public static void MuteProcess(int pId) { if (!IsMuted(pId)) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(pId, true); } }
void MainMixer_OnVolumeChanged(VolumeMixer Sender, int TotalVolume) { if (GlobalVolumeChanged != null) { GlobalVolumeChanged(TotalVolume); } }
public static bool IsMuted(int pId) { var applicationMute = VolumeMixer.GetApplicationMute(pId); var isMuted = applicationMute != null && (bool)applicationMute; return(isMuted); }
private static void ToggleMute(HashSet <int> appProcessIdCollection) { // Get all the processes that are an audio session var defaultAudioDevice = VolumeMixer.GetOutputDevice(); var sessionManager = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionManager2(defaultAudioDevice); var sessions = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionEnumerator(sessionManager); var audioControls = VolumeMixer.GetAudioContols(sessions); var audioProcessIdCollection = audioControls.Keys.ToHashSet(); // Get all the processes that are audio sessions of the focused application var commonProcessIdCollection = appProcessIdCollection.Intersect(audioProcessIdCollection); // Change the volume of all the audio processes of the focused application foreach (int processId in commonProcessIdCollection) { var volumeControl = audioControls[processId] as ISimpleAudioVolume; var currentMute = VolumeMixer.GetApplicationMute(volumeControl); VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(volumeControl, !currentMute ?? false); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(volumeControl); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(defaultAudioDevice); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sessionManager); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sessions); }
private static void WriteCurrentAudioProcessesToFile() { // Get all the process Ids Process[] appProcessCollection = Process.GetProcesses(); var appProcessIdCollection = getProcessIds(appProcessCollection).ToHashSet(); // Get all the processes that are an audio session var defaultAudioDevice = VolumeMixer.GetOutputDevice(); var sessionManager = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionManager2(defaultAudioDevice); var sessions = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionEnumerator(sessionManager); var audioControls = VolumeMixer.GetAudioContols(sessions); var audioProcessIdCollection = audioControls.Keys.ToHashSet(); // Get all the processes that are audio sessions of the focused application var commonProcessIdCollection = appProcessIdCollection.Intersect(audioProcessIdCollection); using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@".\AudioProcessNames.txt")) { foreach (int pid in commonProcessIdCollection) { Process p = Process.GetProcessById(pid); file.WriteLine(p.ProcessName); } } }
// Change the focused apps volume by the amount specified private static void ChangeAppVolume(HashSet <int> appProcessIdCollection, float volumeAmount) { // Get all the processes that are an audio session var defaultAudioDevice = VolumeMixer.GetOutputDevice(); var sessionManager = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionManager2(defaultAudioDevice); var sessions = VolumeMixer.GetAudioSessionEnumerator(sessionManager); var audioControls = VolumeMixer.GetAudioContols(sessions); var audioProcessIdCollection = audioControls.Keys.ToHashSet(); // Get all the processes that are audio sessions of the focused application var commonProcessIdCollection = appProcessIdCollection.Intersect(audioProcessIdCollection); // Change the volume of all the audio processes of the focused application foreach (int processId in commonProcessIdCollection) { var volumeControl = audioControls[processId] as ISimpleAudioVolume; var newVolumeLevel = VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(volumeControl) + volumeAmount; VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(volumeControl, Math.Min(100, Math.Max(0, newVolumeLevel ?? 30f))); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(volumeControl); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(defaultAudioDevice); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sessionManager); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sessions); }
public static void UnMuteProcess(int pId) { if (IsMuted(pId)) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(pId, false); } }
private void Llkl_OnKeyPressed(object sender, LowLevelKeyboardListener.KeyPressedArgs e) { if (e.KeyPressed == (int)Keys.Add) { IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow(); uint pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, out pid); var vol = VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume((int)pid); if (vol.HasValue) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume((int)pid, (float)vol + 2); } } if (e.KeyPressed == (int)Keys.Subtract) { IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow(); uint pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, out pid); var vol = VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume((int)pid); if (vol.HasValue) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume((int)pid, (float)vol - 2); } } }
