コード例 #1
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: t9mike/mono
 void AddProjectReference(StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, VsCsproj lastMatching, string r)
     refs.AppendFormat("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", GetRelativePath(result.csprojFileName, lastMatching.csprojFileName), NewLine);
     refs.Append("      <Project>" + lastMatching.projectGuid + "</Project>" + NewLine);
     refs.Append("      <Name>" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lastMatching.csprojFileName) + "</Name>" + NewLine);
     refs.Append("    </ProjectReference>" + NewLine);
     if (!result.projReferences.Contains(lastMatching))
コード例 #2
 void AddProjectReference(StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, MsbuildGenerator match, string r, string alias)
     refs.AppendFormat("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", GetRelativePath(result.csProjFilename, match.CsprojFilename), NewLine);
     refs.Append("      <Project>" + match.projectGuid + "</Project>" + NewLine);
     refs.Append("      <Name>" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(match.CsprojFilename) + "</Name>" + NewLine);
     if (alias != null)
         refs.Append("      <Aliases>" + alias + "</Aliases>");
     refs.Append("    </ProjectReference>" + NewLine);
     if (!result.projReferences.Contains(match.Csproj))
コード例 #3
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: zixing131/mono
    public MsbuildGenerator(XElement xproject)
        this.xproject  = xproject;
        dir            = xproject.Attribute("dir").Value;
        library        = xproject.Attribute("library").Value;
        CsprojFilename = "..\\..\\mcs\\" + dir + "\\" + library + ".csproj";
        LibraryOutput  = xproject.Element("library_output").Value;

        projectGuid = LookupOrGenerateGuid();
        fx_version  = xproject.Element("fx_version").Value;
        Csproj      = new VsCsproj()
            csProjFilename   = this.CsprojFilename,
            projectGuid      = this.projectGuid,
            library_output   = this.LibraryOutput,
            fx_version       = double.Parse(fx_version),
            library          = this.library,
            MsbuildGenerator = this

        if (dir == "mcs")
            mcs_topdir = "../";
            class_dir  = "../class/";
            base_dir   = "../../mcs/mcs";
            mcs_topdir = "../";

            foreach (char c in dir)
                if (c == '/')
                    mcs_topdir = "..//" + mcs_topdir;
            class_dir = mcs_topdir.Substring(3);

            base_dir = Path.Combine("..", "..", "mcs", dir);
        AbsoluteLibraryOutput = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(base_dir, LibraryOutput));
コード例 #4
    public VsCsproj Generate(XElement xproject, List <MsbuildGenerator.VsCsproj> projects, bool showWarnings = false)
        var    result = new VsCsproj();
        string library = xproject.Attribute("library").Value;
        string boot, flags, output_name, built_sources, library_output, response, fx_version, profile;

        boot           = xproject.Element("boot").Value;
        flags          = xproject.Element("flags").Value;
        output_name    = xproject.Element("output").Value;
        built_sources  = xproject.Element("built_sources").Value;
        library_output = xproject.Element("library_output").Value;
        response       = xproject.Element("response").Value;
        fx_version     = xproject.Element("fx_version").Value;
        //if (library.EndsWith("-build")) fx_version = "2.0"; // otherwise problem if .NET4.5 is installed, seems. (https://github.com/nikhilk/scriptsharp/issues/156)
        profile = xproject.Element("profile").Value;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
            // Address the issue where entries are missing the fx_version
            // Should be fixed in the Makefile or elsewhere; this is a workaround
            response = profile;
            profile  = fx_version;
            if (response.Contains("build") || response.Contains("basic") || response.Contains(profile_2_0))
                fx_version = "2.0";
                if (response.Contains(profile_2_0))
                    profile = "net_2_0";
            if (response.Contains("build") || response.Contains("basic") || response.Contains(profile_2_0))
                fx_version = "2.0";
            else if (response.Contains(profile_3_5))
                fx_version = "3.5";
                profile    = "net_3_5";
            else if (response.Contains(profile_4_0))
                fx_version = "4.0";
                profile    = "net_4_0";
            else if (response.Contains(profile_4_5))
                fx_version = "4.5";
                profile    = "net_4_5";
        // Prebuild code, might be in inputs, check:
        //  inputs/LIBRARY-PROFILE.pre
        //  inputs/LIBRARY.pre
        string prebuild = Load(library + ".pre");
        string prebuild_windows, prebuild_unix;

