コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        agentIdx = this.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
        GameObject gameController = GameObject.Find("GameController");

        if (gameController != null)
            WorldController worldController = gameController.GetComponent <WorldController> ();
            if (worldController != null)
                world      = worldController.world;
                vehicle_dt = world.vehicle.dt;
                // Check if this agent has the longest path and should update the timer
                simulationSpeedFactor = worldController.simulationSpeedFactor;
                motionModel           = worldController.getMotionModel();
            GameObject agentsObj = GameObject.Find("Agents");
            virtualStructure = agentsObj.GetComponent <VirtualStructure> ();
            if (virtualStructure != null)
                agentHeight = virtualStructure.agentHeight;
                formationDecreasingGoalVelocity = virtualStructure.formationDecreasingGoalVelocity;
                Vector3 currentVelocity = new Vector3(world.currentVelocities [agentIdx - 1].x, 0f, world.currentVelocities [agentIdx - 1].y);
                lastPosInfo      = new PointInfo(this.transform.position, currentVelocity, currentVelocity.normalized, 0f);
                nextPosInfo      = getNextPosition(lastPosInfo, world, 1);
                boundingMinMaxes = VirtualStructure.getMinMaxes(world.boundingPolygon);
コード例 #2
    IEnumerator UpdateStructurePos(VirtualStructure vs)
        bool first = true;

        while (true)
            pos = vs.pos;

            int j = 0;
            foreach (PolyAgent agent in vs.agents)
                if (agent.running)
                List <Vector3> path = new List <Vector3> ();
                agent.end = path[0];
                agent.model.SetPath(path, agent, new List <Line> ());
            first = false;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(updateSpeed));
コード例 #3
    void Start()
        // Choose model
        string modelType = "car";
        string moveType  = "dynamic";

        vel         = 5;
        updateSpeed = 1;
        List <PolyAgent> agents = new List <PolyAgent> ();

        numAgents = 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++)
            agents.Add(new PolyAgent(i + "", Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, R, modelType));
            agents [i].agent.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
            if (modelType == "point")
                if (moveType == "dynamic")
                    agents[i].model = gameObject.AddComponent <DynamicPointModel> ();
                if (moveType == "kinematic")
                    agents[i].model = gameObject.AddComponent <KinematicPointModel> ();
                if (moveType == "differential")
                    agents[i].model = gameObject.AddComponent <DifferentialDriveModel>();
            if (modelType == "car")
                if (moveType == "dynamic")
                    agents[i].model = gameObject.AddComponent <DynamicCarModel> ();
                if (moveType == "kinematic")
                    agents[i].model = gameObject.AddComponent <KinematicCarModel> ();

        List <Vector3> start = new List <Vector3> ();

        start.Add(new Vector3(100, 1, 100));
        start.Add(new Vector3(200, 1, 100));
        start.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, -100));

        VirtualStructure vs = new VirtualStructure(start, agents);

        this.agents = vs.agents;         // debug

コード例 #4
    IEnumerator MoveStructure(VirtualStructure vs)
        int i = 0;

        while (i < vs.structureWP.Count)
            vs.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(vs.transform.position,
                                                        vel * Time.deltaTime);
            if (Vector3.Distance(vs.transform.position, vs.structureWP[i]) < 5)
                i = (i + 1) % vs.structureWP.Count;

            //vs.UpdatePos ();
            yield return(null);
コード例 #5
    void Start()
        Button btn = startButton.GetComponent <Button>();


        if (data.name == "P25" || data.name == "P26")
            world = World.FromJson(data.text, trajectoryData.text);
            world = World.FromJson(data.text);

        spawnObstacle(world.boundingPolygon, "Bounding polygon", boundingPolygon);

        if (data.name == "P22")
        else if (data.name == "P25")
            Visualizer.visualizeTrajectory(world.trajectory.x, world.trajectory.y);
            GameObject tmp = new GameObject("LeaderFormationController");
            tmp.AddComponent <LeaderFormationController> ();
            tmp.GetComponent <LeaderFormationController> ().initializeController(agents, world.trajectory, world.formationPositions, agents [0].transform.localScale.y / 2, formationDecreasingGoalVelocity);
        else if (data.name == "P26")
            // Formation problems
            GameObject plane = GameObject.Find("Plane");
            Renderer   ren   = plane.GetComponent <Renderer> ();
            ren.material = fieldMaterial;
            //for (int i = 0; i < world.trajectory.x.Length; i++) {
            //world.trajectory.x [i] += -10.0f;
            //world.trajectory.y [i] += 35.0f;
            Visualizer.visualizeTrajectory(world.trajectory.x, world.trajectory.y);
            agentParent.AddComponent <VirtualStructure> ();
            // Add virtual center to formation positions
            Vector2[] formationPositions = new Vector2[world.formationPositions.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < formationPositions.Length - 1; i++)
                formationPositions [i] = world.formationPositions [i];
            formationPositions [formationPositions.Length - 1] = new Vector2(agents [agents.Length - 1].transform.position.x, agents [agents.Length - 1].transform.position.z);              //position of virtual center.
            Debug.Log(formationPositions [formationPositions.Length - 1]);
            agentParent.GetComponent <VirtualStructure> ().initializeController(agents, world.boundingPolygon, world.trajectory, formationPositions, agents [0].transform.localScale.y / 2, deltaX, deltaY,
                                                                                simulationSpeedFactor, world.vehicle.dt, formationDecreasingGoalVelocity);
        else if (data.name == "P27")
            float[]   minMaxes = VirtualStructure.getMinMaxes(world.boundingPolygon);
            Vector2[] points   = new Vector2[pivotSamples];

