protected override DynamicEntityComponent CreateEntityComponent(VoxelArray voxelArray) { GameObject playerObject = Resources.Load <GameObject>("ObjectPrefabs/Player"); playerObject = GameObject.Instantiate(playerObject); return(playerObject.AddComponent <PlayerComponent>()); }
public List <string> BuildWorld(Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { this.editor = editor; MessagePackObjectDictionary worldDict = worldObject.AsDictionary(); CheckWorldValid(worldDict); fileWriterVersion = worldDict[FileKeys.WORLD_WRITER_VERSION].AsInt32(); EntityReference.ResetEntityIds(); try { ReadWorld(worldDict, cameraPivot, voxelArray); } catch (MapReadException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapReadException("Error reading world file", e); } EntityReference.DoneLoadingEntities(); return(warnings); }
public override EntityComponent InitEntityGameObject(VoxelArray voxelArray, bool storeComponent = true) { GameObject substanceObject = new GameObject(); = "Substance"; substanceObject.transform.parent = voxelArray.transform; substanceObject.transform.position = PositionInEditor(); foreach (Voxel voxel in voxels) { if (storeComponent) { voxel.transform.parent = substanceObject.transform; } else { // clone Voxel vClone = voxel.Clone(); vClone.transform.parent = substanceObject.transform; vClone.transform.position = voxel.transform.position; vClone.transform.rotation = voxel.transform.rotation; } } SubstanceComponent component = substanceObject.AddComponent <SubstanceComponent>(); component.entity = this; component.substance = this; = health; if (storeComponent) { this.component = component; } return(component); }
public void Write(Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray) { if (voxelArray.IsEmpty()) { Debug.Log("World is empty! File will not be written."); return; } JSONObject root = new JSONObject(); root["writerVersion"] = VERSION; root["minReaderVersion"] = FILE_MIN_READER_VERSION; JSONObject camera = new JSONObject(); camera["pan"] = WriteVector3(cameraPivot.position); camera["rotate"] = WriteQuaternion(cameraPivot.rotation); camera["scale"] = cameraPivot.localScale.z; root["camera"] = camera; root["world"] = WriteWorld(voxelArray); string filePath = WorldFiles.GetFilePath(fileName); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(filePath)) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { sw.Write(root.ToString()); sw.Flush(); } } }
public override EntityComponent InitEntityGameObject(VoxelArray voxelArray, bool storeComponent = true) { var c = CreateEntityComponent(voxelArray); c.transform.parent = voxelArray.transform; c.transform.position = PositionInEditor(); c.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, rotation, 0)); c.entity = this; = health; if (storeComponent) { component = c; } Renderer renderer = c.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (renderer != null) { List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); if (paint.material != null) { materials.Add(paint.material); } if (paint.overlay != null) { materials.Add(paint.overlay); } renderer.materials = materials.ToArray(); } return(c); }
// return warnings public static List <string> Read(Stream stream, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { WorldFileReader reader; using (stream) reader = ReadStream(stream); return(BuildWorld(reader, cameraPivot, voxelArray, editor)); }
private GameObject ObjectTemplate(VoxelArray voxelArray) { GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); = "Ball"; obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = new Material[] { material }; return(obj); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); VoxelArray obj = (VoxelArray)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh Data")) { obj.refreshData(); } }
private void ReadMap(JSONObject map, VoxelArray voxelArray, List <Material> materials, List <Substance> substances) { if (map["voxels"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode voxelNode in map["voxels"].AsArray) { JSONObject voxelObject = voxelNode.AsObject; ReadVoxel(voxelObject, voxelArray, materials, substances); } } }