private void RefreshActiveApps() { _runningAudioApps.Clear(); foreach (var audioProcess in VolumeMixer.GetAudioProcesses()) { _runningAudioApps.Add(audioProcess); } }
void Mixer_OnVolumeChanged(VolumeMixer Sender, int TotalVolume) { if (ChannelVolumeChanged != null) { int idx = TrackMixer.IndexOf(Sender); ChannelVolumeChanged(idx, TotalVolume); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute("Idle", true); _dele = WinEventProc; SetWinEventHook(EventSystemForeground, EventSystemForeground, IntPtr.Zero, _dele, 0, 0, WineventOutofcontext); Apps.ItemsSource = _runningAudioApps; Muted.ItemsSource = MutedWindowStorage.Instance.Binding(); RefreshActiveApps(); }
/// <summary> /// Called whenever the active window changes /// </summary> private void WinEventProc(IntPtr hWinEventHook, uint eventType, IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, int idChild, uint dwEventThread, uint dwmsEventTime) { // Refresh List of Active Audio Apps RefreshActiveApps(); // Mute apps var focused = WindowUtil.GetActiveProcessName(); foreach (var app in MutedWindowStorage.Instance.Binding()) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(app, !app.Equals(focused)); } }
void InitVolume(ref VolumeMixer VMix, int Volume) { VMix.Volume = Volume % 100; VMix.Magnification = Volume / 100; if (VMix.Volume == 0) { if (VMix.Magnification > 0) { VMix.Magnification = VMix.Magnification - 1; VMix.Volume = 100; } else { VMix.Mute = true; } } }
private async Task MuteCodIntermittently(Process process) { while (!StopMuting) { if (VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(process.Id) == 100f) { if (codLaunchedTime == default) { codLaunchedTime = DateTime.Now; DelayedUnmute(); } } VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(process.Id, true); await Task.Delay(50); } codLaunchedTime = default; VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(process.Id, false); }
private float?GetVolume(IntPtr hWnd) { hWnd = FindWindow("MozillaWindowClass", null); if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } uint pID; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out pID); if (pID == 0) { return(null); } return(VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume((int)pID)); }
private void SetVolume(IntPtr hWnd, float volume) { hWnd = FindWindow("MozillaWindowClass", null); if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } uint pID; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out pID); if (pID == 0) { return; } VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume((int)pID, volume); }
public void UpdateWin() { //Update全局 MainMixer = new VolumeMixer(); TrackMixer.Clear(); MainMixer.TrackName = "全局"; InitVolume(ref MainMixer, ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.GlobalVolume); MainMixer.OnVolumeChanged += MainMixer_OnVolumeChanged; for (int i = 0; i < ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.TrackerList.Count; i++) { VolumeMixer cmixer = new VolumeMixer(); cmixer.Volume = (int)(ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.TrackerList[i].getVolume() * 100.0); cmixer.TrackName = "[T]" + ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.TrackerList[i].getName(); cmixer.OnVolumeChanged += Mixer_OnVolumeChanged; if (cmixer.TrackName == "[T]") { cmixer.TrackName = "[T]#" + TrackMixer.Count; } TrackMixer.Add(cmixer); } for (int i = 0; i < ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.BackerList.Count; i++) { VolumeMixer cmixer = new VolumeMixer(); cmixer.Volume = (int)(ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.BackerList[i].getVolume() * 100.0); cmixer.TrackName = "[B]" + ProjectBinder.AllocedSource.BackerList[i].getName(); cmixer.OnVolumeChanged += Mixer_OnVolumeChanged; if (cmixer.TrackName == "[B]") { cmixer.TrackName = "[B]#" + TrackMixer.Count; } TrackMixer.Add(cmixer); } flowLayoutPanelMain.Controls.Clear(); flowLayoutPanelMain.Controls.Add(MainMixer); flowLayoutPanelTrack.Controls.Clear(); flowLayoutPanelTrack.Controls.AddRange(TrackMixer.ToArray()); }
private bool FadingVolumeGauge() { if (isAwaitVolumeGaugeRunning) { _volumeGauge.Abort(); isAwaitVolumeGaugeRunning = false; } if (VolumeMixer.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { VolumeMixer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DoubleAnimation fadeIn = new DoubleAnimation(0, 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), FillBehavior.Stop); fadeIn.Completed += (object senderr, EventArgs ee) => { VolumeMixer.Opacity = 1; }; VolumeMixer.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeIn); CountDownFadeOutVolume(); _volumeGauge.Start(); isAwaitVolumeGaugeRunning = true; return(false); } return(true); }
