShellPreviewResult(result, proj);
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Get latest update for package identity
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="repo"></param>
 /// <param name="identity"></param>
 /// <param name="allowPrerelease"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static PackageIdentity GetLastestUpdateForPackage(SourceRepository repo, PackageIdentity identity, VsProject project, bool allowPrerelease, bool isSafe)
     string latestVersion = GetLastestVersionForPackage(repo, identity.Id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, identity.Version, isSafe);
     PackageIdentity latestIdentity = null;
     if (latestVersion != null)
         latestIdentity = new PackageIdentity(identity.Id, NuGetVersion.Parse(latestVersion));
     return latestIdentity;
コード例 #15
 private void AddProjectVertex(VsProject project, BidirectionalGraph <object, IEdge <object> > graph, List <VsProject> projectsInGraph)
        public async Task MigrateAspxFiles(IReadOnlyList <VsModel> webFormProjectData, VsProject webFormProject, VsProject blazorServerProject)
                //Informing the dialog the migration step has started.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MigrationStatusEnum.Running);

                //Getting all the aspx & ascx files in the project.
                var aspxFiles = webFormProjectData.Where(p => p.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.Document && (p.Name.EndsWith(".aspx") || p.Name.EndsWith(".ascx"))).Cast <VsDocument>();

                if (!aspxFiles.Any())
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Warning,
                                                                   "No Aspx files were found in the web forms project. This step is finished.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,


                //Migrate over the site.master layout pages.
                var layoutFiles = webFormProjectData.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(".master"));
                var success     = await ConvertLayoutFiles(layoutFiles, blazorServerProject);

                //Calling into the CodeFactory project system and getting all the direct children of the project.
                var blazorRootModels = await blazorServerProject.GetChildrenAsync(false);

                //Getting the pages folder from the blazor project.
                var blazorPagesFolder = blazorRootModels.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                                                                        m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.ProjectFolder & m.Name.ToLower().Equals("pages")) as VsProjectFolder;

                //If the pages folder was not found fail this step and return.
                if (blazorPagesFolder == null)
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                                   "No pages folder was found in the blazor project, cannot continue the aspx file conversion.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,


                //Call the CodeFactory project system to get all the current children of the pages project folder.
                var pagesFolderModels = await blazorPagesFolder.GetChildrenAsync(true);

                //Filtering out everything but documents.
                var pages = pagesFolderModels.Where(m => m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.Document)
                            .Cast <VsDocument>();

                int collect = 0;

                //Processing each aspx file.
                foreach (VsDocument aspxFile in aspxFiles)

                    //Getting the formatted names that will be used in migrating the ASPX file and its code behind to the blazor project.
                    string targetFileNameNoExtension   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aspxFile.Path);
                    string aspxCodeBehindFileName      = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.aspx.cs";
                    string ascxCodeBehindFileName      = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.axcs.cs";
                    string razorPageFileName           = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.razor";
                    string razorPageCodeBehindFileName = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.razor.cs";

                    //Searching for an existing razor page. We will delete razor pages and recreate them.
                    var currentRazorPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Path.ToLower().EndsWith(razorPageFileName.ToLower()));

                    if (currentRazorPage != null)
                        //Razor page was found removing the razor page.
                        bool removedPage = await currentRazorPage.DeleteAsync();

                        if (removedPage)
                            await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                           MessageTypeEnum.Information, $"Removed the razor page {razorPageFileName}");

                            var currentRazorPageCodeBehind = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Path.ToLower().EndsWith(razorPageCodeBehindFileName.ToLower()));

                            if (currentRazorPageCodeBehind != null)
                                if (File.Exists(currentRazorPageCodeBehind.Path))
                                    bool removedCodeBehind = await currentRazorPageCodeBehind.DeleteAsync();

                                    if (removedCodeBehind)
                                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                                       $"Removed the razor page code behind file {razorPageCodeBehindFileName}");
                                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                                       $"Could not remove the razor page code behind file {razorPageCodeBehindFileName}.The target ASPX file will not be migrated.");

                            await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                           $"Could not remove the razor page {razorPageFileName}.The target ASPX file will not be migrated.");


                    VsCSharpSource CodeBehindSource = null;
                    if (aspxFile.Path.Contains("ascx"))
                        //Getting the code behind file that supports the current aspx page.
                        CodeBehindSource = webFormProjectData
                                           .Where(m => m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.CSharpSource).Cast <VsCSharpSource>()
                                           .FirstOrDefault(s => s.SourceCode.SourceDocument.ToLower().EndsWith(ascxCodeBehindFileName.ToLower())) as VsCSharpSource;

