public void Scripting_Draw_AreaChart() { var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); var rect1 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(0, 0, 4, 4); var rect2 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(5, 0, 9, 4); var rect3 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(10, 0, 14, 4); var padding = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0); var chart1 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.AreaChart(rect1); chart1.DataPoints.Add(1.0); chart1.DataPoints.Add(2.0); chart1.DataPoints.Add(3.0); chart1.DataPoints.Add(4.0); var chart2 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.AreaChart(rect2); chart2.DataPoints.Add(1.0); chart2.DataPoints.Add(2.0); chart2.DataPoints.Add(-3.0); chart2.DataPoints.Add(4.0); var chart3 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.AreaChart(rect3); chart3.DataPoints.Add(-1.0); chart3.DataPoints.Add(-2.0); chart3.DataPoints.Add(-3.0); chart3.DataPoints.Add(-4.0); // Setup the Page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.New(); client.Page.New(pagesize, false); // Draw the Charts client.Draw.AreaChart(chart1); client.Draw.AreaChart(chart2); client.Draw.AreaChart(chart3); client.Page.Get().ResizeToFitContents(padding); // Cleanup client.Document.Close(true); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { var targetpages = new VisioScripting.TargetPages(this.Page).ResolveToPages(this.Client); if (this.FitContents) { var bordersize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(this.BorderWidth, this.BorderHeight); this.Client.Page.ResizePageToFitContents(targetpages, bordersize); this.Client.View.SetZoomToObject(VisioScripting.TargetWindow.Auto, VisioScripting.Models.ZoomToObject.Page); } if (this.Width > 0 || this.Height > 0) { var page_format_cells = new VisioAutomation.Pages.PageFormatCells(); if (this.Width > 0) { page_format_cells.Width = this.Width; } if (this.Height > 0) { page_format_cells.Height = this.Height; } this.Client.Page.SetPageFormatCells(targetpages, page_format_cells); } if (this.Orientation.HasValue) { this.Client.Page.SetPageOrientation(targetpages, this.Orientation.Value); } if (this.BackgroundPage != null) { this.Client.Page.SetPageBackground(targetpages, this.BackgroundPage); } if (this.LayoutStyle != null) { this.Client.Page.LayoutPage(targetpages, this.LayoutStyle); } }
public void Scripting_Draw_BarChart() { var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); var rect1 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(0, 0, 4, 4); var rect2 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(5, 0, 9, 4); var rect3 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(10, 0, 14, 4); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0); var chart1 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.BarChart(rect1); chart1.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(1.0)); chart1.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(2.0)); chart1.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(3.0)); chart1.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(4.0)); var chart2 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.BarChart(rect2); chart2.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(1.0)); chart2.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(2.0)); chart2.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(-3.0)); chart2.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(4.0)); var chart3 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.BarChart(rect3); chart3.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(-1.0)); chart3.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(-2.0)); chart3.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(-3.0)); chart3.DataPoints.Add(new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPoint(-4.0)); // Create the page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.New(); client.Page.New(pagesize, false); // Draw the Charts client.Draw.BarChart(chart1); client.Draw.BarChart(chart2); client.Draw.BarChart(chart3); client.Page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize, true); // Cleanup client.Document.Close(true); }
public void Scripting_Distribute_With_Spacing() { var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); client.Document.New(); client.Page.New(pagesize, false); var size1 = new VA.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.5); var size2 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0); var size3 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.5, 1.5); var r1 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(1, 1), size1); var r2 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2), size2); var r3 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4), size3); var s1 = client.Draw.Rectangle(r1); var s2 = client.Draw.Rectangle(r2); var s3 = client.Draw.Rectangle(r3); client.Selection.SelectNone(); client.Selection.Select(s1); client.Selection.Select(s2); client.Selection.Select(s3); var targets = new VisioScripting.Models.TargetShapes(); client.Distribute.DistributeOnAxis(targets, VisioScripting.Models.Axis.XAxis, 0.25); client.Distribute.DistributeOnAxis(targets, VisioScripting.Models.Axis.YAxis, 1.0); var shapeids = new[] { s1.ID, s2.ID, s3.ID }; var out_xfrms = VisioAutomation.