        int q = library.IndexOf("-");

        if (q != -1)
            prebuild = prebuild + Load(library.Substring(0, q) + ".pre");

        if (prebuild.IndexOf("@MONO@") != -1)
            prebuild_unix    = prebuild.Replace("@MONO@", "mono").Replace("@CAT@", "cat");
            prebuild_windows = prebuild.Replace("@MONO@", "").Replace("@CAT@", "type");
            prebuild_unix    = prebuild;
            prebuild_windows = prebuild;

        const string condition_unix    = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' \"";
        const string condition_windows = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' \"";

        prebuild =
            "    <PreBuildEvent " + condition_unix + ">\n" + prebuild_unix + "\n    </PreBuildEvent>\n" +
            "    <PreBuildEvent " + condition_windows + ">\n" + prebuild_windows + "\n    </PreBuildEvent>\n";

        var all_args = new Queue <string []> ();

        while (all_args.Count > 0)
            string [] f = all_args.Dequeue();

            for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
                if (f [i] [0] == '-')
                    f [i] = "/" + f [i].Substring(1);

                if (f [i] [0] == '@')
                    string [] extra_args;
                    string    response_file = f [i].Substring(1);

                    var resp_file_full = Path.Combine(base_dir, response_file);
                    extra_args = LoadArgs(resp_file_full);
                    if (extra_args == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to open response file: " + resp_file_full);


                if (CSCParseOption(f [i], ref f))
                Console.WriteLine("Failure with {0}", f [i]);

        string [] source_files;
        //Console.WriteLine ("Base: {0} res: {1}", base_dir, response);
        using (var reader = new StreamReader(NativeName(base_dir + "\\" + response))) {
            source_files = reader.ReadToEnd().Split();


        StringBuilder sources = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (string s in source_files)
            if (s.Length == 0)

            string src = s.Replace("/", "\\");
            if (src.StartsWith(@"Test\..\"))
                src = src.Substring(8, src.Length - 8);

            sources.AppendFormat("    <Compile Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, src);

        source_files = built_sources.Split();

        foreach (string s in source_files)
            if (s.Length == 0)

            string src = s.Replace("/", "\\");
            if (src.StartsWith(@"Test\..\"))
                src = src.Substring(8, src.Length - 8);

            sources.AppendFormat("    <Compile Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, src);
        sources.Remove(sources.Length - 1, 1);

        //if (library == "corlib-build") // otherwise, does not compile on fx_version == 4.0
        //    references.Add("System.dll");
        //    references.Add("System.Xml.dll");

        //if (library == "System.Core-build") // otherwise, slow compile. May be a transient need.
        //    this.ignore_warning.Add(1685);
        //    this.ignore_warning.Add(0436);

        result.library        = library;
        result.csprojFileName = "..\\..\\mcs\\" + dir + "\\" + library + ".csproj";

        var refs = new StringBuilder();

        bool is_test = response.Contains("_test_");

        if (is_test)
            // F:\src\mono\mcs\class\lib\net_2_0\nunit.framework.dll
            // F:\src\mono\mcs\class\SomeProject\SomeProject_test_-net_2_0.csproj
            var nunitLibPath = string.Format(@"..\lib\{0}\nunit.framework.dll", profile);
            refs.Append(string.Format("    <Reference Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, nunitLibPath));

        var resources = new StringBuilder();

