private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _currencies = Cache.GetCachedTable("currencies"); if (_currencies != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _currencies.Select("[Currency] LIKE '" + _currency.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Currency"])) { txtCurrency.Text = _row["Currency"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Description"])) { txtDescription.Text = _row["Description"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AccountCode"])) { cboAccount.SelectedValue = _row["AccountCode"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["ExchangeRateAccountCode"])) { cboExchangeRateDiff.SelectedValue = _row["ExchangeRateAccountCode"]; } } } }
private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _paymentterms = Cache.GetCachedTable("paymentterms"); if (_paymentterms != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _paymentterms.Select("[PaymentTerm] LIKE '" + _paymentterm.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["PaymentTerm"])) { txtPaymentTerm.Text = _row["PaymentTerm"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Description"])) { txtDescription.Text = _row["Description"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Term"])) { cboTerms.SelectedValue = _row["Term"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Days"])) { txtDays.Value = VisualBasic.CInt(_row["Days"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Months"])) { txtMonths.Value = VisualBasic.CInt(_row["Months"]); } } } }
private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _bankmisc = Cache.GetCachedTable("bankmiscellaneous"); if (_bankmisc != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _bankmisc.Select("[BankMiscellaneous] LIKE '" + _bankmiscellaneous.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["BankMiscellaneous"])) { txtDescription.Text = _row["BankMiscellaneous"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AccountCode"])) { cboAccount.SelectedValue = _row["AccountCode"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Type"])) { cboType.SelectedIndex = VisualBasic.CInt(_row["Type"]); } } } }
private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _additionalcharges = Cache.GetCachedTable("additionalcharges"); if (_additionalcharges != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _additionalcharges.Select("[AdditionalCharge] LIKE '" + _additionalcharge.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["AdditionalCharge"])) { txtDescription.Text = _row["AdditionalCharge"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["ChargeGroup"])) { cboGroup.SelectedValue = _row["ChargeGroup"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AccountCode"])) { cboAccount.SelectedValue = _row["AccountCode"]; } } } }
private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _denominations = Cache.GetCachedTable("currencydenominations"); if (_denominations != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _denominations.Select("[DetailId] = " + _id.ToString()); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Denomination"])) { txtValue.Value = VisualBasic.CDbl(_row["Denomination"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Currency"])) { cboCurrency.SelectedValue = _row["Currency"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Active"])) { chkActive.Checked = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["Active"]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Loads a bank account information in this dialog thru the given bank account code. /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> public void LoadBankAccountInformation(string code) { DataTable _bankaccounts = Cache.GetCachedTable("bankaccounts"); _bankaccountcode = code; _isnew = false; _withupdates = false; _updated = false; _isshown = false; _isinbackground = false; Text = Text.Replace(" *", "").Replace("*", ""); if (_bankaccounts != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _bankaccounts.Select("[BankAccountCode] LIKE '" + _bankaccountcode.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["AccountNo"])) { txtAccountNo.Text = _row["AccountNo"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["AccountName"])) { txtAccountName.Text = _row["AccountName"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Currency"])) { cboCurrency.SelectedValue = _row["Currency"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AccountCode"])) { cboAccountCode.SelectedValue = _row["AccountCode"]; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Swift"])) { txtSwift.Text = _row["Swift"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["IBAN"])) { txtIban.Text = _row["IBAN"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Bank"])) { cboBankingCompany.SelectedValue = _row["Bank"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Branch"])) { txtBranch.Text = _row["Branch"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Notes"])) { txtNotes.Text = _row["Notes"].ToString(); } } } if (!_isshown) { _isshown = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of DatabaseScriptInfo. /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> public DatabaseScriptInfo(DataTable table) { ClearInfo(); if (table != null) { if (table.TableName != "scripts") { return; } if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow _row = table.Rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Author"])) { _author = _row["Author"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_row["DateCreated"])) { _datecreated = VisualBasic.CDate(_row["DateCreated"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Description"])) { _description = _row["Description"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["ReferenceNo"])) { _referenceno = _row["ReferenceNo"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireAppRestart"])) { _requiresapprestartafterexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireAppRestart"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireBackup"])) { _requiresbackupbeforeexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireBackup"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequirePcRestart"])) { _requirespcrestartafterexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequirePcRestart"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Script"])) { _sqlstatement = _row["Script"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["SystemVersion"])) { _systemversion = _row["SystemVersion"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Title"])) { _title = _row["Title"].ToString(); } } } }
