コード例 #1
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to print over the voucher image
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreatePrintOnImageDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                var printLocation = SettingsTable.Get <Point>(Strings.VScan_PrintAreaLocation, Point.Empty);
                if (printLocation == Point.Empty)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Cannot find 'print on image' configuration.");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

                var aliases           = new Hashtable(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                aliases["[DATE]"]     = new Func <string>(() => DateTime.Now.ToString());
                aliases["[OPERATOR]"] = new Func <string>(() => SettingsTable.Get <UserAuth>(Strings.Transferring_AuthObject, UserAuth.Default).Name);
                aliases["[PCNAME]"]   = new Func <string>(() => PTFUtils.GetMachine());
                aliases["[SITEID]"]   = new Func <string>(() => data.SiteCode);
                aliases["[NUMBER]"]   = new Func <string>(() => Convert.ToString(SettingsTable.Get <int>(Strings.VScan_ScanCount, 0)));

                string voucherTemplate = SettingsTable.Get <string>(Strings.VScan_ImPrinterTemplate, Strings.VScan_ImPrinterTemplateDefault);
                string voucherText     = voucherTemplate.format(aliases);

                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(data.VoucherImage))
                    g.DrawString(voucherText, SystemFonts.CaptionFont, Brushes.Red, printLocation);

コード例 #2
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to find and cover the card code by a mark on the voucher image
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateHideCardDetailsDelegateByMark()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                var markArea = SettingsTable.Get <MarkAreaCfg>(Strings.VScan_MarkAreaConfiguration, MarkAreaCfg.Empty);

                if (markArea.Equals(MarkAreaCfg.Empty))
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Cannot find 'hide area' configuration.");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

                Rectangle hiddenArea;

                using (var bmp2 = data.VoucherImage.ToBlackWhite(markArea.BlackWhiteThreshold))
                    hiddenArea = bmp2.FindRectangle(Point.Empty, markArea.BackColor, markArea.MinAreaSize, markArea.MaxAreaSize, markArea.Threshold);

                var hiddenAreaDraw = SettingsTable.Get <HiddenAreaDrawingCfg>(Strings.VScan_DistanceFromBarcodeBottomLeftToHiddenArea, HiddenAreaDrawingCfg.Default);

                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(data.VoucherImage))
                    g.FillRectangleHatch(hiddenArea, hiddenAreaDraw.ForeColor, hiddenAreaDraw.BackColor, hiddenAreaDraw.Style);

コード例 #3
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to find and cover the cardcode by using the barcode location
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateHideCardDetailsDelegateByBarcode()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                var distanceToHiddenArea = SettingsTable.Get <Point>(Strings.VScan_DistanceFromBarcodeBottomLeftToHiddenArea, Point.Empty);
                if (distanceToHiddenArea == Point.Empty)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Cannot find chunk configuration.");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

                Size hideAreaSize        = SettingsTable.Get <Size>(Strings.VScan_HiddenAreaSize, Size.Empty);
                Point hiddenAreaLocation = new Point(data.BarCodeArea.Left, data.BarCodeArea.Bottom);

                Rectangle hiddenArea = new Rectangle(hiddenAreaLocation, hideAreaSize);

                var hiddenAreaDraw = SettingsTable.Get <HiddenAreaDrawingCfg>(Strings.VScan_HiddenAreaDrawingCfg, HiddenAreaDrawingCfg.Default);

                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(data.VoucherImage))
                    g.FillRectangleHatch(hiddenArea, hiddenAreaDraw.ForeColor, hiddenAreaDraw.BackColor, hiddenAreaDraw.Style);

コード例 #4
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to insert voucher data to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateInsertVoucherDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                Debug.Assert(state.Dib != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(state.Main != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(state.Scan != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(data != null);


                                                     new EventHandler((o, e) =>
                        string fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(
                            string.Format("{0}{1}", PTFUtils.GetMachine(), DateTime.Now).ReplaceAll(new char[] { '.', '/', '\\', '-' }, '_'), ".xml");

                        //Data has been saved successfully. Show message
                        string id = string.Concat(Strings.VScan_ItemSaved, fileName);
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Main, id);
                                                     new ThreadExceptionEventHandler((o, e) =>
                        //Data has failed to save.
                        var ex = new ApplicationException("Can't insert: ".concat(e.Exception.Message), e.Exception);
                        ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                            string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                            data.Message = ex.Message;
                            DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                            WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                        throw ex;
                catch (Exception e)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Err: ".concat(e.Message), e);
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

