//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHandleRelationships() public virtual void ShouldHandleRelationships() { // Given RelationshipValue relValue = relationshipValue(1L, nodeValue(42L, stringArray("L"), EMPTY_MAP), nodeValue(42L, stringArray("L"), EMPTY_MAP), stringValue("R"), EMPTY_MAP); // When relValue.WriteTo(_converter); // Then assertThat(_converter.value(), equalTo(VirtualValues.relationship(1L))); }
public override void WriteRelationship(long relId, long startNodeId, long endNodeId, TextValue type, MapValue properties) { WriteValue(VirtualValues.relationship(relId)); }
public override void WriteRelationshipReference(long relId) { WriteValue(VirtualValues.relationship(relId)); }