private void ReadVoxel(JSONObject voxelObject, VoxelArray voxelArray, List <Material> materials, List <Substance> substances) { if (voxelObject["at"] == null) { return; } Vector3 position = ReadVector3(voxelObject["at"].AsArray); Voxel voxel = null; if (!editor) { // slightly faster -- doesn't add to octree voxel = voxelArray.InstantiateVoxel(position); } else { voxel = voxelArray.VoxelAt(position, true); } if (voxelObject["s"] != null) { voxel.substance = substances[voxelObject["s"].AsInt]; } if (voxelObject["f"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode faceNode in voxelObject["f"].AsArray) { JSONObject faceObject = faceNode.AsObject; if (fileWriterVersion == 0) { // faces were oriented differently. Get voxel for each face int faceI = faceObject["i"].AsInt; voxel = voxelArray.VoxelAt(position + Voxel.DirectionForFaceI(faceI), true); } ReadFace(faceObject, voxel, materials); } } if (voxelObject["e"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode edgeNode in voxelObject["e"].AsArray) { ReadEdge(edgeNode.AsObject, voxel); } } voxel.UpdateVoxel(); }
public override EntityComponent InitEntityGameObject(VoxelArray voxelArray, bool storeComponent = true) { var c = CreateEntityComponent(voxelArray); c.transform.parent = voxelArray.transform; c.transform.position = PositionInEditor(); c.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, rotation, 0)); c.entity = this; = health; if (storeComponent) { component = c; } return(c); }
private static List <string> BuildWorld(WorldFileReader reader, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { try { return(reader.BuildWorld(cameraPivot, voxelArray, editor)); } catch (MapReadException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapReadException("An error occurred while reading the file", e); } }
private void ReadVoxel(MessagePackObject voxelObj, VoxelArray voxelArray, List <Material> materials, List <Material> overlays, List <Substance> substances) { var voxelList = voxelObj.AsList(); if (voxelList.Count == 0) { return; } Vector3 position = ReadVector3(voxelList[0]); Voxel voxel = null; if (!editor) { // slightly faster -- doesn't add to octree voxel = voxelArray.InstantiateVoxel(position); } else { voxel = voxelArray.VoxelAt(position, true); } if (voxelList.Count >= 2) { foreach (var faceObj in voxelList[1].AsList()) { ReadFace(faceObj, voxel, materials, overlays); } } if (voxelList.Count >= 3 && voxelList[2].AsInt32() != -1) { voxel.substance = substances[voxelList[2].AsInt32()]; } if (voxelList.Count >= 4) { foreach (var edgeObj in voxelList[3].AsList()) { ReadEdge(edgeObj, voxel); } } voxel.UpdateVoxel(); }
public List <string> BuildWorld(Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { var warnings = ReadWorldFile.Read(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("Templates/indoor"), cameraPivot, voxelArray, editor); foreach (var obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { if (obj is PlayerObject) { var behavior = new SoundBehavior(); behavior.SetProperty("dat", data); obj.behaviors.Add(behavior); break; } } return(warnings); }
private JSONObject WriteMap(VoxelArray voxelArray, List <string> materials, List <Substance> substances) { JSONObject map = new JSONObject(); JSONArray voxels = new JSONArray(); foreach (Voxel voxel in voxelArray.IterateVoxels()) { if (voxel.CanBeDeleted()) { Debug.Log("Empty voxel found!"); voxelArray.VoxelModified(voxel); continue; } voxels[-1] = WriteVoxel(voxel, materials, substances); } map["voxels"] = voxels; return(map); }
private JSONObject WriteWorld(VoxelArray voxelArray) { JSONObject world = new JSONObject(); JSONArray materialsArray = new JSONArray(); var foundMaterials = new List <string>(); JSONArray substancesArray = new JSONArray(); var foundSubstances = new List <Substance>(); foreach (Voxel voxel in voxelArray.IterateVoxels()) { foreach (VoxelFace face in voxel.faces) { AddMaterial(face.material, foundMaterials, materialsArray); AddMaterial(face.overlay, foundMaterials, materialsArray); } if (voxel.substance != null && !foundSubstances.Contains(voxel.substance)) { foundSubstances.Add(voxel.substance); substancesArray[-1] = WriteEntity(voxel.substance, false); } } world["materials"] = materialsArray; if (foundSubstances.Count != 0) { world["substances"] = substancesArray; } world["global"] = WritePropertiesObject(, false); world["map"] = WriteMap(voxelArray, foundMaterials, foundSubstances); JSONArray objectsArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { objectsArray[-1] = WriteObjectEntity(obj, true); } if (objectsArray.Count != 0) { world["objects"] = objectsArray; } return(world); }