                    //Getting the code behind file that supports the current aspx page.
                    CodeBehindSource = webFormProjectData
                                       .Where(m => m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.CSharpSource).Cast <VsCSharpSource>()
                                       .FirstOrDefault(s => s.SourceCode.SourceDocument.ToLower().EndsWith(aspxCodeBehindFileName.ToLower())) as VsCSharpSource;

                    //Converting the aspx page and the code behind file if it was found.
                    await ConvertAspxPage(aspxFile, blazorServerProject, blazorPagesFolder, CodeBehindSource);

                    if (collect == 4)
                        collect = 0;

                //Completed the migration step informing the dialog.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MigrationStatusEnum.Passed);
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                //Dumping the exception that occured directly into the status so the user can see what happened.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error, $"The following unhandled error occured. '{unhandledError.Message}'");

                //Updating the status that the step failed
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MigrationStatusEnum.Failed);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of all classes in the project that qualify for transient dependency injection registration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">Target project to register.</param>
        /// <param name="rejectedClassNames">The class names that are not allowed for dependency injection.</param>
        /// <param name="rejectedBaseClasses">The base classes not allowed for dependency injection.</param>
        /// <param name="targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration">The interfaces of a target type to use for registration, this includes inheriting the target type.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <DependencyInjectionRegistrationInformation> > GetTransientClassesAsync(VsProject project,
                                                                                                                      IEnumerable <string> rejectedClassNames = null, IEnumerable <ModelLookupData> rejectedBaseClasses = null,
                                                                                                                      IEnumerable <ModelLookupData> targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration = null)
            var result = new List <DependencyInjectionRegistrationInformation>();

            if (project == null)
            if (!project.HasChildren)

            var projectChildren = await project.GetChildrenAsync(true, true);

            var csSourceCodeDocuments = projectChildren
                                        .Where(m => m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.CSharpSource)
                                        .Cast <VsCSharpSource>();

            foreach (var csSourceCodeDocument in csSourceCodeDocuments)
                var sourceCode = csSourceCodeDocument.SourceCode;
                if (sourceCode == null)
                if (!sourceCode.Classes.Any())

                var classes = sourceCode.Classes;
                foreach (var csClass in classes)
                    var registration = IsTransientClass(csClass, rejectedClassNames, rejectedBaseClasses, targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration);

                    if (registration == null)

                    if (!result.Any(r => (r.ClassData?.Namespace == registration.ClassData?.Namespace && r.ClassData?.Name == registration.ClassData?.Name)))
                //result.AddRange(classes.Select(csClass => IsTransientClass(csClass, rejectedClassNames,
                //    rejectedBaseClasses, targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration)).Where(diInfo => diInfo != null));

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that converts Aspx Pages to Blazor pages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePage">The source aspx page to be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="targetProject">The target blazor project to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPagesFolder">The target visual studio project folder the converted aspx will be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeBehind">Optional parameter that provides the code behind file for the aspx page to be converted also.</param>
        /// <returns>Flag used to determine if the conversion was successful.</returns>
        private async Task ConvertAspxPage(VsDocument sourcePage, VsProject targetProject, VsProjectFolder targetPagesFolder, VsCSharpSource sourceCodeBehind = null, VsDocument sourceDocCodeBehind = null)
                //Getting the content from the source document.
                var pageContent = await sourcePage.GetDocumentContentAsStringAsync(); //File.ReadAllText(result.Path);

                //grab the <%Page element from the source and pull it from the text.  Its meta data anyway and just screws up the conversion down the line.
                var pageHeaderData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(pageContent, @"<%@\s*[^%>]*(.*?)\s*%>").Value;

                if (pageHeaderData.Length > 0)
                    pageContent = Regex.Replace(pageContent, @"<%@\s*[^%>]*(.*?)\s*%>", string.Empty);

                //Swap ASP.NET string tokens for Razor syntax  (<%, <%@, <%:, <%#:, etc
                var targetText = RemoveASPNETSyntax(pageContent);

                //Convert ASP.NET into Razor syntax.  **This actually presumes that any controls like <asp:ListView..
                //will have an equivalent Razor component in place called <ListView.. etc
                var conversionData = await ReplaceAspControls(targetText);

                //Drop the pageHeaderData into the Dictionary for later processing by any downstream T4 factories
                conversionData.Add("HeaderData", pageHeaderData);