private void InitializeSearches() { DataTable _bankaccounts = Cache.GetCachedTable("bankaccounts"); if (_bankaccounts != null) { if (txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource == null) { txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); } txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= (_bankaccounts.Rows.Count - 1); i++) { DataRow _row = _bankaccounts.Rows[i]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["AccountNo"])) { if (!txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Contains(_row["AccountNo"].ToString())) { txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(_row["AccountNo"].ToString()); } } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["AccountName"])) { if (!txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Contains(_row["AccountName"].ToString())) { txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(_row["AccountName"].ToString()); } } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AccountCode"])) { if (!txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Contains(_row["AccountCode"].ToString())) { txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(_row["AccountCode"].ToString()); } } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Bank"])) { if (!txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Contains(_row["Bank"].ToString())) { txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(_row["Bank"].ToString()); } } } txtSearch.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; txtSearch.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of DatabaseScriptInfo. /// </summary> /// <param name="refno"></param> public DatabaseScriptInfo(string refno) { _referenceno = refno; ClearInfo(); DataTable _scripts = Cache.GetCachedTable("scripts"); if (_scripts != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _scripts.Select("[ReferenceNo] LIKE '" + refno.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Author"])) { _author = _row["Author"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_row["DateCreated"])) { _datecreated = VisualBasic.CDate(_row["DateCreated"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Description"])) { _description = _row["Description"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireAppRestart"])) { _requiresapprestartafterexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireAppRestart"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireBackup"])) { _requiresbackupbeforeexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireBackup"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequirePcRestart"])) { _requirespcrestartafterexecution = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequirePcRestart"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Script"])) { _sqlstatement = _row["Script"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["SystemVersion"])) { _systemversion = _row["SystemVersion"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Title"])) { _title = _row["Title"].ToString(); } } } }
private void trvwModules_AfterNodeSelect(object sender, DevComponents.AdvTree.AdvTreeNodeEventArgs e) { if (_nodesloading) { return; } if (e.Node == null) { return; } _selectedsubmodule = SubModule.None; if (e.Node.Nodes.Count > 0) { DisableButtons(); grdRecords.Hide(); if (lstvwRecords.Redraw) { lstvwRecords.BeginUpdate(); } lstvwRecords.ImageList = _images32; lstvwRecords.Show(); lstvwRecords.ListItems.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= (e.Node.Nodes.Count - 1); i++) { ListViewGridItem _item = new ListViewGridItem(e.Node.Nodes[i].Name, e.Node.Nodes[i].Text.Replace(" ", "\n"), e.Node.Nodes[i].Name); _item.Tag = e.Node.Nodes[i].Tag; lstvwRecords.ListItems.Add(_item); } while (!lstvwRecords.Redraw) { lstvwRecords.EndUpdate(); } } else { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(e.Node.Tag)) { if (VisualBasic.CInt(e.Node.Tag) > 0) { try { _selectedsubmodule = (SubModule)e.Node.Tag; } catch { _selectedsubmodule = SubModule.None; } grdRecords.Show(); lstvwRecords.Hide(); InitializeDataSource(); } } } }
private void cboGroup_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_isshown) { return; } if (!cboGroup.Enabled) { return; } if (cboGroup.DataSource == null) { return; } if (cboGroup.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } if (cboAccount.SelectedIndex >= 0) { return; } if (cboAccount.DataSource == null) { return; } if (!VisualBasic.IsNumeric(cboGroup.SelectedValue)) { return; } DataTable _datasource = null; try { _datasource = (DataTable)cboGroup.DataSource; } catch { } if (_datasource != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _datasource.Select("[Id] = " + cboGroup.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; try { cboAccount.SelectedValue = _row["DefaultAccount"]; } catch { } } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the main window to select the specified module. /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> public void SelectModule(Module module) { if (module == Module.None) { return; } switch (module) { case Module.Bank: case Module.CashPosition: case Module.Customers: case Module.GeneralLedger: case Module.JournalEntries: case Module.Suppliers: if (_selectedmodulegroup != ModuleGroup.Finance) { InitializeModules(ModuleGroup.Finance); } break; default: if (_selectedmodulegroup != ModuleGroup.Operations) { InitializeModules(ModuleGroup.Operations); } break; } foreach (BaseItem _button in brModules.Items) { if (_button is ButtonItem) { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_button.Tag)) { if (!