public static void Write(string filePath, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray) { if (voxelArray.IsEmpty()) { Debug.Log("World is empty! File will not be written."); return; } Debug.Log("Writing MessagePack file " + filePath); var world = WriteWorld(cameraPivot, voxelArray); var worldObject = new MessagePackObject(world); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(filePath)) { fileStream.WriteByte((byte)'m'); var packer = Packer.Create(fileStream, PackerCompatibilityOptions.None); worldObject.PackToMessage(packer, null); } }
private void ReadVoxel(MessagePackObject voxelObj, VoxelArray voxelArray, List <Material> materials, List <Material> overlays, List <Substance> substances) { var voxelList = voxelObj.AsList(); if (voxelList.Count == 0) { return; } Vector3Int position = ReadVector3Int(voxelList[0]); Voxel voxel = null; voxel = voxelArray.VoxelAt(position, true); if (voxelList.Count >= 2) { foreach (var faceObj in voxelList[1].AsList()) { VoxelFace face = ReadFace(faceObj, out int faceI, materials, overlays); if (faceI != -1) { voxel.faces[faceI] = face; } } } if (voxelList.Count >= 3 && voxelList[2].AsInt32() != -1) { voxel.substance = substances[voxelList[2].AsInt32()]; } if (voxelList.Count >= 4) { foreach (var edgeObj in voxelList[3].AsList()) { ReadEdge(edgeObj, voxel); } } voxel.UpdateVoxel(); }
public override EntityComponent InitEntityGameObject(VoxelArray voxelArray, bool storeComponent = true) { GameObject substanceObject = new GameObject(); = "Substance"; substanceObject.transform.parent = voxelArray.transform; substanceObject.transform.position = PositionInEditor(); var voxelComponents = new HashSet <VoxelComponent>(); foreach (Voxel v in voxels) { voxelComponents.Add(v.voxelComponent); } foreach (VoxelComponent vc in voxelComponents) { // TODO: need to update this! if (storeComponent) { vc.transform.parent = substanceObject.transform; } else { // clone VoxelComponent vClone = vc.Clone(); vClone.transform.parent = substanceObject.transform; vClone.transform.position = vc.transform.position; vClone.transform.rotation = vc.transform.rotation; } } SubstanceComponent component = substanceObject.AddComponent <SubstanceComponent>(); component.entity = this; component.substance = this; = health; if (storeComponent) { this.component = component; } return(component); }
// return false if object could not be placed public bool PlaceObject(ObjectEntity obj) { Vector3 createPosition =; int faceNormal = GetSelectedFaceNormal(); Vector3 createDirection = Voxel.DirectionForFaceI(faceNormal); if (faceNormal != -1) { createPosition += createDirection / 2; } else { faceNormal = 3; createDirection = Vector3.up; } createPosition -= new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // don't create the object at the same location of an existing object // keep moving in the direction of the face normal until an empty space is found while (true) { Voxel voxel = VoxelAt(createPosition, false); if (voxel != null && voxel.substance == null && !voxel.faces[Voxel.OppositeFaceI(faceNormal)].IsEmpty()) { return(false); // blocked by wall. no room to create object } if (voxel == null || voxel.objectEntity == null) { break; } createPosition += createDirection; } obj.position = VoxelArray.Vector3ToInt(createPosition); obj.InitObjectMarker(this); AddObject(obj); unsavedChanges = true; // select the object. Wait one frame so the position is correct StartCoroutine(SelectNewObjectCoroutine(obj)); return(true); }
public List <string> BuildWorld(Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { this.editor = editor; JSONObject root = rootNode.AsObject; if (root == null || root["writerVersion"] == null || root["minReaderVersion"] == null) { throw new MapReadException("Invalid world file"); } if (root["minReaderVersion"].AsInt > VERSION) { throw new MapReadException("This world file requires a newer version of the app"); } fileWriterVersion = root["writerVersion"].AsInt; EntityReference.ResetEntityIds(); try { if (editor && cameraPivot != null && root["camera"] != null) { ReadCamera(root["camera"].AsObject, cameraPivot); } if (root["world"] != null) { ReadWorld(root["world"].AsObject, voxelArray); } } catch (MapReadException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapReadException("Error reading world file", e); } EntityReference.DoneLoadingEntities(); return(warnings); }