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells.GetCells(client.Page.Get(), shapeids, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Result); var out_positions = out_xfrms.Select(xfrm => TestExtensions.ToPoint(xfrm.PinX.Value, xfrm.PinY.Value)).ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(1.25, out_positions[0].X); Assert.AreEqual(1.25, out_positions[0].Y); Assert.AreEqual(2.25, out_positions[1].X); Assert.AreEqual(3.00, out_positions[1].Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.75, out_positions[2].X); Assert.AreEqual(5.25, out_positions[2].Y); client.Document.Close(true); }
public static VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size GetPageSize(IVisio.Page page) { if (page == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } var query = new CellQuery(); var col_height = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageHeight, "PageHeight"); var col_width = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageWidth, "PageWidth"); var cellqueryresults = query.GetResults <double>(page.PageSheet); var row = cellqueryresults[0]; double height = row[col_height]; double width = row[col_width]; var s = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(width, height); return(s); }
public IVisio.Page GetNewPage(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size s) { var app = this.GetVisioApplication(); var documents = app.Documents; if (documents.Count < 1) { var doc = documents.Add(string.Empty); doc.AutoRecover = false; } var active_document = app.ActiveDocument; var pages = active_document.Pages; var page = pages.Add(); page.Background = 0; SetPageSize(page, s); return(page); }
public void Scripting_Test_Resize_Application_Window2() { var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); var page_size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(10, 5); var doc = client.Document.NewDocument(page_size); var page = client.Page.GetActivePage(); var page_tp = new VisioScripting.Models.TargetPages(page); var pagesize = client.Page.GetPageSize(page_tp); Assert.AreEqual(10.0, pagesize.Width); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, pagesize.Height); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.Selection.GetActiveSelection().Count); client.Draw.DrawRectangle(1, 1, 2, 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.Selection.GetActiveSelection().Count); client.Document.CloseActiveDocument(true); }
public void Scripting_Test_Resize_Application_Window2() { var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); var page_size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(10, 5); var doc = client.Document.NewDocument(page_size); var pagesizes = client.Page.GetPageSize(VisioScripting.TargetPages.Auto); Assert.AreEqual(10.0, pagesizes[0].Width); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, pagesizes[0].Height); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.Selection.GetSelection(VisioScripting.TargetWindow.Auto).Count); client.Draw.DrawRectangle(VisioScripting.TargetPage.Auto, 1, 1, 2, 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.Selection.GetSelection(VisioScripting.TargetWindow.Auto).Count); client.Document.CloseDocument(VisioScripting.TargetDocuments.Auto); }
public static void DrawGridOfMasters() { // var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); // Resize the page to a sqaure var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size); // Load the Stencil var application = page.Application; var documents = application.Documents; var stencil = documents.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss"); var stencil_masters = stencil.Masters; var master = stencil_masters["Rectangle"]; // Calculate where to drop the masters int num_cols = 10; int num_rows = 10; var centerpoints = new List <VA.Geometry.Point>(num_rows * num_cols); foreach (var row in Enumerable.Range(0, num_rows)) { foreach (var col in Enumerable.Range(0, num_cols)) { var p = new VA.Geometry.Point(row * 1.0, col * 1.0); centerpoints.Add(p); } } var masters = new[] { master }; // Draw the masters var shapeids = page.DropManyU(masters, centerpoints); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1); page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }
public static void OrgChart() { // This creates a new document var orgchart = new OCMODEL.OrgChartDocument(); var bob = new OCMODEL.Node("Bob"); var ted = new OCMODEL.Node("Ted"); var alice = new OCMODEL.Node("Alice"); bob.Children.Add(ted); bob.Children.Add(alice); orgchart.OrgCharts.Add(bob); orgchart.Render(SampleEnvironment.Application); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1); SampleEnvironment.Application.ActivePage.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }
public void Scripting_Draw_PieSlice() { var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); var center = new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2); double radius = 1.0; double start_angle = 0; double end_angle = Math.PI; // Create the page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.New(); client.Page.New(pagesize, false); // Draw the Shape var shape = client.Draw.PieSlice(center, radius, start_angle, end_angle); // Cleanup client.Document.Close(true); }
public VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size GetSize() { this._client.Application.AssertApplicationAvailable(); this._client.Document.AssertDocumentAvailable(); var application = this._client.Application.Get(); var active_page = application.ActivePage; var query = new CellQuery(); var col_height = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageHeight, nameof(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageHeight)); var col_width = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageWidth, nameof(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageWidth)); var results = query.GetResults <double>(active_page.PageSheet); double height = results.Cells[col_height]; double width = results.Cells[col_width]; var s = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(width, height); return(s); }
public IVisio.Document NewDocumentFromTemplate(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size size, string template) { var cmdtarget = this._client.GetCommandTargetApplication(); var doc = this.NewDocumentFromTemplate(template); var pagecells = new VisioAutomation.Pages.PageFormatCells(); pagecells.Width = size.Width; pagecells.Height = size.Height; var pages = doc.Pages; var page = pages[1]; var writer = new VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.Writers.SrcWriter(); writer.SetValues(pagecells); writer.Commit(page.PageSheet, CellValueType.Formula); return(doc); }
public void Page_ResizeBorder() { var doc = this.GetNewDoc(); var shapesize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(1, 2); var border1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(0, 0); var border2 = new VA.Geometry.Size(3, 4); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), shapesize, border1, 1.5, 2); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), shapesize, border1, 0.5, 1); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), shapesize, border1, 1.5, 1); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 1), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), shapesize, border1, 0.5, 2); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 0), shapesize, border1, 0.5, 1); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 1), shapesize, border1, 0.5, 1); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), shapesize, border2, 4.5, 6); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), shapesize, border2, 4, 5); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 1), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), shapesize, border2, 3.5, 5.5); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 0), shapesize, border2, 4, 5); VerifyPageSizeToFit(doc, new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 1), shapesize, border2, 3.5, 5.5); doc.Close(true); }
public VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size GetPageSize(TargetPages targetpages) { targetpages = targetpages.Resolve(this._client); if (targetpages.Pages.Count < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("No pages found"); } var query = new VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.Query.CellQuery(); var col_height = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageHeight, nameof(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageHeight)); var col_width = query.Columns.Add(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageWidth, nameof(VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.PageWidth)); var cellqueryresult = query.GetResults <double>(targetpages.Pages[0].PageSheet); var row = cellqueryresult[0]; double height = row[col_height]; double width = row[col_width]; var s = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(width, height); return(s); }
public static void Render(BoxLayout layout, IVisio.Document doc) { layout.PerformLayout(); var page1 = doc.Pages.Add(); // and tinker with it // render var nodes = layout.Nodes.ToList(); foreach (var node in nodes) { var shape = page1.DrawRectangle(node.Rectangle); node.Data = shape; } var root_shape = (IVisio.Shape)layout.Root.Data; root_shape.CellsU["FillForegnd"].FormulaForceU = "rgb(240,240,240)"; var margin = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.5); page1.ResizeToFitContents(margin); }