private void CountDownFadeOutVolume() { try { _volumeGauge = new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(1500); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { DoubleAnimation fadeOut = new DoubleAnimation(1, 0, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), FillBehavior.Stop); fadeOut.Completed += (object senderr, EventArgs ee) => { VolumeMixer.Opacity = 0; VolumeMixer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }; VolumeMixer.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeOut); isAwaitVolumeGaugeRunning = false; }); }); } catch { } }
private async Task StartTableAsync(int mainThread) { logger.Info($"{RunMode.ToString()}: Starting table: {CurrentTable.Name}"); RunMode = Mode.SystemRunning; logger.Trace($"Setting Mode to {RunMode.ToString()}"); //Play Launch Music LMusicPlayer.Open(CurrentTable.LMusic); LMusicPlayer.Play(); var system = Data.FindSystem(CurrentTable); // get system to launch var proc = PinballFunctions.StartTable(system, CurrentTable); // launch system Stopwatch watchdog = new Stopwatch(); watchdog.Reset(); watchdog.Start(); //Wait for process to start (done this way for steam games) logger.Info($"Starting Game Process, Name: {system.Name}"); //proc.WaitForInputIdle(); await Task.Run(() => { while (Process.GetProcessesByName(system.Name).Length <= 0) { ; } }); var game = Process.GetProcessesByName(system.Name).First(); logger.Info($"Game Process Found, Handle: {game.Id}"); //keep hiding while window is starting await Task.Run(() => { do { //WindowControl.HideAllProcessWindows(system.Name, true); } while (WindowControl.FindProcessWindow(system.Name, system.WindowName) == IntPtr.Zero); //WindowControl.HideAllProcessWindows(system.Name); }); var windowHandle = WindowControl.FindProcessWindow(system.Name, system.WindowName); WindowControl.HideWindow(windowHandle, true); logger.Info($"Game Window Found, Process: {system.Name}, Name: {system.WindowName}, Handle: {windowHandle}"); //Try and Mute System watchdog.Restart(); logger.Info("Muting System"); await Task.Run(() => { while (VolumeMixer.GetApplicationMute(game.Id) != true) { //Console.WriteLine("Trying to Mute"); VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(game.Id, true); //WindowControl.SetFocus(ProgramName); if (watchdog.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000) { logger.Warn($"Can't Mute System, Process ID: {game.Id}"); break; } } }); //Wait for Game to load await Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(system.WaitTime * 1000)); BGMusicPlayer.Pause(); //Unmute watchdog.Restart(); logger.Info("Unmuting System"); while (VolumeMixer.GetApplicationMute(game.Id) != false) { //Console.WriteLine("Trying to Unmute"); VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(game.Id, false); //WindowControl.SetFocus(ProgramName); if (watchdog.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000) { logger.Warn($"Can't Unmute System, Process ID: {game.Id}"); break; } } //Show Game Window WindowControl.ShowWindow(windowHandle, true); //Focus GAME WindowControl.SetFocusForeground(windowHandle, true); //Hide Selected Windows logger.Trace("Setting Window Visibility"); BackglassWindow.Visibility = CurrentTable.ShowBackglass ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; DMDWindow.Visibility = CurrentTable.ShowDMD ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; PlayfieldVisibility = Visibility.Hidden; }
public MainForm(bool devMode) { = new MusicPlayer.MusicPlayer(); this.loop = false; this.musicTrackbarScrolling = false; this.Running = true; this.lastMouseX = 0; trackNameToPathIndices = null; InitializeComponent(); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.MaximizeBox = false; if (!devMode) { cmdShowGrapher.Hide(); cmdToggleMatcher.Hide(); cmdSaveCsv.Hide(); cmdViewDB.Hide(); } onPlayingChange += playingChanged; onSongComplete += songComplete; AutoPick = true; seekLabel.Text = ""; txtMusicProgress.Text = ""; updateMusicTrackbarThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(updateMusicTrackbar)); grapherForm = new Grapher(this); vm = new VolumeMixer(); vm.OnPeakChanged += onPeakChanged; loweredVolume = false; dbAdapter = new DatabaseAdapter(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["GamingMusicPlayer.Properties.Settings.SongsDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString); matcherForm = new SongMatcher(this, dbAdapter); settingsForm = new SettingsForm(this); overlayForm = new OverlayForm(this, 200, 0); driveScanner = null; ToolTip vpToggleTooltip = new ToolTip(); vpToggleTooltip.