public override void BehaviorEnabled() { EntityComponent entityComponent = GetComponent <EntityComponent>(); VoxelArray voxelArray = transform.parent.GetComponent <VoxelArray>(); EntityComponent entityClone = entityComponent.entity.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray, storeComponent: false); // based on TeleportComponent entityClone.transform.position = transform.position; if (dest.component != null) { Vector3 originPos; if (origin.component != null) { originPos = origin.component.transform.position; } else { originPos = transform.position; } entityClone.transform.position += dest.component.transform.position - originPos; } }
private static List <string> BuildWorld(WorldFileReader reader, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { if (missingMaterial == null) { // allowTransparency is true in case the material is used for an overlay, so the alpha value can be adjusted missingMaterial = ResourcesDirectory.MakeCustomMaterial(ColorMode.UNLIT, true); missingMaterial.color = Color.magenta; } try { return(reader.BuildWorld(cameraPivot, voxelArray, editor)); } catch (MapReadException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapReadException("An error occurred while reading the file", e); } }
private void ReadWorld(MessagePackObjectDictionary world, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray) { if (editor && cameraPivot != null && world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_CAMERA)) { ReadCamera(world[FileKeys.WORLD_CAMERA].AsDictionary(), cameraPivot); } var materials = new List <Material>(); if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_MATERIALS)) { foreach (var matObj in world[FileKeys.WORLD_MATERIALS].AsList()) { materials.Add(ReadMaterial(matObj.AsDictionary(), false)); } } var overlays = new List <Material>(); if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_OVERLAYS)) { foreach (var matObj in world[FileKeys.WORLD_OVERLAYS].AsList()) { overlays.Add(ReadMaterial(matObj.AsDictionary(), true)); } } var substances = new List <Substance>(); if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_SUBSTANCES)) { foreach (var subObj in world[FileKeys.WORLD_SUBSTANCES].AsList()) { Substance s = new Substance(); ReadEntity(subObj.AsDictionary(), s); substances.Add(s); } } if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_GLOBAL)) { ReadPropertiesObject(world[FileKeys.WORLD_GLOBAL].AsDictionary(),; } if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_VOXELS)) { foreach (var voxelObj in world[FileKeys.WORLD_VOXELS].AsList()) { ReadVoxel(voxelObj, voxelArray, materials, overlays, substances); } } if (world.ContainsKey(FileKeys.WORLD_OBJECTS)) { foreach (var objObj in world[FileKeys.WORLD_OBJECTS].AsList()) { var objDict = objObj.AsDictionary(); string typeName = objDict[FileKeys.PROPOBJ_NAME].AsString(); var objType = GameScripts.FindTypeWithName(GameScripts.objects, typeName); if (objType == null) { warnings.Add("Unrecognized object type: " + typeName); continue; } ObjectEntity obj = (ObjectEntity)objType.Create(); ReadObjectEntity(objDict, obj); voxelArray.AddObject(obj); } } if (!editor) { // start the game foreach (Substance s in substances) { s.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } } else // editor { foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitObjectMarker((VoxelArrayEditor)voxelArray); } } }
private static MessagePackObjectDictionary WriteWorld(Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray) { var world = new MessagePackObjectDictionary(); world[FileKeys.WORLD_WRITER_VERSION] = VERSION; world[FileKeys.WORLD_MIN_READER_VERSION] = FILE_MIN_READER_VERSION; world[FileKeys.WORLD_TYPE] = (int)voxelArray.type; world[FileKeys.WORLD_CAMERA] = new MessagePackObject(WriteCamera(cameraPivot)); var materialsList = new List <MessagePackObject>(); var foundMaterials = new List <string>(); var overlaysList = new List <MessagePackObject>(); var foundOverlays = new List <string>(); var substancesList = new List <MessagePackObject>(); var foundSubstances = new List <Substance>(); foreach (Voxel voxel in voxelArray.IterateVoxels()) { foreach (VoxelFace face in voxel.faces) { AddMaterial(face.material, foundMaterials, materialsList); AddMaterial(face.overlay, foundOverlays, overlaysList); } if (voxel.substance != null && !foundSubstances.Contains(voxel.substance)) { foundSubstances.Add(voxel.substance); substancesList.Add(new MessagePackObject(WriteEntity(voxel.substance, false))); } } world[FileKeys.WORLD_MATERIALS] = new