async Task removedThing(VotableThing thing) { if (thing.FetchedAt.ToUniversalTime() < applicationStart.AddSeconds(5)) { return; } if (thing is Post) { Post post = thing as Post; if (!(post.LinkFlairText is null) && FlairConfig.ContainsKey(post.LinkFlairText)) { String userfile = ""; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream($"data//user//{post.AuthorName}.json", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))){ userfile = sr.ReadToEnd(); } User user; if (userfile.Equals("")) { user = new User(); } else { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(userfile); //Calculate Monday of Week (UTC) var cal = System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar; var d1 = user.lastEdit.Date.AddDays(-1 * ((int)cal.GetDayOfWeek(user.lastEdit) - 1)); var d2 = post.CreatedUTC.Date.AddDays(-1 * ((int)cal.GetDayOfWeek(post.CreatedUTC) - 1)); if (d1 != d2) //Diffrent Week { return; } } if (!user.FlairCount.ContainsKey(post.LinkFlairText)) { user.FlairCount.Add(post.LinkFlairText, 0); return; //flair not yet accounted for with this User } else { user.FlairCount[post.LinkFlairText] -= 1; if (user.FlairCount[post.LinkFlairText] < 0) //wtf? { user.FlairCount[post.LinkFlairText] = 0; } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream($"data//user//{post.AuthorName}.json", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))){ sw.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } } } }
public static string GetBotLinks(VotableThing relatedThing = null) { List <string> botLinks = new List <string>(); if (relatedThing != null) { string encodedLink = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(RedditHelper.GetFullLink(relatedThing.Permalink)); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "" + encodedLink)); } else { botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Feedback", "")); } botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("FAQ", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Syntax", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("GitHub", "")); botLinks.Add(Markdown.Link("Donate", "")); return(string.Join(" | ", botLinks)); }