コード例 #1
        public int ReadFrom(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            Signature = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 0);
            if (!IsValid)

            Version            = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 2);
            Attributes         = (VolumeAttributes)EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 4);
            LastMountedVersion = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 8);
            JournalInfoBlock   = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 12);

            CreateDate  = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Local, buffer, offset + 16);
            ModifyDate  = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 20);
            BackupDate  = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 24);
            CheckedDate = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 28);

            FileCount   = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 32);
            FolderCount = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 36);

            BlockSize   = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 40);
            TotalBlocks = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 44);
            FreeBlocks  = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 48);

            NextAllocation    = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 52);
            ResourceClumpSize = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 56);
            DataClumpSize     = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 60);
            NextCatalogId     = new CatalogNodeId(EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 64));

            WriteCount      = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 68);
            EncodingsBitmap = EndianUtilities.ToUInt64BigEndian(buffer, offset + 72);

            FinderInfo = new uint[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                FinderInfo[i] = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 80 + i * 4);

            AllocationFile = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ForkData>(buffer, offset + 112);
            ExtentsFile    = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ForkData>(buffer, offset + 192);
            CatalogFile    = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ForkData>(buffer, offset + 272);
            AttributesFile = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ForkData>(buffer, offset + 352);
            StartupFile    = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ForkData>(buffer, offset + 432);

コード例 #2
        public int ReadFrom(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            Signature = Utilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 0);
            Version = Utilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 2);
            Attributes = (VolumeAttributes)Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 4);
            LastMountedVersion = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 8);
            JournalInfoBlock = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 12);

            CreateDate = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Local, buffer, offset + 16);
            ModifyDate = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 20);
            BackupDate = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 24);
            CheckedDate = HfsPlusUtilities.ReadHFSPlusDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 28);

            FileCount = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 32);
            FolderCount = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 36);

            BlockSize = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 40);
            TotalBlocks = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 44);
            FreeBlocks = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 48);

            NextAllocation = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 52);
            ResourceClumpSize = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 56);
            DataClumpSize = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 60);
            NextCatalogId = new CatalogNodeId(Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 64));

            WriteCount = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 68);
            EncodingsBitmap = Utilities.ToUInt64BigEndian(buffer, offset + 72);

            FinderInfo = new uint[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                FinderInfo[i] = Utilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 80 + (i * 4));

            AllocationFile = (ForkData)Utilities.ToStruct<ForkData>(buffer, offset + 112);
            ExtentsFile = (ForkData)Utilities.ToStruct<ForkData>(buffer, offset + 192);
            CatalogFile = (ForkData)Utilities.ToStruct<ForkData>(buffer, offset + 272);
            AttributesFile = (ForkData)Utilities.ToStruct<ForkData>(buffer, offset + 272);
            StartupFile = (ForkData)Utilities.ToStruct<ForkData>(buffer, offset + 272);

            return 512;
コード例 #3
        public int ReadFrom(byte[] buffer, int offset)
             * struct MasterDirectoryBlock
             * size: 162 bytes
             * description:
             * BP   Size  Type        Identifier  Description
             * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * 0    2     UInt16      drSigWord   volume signature
             * 2    4     UInt32      drCrDate    date and time of volume creation
             * 6    4     UInt32      drLsMod     date and time of last modification
             * 10   2     UInt16      drAtrb      volume attributes
             * 12   2     UInt16      drNmFls     number of files in root directory
             * 14   2     UInt16      drVBMSt     first block of volume bitmap
             * 16   2     UInt16      drAllocPtr  start of next allocation search
             * 18   2     UInt16      drNmAlBlks  number of allocation blocks in volume
             * 20   4     UInt32      drAlBlkSiz  size (in bytes) of allocation blocks
             * 24   4     UInt32      drClpSiz    default clump size
             * 28   2     UInt16      drAlBlSt    first allocation block in volume
             * 30   4     UInt32      drNxtCNID   next unused catalog node ID
             * 34   2     UInt16      drFreeBks   number of unused allocation blocks
             * 36   1     UInt8       drVNLength  length of volume name
             * 37   1*27  Char[28]    drVN        volume name
             * 64   4     UInt32      drVolBkUp   date and time of last backup
             * 68   2     UInt16      drVSeqNum   volume backup sequence number
             * 70   4     UInt32      drWrCnt     volume write count
             * 74   4     UInt32      drXTClpSiz  clump size for extents overflow file
             * 78   4     UInt32      drCTClpSiz  clump size for catalog file
             * 82   2     UInt16      drNmRtDirs  number of directories in root directory
             * 84   4     UInt32      drFilCnt    number of files in volume
             * 88   4     UInt32      drDirCnt    number of directories in volume
             * 92   32    HFSVolumeFinderInfo drFndrInfo information used by the Finder
             * 124  2     UInt16      drVCSize    size (in blocks) of volume cache
             * 126  2     UInt16      drVBMCSize  size (in blocks) of volume bitmap cache
             * 128  2     UInt16      drCtlCSize  size (in blocks) of common volume cache
             * 130  4     UInt32      drXTFlSize  size of extents overflow file
             * 134  12    ExtDataRec  drXTExtRec  extent record for extents overflow file
             * 146  4     UInt32      drCTFlSize  size of catalog file
             * 150  12    ExtDataRec  drCTExtRec  extent record for catalog file

            Signature = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 0);

            CreateDate = HfsUtilities.ReadHfsDate(DateTimeKind.Local, buffer, offset + 2);
            ModifyDate = HfsUtilities.ReadHfsDate(DateTimeKind.Utc, buffer, offset + 6);

            Attributes = (VolumeAttributes)EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 10);

            RootFileCount = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 12);
            FirstBlock    = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 14);

            TotalBlocks       = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 18);
            BlockSize         = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 20);
            ResourceClumpSize = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 24);
            DataClumpSize     = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 24);
            NextAllocation    = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 28);
            NextCatalogId     = new CatalogNodeId(EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 30));
            FreeBlocks        = EndianUtilities.ToUInt16BigEndian(buffer, offset + 34);

            // VolumeName
            VolumeName = EndianUtilities.BytesToString(buffer, offset + 37, buffer[36]);

            BackupDate = HfsUtilities.ReadHfsDate(DateTimeKind.Local, buffer, offset + 64);

            FileCount   = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 84);
            FolderCount = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 88);

            WriteCount = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 70);
            //EncodingsBitmap = EndianUtilities.ToUInt64BigEndian(buffer, offset + 72);

            FinderInfo = new uint[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                FinderInfo[i] = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 92 + i * 4);

            ExtentsSize     = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 130);
            ExtentsOverflow = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ExtentDataRecord>(buffer, offset + 134);

            CatalogSize   = EndianUtilities.ToUInt32BigEndian(buffer, offset + 146);
            CatalogExtent = EndianUtilities.ToStruct <ExtentDataRecord>(buffer, offset + 150);