                //Getting the source code from the code behind file provided.
                var codeSource = sourceCodeBehind?.SourceCode;
                if ((codeSource == null) && (sourceDocCodeBehind != null))
                    codeSource = await sourceDocCodeBehind.GetCSharpSourceModelAsync();

                //put the files in the target project
                String targetFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourcePage.Path);
                conversionData.Add("Namespace", $"{targetProject.DefaultNamespace}.Pages");

                //Setup Page directives, using statements etc
                var targetWithMeta = await SetRazorPageDirectives(targetFileName, conversionData);

                //Adding the converted content from the aspx page to the new razor page.
                VsDocument success = await targetPagesFolder.AddDocumentAsync($"{targetFileName}.razor", targetWithMeta);

                if (success != null)
                    //Updating the dialog with the status the aspx page has been converted.
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                   $"Converted the aspx page to a razor page, added razor page {targetFileName}.razor");

                    //If we have the source code from the original aspx page add it to the razor pages folder.
                    if (codeSource != null)
                        //Creating a CodeFactory model store this will be used to pass data to a T4 factory.
                        CsModelStore modelStore = new CsModelStore();

                        //Adding the current class from the code behind into the model store for processing.

                        //Processing the T4 factory and loading the source code.
                        var codeBehindFormattedSourceCode =
                            Templates.PageCodeBehind.GenerateSource(modelStore, conversionData);

                        //Calling the CodeFactory project system and adding a new code behind file and injecting the formatted code into the file.
                        var codeBehind = await targetPagesFolder.AddDocumentAsync($"{targetFileName}.razor.cs", codeBehindFormattedSourceCode);

                        if (codeBehind != null)
                            //Updating the dialog with the status the aspx page code behind has been converted.
                            await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                           $"Converted the aspx page code behind file to a razor page code behind file, added code behind file {targetFileName}.razor.cs");
                            //Updating the dialog with the status the aspx page code behind failed
                            await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                           $"Failed the conversion of the aspx page code behind file to a razor page code behind file {targetFileName}.razor.cs");
                    //Updating the dialog with the status the aspx page failed conversion.
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                   $"Failed the conversion of the aspx page {targetFileName}.razor. Will not convert the code behind file.");
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                               $"The following unhandled error occured while trying to convert the aspx page. '{unhandledError.Message}'");
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new registration class from scratch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceProject">The source project to build the new registration class for.</param>
        /// <param name="className">The name of the class that is used for service registration. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom class name.</param>
        /// <param name="automatedRegistrationMethodName">The name of the automatic transient class registration method. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom method name. </param>
        /// <returns>Fully formatted source code for registration class.</returns>
        public static string BuildNewRegistrationClass(VsProject sourceProject,
                                                       string className = NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName,
                                                       string automatedRegistrationMethodName = NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName)
            if (sourceProject == null)

            if (!sourceProject.IsLoaded)

            string defaultNamespace = sourceProject.DefaultNamespace;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultNamespace))

            CodeFactory.SourceFormatter classFormatter = new CodeFactory.SourceFormatter();

            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "using System;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "using System.Collections.Generic;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, $"namespace {defaultNamespace}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, $"/// Responsible for dependency inject of services for the library <see cref=\"{sourceProject.Name}\"/>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, $"public static class {className}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// Flag that determines if registration has already been performed on the library");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "public static bool ServicesRegistered { get; private set; }");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// Register the dependency injection service that are supported by this library and triggers registration for other libraries referenced by this library.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"serviceCollection\">The service collection that dependency injection uses.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"configuration\">The hosting systems configuration.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "public static void RegisterServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfiguration configuration)");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//If services have already been registered do no process service registration. This protects from duplicate registration.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "if (ServicesRegistered) return;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Call down stream libraries and have them complete their registration.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "RegisterDependentServices(serviceCollection, configuration);");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Process all manually managed registrations for this library.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "ManualRegistrationServices(serviceCollection, configuration);");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Process all automatically discovered services for registration.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, $"{automatedRegistrationMethodName}(serviceCollection);");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Update the registration status.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "ServicesRegistered = true;");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// Register dependency injection services for child libraries referenced by this library.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"serviceCollection\">The service collection that dependency injection uses.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"configuration\">The hosting systems configuration.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "private static void RegisterDependentServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfiguration configuration)");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Todo: Register services from other libraries directly referenced by this library.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// Register services with the service collection manually. This is where manual singleton objects and complex service registration is managed.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"serviceCollection\">The service collection that dependency injection uses.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"configuration\">The hosting systems configuration.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "private static void ManualRegistrationServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfiguration configuration)");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//TODO: manually add singleton and manually managed registrations here.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// Automated registration of classes using transient registration.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// </summary>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "/// <param name=\"serviceCollection\">The service collection to register services.</param>");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, $"private static void {automatedRegistrationMethodName}(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "{");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(3, "//Will be updated through code automation do not change or add to this method by hand.");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(2, "}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(1, "}");
            classFormatter.AppendCodeLine(0, "}");

