コード例 #1
        public bool callButtonVisible(Image <Bgr, byte> img)
            //Using optical character recognition
            VirtualMouse1 vr = new VirtualMouse1();

            Rectangle[]       buttons    = vr.getButtonsRectangles();
            Rectangle         callButton = buttons[1];
            PointF            center     = new PointF(callButton.X + callButton.Width / 2, callButton.Y + callButton.Height / 2);
            SizeF             size       = new SizeF(callButton.Width, callButton.Height);
            Image <Bgr, byte> image      = cropImage(img, new MCvBox2D(center, size, 0));

            if (image != null)
                image = image.Resize(3.0, INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC);
                string[] recong = OCR(image);
                if (recong[0].Contains("Pago") || recong[0].Contains("Passo"))
            //If it does not work, using template matching
            Image <Bgr, Byte> region;

            double[] min1, max1;
            Point[]  pointMin1, pointMax1;
            MCvBox2D box = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(653, 646), new SizeF(311, 106), 0);

            region = cropImage(img, box);
            if (region != null)
                Image <Bgr, Byte> buttonTemplate1 = new Image <Bgr, Byte>("ButtonsTemplate/call.png");
                Image <Bgr, Byte> buttonTemplate2 = new Image <Bgr, Byte>("ButtonsTemplate/call2.png");
                //Template match the template with the region containing the comunitary cards
                Image <Gray, float> comparationImage1 = region.MatchTemplate(buttonTemplate1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.TM_TYPE.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
                Image <Gray, float> comparationImage2 = region.MatchTemplate(buttonTemplate2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.TM_TYPE.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
                comparationImage1.MinMax(out min1, out max1, out pointMin1, out pointMax1);
                //If the max correlation exceds some minimum value
                if (max1[0] > MIN_TMPLT_MATCHING_DEALER)
                double[] min2, max2;
                Point[]  pointMin2, pointMax2;
                comparationImage2.MinMax(out min2, out max2, out pointMin2, out pointMax2);
                //If the max correlation exceds some minimum value
                if (max2[0] > MIN_TMPLT_MATCHING_DEALER)
コード例 #2
        //Do not change the signature of this function!!!
        public void AgentEventHandler(PokerAPI.CardDetector cd, PokerAPI.Player[] players, double probabilities, bool myTurn, IntPtr hWnd, Image <Bgr, byte> img)
            //Perform the action only when is my turn to play
            if (myTurn)
                List <PokerAPI.Card> holeCards = cd.getHoleCards(), boardCards = cd.getComunitaryCards();
                int myStack = players[0].getStack();

                //Setting the PokerAPI to automatically add chips when we run out of money
                cd.autoAddChips = true;

                //Associating a virtual mouse object to the pokerstars game window
                VirtualMouse1 vr = new VirtualMouse1(hWnd);
                //Deffinig our AI strategy
                if (myStack >= 100)
                    if (probabilities > 0.85)
                    else if (probabilities > 0.6)
                    else if (probabilities >= 0.4)
                        //The call button is not allways visible
                        if (cd.callButtonVisible(img))
                    if (probabilities > 0.9)
                    else if (probabilities >= 0.8)
                    if (probabilities >= 0.7)
                        //The call button is not allways visible
                        if (cd.callButtonVisible(img))
                //moving the mouse to other place after performing the move
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for the agent Thread
        /// </summary>
        public void RunThread()
            agent = new Agent.Agent("Poker genius!!!");
            List <PokerAPI.Card> holeCards  = cd.getHoleCards();
            List <PokerAPI.Card> boardCards = cd.getComunitaryCards();

            Evt += agent.AgentEventHandler;

            int startValue = 0, endValue = 0;

            //Importante!!!!!! Inicializar o random apenas uma vez em toda a aplicação!!!
            random = new Random();

            bool       myTurn = false, first = true, newGame = false;
            int        dealer = -1, secondCount = 0, estado = -1, lastPlayerToMove = 0;
            Game       game       = new Game();
            MatchState matchState = new MatchState(new State(0, game), 0);
            //See if changes ocurred in the players stacks
            bool changes = false, runningAgent = false;

            while (agentRunning)
                //Capturing the image
                Image <Bgr, byte> img = captureImage();
                //If is the first image
                if (first)
                    //Detect the comunitary cards
                    estado = printState(cd.getComunitaryCards().Count);
                    myTurn = cd.buttonsVisible(img);
                    dealer = cd.findDealer(img);
                //Read the player stacks
                for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
                    //Setting the player stacks in the player objects
                endValue = players[0].getStack();
                if (first)
                    startValue = endValue;