        if (embedded_resources.Count > 0)
            resources.AppendFormat("  <ItemGroup>" + NewLine);
            foreach (var dk in embedded_resources)
                resources.AppendFormat("    <EmbeddedResource Include=\"{0}\">" + NewLine, dk.Key);
                resources.AppendFormat("      <LogicalName>{0}</LogicalName>" + NewLine, dk.Value);
                resources.AppendFormat("    </EmbeddedResource>" + NewLine);
            resources.AppendFormat("  </ItemGroup>" + NewLine);
        if (references.Count > 0 || reference_aliases.Count > 0)
            // -r:mscorlib.dll -r:System.dll
            //<ProjectReference Include="..\corlib\corlib-basic.csproj">
            //  <Project>{155aef28-c81f-405d-9072-9d52780e3e70}</Project>
            //  <Name>corlib-basic</Name>
            //<ProjectReference Include="..\System\System-basic.csproj">
            //  <Project>{2094e859-db2f-481f-9630-f89d31d9ed48}</Project>
            //  <Name>System-basic</Name>
            var refdistinct = references.Distinct();
            foreach (string r in refdistinct)
                VsCsproj lastMatching = GetMatchingCsproj(Path.GetFileName(r), projects);
                if (lastMatching != null)
                    AddProjectReference(refs, result, lastMatching, r, null);
                    if (showWarnings)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, Path.GetFileName(r));
                        Console.WriteLine("  --> Adding reference with hintpath instead");
                    refs.Append("    <Reference Include=\"" + r + "\">" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <HintPath>" + r + "</HintPath>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <Private>False</Private>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("    </Reference>" + NewLine);

            foreach (string r in reference_aliases)
                int      index        = r.IndexOf('=');
                string   alias        = r.Substring(0, index);
                string   assembly     = r.Substring(index + 1);
                VsCsproj lastMatching = GetMatchingCsproj(Path.GetFileName(assembly), projects);
                if (lastMatching != null)
                    AddProjectReference(refs, result, lastMatching, r, alias);
                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("From {0}, could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, r));
                    refs.Append("    <Reference Include=\"" + assembly + "\">" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <HintPath>" + r + "</HintPath>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("      <Aliases>" + alias + "</Aliases>" + NewLine);
                    refs.Append("    </Reference>" + NewLine);

        // Possible inputs:
        // ../class/lib/build/tmp/System.Xml.dll  [No longer possible, we should be removing this from order.xml]
        //   /class/lib/basic/System.Core.dll
        // <library_output>mcs.exe</library_output>
        string build_output_dir;

        if (library_output.Contains("/"))
            build_output_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(library_output);
            build_output_dir = "bin\\Debug\\" + library;

        string postbuild_unix    = string.Empty;
        string postbuild_windows = string.Empty;

        var postbuild =
            "    <PostBuildEvent " + condition_unix + ">\n" + postbuild_unix + "\n    </PostBuildEvent>\n" +
            "    <PostBuildEvent " + condition_windows + ">\n" + postbuild_windows + "\n    </PostBuildEvent>";

        bool basic_or_build = (library.Contains("-basic") || library.Contains("-build"));