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the migration process from webforms project to a blazor server project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webFormsProject">Source project to read data from.</param>
        /// <param name="blazorServerProject">Target server blazor project to inject into.</param>
        /// <param name="steps">The migration steps that are to be run.</param>
        public async Task StartMigration(VsProject webFormsProject, VsProject blazorServerProject, MigrationSteps steps)
                //bounds checking that migration steps were provided.
                if (steps == null)
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                                   "Could not determine which migration steps are to be perform migration aborted.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();


                //Bounds checking that the web forms project was provided.
                if (webFormsProject == null)
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                                   "Internal error occured, no web forms project was provided the migration was aborted.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();


                //Bounds checking if the blazor server project was provided.
                if (blazorServerProject == null)
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                                   "Internal error occured, no blazor server project was provided the migration was aborted.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();


                //Starting the migration process by caching the web forms project data
                await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                               MessageTypeEnum.Information, "Please wait loading the data from the web forms project...");

                //Loading the visual studio models from the webFormsProject.
                //This is a resource intensive task we only need to do this once since we are never updating the web forms project.
                //We will cache this data and pass it on to all parts of the migration process
                //var filePath = new DirectoryInfo(webFormsProject.Path).FullName;

                var webFormProjectData = await webFormsProject.LoadAllProjectData(false);

                //Confirming the web forms data has been cached
                if (webFormProjectData.Any())
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                                   MessageTypeEnum.Information, "Web forms data has been cached, migration beginning.");
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateStepStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess,
                                                                   "Failed to load the web forms project data, cannot continue the migration process.");

                    await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();


                //Running the migration steps in sequential order
                if (steps.Startup)
                    await MigrateStartupAsync(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.HttpModules)
                    await MigrateHttpModulesAsync(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.StaticFiles)
                    await MigrateStaticFiles(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.Bundling)
                    await MigrateBundling(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.AspxPages)
                    await MigrateAspxFiles(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.Configuration)
                    await MigrateConfig(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
                if (steps.AppLogic)
                    await MigrateLogic(webFormProjectData, webFormsProject, blazorServerProject);
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                //Updating the dialog with the unhandled error that occured.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.MigrationProcess, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                               $"The migration process had an unhandled error, the migration process is aborting. The following error occured. '{unhandledError.Message}'");
                //Informing the hosting dialog the migration has finished.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the root of a project for the dependency injection registration class. If it is not found will generate a new service registration class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source project to load the registration class from.</param>
        /// <param name="className">The name of the class that is used for service registration. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom class name.</param>
        /// <param name="automatedRegistrationMethodName">The name of the automatic transient class registration method. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom method name. </param>
        /// <returns>The source code model for the registration class.</returns>
        public static async Task <CsSource> GetRegistrationClassAsync(VsProject source, string className     = NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName,
                                                                      string automatedRegistrationMethodName = NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
            if (!source.IsLoaded)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Project model was not loaded cannot load or create the registration class.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(className));

            var projectFiles = await source.GetChildrenAsync(false, true);

            CsSource registrationSource = null;

                //Searching the projects root directory code files for the registration class
                if (projectFiles.Any())
                    registrationSource = projectFiles.Where(f => f.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.CSharpSource)
                                         .Cast <VsCSharpSource>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.SourceCode.Classes.Any(c => c.Name == className))

                //If no registration source code file was found then create a new registration class from scratch.
                if (registrationSource == null)
                    var registrationClassCode = BuildNewRegistrationClass(source, className, automatedRegistrationMethodName);
                    if (registrationClassCode == null)
                        throw new CodeFactoryException("Could not generate the dependency injection registration source code");
                    string registrationClassFileName = $"{className}.cs";

                    var document = await source.AddDocumentAsync(registrationClassFileName, registrationClassCode);

                    registrationSource = await document.GetCSharpSourceModelAsync();

                if (registrationSource == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load the source code for the registration class.");
            catch (CodeFactoryException)
            catch (Exception unhandledException)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("An error occured while loading the registration class source code, cannot continue.", unhandledException);

コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Get latest update for package identity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo"></param>
        /// <param name="identity"></param>
        /// <param name="allowPrerelease"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PackageIdentity GetLastestUpdateForPackage(SourceRepository repo, PackageIdentity identity, VsProject project, bool allowPrerelease, bool isSafe)
            string          latestVersion  = GetLastestVersionForPackage(repo, identity.Id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, identity.Version, isSafe);
            PackageIdentity latestIdentity = null;

            if (latestVersion != null)
                latestIdentity = new PackageIdentity(identity.Id, NuGetVersion.Parse(latestVersion));
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the generation or update of a project wide dependency injection class and automatic registration of classes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The target project to add or update dependency injection in.</param>
        /// <param name="className">The name of the class that is used for service registration. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom class name.</param>
        /// <param name="automatedRegistrationMethodName">The name of the automatic transient class registration method. This will be set to the constant <see cref="NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName"/> this can be overwritten with a custom method name. </param>
        /// <param name="rejectedClassNames">Optional parameter that determines if the class name matches the name in the list it cannot be used for registration.</param>
        /// <param name="rejectedBaseClasses">Optional parameter that determines if the class inherits the target base class it cannot be used for registration.</param>
        /// <param name="targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration">Optional parameter that will determine which interface will be used for registration, This will be the interface itself or anything that inherits the interface.</param>
        public static async Task ProjectBuildDependencyInjectionAsync(VsProject source,
                                                                      string className = NetConstants.DefaultDependencyInjectionClassName,
                                                                      string automatedRegistrationMethodName  = NetConstants.DefaultAutomaticTransientClassRegistrationMethodName,
                                                                      IEnumerable <string> rejectedClassNames = null, IEnumerable <ModelLookupData> rejectedBaseClasses = null,
                                                                      IEnumerable <ModelLookupData> targetInterfaceTypeForRegistration = null)
                var registrationSourceCode = await GetRegistrationClassAsync(source, className, automatedRegistrationMethodName);

                if (registrationSourceCode == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Could load or create the dependency injection code.");

                if (!registrationSourceCode.IsLoaded)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Could load or create the dependency injection code.");

                var registrationClasses = await GetTransientClassesAsync(source, rejectedClassNames, rejectedBaseClasses,

                foreach (var diInfo in registrationClasses)
                    var targetNamespace = diInfo?.ClassData.Namespace;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetNamespace))

                    registrationSourceCode = await registrationSourceCode.AddUsingStatementAsync(targetNamespace);

                var manager = registrationSourceCode.LoadNamespaceManager(source.DefaultNamespace);

                var methodSource = BuildTransientInjectionMethod(registrationClasses, false, true,
                                                                 automatedRegistrationMethodName, "serviceCollection", manager);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodSource))
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Failed to create the automatic transient method");

                var registrationClass =
                    registrationSourceCode.Classes.FirstOrDefault(c =>
                                                                  c.Name == className);

                if (registrationClass == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Could not load the dependency injection class");

                var autoRegistrationMethod = registrationClass.Methods.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                                                                                      m.Name == automatedRegistrationMethodName);

                if (autoRegistrationMethod != null)
                    await autoRegistrationMethod.ReplaceAsync(methodSource);
                    await registrationClass.AddToEndAsync(methodSource);
            catch (CodeFactoryException)
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                throw new CodeFactoryException(
                          "Could not generate the registration class, an unhandled error occured, see exception for details.",
コード例 #24
        private void ProcessProject(List <ListBoxItemData> allFiles, ref int totalLines, ref int totalItems, ref long totalSize, VsSolutionProjectPart each, string projectPath, VsProject proj)
            foreach (string file in proj.IncludedFiles)
                string   filename = projectPath + "\\" + file;
                FileInfo info     = new FileInfo(filename);

                bool alreadyIndexed = false;

                foreach (ListBoxItemData lbid in allFiles)
                    if (lbid.Path + "\\" + lbid.Name == info.FullName)
                        alreadyIndexed = true;
                        lbid.Project  += ", " + each.Name;

                if (!alreadyIndexed)
                    int lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename).Length;