(_button.Tag is ModuleGroup)) { if (((Module)_button.Tag) == module) { _button_Click(_button, new EventArgs()); break; } } } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!btnSave.Enabled) { return; } Validator _validator = SCMS.Validators[this]; if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, cboUsername, cboUsername.SelectedIndex >= 0, "Please specify signatory from the existing accounts.")) { return; } if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, cboRole, cboRole.SelectedIndex >= 0, "Please specify signatory role.")) { return; } DataTable _signatories = Cache.GetCachedTable("signatories"); if (_signatories != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _signatories.Select("([Username] LIKE '" + cboUsername.SelectedValue.ToString().ToSqlValidString(true) + "' AND\n" + " [RoleId] = " + cboRole.SelectedValue.ToString() + " AND\n" + " [Company] LIKE '" + SCMS.CurrentCompany.Company.ToSqlValidString(true) + "') AND\n" + "([DetailId] <> " + _id.ToString() + ")"); if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, cboUsername, _rows.Length <= 0, "Signatory under the specified role already exists.")) { return; } string _query = ""; DataColumnCollection _cols = _signatories.Columns; DataRow _newrow = null; if (_isnew) { _query = "INSERT INTO `signatories`\n" + "(`Username`, `RoleId`, `CashLimit`, `BankLimit`, `Company`)\n" + "VALUES\n" + "('" + cboUsername.SelectedValue.ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "', " + cboRole.SelectedValue.ToString() + ", " + (txtCashLimit.LockUpdateChecked? txtCashLimit.Value.ToSqlValidString() : "0") + ", " + (txtBankLimit.LockUpdateChecked? txtBankLimit.Value.ToSqlValidString() : "0") + ", '" + SCMS.CurrentCompany.Company.ToSqlValidString() + "');\n" + "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `Id`;"; object[] _values = new object[_cols.Count]; _values[_cols["Username"].Ordinal] = cboUsername.SelectedValue; _values[_cols["RoleId"].Ordinal] = cboRole.SelectedValue; _values[_cols["CashLimit"].Ordinal] = (txtCashLimit.LockUpdateChecked ? txtCashLimit.Value : 0); _values[_cols["BankLimit"].Ordinal] = (txtCashLimit.LockUpdateChecked ? txtCashLimit.Value : 0); _values[_cols["LastModified"].Ordinal] = DateTime.Now; _newrow = _signatories.Rows.Add(_values); } else { _query = "UPDATE `signatories` SET\n" + "`Username` = '" + cboUsername.SelectedValue.ToString() + "', `RoleId` = " + cboRole.SelectedValue.ToString() + ", `CashLimit` = " + (txtCashLimit.LockUpdateChecked? txtCashLimit.Value.ToSqlValidString() : "0") + ", `BankLimit` = " + (txtBankLimit.LockUpdateChecked ? txtBankLimit.Value.ToSqlValidString() : "0") + "\n" + "WHERE\n" + "(`DetailId` = " + _id.ToString() + ");"; DataRow[] _existing = _signatories.Select("[DetailId] = " + _id.ToString()); if (_existing.Length > 0) { _existing[0]["Username"] = cboUsername.SelectedValue; _existing[0]["RoleId"] = cboRole.SelectedValue; _existing[0]["CashLimit"] = (txtCashLimit.LockUpdateChecked ? txtCashLimit.Value : 0); _existing[0]["BankLimit"] = (txtBankLimit.LockUpdateChecked ? txtBankLimit.Value : 0); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_query.RLTrim())) { btnSave.Enabled = false; btnSaveAndClose.Enabled = false; IAsyncResult _result = Que.BeginExecution(SCMS.Connection, _query); while (!_result.IsCompleted && !_cancelled) { Thread.Sleep(1); Application.DoEvents(); } if (_cancelled) { if (!_result.IsCompleted) { try { _result = null; } catch { } finally { Materia.RefreshAndManageCurrentProcess(); } } return; } else { QueResult _queresult = Que.EndExecution(_result); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_queresult.Error.RLTrim())) { UserAction _action = UserAction.Add; if (!_isnew) { _action = UserAction.Edit; } string _log = "Added a new signatory : " + txtFullName.Text + " as " + cboRole.Text.ToLower() + "."; if (!_isnew) { _log = "Updated signatory : " + txtFullName.Text + " as " + cboRole.Text.ToLower() + "."; } if (_queresult.ResultSet != null) { if (_queresult.ResultSet.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable _table = _queresult.ResultSet.Tables[0]; if (_table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow _row = _table.Rows[0]; if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Id"])) { if (_newrow != null) { _id = VisualBasic.CLng(_row["Id"]); _newrow["DetailId"] = _row["Id"]; } } } } } _signatories.AcceptChanges(); if (_isnew) { _isnew = false; } if (_updated) { _updated = false; } if (!_withupdates) { _withupdates = true; } Text = Text.Replace(" *", "").Replace("*", ""); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; IAsyncResult _logresult = SCMS.CurrentSystemUser.LogActionAsync(_action, _log); _logresult.WaitToFinish(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (sender == btnSaveAndClose) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; Close(); } } else { if (_queresult.Error.Contains("duplicate")) { bool _invalid = Materia.Valid(_validator, cboUsername, false, "Signatory with the specified role already exists."); } else { SCMS.LogError(this.GetType().Name, new Exception(_queresult.Error)); MsgBoxEx.Alert("Failed to save the current signatory.", "Save Signatory"); } _signatories.RejectChanges(); } _queresult.Dispose(); } btnSave.Enabled = true; btnSaveAndClose.Enabled = true; } } else { if (sender == btnSaveAndClose) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None; Close(); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!btnSave.Enabled) { return; } Validator _validator = SCMS.Validators[this]; if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, txtValue, txtValue.Value > 0, "Please specify currency denomination value.")) { return; } if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, cboCurrency, cboCurrency.SelectedIndex >= 0, "Please specify a valid currency.")) { return; } DataTable _denominations = Cache.GetCachedTable("currencydenominations"); DataRow _newrow = null; if (_denominations != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _denominations.Select("([Denomination] = " + txtValue.Value.ToSqlValidString() + " AND\n" + " [Currency] LIKE '" + cboCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString().ToSqlValidString(true) + "') AND\n" + "([DetailId] <> " + _id.ToString() + ")"); if (!Materia.Valid(_validator, txtValue, _rows.Length <= 0, "Currency denomination already exists.")) { return; } string _query = ""; DataColumnCollection _cols = _denominations.Columns; if (_isnew) { _query = "INSERT INTO `currencydenominations`\n" + "(`Currency`, `Denomination`, `Active`, `DateCreated`)\n" + "VALUES\n" + "('" + cboCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString().ToSqlValidString(true) + "', " + txtValue.Value.ToSqlValidString() + ", " + (chkActive.Checked? "1" : "0").ToString() + ", NOW());\n" + "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `Id`;"; object[] _values = new object[_cols.Count]; _values[_cols["Currency"].Ordinal] = cboCurrency.SelectedValue; _values[_cols["Denomination"].Ordinal] = txtValue.Value; _values[_cols["Active"].Ordinal] = (chkActive.Checked ? 1 : 0); _values[_cols["DateCreated"].Ordinal] = DateTime.Now; _values[_cols["LastModified"].Ordinal] = DateTime.Now; _newrow = _denominations.Rows.Add(_values); } else { _query = "UPDATE `currencydenominations` SET\n" + "`Currency` = '" + cboCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "', `Denomination` = " + txtValue.Value.ToSqlValidString() + ", `Active` = " + (chkActive.Checked? "1" : "0").ToString() + "\n" + "WHERE\n" + "(`DetailId` = " + _id.ToString() + ");"; DataRow[] _existing = _denominations.Select("[DetailId] = " + _id.ToString()); if (_existing.Length > 0) { _existing[0]["Currency"] = cboCurrency.SelectedValue; _existing[0]["Denomination"] = txtValue.Value; _existing[0]["Active"] = (chkActive.Checked? 1 : 0); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_query.RLTrim())) { btnSave.Enabled = false; btnSaveAndClose.Enabled = false; IAsyncResult _result = Que.BeginExecution(SCMS.Connection, _query); while (!_result.IsCompleted && !_cancelled) { Thread.Sleep(1); Application.DoEvents(); } if (_cancelled) { if (!_result.IsCompleted) { try { _result = null; } catch { } finally { Materia.RefreshAndManageCurrentProcess(); } } return; } else { QueResult _queresult = Que.EndExecution(_result); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_queresult.Error.RLTrim())) { UserAction _action = UserAction.Add; if (!_isnew) { _action = UserAction.Edit; } string _log = "Added a new currency denomination : " + txtValue.Value.ToSqlValidString() + " " + cboCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString() + "."; if (!_isnew) { _log = "Updated currency denomination : " + txtValue.Value.ToSqlValidString() + " " + cboCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString() + "."; } if (_isnew) { if (_queresult.ResultSet.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable _table = _queresult.ResultSet.Tables[0]; if (_table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow _row = _table.Rows[0]; if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Id"])) { _id = VisualBasic.CLng(_row["Id"]); if (_newrow != null) { _newrow["DetailId"] = _id; } } } } } _denominations.AcceptChanges(); if (_isnew) { _isnew = false; } if (_updated) { _updated = false; } if (!_withupdates) { _withupdates = true; } Text = Text.Replace(" *", "").Replace("*", ""); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; IAsyncResult _logresult = SCMS.CurrentSystemUser.LogActionAsync(_action, _log); _logresult.WaitToFinish(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (sender == btnSaveAndClose) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; Close(); } } else { if (_queresult.Error.Contains("duplicate")) { bool _invalid = Materia.Valid(_validator, txtValue, false, "Currency denomination already exists."); } else { SCMS.LogError(this.GetType().Name, new Exception(_queresult.Error)); MsgBoxEx.Alert("Failed to save the current currency denomination.", "Save Currency Denomination"); } _denominations.RejectChanges(); } _queresult.Dispose(); } btnSave.Enabled = true; btnSaveAndClose.Enabled = true; } } else { if (sender == btnSaveAndClose) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None; Close(); } } }
private void InitializeInfo() { DataTable _scripts = Cache.GetCachedTable("scripts"); if (_scripts != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _scripts.Select("[ReferenceNo] LIKE '" + _referenceno.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["ReferenceNo"])) { txtReferenceNo.Text = _row["ReferenceNo"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["SystemVersion"])) { txtSystemVersion.Text = _row["SystemVersion"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Author"])) { txtAuthor.Text = _row["Author"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Title"])) { txtTitle.Text = _row["Title"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Script"])) { txtScript.Text = _row["Script"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireBackup"])) { chkBackup.Checked = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireBackup"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequireAppRestart"])) { chkRestartApp.Checked = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequireAppRestart"]); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RequirePcRestart"])) { chkRestartPc.Checked = VisualBasic.CBool(_row["RequirePcRestart"]); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Description"])) { txtDescription.Text = _row["Description"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Executed"])) { if (VisualBasic.CBool(_row["Executed"])) { if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_row["DateExecuted"])) { lblExecuted.Text = "Last Executed : " + VisualBasic.Format(VisualBasic.CDate(_row["DateExecuted"]), "dd-MMM-yyyy"); lblExecuted.Show(); lblExecuted.BringToFront(); } else { lblExecuted.Hide(); } } else { lblExecuted.Hide(); } } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["AutoScript"])) { if (VisualBasic.CBool(_row["AutoScript"])) { lblAutoScript.Show(); lblAutoScript.BringToFront(); } else { lblAutoScript.Hide(); } } else { lblAutoScript.Hide(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Applies table updates from the specified DataTable object into the current DataObjectMap's table. /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> public void ApplyUpdatesFromTable(DataTable table) { if (_table != null && table != null) { DataTable _updates = table.GetChanges(); if (_updates != null) { foreach (DataRow _row in _updates.Rows) { string _pk = ""; foreach (DataColumn _col in _table.Columns) { if (_col.Unique) { _pk = _col.ColumnName; break; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_pk.RLTrim())) { _pk = _table.Columns[0].ColumnName; } object _pkvalue = null; if (_row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted || _row.RowState == DataRowState.Detached || _row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) { try { _pkvalue = _row[_pk, DataRowVersion.Original]; } catch { _pkvalue = null; } } else { _pkvalue = _row[_pk]; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_pkvalue)) { string _filter = "[" + _pk + "] = "; DataColumn _pkcol = _table.Columns[_pk]; object[] _values = null; switch (_row.RowState) { case DataRowState.Added: _values = new object[_table.