        // Replace the template values
        result.projectGuid    = "{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}";
        result.library_output = library_output;
        result.fx_version     = double.Parse(fx_version);
        result.output         = template.
                                Replace("@PROJECTGUID@", result.projectGuid).
                                Replace("@DEFINES@", defines.ToString()).
                                Replace("@DISABLEDWARNINGS@", string.Join(",", (from i in ignore_warning select i.ToString()).ToArray())).
                                //Replace("@NOSTDLIB@", (basic_or_build || (!StdLib)) ? "<NoStdLib>true</NoStdLib>" : string.Empty).
                                Replace("@NOSTDLIB@", "<NoStdLib>" + (!StdLib).ToString() + "</NoStdLib>").
                                Replace("@NOCONFIG@", "<NoConfig>" + (!load_default_config).ToString() + "</NoConfig>").
                                Replace("@ALLOWUNSAFE@", Unsafe ? "<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>" : "").
                                Replace("@FX_VERSION", fx_version).
                                Replace("@ASSEMBLYNAME@", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(output_name)).
                                Replace("@OUTPUTDIR@", build_output_dir).
                                Replace("@DEFINECONSTANTS@", defines.ToString()).
                                Replace("@DEBUG@", want_debugging_support ? "true" : "false").
                                Replace("@DEBUGTYPE@", want_debugging_support ? "full" : "pdbonly").
                                Replace("@REFERENCES@", refs.ToString()).
                                Replace("@PREBUILD@", prebuild).
                                Replace("@POSTBUILD@", postbuild).
                                //Replace ("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Format ("<AdditionalLibPaths>{0}</AdditionalLibPaths>", string.Join (",", libs.ToArray ()))).
                                Replace("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Empty).
                                Replace("@RESOURCES@", resources.ToString()).
                                Replace("@OPTIMIZE@", Optimize ? "true" : "false").
                                Replace("@SOURCES@", sources.ToString());

        //Console.WriteLine ("Generated {0}", ofile.Replace ("\\", "/"));
        var generatedProjFile = NativeName(result.csprojFileName);

        Console.WriteLine("Generating: {0}", generatedProjFile);
        using (var o = new StreamWriter(generatedProjFile)) {

コード例 #5
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: alaendle/mono
	void AddProjectReference (StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, VsCsproj lastMatching, string r, string alias)
		refs.AppendFormat ("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", GetRelativePath (result.csprojFileName, lastMatching.csprojFileName), NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Project>" + lastMatching.projectGuid + "</Project>" + NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Name>" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (lastMatching.csprojFileName) + "</Name>" + NewLine);
		if (alias != null)
			refs.Append ("      <Aliases>" + alias + "</Aliases>");
		refs.Append ("    </ProjectReference>" + NewLine);
		if (!result.projReferences.Contains (lastMatching))
			result.projReferences.Add (lastMatching);
コード例 #6
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: alaendle/mono
	public VsCsproj Generate (XElement xproject, List<MsbuildGenerator.VsCsproj> projects, bool showWarnings = false)

		var result = new VsCsproj ();
		string library = xproject.Attribute ("library").Value;
		string boot, flags, output_name, built_sources, library_output, response, fx_version, profile;

		boot = xproject.Element ("boot").Value;
		flags = xproject.Element ("flags").Value;
		output_name = xproject.Element ("output").Value;
		built_sources = xproject.Element ("built_sources").Value;
		library_output = xproject.Element ("library_output").Value;
		response = xproject.Element ("response").Value;
		fx_version = xproject.Element ("fx_version").Value;
		//if (library.EndsWith("-build")) fx_version = "2.0"; // otherwise problem if .NET4.5 is installed, seems. (https://github.com/nikhilk/scriptsharp/issues/156)
		profile = xproject.Element ("profile").Value;
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (response)) {
			// Address the issue where entries are missing the fx_version
			// Should be fixed in the Makefile or elsewhere; this is a workaround
			response = profile;
			profile = fx_version;
			if (response.Contains ("build") || response.Contains ("basic") || response.Contains (profile_2_0)) {
				fx_version = "2.0";
				if (response.Contains (profile_2_0)) profile = "net_2_0";
			} if (response.Contains ("build") || response.Contains ("basic") || response.Contains (profile_2_0)) {
				fx_version = "2.0";
			} else if (response.Contains (profile_3_5)) {
				fx_version = "3.5";
				profile = "net_3_5";
			} else if (response.Contains (profile_4_0)) {
				fx_version = "4.0";
				profile = "net_4_0";
			} else if (response.Contains (profile_4_5)) {
				fx_version = "4.5";
				profile = "net_4_5";
		// Prebuild code, might be in inputs, check:
		//  inputs/LIBRARY-PROFILE.pre
		//  inputs/LIBRARY.pre
		string prebuild = Load (library + ".pre");
		string prebuild_windows, prebuild_unix;
		int q = library.IndexOf ("-");
		if (q != -1)
			prebuild = prebuild + Load (library.Substring (0, q) + ".pre");