public GridLayout(int cols, int rows, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size cellsize, IVisio.Master master) { this.ColumnDirection = ColumnDirection.LeftToRight; this.RowDirection = RowDirection.BottomToTop; this.CellSpacing = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.25); this.ColumnCount = cols; this.RowCount = rows; // initialize the sizes for the rows and columns this.Rows = new List <Row>(this.RowCount); foreach (int row in Enumerable.Range(0, this.RowCount)) { var r = new Row(); r.Height = cellsize.Height; this.Rows.Add(r); } this.Columns = new List <Column>(this.ColumnCount); foreach (int col in Enumerable.Range(0, this.ColumnCount)) { var c = new Column(); c.Width = cellsize.Width; this.Columns.Add(c); } // Create the nodes this._nodes = new Node[this.RowCount, this.ColumnCount]; foreach (int row in Enumerable.Range(0, this.RowCount)) { foreach (int col in Enumerable.Range(0, this.ColumnCount)) { var node = new Node(); node.Column = col; node.Row = row; node.Master = master; node.Draw = true; this._nodes[row, col] = node; } } }
public void Scripting_Page_Navigation() { var page_size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(8.5, 11); var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); var doc = client.Document.New(page_size); var page1 = client.Page.Get(); client.Page.New(page_size, false); var page2 = client.Page.Get(); client.Page.New(page_size, false); var page3 = client.Page.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Pages.Count); Assert.AreEqual(page3, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.First); Assert.AreEqual(page1, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Last); Assert.AreEqual(page3, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Previous); Assert.AreEqual(page2, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Next); Assert.AreEqual(page3, client.Page.Get()); // move to last and try to go to next page client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Last); Assert.AreEqual(page3, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Next); Assert.AreEqual(page3, client.Page.Get()); // move to first and try to go to previous page client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.First); Assert.AreEqual(page1, client.Page.Get()); client.Page.GoTo(PageDirection.Previous); Assert.AreEqual(page1, client.Page.Get()); doc.Close(true); }
public void Scripting_Draw_Grid() { var origin = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, 4); var pagesize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(4, 4); var cellsize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.25); int cols = 3; int rows = 6; // Create the Page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.NewDocument(); client.Page.NewPage(pagesize, false); // Find the stencil and master var stencildoc = client.Document.OpenStencilDocument("basic_u.vss"); var stencil_tdoc = new VisioScripting.TargetDocument(stencildoc); var master = client.Master.GetMaster(stencil_tdoc, "Rectangle"); // Draw the grid var page = client.Page.GetActivePage(); var grid = new GRID.GridLayout(cols, rows, cellsize, master); grid.Origin = origin; grid.Render(page); // Verify int total_shapes_expected = cols * rows; var shapes = page.Shapes.ToList(); int total_shapes_actual = shapes.Count; Assert.AreEqual(total_shapes_expected, total_shapes_actual); // Cleanup var targetdoc = new VisioScripting.TargetDocument(); client.Document.CloseDocument(targetdoc, true); }
public void Scripting_Distribute() { var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); client.Document.NewDocument(); client.Page.NewPage(pagesize, false); var size1 = new VA.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.5); var size2 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0); var size3 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.5, 1.5); var r1 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(1, 1), size1); var r2 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2), size2); var r3 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4), size3); var s1 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r1); var s2 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r2); var s3 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r3); client.Selection.SelectNone(); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s1); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s2); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s3); var targetshapes = new VisioScripting.TargetShapes(); client.Distribute.DistributeShapesHorizontal(targetshapes, VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Center); var shapes = new[] { s1, s2, s3 }; var shapeids = shapes.Select(s => (int)s.ID16).ToList(); VisioAutomation.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells.GetCells(client.Page.GetActivePage(), shapeids, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula); var targetdoc = new VisioScripting.TargetDocument(); client.Document.CloseDocument(targetdoc, true); }