MessagePackObject(materialsList); world[FileKeys.WORLD_OVERLAYS] = new MessagePackObject(overlaysList); if (foundSubstances.Count != 0) { world[FileKeys.WORLD_SUBSTANCES] = new MessagePackObject(substancesList); } world[FileKeys.WORLD_GLOBAL] = new MessagePackObject(WritePropertiesObject(, false)); var voxelsList = new List <MessagePackObject>(); foreach (Voxel voxel in voxelArray.IterateVoxels()) { if (voxel.CanBeDeleted()) { Debug.Log("Empty voxel found!"); continue; } voxelsList.Add(WriteVoxel(voxel, foundMaterials, foundOverlays, foundSubstances)); } world[FileKeys.WORLD_VOXELS] = new MessagePackObject(voxelsList); var objectsList = new List <MessagePackObject>(); foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { objectsList.Add(new MessagePackObject(WriteObjectEntity(obj, true))); } if (objectsList.Count != 0) { world[FileKeys.WORLD_OBJECTS] = new MessagePackObject(objectsList); } return(world); }
/// <summary> /// Given a filename and a resolution, creates a point cloud array from /// the locations found in the file /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="resolution"></param> /// <returns></returns> public VoxelArray createPointCloud(string filename, int resolution, string xaxis, string yaxis, string zaxis, float[] minMaxArray) { //how to output the file based on input string filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename))); string attribute = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename)); string divider = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath + "\\meshes\\" + attribute + "\\" + resolution + "\\"); outputPath = filePath + "\\meshes\\" + attribute + "\\" + resolution + "\\" + divider; List <FieldCell> cells = FieldCell.ReadCells(filename); //sort based on cell number cells.Sort(delegate(FieldCell c1, FieldCell c2) { return(c1.cellNum.CompareTo(c2.cellNum)); }); //Now we need to create a list of ATTRPoint by pulling necessarry parts from //other files //TODO make this so that it checks if the axis exist in the cache string xFPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fields", xaxis, "full.BNF"); string yFPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fields", yaxis, "full.BNF"); string zFPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fields", zaxis, "full.BNF"); //Set up xcoord, ycoord, zcoord readers FileStream[] streams = new FileStream[3]; streams[0] = File.OpenRead(xFPath); streams[1] = File.OpenRead(yFPath); streams[2] = File.OpenRead(zFPath); BinaryReader[] readers = new BinaryReader[3]; readers[0] = new BinaryReader(streams[0]); readers[1] = new BinaryReader(streams[1]); readers[2] = new BinaryReader(streams[2]); int numToRead = 1; int bIndex = 0; List <AttCoordCell> points = new List <AttCoordCell>(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count; i++) { //The number of floats to read from each file is: //numToRead = cells[i].cellnumber - bIndex //The next bytes will be the values associated with the //desired cell //Then set bIndex = cells[i].cellnumber so that our bIndex //is updated numToRead = (cells[i].cellNum - bIndex) - 1; //incrementing our readers to the correct index if (numToRead > 0) { int bytes = numToRead * 4; readers[0].ReadBytes(bytes); readers[1].ReadBytes(bytes); readers[2].ReadBytes(bytes); } float xc = readers[0].ReadSingle(); float yc = readers[1].ReadSingle(); float zc = readers[2].ReadSingle(); bIndex = cells[i].cellNum; AttCoordCell toAdd = new AttCoordCell(cells[i].cellNum, xc, yc, zc, cells[i].field); points.Add(toAdd); count++; //if (count % 50000 == 0) //{ // double perc = ((double)count / (double)cells.Count) * 100; // PercentageClass.UpdatePercentage("Creating Point Cloud Array", perc); // DebugLog.logConsole("Attribute Coordcell Reading: "+perc.ToString("#.##") + "%"); //} } foreach (BinaryReader r in readers) { r.Close(); } foreach (Stream s in streams) { s.Close(); } if (points.Count < 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (minMaxArray == null) { List <float> newMinMax = new List <float>(); string[] axises = new string[] { xaxis, yaxis, zaxis }; foreach (string a in axises) { string axisPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fields", xaxis, "mmAray.bin"); float[] minMax = AllMeshes.minMaxOfFile(axisPath); newMinMax.Add(minMax[0]); newMinMax.Add(minMax[1]); } VoxelArray array = new VoxelArray(resolution, newMinMax.ToArray()); //inserting all the points into the array array.insertPoints(points); return(array); } else { VoxelArray array = new VoxelArray(resolution, minMaxArray); //inserting all the points into the array array.insertPoints(points); return(array); } }