		if (prebuild.IndexOf ("@MONO@") != -1){
			prebuild_unix = prebuild.Replace ("@MONO@", "mono").Replace ("@CAT@", "cat");
			prebuild_windows = prebuild.Replace ("@MONO@", "").Replace ("@CAT@", "type");
		} else {
			prebuild_unix = prebuild;
			prebuild_windows = prebuild;
		const string condition_unix    = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' \"";
		const string condition_windows = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' \"";
		prebuild =
			"    <PreBuildEvent " + condition_unix + ">\n" + prebuild_unix + "\n    </PreBuildEvent>\n" +
			"    <PreBuildEvent " + condition_windows + ">\n" + prebuild_windows + "\n    </PreBuildEvent>\n";

		var all_args = new Queue<string []> ();
		all_args.Enqueue (flags.Split ());
		while (all_args.Count > 0) {
			string [] f = all_args.Dequeue ();

			for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) {
				if (f [i] [0] == '-')
					f [i] = "/" + f [i].Substring (1);

				if (f [i] [0] == '@') {
					string [] extra_args;
					string response_file = f [i].Substring (1);

					var resp_file_full = Path.Combine (base_dir, response_file);
					extra_args = LoadArgs (resp_file_full);
					if (extra_args == null) {
						Console.WriteLine ("Unable to open response file: " + resp_file_full);
						Environment.Exit (1);

					all_args.Enqueue (extra_args);

				if (CSCParseOption (f [i], ref f))
				Console.WriteLine ("Failure with {0}", f [i]);
				Environment.Exit (1);

		string [] source_files;
		//Console.WriteLine ("Base: {0} res: {1}", base_dir, response);
		using (var reader = new StreamReader (NativeName (base_dir + "\\" + response))) {
			source_files = reader.ReadToEnd ().Split ();

		Array.Sort (source_files);

		StringBuilder sources = new StringBuilder ();
		foreach (string s in source_files) {
			if (s.Length == 0)

			string src = s.Replace ("/", "\\");
			if (src.StartsWith (@"Test\..\"))
				src = src.Substring (8, src.Length - 8);

			sources.AppendFormat ("    <Compile Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, src);

		source_files = built_sources.Split ();
		Array.Sort (source_files);

		foreach (string s in source_files) {
			if (s.Length == 0)

			string src = s.Replace ("/", "\\");
			if (src.StartsWith (@"Test\..\"))
				src = src.Substring (8, src.Length - 8);

			sources.AppendFormat ("    <Compile Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, src);
		sources.Remove (sources.Length - 1, 1);

		//if (library == "corlib-build") // otherwise, does not compile on fx_version == 4.0
		//    references.Add("System.dll");
		//    references.Add("System.Xml.dll");

		//if (library == "System.Core-build") // otherwise, slow compile. May be a transient need.
		//    this.ignore_warning.Add(1685);
		//    this.ignore_warning.Add(0436);

		result.library = library;
		result.csprojFileName = "..\\..\\mcs\\" + dir + "\\" + library + ".csproj";

		var refs = new StringBuilder ();

		bool is_test = response.Contains ("_test_");
		if (is_test) {
			// F:\src\mono\mcs\class\lib\net_2_0\nunit.framework.dll
			// F:\src\mono\mcs\class\SomeProject\SomeProject_test_-net_2_0.csproj
			var nunitLibPath = string.Format (@"..\lib\{0}\nunit.framework.dll", profile);
			refs.Append (string.Format ("    <Reference Include=\"{0}\" />" + NewLine, nunitLibPath));