                    ListBoxItemData lbid = new ListBoxItemData(info.Name, info.DirectoryName,
                                                               info.LastWriteTime, FileType(filename), IOHelpers.FormatFileSize(info.Length),
                                                               lines, each.Name);

                    totalLines += lines;
                    totalSize += info.Length;


            foreach (VsProject project in proj.IncludedProjects)
                ProcessProject(allFiles, ref totalLines, ref totalItems, ref totalSize, each, projectPath, project);
コード例 #25
 public ShowProjectMessage(VsProject project)
     Project = project;
コード例 #26
 private bool ApplyShowOnlyProjectsWithoutSolutionFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!ShowOnlyProjectsWithoutSolution || _projectSolutionUsages[project].Count == 0);
コード例 #27
 public IntellisenseFilter(VsProject project)
     m_project = project;
コード例 #28
 private bool ApplyProjectReferenceFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!IsProjectReferenceFilterEnabled || ProjectReferenceFilter == null || project.ProjectReferences.Any(r => r.Path == ProjectReferenceFilter.Path));
コード例 #29
        public int Generate(string wszInputFilePath, string bstrInputFileContents, string wszDefaultNamespace, IntPtr[] rgbOutputFileContents, out uint pcbOutput, IVsGeneratorProgress pGenerateProgress)
                bool oldVsProject = site.GetType().IsCOMObject;
                InputFileContents      = bstrInputFileContents;
                InputFilePath          = wszInputFilePath;
                _codeGeneratorProgress = pGenerateProgress;

                int  iFound = 0;
                uint itemId = 0;
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem item;
                Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] pdwPriority = new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1];

                // obtain a reference to the current project as an IVsProject type
                //Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsProject VsProject = VsHelper.ToVsProject(_project);
                Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsProject VsProject;
                if (oldVsProject)
                    VsProject = VsHelper.ToVsProject(_project);
                    VsProject = VsHelper.ToNewVsProject(_project, (Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider)_project.DTE);
                // this locates, and returns a handle to our source file, as a ProjectItem
                VsProject.IsDocumentInProject(InputFilePath, out iFound, pdwPriority, out itemId);

                // if our source file was found in the project (which it should have been)
                if (iFound != 0 && itemId != 0)
                    VsProject.GetItemContext(itemId, out Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider oleSp);
                    if (oleSp != null)
                        var sp = new ServiceProvider(oleSp);
                        // convert our handle to a ProjectItem
                        item = sp.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.ProjectItem)) as EnvDTE.ProjectItem;
                        throw new ApplicationException("Unable to retrieve Visual Studio ProjectItem");
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unable to retrieve Visual Studio ProjectItem");

                var generatePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(wszInputFilePath);
                var configPath   = Path.Combine(generatePath, "gen.config");
                var genTypes     = (from line in File.ReadAllLines(configPath)
                                    where !line.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                                    where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)
                                    select line).ToArray();
                var siFileName = Path.GetFileName(wszInputFilePath);

                Debug.WriteLine("Start Custom Tool.");
                int    lineCount = bstrInputFileContents.Split('\n').Length;
                byte[] bytes     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(lineCount.ToString() + " LOC");
                int    length    = bytes.Length;
                rgbOutputFileContents[0] = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(length);
                Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, rgbOutputFileContents[0], length);
                pcbOutput = (uint)length;
                // Use ProcessStartInfo class.
                var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                    FileName               = "java.exe",
                    UseShellExecute        = false,
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    CreateNoWindow         = true,
                    WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
                    WorkingDirectory       = Path.GetDirectoryName(_project.FullName)

                bool isfirst = true;
                var  args    = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var type in genTypes)
                    if (isfirst)
                        args.Append($"-jar \"{type}\" \"{wszInputFilePath}\"");
                        isfirst = false;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && !type.StartsWith("//"))
                            var genComps = type.Split();
                            if (genComps.Length == 1)
                                args.Append($" -o \"{generatePath}\" {type}");
                                args.Append(" -o \"" + generatePath + type.Substring(type.IndexOf(" ")).Trim() + "\" " + genComps[0]);
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(generatePath + type.Substring(type.IndexOf(" ")).Trim());
                startInfo.Arguments = args.ToString();

                    // Start the process with the info we specified.
                    // Call WaitForExit and then the using-statement will close.
                    using (var exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))

                        //var output = "";
                        //while (!exeProcess.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                        //    output += exeProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine() + "\n";
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        while (!exeProcess.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                        var output = sb.ToString();

                        bool start = false;
                        foreach (var oline in Regex.Split(output, "\r\n|\r|\n"))
                            if (genTypes.Contains(oline) || genTypes.Any(x => x.StartsWith(oline)))
                                start = true;