                //If it's not the first image
                if (!first)
                    //For all players
                    for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
                        //If changes ocurred in is stack
                        if (players[i].getStack() != oldValues[i])
                            changes = true;
                            if (oldValues[i] > players[i].getStack())
                                //A raise ocurred
                                int raise = oldValues[i] - players[i].getStack();
                                //PARA JÁ
                                if (runningAgent)
                                    int j = lastPlayerToMove;
                                    while (j != i)
                                        //A fazer call dos possiveis jogadores que fizeram call ou fold... ver isto...
                                            matchState.state.doAction(game, new LIACC.Poker.Action(ActionType.Call, 0));
                                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { }
                                        if (j == 10)
                                            j = 0;
                                    lastPlayerToMove = i;
                                        matchState.state.doAction(game, new LIACC.Poker.Action(ActionType.Raise, raise));
                                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { }
                                Console.WriteLine("Player: " + i + " raised " + raise);
                                appendTextBox("\nPlayer: " + i + " raised " + raise);
                            Console.WriteLine("Player: " + i + " has now " + players[i].getStack());
                            appendTextBox("\nPlayer: " + i + " has now " + players[i].getStack());
                //If any change ocurred in the a player stack
                if (changes)
                    int newdealer = cd.findDealer(img);
                    //Locate the dealer position
                    if (newdealer != -1)
                        if (newdealer == dealer)
                            //if the dealer is the same, then it's not a new game
                            newGame = false;
                            dealer = newdealer;
                            //if the dealer changed then it's a new game
                            newGame = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Dealer: " + dealer);
                        appendTextBox("\nDealer: " + dealer);
                    //Detect the comunitary cards
                    if (runningAgent)
                        holeCards = cd.getHoleCards();
                        bool holeCardsConhecidas = (holeCards.Count == 2);
                        //deves preencher informação sobre as cartas assim que as detetares:
                        //exemplo, as cartas do jogador 2 são Ás de ouros e Reis de Paus
                        byte[] fullHand;
                        byte[] holeCards1, boardCards1;
                        if (holeCardsConhecidas)
                            matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 0] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(holeCards.ElementAt(0).toStringShort());
                            matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 1] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(holeCards.ElementAt(1).toStringShort());
                            fullHand    = new byte[] { matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 0], matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 1] };
                            holeCards1  = new byte[] { fullHand[0], fullHand[1] };
                            boardCards1 = new byte[] { };

                            boardCards = cd.getComunitaryCards();
                            if (boardCards.Count >= 3 && holeCardsConhecidas)
                                matchState.state.BoardCards[0] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(boardCards[0].toStringShort());
                                matchState.state.BoardCards[1] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(boardCards[1].toStringShort());
                                matchState.state.BoardCards[2] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(boardCards[2].toStringShort());
                                fullHand    = new byte[] { matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 0], matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 1], matchState.state.BoardCards[0], matchState.state.BoardCards[1], matchState.state.BoardCards[2] };
                                holeCards1  = new byte[] { fullHand[0], fullHand[1] };
                                boardCards1 = new byte[] { fullHand[2], fullHand[3], fullHand[4] };
                                if (boardCards.Count == 4 || boardCards.Count == 5)
                                    matchState.state.BoardCards[3] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(boardCards[3].toStringShort());
                                    fullHand    = new byte[] { matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 0], matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 1], matchState.state.BoardCards[0], matchState.state.BoardCards[1], matchState.state.BoardCards[2], matchState.state.BoardCards[3] };
                                    boardCards1 = new byte[] { fullHand[2], fullHand[3], fullHand[4], fullHand[5] };
                                    if (boardCards.Count == 5)
                                        matchState.state.BoardCards[4] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard(boardCards[4].toStringShort());
                                        fullHand    = new byte[] { matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 0], matchState.state.HoleCards[0, 1], matchState.state.BoardCards[0], matchState.state.BoardCards[1], matchState.state.BoardCards[2], matchState.state.BoardCards[3], matchState.state.BoardCards[4] };
                                        boardCards1 = new byte[] { fullHand[2], fullHand[3], fullHand[4], fullHand[5], fullHand[6] };
                            Console.WriteLine("Probabilidade da mão: ");
                            var prob = Hand.Equity(holeCards1, boardCards1, 1, game, random);
                            probabilties = prob;
                            Console.WriteLine(" é " + prob);
                    int state = printState(cd.getComunitaryCards().Count);

