public void ThenDeleteCreatedInfoByTest() { VkApiUtils.DeletePhotoFromSite(VkMethodItems.PHOTOS_DELETE.GetStringMapping(), _userId, photoInfo["photoId"], _token); mainF.DeletePhotoDownloadedFromVk(_pathToFolderResources, ScenarioContext.Current.Get <String>("downloadedFileName")); }
public void VkApiTesting() { Log.Step("Navigate to"); var loginF = new LoginForm(); Log.Step("Login"); loginF.Login(_username, _password); Log.Step("Navigate to 'My Page'"); var newsF = new NewsForm(); newsF.ClickMyPageBtn(); Log.Step("Using the API request, create an post with randomly generated text on the wall and get the record id from the response"); var vkApiUtils = new VkApiUtils(); var messagePost = RandomUtils.RandomString(LenghtMessage); var idPost = vkApiUtils.CreateWallPost(_userId, MethodEnum.WALL_POST.GetStringMapping(), _token, messagePost); var mainF = new MainForm(); Log.Step("Not updating the page, check was an post on the wall with the right text from the right user"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsWallPostMessage(messagePost), "This post doesn't exist on the wall"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsWallPostUser(_userId, messagePost), "This user not sent this post to the wall"); Log.Step("Edit the post through the API request - change the text and add (load) any picture."); var messageEditPost = RandomUtils.RandomString(LenghtMessage); var photoInfo = vkApiUtils.AddPhotoWithMessage(_userId, idPost, MethodEnum.PHOTOS_SAVE_WALL_PHOTO.GetStringMapping(), _token, _pathToFolderResources + _photoOriginalName, messageEditPost); Log.Step(@"Without updating the page, make sure that the text of the message has changed and the uploaded image has been added(make sure that the pictures are the same)"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsWallPostMessage(messageEditPost), "This post didn't edited on the wall"); var downloadedFileName = mainF.DownloadFile(_pathToFolderResources, photoInfo["photoId"]); var similarityImages = mainF.ComparePhoto(_pathToFolderResources, _photoOriginalName, downloadedFileName); Assert.IsTrue(similarityImages < IPuzzle.LowSimilarityThreshold, "Images don't match"); Log.Step("Using the API request, add a comment to the post with random text"); var messageComment = RandomUtils.RandomString(LenghtMessage); vkApiUtils.ExecuteMessageActionWall(_userId, idPost, MethodEnum.WALL_CREATE_COMMENT.GetStringMapping(), _token, messageComment); Log.Step("Not updating the page, it's necessary that a comment from the right user is added to the correct post"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsCommentWallPost(messageEditPost), "This post not present on the wall"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsCommentWallPostUser(_userId, messageComment), "This user not sent this post to the wall"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsCommentWallPostMesage(messageComment), "This comment not present on the wall"); Log.Step("Through UI, add 'Like' for the record."); mainF.AddLikeWallPost(messageEditPost); Log.Step("Through the request to the API, make sure that the 'Like' was sent from the right user"); Assert.IsTrue(vkApiUtils.IsUserLikePost(_userId, idPost, MethodEnum.LIKES_ISLIKED.GetStringMapping(), "post", _token), "No like from this user"); Log.Step("Via the API request, delete the created record"); vkApiUtils.DeleteWallPost(_userId, idPost, MethodEnum.WALL_DELETE.GetStringMapping(), _token); Log.Step("Not updating the page, it's necessary to make sure that the entry is deleted"); Assert.IsTrue(mainF.IsDeletedWallPost(), "Post wasn't deleted from the wall"); vkApiUtils.DeletePhotoFromSite(MethodEnum.PHOTOS_DELETE.GetStringMapping(), _userId, photoInfo["photoPid"], _token); mainF.DeletePhotoDownloadedFromVk(_pathToFolderResources, downloadedFileName); }