                            if (start)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oline) && !oline.Trim().StartsWith("(") && !genTypes.Contains(oline))
                                    _newFileNames.Add(oline.Substring(oline.IndexOf(":") + 2).Trim());

                        if (output.Contains("ParseException"))
                            var exception = output.Substring(output.IndexOf("ParseException"));
                            exception = exception.Substring(0, exception.IndexOf('\n'));

                            uint line   = uint.Parse(exception.Split(new string[] { " line " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split(',')[0]) - 1;
                            uint column = uint.Parse(exception.Split(new string[] { " column " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0]) - 1;

                            GeneratorError(4, output.Replace("\n", " "), line, column);

                            foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem childItem in item.ProjectItems)
                        else if (output.Contains("bbd.jportal.TokenMgrError"))
                            var exception = output.Substring(output.IndexOf("bbd.jportal.TokenMgrError"));
                            exception = exception.Substring(0, exception.IndexOf('\n'));

                            uint line   = uint.Parse(exception.Split(new string[] { " line " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split(',')[0]) - 1;
                            uint column = uint.Parse(exception.Split(new string[] { " column " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0]) - 1;

                            GeneratorError(4, output.Replace("\n", " "), line, column);

                            foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem childItem in item.ProjectItems)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    pcbOutput = 0;
                    GeneratorError(4, ex.ToString(), 0, 0);
                    File.WriteAllText("sifilegenerator.log", "Si file generation failed for: " + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\r\n");
                    File.AppendAllText("sifilegenerator.log", ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n\n" + ex.InnerException);
                    File.AppendAllText("sifilegenerator.log", Environment.NewLine + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine);

                foreach (var pfile in _newFileNames.ToList())
                        if (File.Exists(pfile) && Directory.GetParent(pfile).FullName == generatePath)
                            EnvDTE.ProjectItem itm = item.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(pfile);
                    catch (COMException) { }

                 * Here you may wish to perform some addition logic
                 * such as, setting a custom tool for the target file if it
                 * is intented to perform its own generation process.
                 * Or, set the target file as an 'Embedded Resource' so that
                 * it is embedded into the final Assembly.
                 * EnvDTE.Property prop = itm.Properties.Item("CustomTool");
                 * //// set to embedded resource
                 * itm.Properties.Item("BuildAction").Value = 3;
                 * if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)prop.Value) || !String.Equals((string)prop.Value, typeof(AnotherCustomTool).Name))
                 * {
                 *  prop.Value = typeof(AnotherCustomTool).Name;
                 *          }

                // perform some clean-up, making sure we delete any old (stale) target-files
                foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem childItem in item.ProjectItems)
                    if (!_newFileNames.Select(x => x.Substring(x.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1)).Contains(childItem.Name))
                        // then delete it

                // generate our summary content for our 'single' file
                byte[] summaryData = GenerateSummaryContent();

                if (summaryData == null)
                    rgbOutputFileContents[0] = IntPtr.Zero;
                    pcbOutput = 0;
                    // return our summary data, so that Visual Studio may write it to disk.
                    rgbOutputFileContents[0] = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(summaryData.Length);
                    Marshal.Copy(summaryData, 0, rgbOutputFileContents[0], summaryData.Length);
                    pcbOutput = (uint)summaryData.Length;
            catch (Exception e)
                pcbOutput = 0;
                GeneratorError(4, e.ToString(), 0, 0);
                var errorPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "SiFileGenerator");
                if (!Directory.Exists(errorPath))
                var filePath = Path.Combine(errorPath, "Error.txt");

                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, true))
                    writer.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine);


コード例 #30
 private bool ApplyNuGetPackageFilter(VsProject project)
     return(!IsNuGetPackageFilterEnabled || NuGetPackageFilter == null || project.NuGetReferences.Any(n => n.Name == NuGetPackageFilter.Name && n.Version == NuGetPackageFilter.Version));
コード例 #31
ファイル: ScriptParser.cs プロジェクト: GoEddie/MergeUi
 public ScriptParser(string path, VsProject project)
     _path    = path;
     _project = project;
コード例 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Get latest JObject for package identity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo"></param>
        /// <param name="identity"></param>
        /// <param name="allowPrerelease"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<JObject> GetLastestJObjectsForPackage(SourceRepository repo, JObject jObject, VsProject project, bool allowPrerelease, int skip, int take, bool takeAllVersions)
            List<JObject> jObjects = new List<JObject>();
            string id = jObject.Value<string>(Properties.PackageId);
            string version = jObject.Value<string>(Properties.Version);
            NuGetVersion nVersion = GetNuGetVersionFromString(version);