//args0 - filepath //args1 - resolution //args2 - xaxis //args3 - yaxis //args4 - zaxis //args5 - isoLevel public static void Main(string[] args) { DebugLog.resetLog(); DebugLog.setDebug(true); int resolution; float isoLevel; #region cmd args handling if (args.Length > 6 || args.Length < 1) { Console.Out.WriteLine(numArgs); Console.In.ReadLine(); return; } if (args.Length == 1 && (args[0].ToLower() == "--help" || args[0].ToLower() == "help" || args[0].ToLower() == "?" || args[0].ToLower() == "h")) { Console.Out.WriteLine(help); Console.In.ReadLine(); return; } if (!File.Exists(args[0])) { DebugLog.logConsole("Could not find file. Are you sure you are passing in the right string?"); throw new Exception("Could not find file. Are you sure you are passing in the right string?"); } try { resolution = Int32.Parse(args[1]); } catch { DebugLog.logConsole("Resolution not a number"); throw new Exception("Resolution not a number"); } try { isoLevel = float.Parse(args[5]); } catch { DebugLog.logConsole("IsoLevel is not a float"); throw new Exception("IsoLevel is not a float"); } if (resolution < 1) { DebugLog.logConsole("Resolution cannot be less than 1"); throw new Exception("Resolution cannot be less than 1"); } #endregion SingularMesh mcAlg = new SingularMesh(); string dir = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(args[0]).FullName).FullName).Name; List <float> minMaxArray = generateMinMaxArray(new string[] { args[2], args[3], args[4] }, dir); VoxelArray array = mcAlg.createPointCloud(args[0], resolution, args[2], args[3], args[4], minMaxArray.ToArray()); //VoxelArray.WriteFloatArray(mcAlg.outputPath + ".FARA", array); MarchingCubes test = new MarchingCubes(); test.SetTarget(isoLevel); IM intermediate = test.CreateMesh(array.toFloatArray()); if (intermediate.verts.Count > 64999) { IM[] divs = intermediate.divideIntoSmall(); for (int i = 0; i < divs.Length; i++) { divs[i].WriteIntermediateToFile(mcAlg.outputPath + "_" + i + ".IMF"); } } else { intermediate.WriteIntermediateToFile(mcAlg.outputPath + ".IMF"); } }
protected override DynamicEntityComponent CreateEntityComponent(VoxelArray voxelArray) { GameObject obj = ObjectTemplate(voxelArray); return(obj.AddComponent <BallComponent>()); }
private void ReadWorld(JSONObject world, VoxelArray voxelArray) { var materials = new List <Material>(); if (world["materials"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode matNode in world["materials"].AsArray) { JSONObject matObject = matNode.AsObject; materials.Add(ReadMaterial(matObject)); } } var substances = new List <Substance>(); if (world["substances"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode subNode in world["substances"].AsArray) { Substance s = new Substance(); ReadEntity(subNode.AsObject, s); substances.Add(s); } } if (world["global"] != null) { ReadPropertiesObject(world["global"].AsObject,; } if (fileWriterVersion <= 2 && world["sky"] != null) { Material sky = materials[world["sky"].AsInt]; if (sky != ReadWorldFile.missingMaterial) // default skybox is null {; } } if (world["map"] != null) { ReadMap(world["map"].AsObject, voxelArray, materials, substances); } if (fileWriterVersion <= 2 && world["player"] != null) { PlayerObject player = new PlayerObject(); ReadObjectEntity(world["player"].AsObject, player); voxelArray.AddObject(player); } if (world["objects"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode objNode in world["objects"].AsArray) { JSONObject objObject = objNode.AsObject; string typeName = objObject["name"]; var objType = GameScripts.FindTypeWithName(GameScripts.objects, typeName); if (objType == null) { warnings.Add("Unrecognized object type: " + typeName); continue; } ObjectEntity obj = (ObjectEntity)objType.Create(); ReadObjectEntity(objObject, obj); voxelArray.AddObject(obj); } } if (!editor) { // start the game foreach (Substance s in substances) { s.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } } else // editor { foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitObjectMarker((VoxelArrayEditor)voxelArray); } } }
public static List <string> Read(TextAsset asset, Transform cameraPivot, VoxelArray voxelArray, bool editor) { return(Read(new MemoryStream(asset.bytes), cameraPivot, voxelArray, editor)); }