                    if (state == 0 && estado != state)
                        //If the actual state is pre-flop and the previous is different than pre-flop, then it's a new game
                        newGame = true;
                        estado  = state;
                    //Detect if it is my turn to play
                    myTurn = cd.buttonsVisible(img);
                if (newGame)
                    Console.WriteLine("?????: " + players[0].getStack());
                    //Adding chips (not working)
                    if (players[0].getStack() <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("A adicionar fichas");
                        VirtualMouse1 vr = new VirtualMouse1(hWnd);
                    if (startValue >= 0)
                        if (endValue < 0)
                            endValue = 0;
                        database.GameStats gs = new database.GameStats(DateTime.Now.ToString(), startValue, endValue, endValue - startValue, 0);
                    startValue = endValue;

                    Console.WriteLine("New Game started");
                    appendTextBox("New Game Started");

                    //Criar um objeto do tipo Game, no inicio de cada jogo, com as regras do jogo atual.
                    game = new Game();
                    //escolher tipo de jogo: limit ou nolimit
                    game.BettingType = BettingType.NoLimit;
                    //número de cartas de mesa que são adicionadas em cada ronda. no limit é sempre:
                    game.NumBoardCards = new byte[] { 0, 3, 1, 1 };
                    //mesmo para cartas do jogador
                    game.NumHoleCards = 2;
                    //número máximo de raises em cada ronda. no no-limit texas hold'em não há limite... vamos colocar o máximo possível
                    game.MaxRaises = new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
                    //tamanho dos raises em cada ronda. não interessa para o no-limit poker
                    game.RaiseSize = new int[] { };
                    //configurar o baralho. sempre igual
                    game.NumRanks = 13;
                    game.NumSuits = 4;
                    //número de rondas
                    game.NumRounds = 4;
                    //// NOTA: Até aqui a configuração das regras é fixa! A partir das instruções abaixo, depende
                    //// das condições iniciais do jogo específico!!
                    //indicar o numero de joadores
                    //os jogadores são numerados de 0 a N-1
                    //não deves considerar os seats vazios!
                    game.NumPlayers = 9;
                    //escolher a estrutura de blinds por assento.
                    //neste exemplo os jogadores na posicao 1 e na posicao 2 pagaram respetivamente 10 e 20.
                    //nota que os valores sao sempre inteiros (considera a representacao em centimos de dolar)
                    int[] blinds = cd.detectSmallAndBigBlind(hWnd);
                    Console.WriteLine("SmallBlind: " + blinds[0] + " BigBlind: " + blinds[1]);
                    game.Blind[1] = blinds[0];
                    game.Blind[2] = blinds[1];
                    //indicar qual dos jogadores é o primeiro a jogar em cada ronda.
                    //fiz uma função para auxiliar a atribuição para o no limit poker.
                    //neste caso o primeiro jogador seria o que está na posição 2.
                    game.FirstPlayer = GetFirstPlayerNoLimit(2, game.NumPlayers);
                    //preencher os valores iniciais de dinheiro de cada jogador. preencher em centimos
                    //jogador 0 tem 10 euros, jogador 1 tem 15 euros, jogador 2 tem 5 euros, jogador 3 tem 9.50 e jogador 4 tem 2 euros
                    game.Stack = new[] { players[0].getStack(), players[1].getStack(), players[2].getStack(), players[3].getStack(), players[4].getStack(), players[5].getStack(), players[6].getStack(), players[7].getStack(), players[8].getStack() };

                    //Inicar um state para o jogo. O argumento handid (1337) é só um identificador para o estado, podes colocar o que quiseres
                    //o argumento viewingPlayer (2) indica a posição na mesa do teu bot
                    matchState = new MatchState(new State(1337, game), 0);

                    //para modificar o estado do jogo é necessário ocorrer ações
                    //as acções são executadas sequencialmente, e o estado do jogo é automáticamente modificado
                    //não é necessário indicar quem realizou a ação

                    newGame      = false;
                    runningAgent = true;
                //Sleep for one second
                //To ensure that it does not take long to detect again the table cards
                if (secondCount == 3)
                    secondCount = 0;
                    changes     = true;
                    changes = false;
                //Displaying the image
                //ibOriginal.Image = img;
                first = false;
                //Setting the stack old values
                for (int i = 0; i < cd.playerStacks.Length; i++)
                    oldValues[i] = cd.playerStacks[i];
                //Sending the event to the agent
                if (Evt != null)
                    Evt(cd, players, probabilties, myTurn, hWnd, img);
                //Dipose the image