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn _col in _table.Columns) { if (!_col.AutoIncrement) { if (table.Columns.Contains(_col.ColumnName)) { _values[_col.Ordinal] = _row[_col.ColumnName]; } } } AddRow(_values); break; case DataRowState.Deleted: case DataRowState.Detached: case DataRowState.Modified: if (_pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(string).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(String).Name) { _filter += "'" + _pkvalue.ToString().ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"; } else if (_pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(DateTime).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_pkvalue)) { _filter += "#" + VisualBasic.Format(VisualBasic.CDate(_pkvalue), "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "#"; } else { _filter = ""; } } else if (_pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(bool).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Boolean).Name) { bool _value = VisualBasic.CBool(_pkvalue); _filter += _value.ToString(); } else if (_pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(byte).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Byte).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(decimal).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Decimal).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(double).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Double).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(int).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Int16).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Int32).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Int64).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(long).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(sbyte).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(SByte).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(short).Name || _pkcol.DataType.Name == typeof(Single).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_pkvalue)) { _filter += _pkvalue.ToString(); } else { _filter = ""; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_filter.RLTrim())) { if (_row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted || _row.RowState == DataRowState.Detached) { DeleteRow(_filter); } else { DataRow[] _rows = Select(_filter); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _actualrow = _rows[0]; if (_actualrow.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && _actualrow.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) { foreach (DataColumn _col in _table.Columns) { if (!_col.AutoIncrement) { if (table.Columns.Contains(_col.ColumnName)) { _actualrow[_col.ColumnName] = _row[_col.ColumnName]; } } } } } else { _values = new object[_table.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn _col in _table.Columns) { if (!_col.AutoIncrement) { if (table.Columns.Contains(_col.ColumnName)) { _values[_col.Ordinal] = _row[_col.ColumnName]; } } } AddRow(_values); } } } break; default: break; } } } } } }
private string Generate() { StringBuilder _sql = new StringBuilder(); if (_table != null) { if (_table.Columns.Count > 0) { string _pk = _primarykey.Field; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_pk.RLTrim())) { foreach (DataColumn _col in _table.Columns) { if (_col.Unique) { _pk = _col.ColumnName; break; } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_pk.RLTrim())) { string _tablename = _table.TableName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_tablename.RLTrim())) { _tablename = "table"; } string _insert = ""; string _update = ""; string _pkvalue = "{" + _table.Columns[_pk].Ordinal.ToString() + "}"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_primarykey.Value.RLTrim())) { _pkvalue = _primarykey.Value; } string _delete = "DELETE FROM `" + _tablename + "` WHERE (`" + _pk + "` = " + _pkvalue + ");"; string _insertfields = ""; string _insertparameters = ""; string _updatefield = ""; foreach (DataColumn _column in _table.Columns) { if (!_column.AutoIncrement && !_excludedfields.Contains(_column.ColumnName)) { _insertfields += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertfields.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "`"; if (_column.ColumnName != _foreignkey.Field) { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "{" + _column.Ordinal.ToString() + "}"; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = {" + _column.Ordinal.ToString() + "}"; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_foreignkey.Value.RLTrim())) { if (_foreignkey.HeaderTable != null) { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey.RLTrim())) { if (_foreignkey.HeaderTable.Columns.Contains(_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey)) { DataColumn _headercolumn = _foreignkey.HeaderTable.Columns[_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey]; if (_headercolumn.AutoIncrement) { if (_foreignkey.HeaderTable.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow rw = null; foreach (DataRow row in _foreignkey.HeaderTable.Rows) { if (row.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) { rw = row; break; } } if (rw != null) { if (rw.RowState == DataRowState.Added) { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } else { if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(rw[_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey])) { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "'" + rw[_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey].ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + "'" + rw[_foreignkey.HeaderPrimaryKey].ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } } } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } } } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + _foreignkey.Value; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = " + _foreignkey.Value; } } } else { _insertparameters += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_insertparameters.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "{" + _column.Ordinal.ToString() + "}"; _updatefield += (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_updatefield.RLTrim()) ? "" : ", ") + "`" + _column.ColumnName + "` = {" + _column.Ordinal.ToString() + "}"; } } } } _insert = "INSERT INTO `" + _tablename + "`\n" + "(" + _insertfields + ")\n" + "VALUES\n" + "(" + _insertparameters + ");"; string _query = ""; foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows) { if (row.RowState != DataRowState.Unchanged) { _query = ""; _update = "UPDATE `" + _tablename + "` SET " + _updatefield + " WHERE (`" + _pk + "` = " + _pkvalue + ");"; string[] _values = new string[_table.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn _column in _table.Columns) { string _value = "NULL"; object _currentvalue = null; if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted || row.RowState == DataRowState.Detached) { try { _currentvalue = row[_column.ColumnName, DataRowVersion.Original]; } catch { } } else { _currentvalue = row[_column.ColumnName]; } if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) { if (_column.ColumnName == _pk) { object _originalvalue = null; try { _originalvalue = row[_column.ColumnName, DataRowVersion.Original]; if (_originalvalue != _currentvalue) { string _originalpk = "NULL"; if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(string).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(String).Name) { _originalpk = "'" + _originalvalue.ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(DateTime).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_originalvalue)) { _originalpk = "'" + VisualBasic.CDate(_originalvalue).ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"; } } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(byte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Byte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(decimal).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Decimal).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(double).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Double).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(float).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(int).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int16).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int32).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int64).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(long).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(sbyte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(SByte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(short).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Single).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_originalvalue)) { _originalpk = _originalvalue.ToString(); } } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(bool).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Boolean).Name) { try { if (VisualBasic.CBool(_originalvalue)) { _originalpk = "1"; } else { _originalpk = "0"; } } catch { } } else { if (_column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("byte[]") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("byte()") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("bytes[]") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("bytes()")) { try { _originalpk = "x'" + ((byte[])_originalvalue).ToHexadecimalString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; } catch { _originalpk = "NULL"; } } } _update = "UPDATE `" + _tablename + "` SET " + _updatefield + " WHERE (`" + _pk + "` = " + _originalpk + ");"; } } catch { } } } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_currentvalue)) { if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(string).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(String).Name) { _value = "'" + _currentvalue.ToString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(DateTime).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsDate(_currentvalue)) { _value = "'" + VisualBasic.CDate(_currentvalue).ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"; } } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(byte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Byte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(decimal).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Decimal).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(double).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Double).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(float).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(int).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int16).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int32).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int64).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(long).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(sbyte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(SByte).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(short).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Single).Name) { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_currentvalue)) { _value = _currentvalue.ToString(); } } else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(bool).Name || _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Boolean).Name) { try { if (VisualBasic.CBool(_currentvalue)) { _value = "1"; } else { _value = "0"; } } catch { } } else { if (_column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("byte[]") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("byte()") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("bytes[]") || _column.DataType.Name.ToLower().Contains("bytes()")) { try { _value = "x'" + ((byte[])_currentvalue).ToHexadecimalString().ToSqlValidString() + "'"; } catch { _value = "NULL"; } } } } _values[_column.Ordinal] = _value; } switch (row.RowState) { case DataRowState.Added: _query = _insert; break; case DataRowState.Modified: _query = _update; break; case DataRowState.Deleted: _query = _delete; break; case DataRowState.Detached: default: break; } _query = String.Format(_query, _values); string _currentsql = _sql.