public void Scripting_Nudge2() { var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.NewDocument(); client.Page.NewPage(new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4), false); var size1 = new VA.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.5); var size2 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0); var size3 = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.5, 1.5); var r1 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(1, 1), size1); var r2 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2), size2); var r3 = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4), size3); var s1 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r1); var s2 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r2); var s3 = client.Draw.DrawRectangle(r3); client.Selection.SelectNone(); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s1); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s2); client.Selection.SelectShapesById(s3); client.Arrange.NudgeSelection(0.50, -0.25); var shapes = new[] { s1, s2, s3 }; var shapeids = shapes.Select(s => (int)s.ID16).ToList(); var xforms = VisioAutomation.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells.GetCells(client.Page.GetActivePage(), shapeids, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Result); AssertUtil.AreEqual((1.75, 1), xforms[0].GetPinPosResult(), 0.00001); AssertUtil.AreEqual((3, 2.25), xforms[1].GetPinPosResult(), 0.00001); AssertUtil.AreEqual((5.25, 4.5), xforms[2].GetPinPosResult(), 0.00001); var targetdoc = new VisioScripting.TargetDocument(); client.Document.CloseDocument(targetdoc, true); }
public void Dom_DrawSimpleShape() { // Create the doc var page_node = new VADOM.Page(); var vrect1 = new VADOM.Rectangle(1, 1, 9, 9); vrect1.Text = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element("HELLO WORLD"); vrect1.Cells.FillForeground = "rgb(255,0,0)"; page_node.Shapes.Add(vrect1); // Render it var app = this.GetVisioApplication(); var doc = this.GetNewDoc(); this.pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(10, 10); VisioAutomationTest.SetPageSize(app.ActivePage, this.pagesize); var page = page_node.Render(app.ActiveDocument); // Verify Assert.IsNotNull(vrect1.VisioShape); Assert.AreEqual("HELLO WORLD", vrect1.VisioShape.Text); app.ActiveDocument.Close(true); }
public void Scripting_Draw_BezierPolyLine_0() { var points = new[] { new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 0.5), new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2), new VA.Geometry.Point(3, 0.5) }; var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); // Create the Page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.NewDocument(); client.Page.NewPage(VisioScripting.TargetDocument.Auto, pagesize, false); // Draw the Shapes var shape_bezier = client.Draw.DrawBezier(VisioScripting.TargetPage.Auto, points); var shape_polyline = client.Draw.DrawPolyLine(VisioScripting.TargetPage.Auto, points); // Cleanup client.Document.CloseDocument(VisioScripting.TargetDocuments.Auto); }
public void Scripting_Draw_BezierPolyLine_0() { var points = new[] { new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0), new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 0.5), new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2), new VA.Geometry.Point(3, 0.5) }; var pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4); // Create the Page var client = this.GetScriptingClient(); client.Document.New(); client.Page.New(pagesize, false); // Draw the Shapes var shape_bezier = client.Draw.Bezier(points); var shape_polyline = client.Draw.PolyLine(points); // Cleanup client.Document.Close(true); }
private VA.Geometry.Size ToMGCoordinates(VA.Geometry.Size s) { return(s.Multiply(this.ScaleToMsagl, this.ScaleToMsagl)); }
public IVisio.Document DrawNamespacesAndClasses(IList <Type> types_) { this._client.Application.AssertApplicationAvailable(); string segoeui_fontname = "Segoe UI"; string segoeuilight_fontname = "Segoe UI Light"; string def_linecolor = "rgb(180,180,180)"; string def_shape_fill = "rgb(245,245,245)"; string template = null; var page_size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(8.5, 11); var doc = this._client.Document.New(page_size, template); var fonts = doc.Fonts; var font_segoe = fonts[segoeui_fontname]; var font_segoelight = fonts[segoeuilight_fontname]; int fontid_segoe = font_segoe.ID16; int fontid_segoelight = font_segoelight.ID16; var types = types_.Select(t => new TypeInfo(t)); var pathbuilder = new PathTreeBuilder(); foreach (var type in types) { pathbuilder.Add(type.Type.Namespace); } var namespaces = pathbuilder.GetPaths(); var tree_layout = new VisioAutomation.Models.Layouts.Tree.Drawing(); tree_layout.LayoutOptions.Direction = LayoutDirection.Down; tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.PolyLine; var ns_node_map = new Dictionary <string, Node>(namespaces.Count); var node_to_nslabel = new Dictionary <Node, string>(namespaces.Count); // create nodes for every namespace foreach (string ns in namespaces) { string label = ns; int index_of_last_sep = ns.LastIndexOf(pathbuilder.Separator, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index_of_last_sep > 0) { label = ns.Substring(index_of_last_sep + 1); } string ns1 = ns; var types_in_namespace = types.Where(t => t.Type.Namespace == ns1) .OrderBy(t => t.Type.Name) .Select(t => t.Label); var node = new Node(ns); node.Size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(2.0, (0.15) * (1 + 2 + types_in_namespace.Count())); var markup = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element(); var m1 = markup.AddElement(label + "\n"); m1.CharacterFormatting.Font = fontid_segoe; m1.CharacterFormatting.Size = "12.0pt"; m1.CharacterFormatting.Style = "1"; // Bold var m2 = markup.AddElement(); m2.CharacterFormatting.Font = fontid_segoe; m2.CharacterFormatting.Size = "8.0pt"; m2.AddText(string.Join("\n", types_in_namespace)); node.Text = markup; ns_node_map[ns] = node; node_to_nslabel[node] = label; } // add children to nodes foreach (string ns in namespaces) { var parent_ns = pathbuilder.PathToParentPath[ns]; if (parent_ns != null) { // the current namespace has a parent var parent_node = ns_node_map[parent_ns]; var child_node = ns_node_map[ns]; parent_node.Children.Add(child_node); } else { // that means this namespace is a root, forget about it } } if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 0) { } else if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 1) { // when there is exactly one root namespace, then that node will be the tree's root node var first_root = pathbuilder.Roots[0]; var root_n = ns_node_map[first_root]; tree_layout.Root = root_n; } else { // if there are multiple root namespaces, inject an empty placeholder root var root_n = new Node(); tree_layout.Root = root_n; foreach (var root_ns in pathbuilder.Roots) { var node = ns_node_map[root_ns]; tree_layout.Root.Children.Add(node); } } // format the shapes foreach (var node in tree_layout.Nodes) { if (node.Cells == null) { node.Cells = new ShapeCells(); } node.Cells.FillForeground = def_shape_fill; //node.ShapeCells.LineWeight = "0"; //node.ShapeCells.LinePattern = "0"; node.Cells.LineColor = def_linecolor; node.Cells.ParaHorizontalAlign = "0"; node.Cells.TextBlockVerticalAlign = "0"; } var cxn_cells = new ShapeCells(); cxn_cells.LineColor = def_linecolor; tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells = cxn_cells; tree_layout.Render(doc.Application.ActivePage); DeveloperCommands.hide_ui_stuff(doc); return(doc); }
public static void BoxLayout_TwoLevelGrouping() { int num_types = 10; int max_properties = 50; var types = typeof(UserDefinedCellCells).Assembly.GetExportedTypes().Take(num_types).ToList(); var data = new List <string[]>(); foreach (var type in types) { var properties = type.GetProperties().Take(max_properties).ToList(); foreach (var property in properties) { var item = new[] { type.Name, property.Name[0].ToString().ToUpper(), property.Name }; data.Add(item); } } var layout1 = BoxLayout2Samples.CreateTwoLevelLayout(data); layout1.PerformLayout(); // Create a blank canvas in Visio var app = SampleEnvironment.Application; var documents = app.Documents; var doc = documents.Add(string.Empty); var page = app.ActivePage; var domshapescol = new ShapeList(); //var rect_master = dom.m foreach (var item in layout1.Nodes) { if (item.Data == null) { continue; } var info = (TwoLevelInfo)item.Data; if (!info.Render) { continue; } var shape = domshapescol.Drop("Rectangle", "Basic_U.VSS", item.Rectangle); if (info.Text != null) { shape.Text = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element(info.Text); } shape.Cells = info.ShapeCells.ShallowCopy(); } domshapescol.Render(page); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.5); page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }
public static void DrawAllGradients() { var app = SampleEnvironment.Application; var docs = app.Documents; var stencil = docs.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss"); var master = stencil.Masters["Rectangle"]; var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); int num_cols = 7; int num_rows = 7; var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(5, 5); SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size); var lowerleft = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0); var actual_page_size = SampleEnvironment.GetPageSize(page); var page_rect = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(lowerleft, actual_page_size); var layout = new GridLayout(num_cols, num_rows, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), master); layout.RowDirection = RowDirection.TopToBottom; layout.Origin = page_rect.UpperLeft; layout.CellSpacing = new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0); layout.PerformLayout(); int max_grad_id = 40; int n = 0; foreach (var node in layout.Nodes) { int grad_id = n % max_grad_id; node.Text = grad_id.ToString(); n++; } layout.Render(page); var color1 = new VA.Models.Color.ColorRgb(0xffdddd); var color2 = new VA.Models.Color.ColorRgb(0x00ffff); var format = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); string color1_formula = color1.ToFormula(); string color2_formula = color2.ToFormula(); n = 0; foreach (var node in layout.Nodes) { short shapeid = node.ShapeID; int grad_id = n % max_grad_id; format.FillPattern = grad_id; format.FillForeground = color1_formula; format.FillBackground = color2_formula; format.LinePattern = 0; format.LineWeight = 0; writer.SetValues(shapeid, format); n++; } writer.Commit(page, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1); page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }
public List <IVisio.Shape> DrawDataTable(VisioScripting.TargetPage targetpage, System.Data.DataTable datatable, IList <double> widths, IList <double> heights, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size cellspacing) { if (datatable == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(datatable)); } if (widths == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(widths)); } if (heights == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(heights)); } if (datatable.Rows.Count < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(datatable), "DataTable must have at least one row"); } targetpage = targetpage.ResolveToPage(this._client); string master = "Rectangle"; string stencil = "basic_u.vss"; var stencildoc = this._client.Document.OpenStencilDocument(stencil); var stencildoc_masters = stencildoc.Masters; var masterobj = stencildoc_masters.ItemU[master]; targetpage.Page.Background = 0; // ensure this is a foreground page var pagesize = VisioAutomation.Pages.PageHelper.GetSize(targetpage.Page); var layout = new GRID.GridLayout(datatable.Columns.Count, datatable.Rows.Count, new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(1, 1), masterobj); layout.Origin = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, pagesize.Height); layout.CellSpacing = cellspacing; layout.RowDirection = GRID.RowDirection.TopToBottom; layout.PerformLayout(); foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, datatable.Rows.Count)) { var row = datatable.Rows[i]; for (int col_index = 0; col_index < row.ItemArray.Length; col_index++) { var col = row.ItemArray[col_index]; var cur_label = (col != null) ? col.ToString() : string.Empty; var node = layout.GetNode(col_index, i); node.Text = cur_label; } } using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(DrawDataTable))) { layout.Render(targetpage.Page); targetpage.Page.ResizeToFitContents(); } var shapes = layout.Nodes.Select(n => n.Shape).ToList(); return(shapes); }
public IVisio.Document DrawNamespaces(IList <Type> types) { this._client.Application.AssertApplicationAvailable(); string template = null; string def_linecolor = "rgb(140,140,140)"; string def_fillcolor = "rgb(240,240,240)"; string def_font = "Segoe UI"; var page_size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(8.5, 11); var doc = this._client.Document.New(page_size, template); var fonts = doc.Fonts; var font = fonts[def_font]; int fontid = font.ID16; var pathbuilder = new PathTreeBuilder(); foreach (var type in types) { pathbuilder.Add(type.Namespace); } var namespaces = pathbuilder.GetPaths(); var tree_layout = new VisioAutomation.Models.Layouts.Tree.Drawing(); tree_layout.LayoutOptions.Direction = LayoutDirection.Right; tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.CurvedBezier; var ns_node_map = new Dictionary <string, Node>(namespaces.Count); // create nodes for every namespace foreach (string ns in namespaces) { string label = ns; int index_of_last_sep = ns.LastIndexOf(pathbuilder.Separator, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index_of_last_sep > 0) { label = ns.Substring(index_of_last_sep + 1); } var node = new Node(ns); node.Text = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element(label); node.Size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(2.0, 0.25); ns_node_map[ns] = node; } // add children to nodes foreach (string ns in namespaces) { var parent_ns = pathbuilder.PathToParentPath[ns]; if (parent_ns != null) { // the current namespace has a parent var parent_node = ns_node_map[parent_ns]; var child_node = ns_node_map[ns]; parent_node.Children.Add(child_node); } else { // that means this namespace is a root, forget about it } } if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 0) { } else if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 1) { // when there is exactly one root namespace, then that node will be the tree's root node var first_root = pathbuilder.Roots[0]; var root_n = ns_node_map[first_root]; tree_layout.Root = root_n; } else { // if there are multiple root namespaces, inject an empty placeholder root var root_n = new Node(); tree_layout.Root = root_n; foreach (var root_ns in pathbuilder.Roots) { var node = ns_node_map[root_ns]; tree_layout.Root.Children.Add(node); } } // format the shapes foreach (var node in tree_layout.Nodes) { if (node.Cells == null) { node.Cells = new ShapeCells(); } node.Cells.FillForeground = def_fillcolor; node.Cells.CharFont = fontid; node.Cells.LineColor = def_linecolor; node.Cells.ParaHorizontalAlign = "0"; } var cxn_cells = new ShapeCells(); cxn_cells.LineColor = def_linecolor; tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells = cxn_cells; tree_layout.Render(doc.Application.ActivePage); DeveloperCommands.hide_ui_stuff(doc); return(doc); }