		var resources = new StringBuilder ();
		if (embedded_resources.Count > 0) {
			resources.AppendFormat ("  <ItemGroup>" + NewLine);
			foreach (var dk in embedded_resources) {
				resources.AppendFormat ("    <EmbeddedResource Include=\"{0}\">" + NewLine, dk.Key);
				resources.AppendFormat ("      <LogicalName>{0}</LogicalName>" + NewLine, dk.Value);
				resources.AppendFormat ("    </EmbeddedResource>" + NewLine);
			resources.AppendFormat ("  </ItemGroup>" + NewLine);
		if (references.Count > 0 || reference_aliases.Count > 0) {
			// -r:mscorlib.dll -r:System.dll
			//<ProjectReference Include="..\corlib\corlib-basic.csproj">
			//  <Project>{155aef28-c81f-405d-9072-9d52780e3e70}</Project>
			//  <Name>corlib-basic</Name>
			//<ProjectReference Include="..\System\System-basic.csproj">
			//  <Project>{2094e859-db2f-481f-9630-f89d31d9ed48}</Project>
			//  <Name>System-basic</Name>
			var refdistinct = references.Distinct ();
			foreach (string r in refdistinct) {
				VsCsproj lastMatching = GetMatchingCsproj (Path.GetFileName (r), projects);
				if (lastMatching != null) {
					AddProjectReference (refs, result, lastMatching, r, null);
				} else {
					if (showWarnings){
						Console.WriteLine ("{0}: Could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, Path.GetFileName (r));
						Console.WriteLine ("  --> Adding reference with hintpath instead");
					refs.Append ("    <Reference Include=\"" + r + "\">" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <HintPath>" + r + "</HintPath>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <Private>False</Private>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("    </Reference>" + NewLine);

			foreach (string r in reference_aliases) {
				int index = r.IndexOf ('=');
				string alias = r.Substring (0, index);
				string assembly = r.Substring (index + 1);
				VsCsproj lastMatching = GetMatchingCsproj (Path.GetFileName (assembly), projects);
				if (lastMatching != null) {
					AddProjectReference (refs, result, lastMatching, r, alias);
				} else {
					throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ("From {0}, could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, r));
					refs.Append ("    <Reference Include=\"" + assembly + "\">" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <HintPath>" + r + "</HintPath>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("      <Aliases>" + alias + "</Aliases>" + NewLine);
					refs.Append ("    </Reference>" + NewLine);


		// Possible inputs:
		// ../class/lib/build/tmp/System.Xml.dll  [No longer possible, we should be removing this from order.xml]
		//   /class/lib/basic/System.Core.dll
		// <library_output>mcs.exe</library_output>
		string build_output_dir;
		if (library_output.Contains ("/"))
			build_output_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (library_output);
			build_output_dir = "bin\\Debug\\" + library;

		string postbuild_unix = string.Empty;
		string postbuild_windows = string.Empty;

		var postbuild =  
			"    <PostBuildEvent " + condition_unix + ">\n" + postbuild_unix + "\n    </PostBuildEvent>\n" +
			"    <PostBuildEvent " + condition_windows + ">\n" + postbuild_windows + "\n    </PostBuildEvent>";

		bool basic_or_build = (library.Contains ("-basic") || library.Contains ("-build"));