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentsql.RLTrim())) { _sql.Append("\n"); } _sql.Append(_query); } } } } } return(_sql.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the specified company's application settings and cofigurations. /// </summary> /// <param name="companycode"></param> public static void Refresh(string companycode) { ClearInformation(); _company = new CompanyInfo(companycode); Cache.SyncTable(SCMS.Connection, "settings"); DataTable _settings = Cache.GetCachedTable("settings"); if (_settings != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _settings.Select("[Company] LIKE '" + companycode.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length <= 0) { object[] _values = new object[_settings.Columns.Count]; DataColumnCollection _cols = _settings.Columns; _values[_cols["Company"].Ordinal] = companycode; _values[_cols["Address"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["Country"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["Phone"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["Mobile"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["Fax"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["Email"].Ordinal] = ""; _values[_cols["CompanyLogo"].Ordinal] = Properties.Resources.CSPTColored.ToByteArray(); _values[_cols["ReportLogo"].Ordinal] = Properties.Resources.CSPTBlackAndWhite.ToByteArray(); Cache.SyncTable(SCMS.Connection, "accounts"); DataTable _accounts = Cache.GetCachedTable("accounts"); if (_accounts != null) { long _accountcode = 0; string _accountname = "Raw materials & consumables - spare parts"; DataRow[] _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["RawMaterialAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } _accountname = "Cash advances"; _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["CashAdvanceAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } _accountname = "Parts consumption"; _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["StockConsumptionAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } _accountname = "Stock adjustments"; _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["StockAdjustmentAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } _accountname = "Unallocated payments / cheques"; _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["UnallocatedPaymentAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } _accountname = "Result carried forward previous years"; _selrows = _accounts.Select("[AccountName] LIKE '" + _accountname.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_selrows.Length > 0) { _accountcode = (long)_selrows[0]["AccountCode"]; _values[_cols["RollForwardAccountCode"].Ordinal] = _accountcode; } } _values[_cols["DateCreated"].Ordinal] = DateTime.Now; _settings.Rows.Add(_values); QueryGenerator _generator = new QueryGenerator(_settings); _generator.ExcludedFields.Add("LastModified"); string _query = _generator.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_query.RLTrim())) { QueResult _result = Que.Execute(SCMS.Connection, _query); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_result.Error.RLTrim())) { _settings.AcceptChanges(); } _result.Dispose(); _result = null; Materia.RefreshAndManageCurrentProcess(); } } _rows = _settings.Select("[Company] LIKE '" + companycode.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Address"])) { _address = _row["Address"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["CashAdvanceAccountCode"])) { _cashadvanceaccountcode = (long)_row["CashAdvanceAccountCode"]; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["CompanyLogo"])) { try { _companylogo = ((byte[])_row["CompanyLogo"]).ToImage(); } catch { } } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Country"])) { _country = _row["Country"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Email"])) { _email = _row["Email"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Fax"])) { _fax = _row["Fax"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Mobile"])) { _mobile = _row["Mobile"].ToString(); } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["Phone"])) { _phone = _row["Phone"].ToString(); } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RawMaterialAccountCode"])) { _rawmaterialaccountcode = (long)_row["RawMaterialAccountCode"]; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row["ReportLogo"])) { try { _reportlogo = ((byte[])_row["ReportLogo"]).ToImage(); } catch { } } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["RollForwardAccountCode"])) { _rollforwardaccountcode = (long)_row["RollForwardAccountCode"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["StockAdjustmentAccountCode"])) { _stockadjustmentaccountcode = (long)_row["StockAdjustmentAccountCode"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["StockConsumptionAccountCode"])) { _stockconsumptionaccountcode = (long)_row["StockConsumptionAccountCode"]; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["UnallocatedPaymentAccountCode"])) { _unallocatedpaymentaccountcode = (long)_row["UnallocatedPaymentAccountCode"]; } } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!btnDelete.Enabled) { return; } if (!grdStockAdjustments.Redraw) { return; } if (grdStockAdjustments.DataSource == null) { return; } if (grdStockAdjustments.RowSel < grdStockAdjustments.Rows.Fixed) { return; } if (Materia.IsNullOrNothing(grdStockAdjustments[grdStockAdjustments.RowSel, "ReferenceNo"])) { return; } string _referenceno = grdStockAdjustments[grdStockAdjustments.RowSel, "ReferenceNo"].ToString(); DataTable _stockadjustments = Cache.GetCachedTable("stockadjustments"); if (_stockadjustments != null) { DataRow[] _rows = _stockadjustments.Select("[ReferenceNo] LIKE '" + _referenceno.