            for (int i = 0; i < pivotSamples; i++)
                    points[i].x = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * (minMaxes [2] - minMaxes [0]) + minMaxes [0]);
                    points[i].y = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * (minMaxes [3] - minMaxes [1]) + minMaxes [1]);
                } while ((!Raycasting.insidePolygon(points[i].x, points[i].y, world.boundingPolygon)) || Raycasting.insideObstacle(points[i].x, points[i].y, world.obstacles));
            List <Vector2> addPoints = new List <Vector2> (points);
            foreach (var point in world.startPositions)
            foreach (var point in world.enemyPositions)
            VisibilityGraph.initVisibilityGraph(world, addPoints);

            agentParent.AddComponent <ShooterController> ();
            List <ShootingPlanner.OneStepPlan> gamePlan = (new ShootingPlanner(world, weaponType)).getPlan();
            agentParent.GetComponent <ShooterController> ().initializeController(gamePlan, agents);
コード例 #6
    private void spawnActors()
        if (world.startPositions.Length != 0 && world.enemyPositions.Length != 0)
            //Spawn actors in a way suitable for the shooting problem
            agents = new GameObject[world.startPositions.Length + world.enemyPositions.Length];
            GameObject ourPrefab   = null;
            GameObject enemyPrefab = null;
            if (weaponType == WeaponTypeEnum.Shotgun)
                ourPrefab   = agentPrefab;
                enemyPrefab = rifleSoldierPrefab;
                ourPrefab   = rifleSoldierPrefab;
                enemyPrefab = agentPrefab;

            for (int i = 0; i < world.startPositions.Length; i++)
                Vector3 orientation = Vector3.zero;
                spawnActor(world.startPositions [i], orientation, i, ourPrefab, true, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < world.enemyPositions.Length; i++)
                Vector3    orientation = Vector3.zero;
                GameObject actor       = spawnActor(world.enemyPositions [i], orientation, world.startPositions.Length + i, enemyPrefab, true, false, 1.25f);
                //Renderer ren = actor.GetComponent<Renderer> ();
                //ren.material = fieldMaterial;
        else if (world.startPositions.Length != 0 && world.goalPositions.Length != 0)
            //Spawn actors in a way suitable for all the other problems
            world.currentAngularVel = new float[world.startPositions.Length];
            world.currentPositions  = (Vector2[])world.startPositions.Clone();
            agents = new GameObject[world.startPositions.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < world.startPositions.Length; i++)
                Vector3 orientation = new Vector3(world.goalPositions [i].x, objectHeight, world.goalPositions [i].y).normalized;
                spawnActor(world.startPositions [i], orientation, i, agentPrefab, true, true);
        else if (world.startPositions.Length != 0 && world.formationPositions.Length != 0)
            // Actor spawning for P25 and P26 problems
            if (data.name == "P25")
                world.currentAngularVel = new float[world.startPositions.Length + 1];
                world.currentPositions  = new Vector2[world.startPositions.Length + 1];
                agents = new GameObject[world.startPositions.Length + 1];
                // Initialize leader
                Vector3 orientation = UtilityClass.rads2Vec(world.trajectory.theta [0]);
                Vector2 pos         = new Vector2(world.trajectory.x [0], world.trajectory.y [0]);
                spawnActor(pos, orientation, 0, agentPrefab, true, true);
                world.currentPositions [0] = pos;
                // Initialize followers
                for (int i = 0; i < world.startPositions.Length; i++)
                    orientation = Vector3.left;                     //change so that they look towards their formation position
                    spawnActor(world.startPositions [i], orientation, i + 1, agentPrefab, true, true);
                    world.currentPositions [i + 1] = world.startPositions [i];
            else if (data.name == "P26")
                world.currentAngularVel = new float[world.startPositions.Length + 2];
                world.currentPositions  = new Vector2[world.startPositions.Length + 2];
                agents = new GameObject[world.startPositions.Length + 2];
                // Initialize opponent football player
                Vector3 orientation = UtilityClass.rads2Vec(world.trajectory.theta [0]);
                Vector2 pos         = new Vector2(world.trajectory.x [0], world.trajectory.y [0]);
                spawnActor(pos, orientation, 0, agentPrefab, true, true);
                world.currentPositions [0] = pos;
                // Initialize players
                for (int i = 0; i < world.startPositions.Length; i++)
                    orientation = Vector3.left;                     //change so that they look towards their formation position
                    spawnActor(world.startPositions [i], orientation, i + 1, agentPrefab, true, true);
                    world.currentPositions [i + 1] = world.startPositions [i];
                // Initialize virtual structure center
                world.currentPositions[world.currentPositions.Length - 1] = VirtualStructure.getCenter(world.formationPositions);
                spawnActor(world.currentPositions [world.currentPositions.Length - 1], Vector3.forward, agents.Length - 1, agentPrefab, false, false);