		// Replace the template values
		result.projectGuid = "{" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ().ToUpper () + "}";
		result.library_output = library_output;
		result.fx_version = double.Parse (fx_version);
		result.output = template.
			Replace ("@PROJECTGUID@", result.projectGuid).
			Replace ("@DEFINES@", defines.ToString ()).
			Replace ("@DISABLEDWARNINGS@", string.Join (",", (from i in ignore_warning select i.ToString ()).ToArray ())).
			//Replace("@NOSTDLIB@", (basic_or_build || (!StdLib)) ? "<NoStdLib>true</NoStdLib>" : string.Empty).
			Replace ("@NOSTDLIB@", "<NoStdLib>" + (!StdLib).ToString () + "</NoStdLib>").
			Replace ("@NOCONFIG@", "<NoConfig>" + (!load_default_config).ToString () + "</NoConfig>").
			Replace ("@ALLOWUNSAFE@", Unsafe ? "<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>" : "").
			Replace ("@FX_VERSION", fx_version).
			Replace ("@ASSEMBLYNAME@", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (output_name)).
			Replace ("@OUTPUTDIR@", build_output_dir).
			Replace ("@DEFINECONSTANTS@", defines.ToString ()).
			Replace ("@DEBUG@", want_debugging_support ? "true" : "false").
			Replace ("@DEBUGTYPE@", want_debugging_support ? "full" : "pdbonly").
			Replace ("@REFERENCES@", refs.ToString ()).
			Replace ("@PREBUILD@", prebuild).
			Replace ("@POSTBUILD@", postbuild).
			//Replace ("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Format ("<AdditionalLibPaths>{0}</AdditionalLibPaths>", string.Join (",", libs.ToArray ()))).
			Replace ("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Empty).
			Replace ("@RESOURCES@", resources.ToString ()).
			Replace ("@OPTIMIZE@", Optimize ? "true" : "false").
			Replace ("@SOURCES@", sources.ToString ());

		//Console.WriteLine ("Generated {0}", ofile.Replace ("\\", "/"));
		var generatedProjFile = NativeName (result.csprojFileName);
		Console.WriteLine ("Generating: {0}", generatedProjFile);
		using (var o = new StreamWriter (generatedProjFile)) {
			o.WriteLine (result.output);

		return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: yangjunhua/mono
	void AddProjectReference (StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, MsbuildGenerator match, string r, string alias)
		refs.AppendFormat ("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", GetRelativePath (result.csProjFilename, match.CsprojFilename), NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Project>" + match.projectGuid + "</Project>" + NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Name>" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (match.CsprojFilename.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) + "</Name>" + NewLine);
		if (alias != null)
			refs.Append ("      <Aliases>" + alias + "</Aliases>");
		refs.Append ("    </ProjectReference>" + NewLine);
		if (!result.projReferences.Contains (match.Csproj))
			result.projReferences.Add (match.Csproj);
コード例 #8
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: yangjunhua/mono
	public MsbuildGenerator (XElement xproject)
		this.xproject = xproject;
		dir = xproject.Attribute ("dir").Value;
		library = xproject.Attribute ("library").Value;
		CsprojFilename = "..\\..\\mcs\\" + dir + "\\" + library + ".csproj";
		LibraryOutput = xproject.Element ("library_output").Value;

		projectGuid = LookupOrGenerateGuid ();
		fx_version = xproject.Element ("fx_version").Value;
		Csproj = new VsCsproj () {
			csProjFilename = this.CsprojFilename,
			projectGuid = this.projectGuid,
			library_output = this.LibraryOutput,
			fx_version = double.Parse (fx_version),
			library = this.library,
			MsbuildGenerator = this

		if (dir == "mcs") {
			mcs_topdir = "../";
			class_dir = "../class/";
			base_dir = "../../mcs/mcs";
		} else {
			mcs_topdir = "../";

			foreach (char c in dir) {
				if (c == '/')
					mcs_topdir = "..//" + mcs_topdir;
			class_dir = mcs_topdir.Substring (3);

			base_dir = Path.Combine ("..", "..", "mcs", dir);
		AbsoluteLibraryOutput = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (base_dir, LibraryOutput));
コード例 #9
ファイル: genproj.cs プロジェクト: GuySrinivasan/mono
	private void addProjectReference (StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, VsCsproj lastMatching, string r)
		refs.AppendFormat ("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", getRelativePath (result.csprojFileName, lastMatching.csprojFileName), NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Project>" + lastMatching.projectGuid + "</Project>" + NewLine);
		refs.Append ("      <Name>" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (lastMatching.csprojFileName) + "</Name>" + NewLine);
		//refs.Append("      <HintPath>" + r + "</HintPath>" + NewLine);
		refs.Append ("    </ProjectReference>" + NewLine);
		if (!result.projReferences.Contains (lastMatching))
			result.projReferences.Add (lastMatching);