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_rows.Length > 0) { DataRow _row = _rows[0]; if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row["Closed"])) { if (VisualBasic.CBool(_row["Closed"])) { MsgBoxEx.Shout("Cannot delete stock adjustment : <font color=\"blue\">" + _referenceno + "</font> because it is already marked as final.", "Delete Stock Adjustment"); return; } } if (MsgBoxEx.Ask("Delete stock adjustment <font color=\"blue\">" + _referenceno + "</font> permanently from the list?", "Delete Stock Adjustments") != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { return; } string _query = "DELETE FROM `stockadjustments` WHERE (`ReferenceNo` LIKE '" + _referenceno.ToSqlValidString(true) + "')"; IAsyncResult _execresult = Que.BeginExecution(SCMS.Connection, _query); btnNew.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnRefresh.Enabled = false; txtSearch.Enabled = false; while (!_execresult.IsCompleted && !_cancelled) { Thread.Sleep(1); Application.DoEvents(); } if (_cancelled) { if (!_execresult.IsCompleted) { try { _execresult = null; } catch { } finally { Materia.RefreshAndManageCurrentProcess(); } } return; } else { QueResult _result = Que.EndExecution(_execresult); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_result.Error.RLTrim())) { _row.Delete(); _stockadjustments.AcceptChanges(); if (grdStockAdjustments.Redraw) { grdStockAdjustments.BeginUpdate(); } DataTable _datasource = null; try { _datasource = (DataTable)grdStockAdjustments.DataSource; } catch { } if (_datasource != null) { DataRow[] _currows = _datasource.Select("[ReferenceNo] LIKE '" + _referenceno.ToSqlValidString(true) + "'"); if (_currows.Length > 0) { _currows[0].Delete(); } _datasource.AcceptChanges(); } FormatGrid(); ResizeGrid(); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; IAsyncResult _logresult = SCMS.CurrentSystemUser.LogActionAsync(UserAction.Delete, "Deletes stock adjustment : " + _referenceno + ".", _referenceno); _logresult.WaitToFinish(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; while (!grdStockAdjustments.Redraw) { grdStockAdjustments.EndUpdate(); } } else { SCMS.LogError(this.GetType().Name, new Exception(_result.Error)); MsgBoxEx.Alert("Failed to delete the specified stock adjustment.", "Delete Stock Adjustment"); } _result.Dispose(); EnableButtons(); DisplayInfo(); } } } }
private void _button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { if (sender.GetType() == typeof(ButtonItem)) { ButtonItem _button = (ButtonItem)sender; if (!_button.Enabled) { return; } foreach (BaseItem _control in brModules.Items) { if (_control.GetType() == typeof(ButtonItem)) { ((ButtonItem)_control).Checked = false; } } _button.Checked = true; if (_button.Tag != null) { if (_button.Tag.GetType() == typeof(ModuleGroup)) { ModuleGroup _tag = (ModuleGroup)_button.Tag; switch (_tag) { case ModuleGroup.Finance: InitializeModules(ModuleGroup.Finance); break; case ModuleGroup.Operations: InitializeModules(ModuleGroup.Operations); break; default: break; } _selectedmodulegroup = _tag; } else { if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_button.Tag)) { ModuleWindow _modulewindow = null; _selectedmodule = (Module)_button.Tag; foreach (Form _form in MdiChildren) { if (_form is ModuleWindow) { ModuleWindow _current = (ModuleWindow)_form; if (_current.SelectedModule == (Module)_button.Tag) { _modulewindow = _current; break; } } } if (_modulewindow == null) { _modulewindow = new ModuleWindow((Module)_button.Tag); } _modulewindow.MdiParent = this; _modulewindow.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; _modulewindow.MinimizeBox = false; _modulewindow.MaximizeBox = false; _modulewindow.ControlBox = false; _modulewindow.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; _modulewindow.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _modulewindow.TopMost = true; _modulewindow.Show(); _modulewindow.Activate(); _modulewindow.Size = new Size(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); _modulewindow.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; _modulewindow.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } } } } } }
private void GetInfo(string code) { ClearInfo(); DataTable _parts = Cache.GetCachedTable("parts"); DataTable _partnames = Cache.GetCachedTable("partnames"); DataTable _models = Cache.GetCachedTable("models"); if (_parts != null && _partnames != null) { var _query = from _part in _parts.AsEnumerable() join _names in _partnames.AsEnumerable() on _part.Field <string>("PartName") equals _names.Field <string>("PartName") join _mdl in _models.AsEnumerable() on _part.Field <string>("ModelCode") equals _mdl.Field <string>("ModelCode") into _m where _part.Field <string>("PartCode") == _partcode from _mdl in _m.DefaultIfEmpty(_models.NewRow()) select new { PartNo = _part.Field <string>("PartNo"), PartName = _part.Field <string>("PartName"), Description = _part.Field <string>("Description"), Brand = _part.Field <string>("Brand"), Model = _mdl.Field <string>("Model"), Category = _names.Field <string>("PartCategory"), Unit = _part.Field <string>("Unit"), Status = _part.Field <Int16>("Active"), Type = _part.Field <int>("StockType") }; try { foreach (var _row in _query) { if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.PartNo)) { _partno = _row.PartNo; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.PartName)) { _partname = _row.PartName; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.Description)) { _description = _row.Description; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.Category)) { _category = _row.Category; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.Brand)) { _brand = _row.Brand; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.Model)) { _model = _row.Model; } if (!Materia.IsNullOrNothing(_row.Unit)) { _unit = _row.Unit; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row.Status)) { _status = (PartStatus)_row.Status; } if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_row.Type)) { _type = (PartStockingType)_row.Type; } } } catch { } } }