            if (!takeAllVersions)
                string latestVersion = GetLastestVersionForPackage(repo, id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, nVersion, false);
                if (latestVersion != null)
                    NuGetVersion laVersion = GetNuGetVersionFromString(latestVersion);
                    if (laVersion > nVersion)
                        Task<JObject> task = repo.GetPackageMetadata(id, laVersion);
                        JObject latestJObject = task.Result;
                JObject package = GetJObjectForPackageId(repo, id, project.GetSupportedFrameworks(), allowPrerelease, skip, take);
                IEnumerable<NuGetVersion> versionList = GetAllVersionsForPackageId(package).OrderByDescending(v => v);
                // Work around a bug in repo.Search(), where prerelease versions are not filtered out.
                if (!allowPrerelease)
                    versionList = versionList.Where(p => p > nVersion && p.IsPrerelease == false);
                    versionList = versionList.Where(p => p > nVersion);

                foreach (NuGetVersion updateVersion in versionList)
                    JObject updateObject = GetPackageByIdAndVersion(repo, id, updateVersion.ToNormalizedString(), allowPrerelease);
            return jObjects;
        public async Task MigrateSingleASPXFile(VsDocument aspxSourcefile, VsProject blazorServerProject)
                //VsCSharpSource aspxCodeBehindFile
                //Getting the formatted names that will be used in migrating the ASPX file and its code behind to the blazor project.
                string targetFileNameNoExtension   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aspxSourcefile.Path);
                string aspxCodeBehindFileName      = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.aspx.cs";
                string razorPageFileName           = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.razor";
                string razorPageCodeBehindFileName = $"{targetFileNameNoExtension}.razor.cs";

                //Calling into the CodeFactory project system and getting all the direct children of the project.
                var blazorRootModels = await blazorServerProject.GetChildrenAsync(false);

                //Getting the pages folder from the blazor project.
                var blazorPagesFolder = blazorRootModels.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                                                                        m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.ProjectFolder & m.Name.ToLower().Equals("pages")) as VsProjectFolder;

                //If the pages folder was not found fail this step and return.
                if (blazorPagesFolder == null)
                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                                   "No pages folder was found in the blazor project, cannot continue the aspx file conversion.");


                //Call the CodeFactory project system to get all the current children of the pages project folder.
                var pagesFolderModels = await blazorPagesFolder.GetChildrenAsync(true);

                //Filtering out everything but documents.
                var pages = pagesFolderModels.Where(m => m.ModelType == VisualStudioModelType.Document)
                            .Cast <VsDocument>();

                //Searching for an existing razor page. We will delete razor pages and recreate them.
                var currentRazorPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Path.ToLower().EndsWith(razorPageFileName.ToLower()));

                if (currentRazorPage != null)
                    //Razor page was found removing the razor page.
                    bool removedPage = await currentRazorPage.DeleteAsync();

                    if (removedPage)
                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                       MessageTypeEnum.Information, $"Removed the razor page {razorPageFileName}");

                        var currentRazorPageCodeBehind = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Path.ToLower().EndsWith(razorPageCodeBehindFileName.ToLower()));

                        if (currentRazorPageCodeBehind != null)
                            if (File.Exists(currentRazorPageCodeBehind.Path))
                                bool removedCodeBehind = await currentRazorPageCodeBehind.DeleteAsync();

                                if (removedCodeBehind)
                                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                                   $"Removed the razor page code behind file {razorPageCodeBehindFileName}");
                                    await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                                   $"Could not remove the razor page code behind file {razorPageCodeBehindFileName}.The target ASPX file will not be migrated.");

                        await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages,
                                                                       $"Could not remove the razor page {razorPageFileName}.The target ASPX file will not be migrated.");


                var aspxChildren = await aspxSourcefile.GetChildrenAsync(true);

                var codeBehindFile = aspxChildren
                                     .Where(c => (c.IsSourceCode == true) && (c.SourceType == SourceCodeType.CSharp)).FirstOrDefault();

                //Converting the aspx page and the code behind file if it was found.
                await ConvertAspxPage(aspxSourcefile, blazorServerProject, blazorPagesFolder, null, codeBehindFile);

                await _statusTracking.UpdateMigrationFinishedAsync();
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                //Dumping the exception that occured directly into the status so the user can see what happened.
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error, $"The following unhandled error occured. '{unhandledError.Message}'");