public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { try { VsPackageMessage code = (VsPackageMessage)message.MessageCode; switch (code) { case VsPackageMessage.AttachToChild: int parentId = (int)message.Parameter1; int childId = (int)message.Parameter2; Process proc = Process.GetProcessById(childId); if (proc != null) { DebugAttach.AttachToProcess(new Process[] { proc }, ChildDebuggingMode.AlwaysAttach); } break; case VsPackageMessage.IsChildDebuggingEnabled: Guid processGuid = (Guid)message.Parameter1; Guid connectionGuid = (Guid)message.Parameter2; DkmTransportConnection connection = DkmTransportConnection.FindConnection(connectionGuid); if (connection != null) { if (IsChildDebuggingEnabledByDefault) { DkmCustomMessage response = DkmCustomMessage.Create( connection, null, PackageServices.VsDebuggerMessageGuid, (int)VsDebuggerMessage.EnableChildProcessDebugging, processGuid, null ); response.SendLower(); } else { Logger.Log( "Not enabling child process debugging for process {0}. " + "Child debugging is disabled by default.", processGuid); } } break; } } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.LogException( exception, "An error occured while handling a VsPackage message. HR=0x{0:X}", exception.HResult); } return(0); }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { switch ((VsPackageMessage)message.MessageCode) { case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPythonSymbols: WarnAboutPythonSymbols((string)message.Parameter1); return VSConstants.S_OK; case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPGO: WarnAboutPGO((string)message.Parameter1); return VSConstants.S_OK; case VsPackageMessage.SetDebugOptions: SetDebugOptions((IDebugEngine2)message.Parameter1); return VSConstants.S_OK; default: return VSConstants.S_OK; } }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { switch ((VsPackageMessage)message.MessageCode) { case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPythonSymbols: WarnAboutPythonSymbols((string)message.Parameter1); return(0); case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPGO: WarnAboutPGO((string)message.Parameter1); return(0); default: return(0); } }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { try { VsPackageMessage code = (VsPackageMessage)message.MessageCode; switch (code) { case VsPackageMessage.AttachToChild: int parentId = (int)message.Parameter1; int childId = (int)message.Parameter2; Process proc = Process.GetProcessById(childId); if (proc != null) DebugAttach.AttachToProcess(new Process[] { proc }, ChildDebuggingMode.AlwaysAttach); break; case VsPackageMessage.IsChildDebuggingEnabled: Guid processGuid = (Guid)message.Parameter1; Guid connectionGuid = (Guid)message.Parameter2; DkmTransportConnection connection = DkmTransportConnection.FindConnection(connectionGuid); if (connection != null) { if (IsChildDebuggingEnabledByDefault) { DkmCustomMessage response = DkmCustomMessage.Create( connection, null, PackageServices.VsDebuggerMessageGuid, (int)VsDebuggerMessage.EnableChildProcessDebugging, processGuid, null ); response.SendLower(); } else { Logger.Log( "Not enabling child process debugging for process {0}. " + "Child debugging is disabled by default.", processGuid); } } break; } } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.LogException( exception, "An error occured while handling a VsPackage message. HR=0x{0:X}", exception.HResult); } return 0; }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { switch ((VsPackageMessage)message.MessageCode) { case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPythonSymbols: WarnAboutPythonSymbols((string)message.Parameter1); return(VSConstants.S_OK); // TODO: Evaluate if this is still necessary //case VsPackageMessage.WarnAboutPGO: // WarnAboutPGO((string)message.Parameter1); // return VSConstants.S_OK; case VsPackageMessage.SetDebugOptions: SetDebugOptions((IDebugEngine2)message.Parameter1); return(VSConstants.S_OK); default: return(VSConstants.S_OK); } }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (message.MessageCode == MessageToVsService.reloadBreakpoints) { try { string path = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Parameter1 as byte[]); System.Collections.Generic.List <BreakpointData> reload = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BreakpointData>(); foreach (var breakpoint in debugger.Breakpoints) { if (breakpoint is EnvDTE90a.Breakpoint3 breakpoint3) { if (!breakpoint3.Enabled) { continue; } string breakpointPath = breakpoint3.File; if (breakpointPath == path) { reload.Add(new BreakpointData { source = breakpoint3, Enabled = breakpoint3.Enabled, FunctionName = breakpoint3.FunctionName, File = breakpoint3.File, FileLine = breakpoint3.FileLine, FileColumn = breakpoint3.FileColumn, Condition = breakpoint3.Condition, ConditionType = breakpoint3.ConditionType, HitCountTarget = breakpoint3.HitCountTarget, HitCountType = breakpoint3.HitCountType, }); } } } foreach (var breakpoint in reload) { breakpoint.source.Delete(); } foreach (var breakpoint in reload) { debugger.Breakpoints.Add(breakpoint.FunctionName, breakpoint.File, breakpoint.FileLine, breakpoint.FileColumn, breakpoint.Condition, breakpoint.ConditionType, "Lua", "", 1, "", breakpoint.HitCountTarget, breakpoint.HitCountType); if (!breakpoint.Enabled) { debugger.Breakpoints.Item(debugger.Breakpoints.Count - 1).Enabled = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to reload breakpoints with " + e.Message); } } else if (message.MessageCode == MessageToVsService.scriptLoad) { try { var scriptLoadMessage = new ScriptLoadMessage(); scriptLoadMessage.ReadFrom(message.Parameter1 as byte[]); bool found = false; foreach (var x in package.scriptListWindowState.scripts) { if ( == { x.path = scriptLoadMessage.path; x.status = scriptLoadMessage.status; x.content = scriptLoadMessage.content; found = true; } } if (!found) { package.scriptListWindowState.scripts.Add(new ScriptEntry { name =, path = scriptLoadMessage.path, status = scriptLoadMessage.status, content = scriptLoadMessage.content }); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to add script to the list" + e.Message); } } return(0); }
int IDebugCustomEvent110.GetCustomEventInfo(out Guid guidVSService, VsComponentMessage[] message) { guidVSService = _guidVSService; message[0].SourceId = _sourceId; message[0].MessageCode = (uint)_messageCode; message[0].Parameter1 = _parameter1; message[0].Parameter2 = _parameter2; return Constants.S_OK; }
public AD7CustomEvent(VsComponentMessage message) { _message = message; }
int IDebugCustomEvent110.GetCustomEventInfo(out Guid guidVSService, VsComponentMessage[] message) { guidVSService = Guids.CustomDebuggerEventHandlerGuid; message[0] = _message; return VSConstants.S_OK; }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { OnCustomDebugEventFn?.Invoke(ProcessId, message); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
public int OnCustomDebugEvent(ref Guid ProcessId, VsComponentMessage message) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (message.MessageCode == 1) { try { string path = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Parameter1 as byte[]); System.Collections.Generic.List <BreakpointData> reload = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BreakpointData>(); foreach (var breakpoint in debugger.Breakpoints) { if (breakpoint is EnvDTE90a.Breakpoint3 breakpoint3) { if (!breakpoint3.Enabled) { continue; } string breakpointPath = breakpoint3.File; if (breakpointPath == path) { reload.Add(new BreakpointData { source = breakpoint3, Enabled = breakpoint3.Enabled, FunctionName = breakpoint3.FunctionName, File = breakpoint3.File, FileLine = breakpoint3.FileLine, FileColumn = breakpoint3.FileColumn, Condition = breakpoint3.Condition, ConditionType = breakpoint3.ConditionType, HitCountTarget = breakpoint3.HitCountTarget, HitCountType = breakpoint3.HitCountType, }); } } } foreach (var breakpoint in reload) { breakpoint.source.Delete(); } foreach (var breakpoint in reload) { debugger.Breakpoints.Add(breakpoint.FunctionName, breakpoint.File, breakpoint.FileLine, breakpoint.FileColumn, breakpoint.Condition, breakpoint.ConditionType, "Lua", "", 1, "", breakpoint.HitCountTarget, breakpoint.HitCountType); if (!breakpoint.Enabled) { debugger.Breakpoints.Item(debugger.Breakpoints.Count - 1).Enabled = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to reload breakpoints with " + e.Message); } } return(0); }