コード例 #5
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to cut borders of the image
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateRepaireImageDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                Color color = SettingsTable.Get <Color>(Strings.VScan_ImageBorderColor, Color.White);
                const int COLOR_DISTANCE = 40;
                int colorDistance        = SettingsTable.Get <int>(Strings.VScan_ImageBorderColorDistance, COLOR_DISTANCE);
                data.VoucherImage        = data.VoucherImage.RemoveBorder(color, colorDistance);

コード例 #6
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Send data to UI editor directly
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateSendToUIDelagete()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                data.Message = "Insert data to db is switched off";
                DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);

コード例 #7
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Log delegate. Logs to file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateProcessLogDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                var str = data.BarCodeString.concat(
                    " -> Width: ", data.VoucherImage.Width,
                    " Height: ", data.VoucherImage.Height,
                    " ProcessTime: ", data.ProcessTime.Elapsed);
                FileLogger.LogInfo(str, "VOUCHER");

コード例 #8
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to clean up the system when job is node
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateEndScanDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                int number = SettingsTable.Get <int>(Strings.VScan_ScanCount, 0);
                SettingsTable.Set(Strings.VScan_ScanCount, number + 1);
                TimeSpan cleanTime = SettingsTable.Get <TimeSpan>(Strings.VScan_SleepBeforeCleanTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
                //Do clean up here

コード例 #9
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates ReadSacnnedImage delegate
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateReadImageFromScannerDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                using (BmpObj bmpObj = new BmpObj())

                    data.VoucherImage = new Bitmap(bmpObj.Rect.Width, bmpObj.Rect.Height);

コード例 #10
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Not Implemented delegate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateThrowDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) => { throw new NotImplementedException("This case is not implemented yet"); });

コード例 #11
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Empty delegate. Doesn't do anything.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateEmptyDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) => { });

コード例 #12
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to find and exctract the barcode
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateExtractBarCodeDelegate2()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                Debug.Assert(state.Main != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(state.Scan != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(data != null);

                if (data.VoucherImage == null)
                    throw new AppWarningException("No image found");

                Guid g     = Guid.NewGuid();
                var buffer = data.VoucherImage.ToArray();
                ClientDataAccess.InsertBarcodeInfo(g, buffer);

                string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "ReaderProc.exe");
                var p       = Process.Start(path, g.ToString());

                if (!p.WaitForExit((int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds))
                    throw new TimeoutException("Reader timeout");

                var buffer2 = ClientDataAccess.SelectBarcodeInfoData(g);

                ObjectSerializer ser      = new ObjectSerializer(true);
                BarcodeInfoArray barArray = ser.Deserialize <BarcodeInfoArray>(buffer2);
                if (barArray.Count == 0)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("No barcode found");

                if (barArray == null || barArray.Count == 0)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("No bar code found");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;
                else if (barArray.Count > 1)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("More than one bar code on image.");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

                catch (Exception e)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Can't parse barcode string.", e);
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

コード例 #13
ファイル: DelegateUtils.cs プロジェクト: rrossenbg/vprint
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to find and exctract the barcode
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VoucherProcessDelegate CreateExtractBarCodeDelegate()
            var method = new VoucherProcessDelegate((Voucher data, StateObj state) =>
                Debug.Assert(state.Main != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(state.Scan != IntPtr.Zero);
                Debug.Assert(data != null);

                if (data.VoucherImage == null)
                    throw new AppWarningException("No image found");

                Barcode[] readBarCodes = null;

                lock (typeof(BarcodeReader))
                    BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(Strings.VScan_BarcodeReaderSDKDeveloperLicenseKey);
                    reader.BarcodesToRead = 1;
                    reader.BarcodeTypes   = BarcodeTypeEnum.BT_Inter2of5;
                    var bmp           = data.VoucherImage;
                    readBarCodes      = reader.ReadFromBitmapRotateAll(ref bmp, data);
                    data.VoucherImage = bmp;

                if (readBarCodes == null || readBarCodes.Length == 0)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("No bar code found");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;
                else if (readBarCodes.Length > 1)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("More than one bar code on image.");
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;

                catch (Exception e)
                    var ex = new ApplicationException("Can't process barcode string.", e);
                    ex.AddNext(new MethodInvoker(() =>
                        string id    = Strings.VScan_EditItem.Uniqueue();
                        data.Message = ex.Message;
                        DataSlot.Set(id, data);
                        WinMsg.SendText(state.Scan, state.Main, id);
                    throw ex;