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.None; vpToggleTooltip.IsBalloon = true; vpToggleTooltip.ShowAlways = true; vpToggleTooltip.AutoPopDelay = 20000; vpToggleTooltip.SetToolTip(cmdVp, "Voice Prioritization Feature"); ToolTip songMatchToggleTooltip = new ToolTip(); songMatchToggleTooltip.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.None; songMatchToggleTooltip.IsBalloon = true; songMatchToggleTooltip.ShowAlways = true; songMatchToggleTooltip.AutoPopDelay = 20000; songMatchToggleTooltip.SetToolTip(cmdSongMatchToggle, "Automatic Song Matching Feature"); dbListBox.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended; songsToAdd = new List <Track>(); addSongsToDbThread = new Thread(delegate() { SignalProcessing.SignalProcessor sp = new SignalProcessing.SignalProcessor(); while (true) { int c = 0; lock (songsToAdd) { c = songsToAdd.Count; } while (c > 0) { Track t = songsToAdd[0]; sp.ComputeBPM(t.Data, (t.Length / 1000), false, false); t.BPM = sp.BPM; sp.computeTimbre(t.Data, t.Length / 1000, false); t.ZCR = sp.ZCR; t.SpectralIrregularity = sp.SpectralIrregularity; lock (dbAdapter) { dbAdapter.addTrack(t); } updateSettings(true); sp.clearMemory(); lock (songsToAdd) { songsToAdd.RemoveAt(0); c = songsToAdd.Count; } matcherForm.updateTrackList(mp.LoadedPlaylist.TrackList); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }); addSongsToDbThread.Start(); }
public AudioBalancer() { _inputHook = Hook.GlobalEvents(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome!\n"); Console.WriteLine("The following applications were found via your default playback device: "); var entries = VolumeMixer.GetPresentableMixerEntries(); for (var i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " - " + entries[i].Id); } Console.WriteLine( "\nPlease enter the number of the application you would like to balance against the rest."); int?choice = null; while (choice == null) { var userInput = Console.ReadLine(); try { choice = entries.ToList().IndexOf(entries[int.Parse(userInput)]); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, your input did not match a device. Please try again."); } } Console.Clear(); var selected = entries[choice.Value]; var selectedShortName = selected.Id.Split('\\')[1]; entries = VolumeMixer.GetDefaultMixerEntries(); var currentBalance = new ReactiveProperty <int>(); _inputHook.KeyDown += (sender, args) => { if (args.KeyCode == Keys.F10 && args.Control && currentBalance.Value < 50) { currentBalance.Value++; } if (args.KeyCode == Keys.F11 && args.Control && currentBalance.Value > -50) { currentBalance.Value--; } }; currentBalance.Subscribe(i => { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(selected.PId, 50 + i); foreach (var entry in entries) { if (entry.PId == selected.PId) { continue; } VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(entry.PId, 50 - i); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Balancing!"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-f10 to move focus towards " + selectedShortName); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-f11 to move focus towards the non selected apps"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine(selectedShortName + ": " + (50 + i) + "\t" + "Other apps: " + (50 - i)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-c or just close the window to exit"); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { return; } var hWnd = FindWindow("SpotifyMainWindow", "Spotify"); if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { hWnd = new IntPtr(int.Parse(args[0])); } uint pID; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out pID); if (pID == 0) { return; } Console.WriteLine("appid:" + hWnd + ";"); Console.WriteLine("userVolume:" + VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(pID) + ";"); if (args.Length > 1) { if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[2] == "1") { Console.WriteLine("args[0]:" + args[0] + ";args[1]:" + args[1] + "args[2]:" + args[2] + ";"); var curVol = (int)VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(pID); var diff = curVol - int.Parse(args[1]); for (int i = 1; i <= diff; i++) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(pID, curVol - i); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } else if (args[2] == "2") { Console.WriteLine("args[0]:" + args[0] + ";args[1]:" + args[1] + "args[2]:" + args[2] + ";"); var curVol = (int)VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(pID); var diff = curVol + int.Parse(args[1]); for (int i = 1; i <= diff; i++) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(pID, curVol + i); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } } else { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationVolume(pID, float.Parse(args[1])); Console.WriteLine("args[0]:" + args[0] + ";args[1]:" + args[1]); } Console.WriteLine("appVolume:" + VolumeMixer.GetApplicationVolume(pID) + ";"); } else { Console.WriteLine("args[0]:" + args[0] + ";"); } }