コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Analytics(int? duration)

            var settings = _siteSettingsService.GetSettings();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsToken))
                const string scope = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/";
                var next = Url.Absolute(Url.AnalyticsWidget().AuthResponse());
                var auth = new Authorize
                        Url = AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl(next, scope, false, true)
                return View("AnalyticsAuthorize", auth);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsProfileId))
                var config = new Config
                        Accounts = GetAccounts(settings),
                        Profiles = GetProfiles(settings)

                return View("AnalyticsConfig", config);

            duration = duration ?? 30;
            var model = new ViewModels.Widgets.Analytics
                                Duration = duration.Value,
                                Start = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * duration.Value),
                                End = DateTime.Now,
                         		Visits = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>(),
                                PageViews = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
                                PageTitles = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                                TopReferrers = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
                                TopSearches = new Dictionary<string, int>()
            if (model.Start > model.End)
                var tempDate = model.Start;
                model.Start = model.End;
                model.End = tempDate;

            var profiles = GetProfiles(settings);
            var profile = profiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == settings.AnalyticsProfileId);
            if (profile == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find the specified analytics profile: " + settings.AnalyticsProfileId);
            model.Profile = profile;

            var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("analytics", "MvcKickstart")
                                    Token = settings.AnalyticsToken

            var analytics = new AnalyticsService(authFactory.ApplicationName) { RequestFactory = authFactory };

            var profileId = "ga:" + settings.AnalyticsProfileId;

            // Get from All Visits
            var visits = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:date",
                                Sort = "ga:date"
            var count = 0;
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(visits).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;

                model.Visits.Add(model.Start.AddDays(count++), value);

            // Get Site Usage
            var siteUsage = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:percentNewVisits,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:entranceBounceRate,ga:exitRate,ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:avgPageLoadTime"
            var siteUsageResult = (DataEntry)analytics.Query(siteUsage).Entries.FirstOrDefault();
            if (siteUsageResult != null)
                foreach (var metric in siteUsageResult.Metrics)
                    switch (metric.Name)
                        case "ga:visits":
                            model.TotalVisits = metric.IntegerValue;
                        case "ga:pageviews":
                            model.TotalPageViews = metric.IntegerValue;
                        case "ga:percentNewVisits":
                            model.PercentNewVisits = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:avgTimeOnSite":
                            model.AverageTimeOnSite = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);
                        case "ga:entranceBounceRate":
                            model.EntranceBounceRate = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:exitRate":
                            model.PercentExitRate = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:pageviewsPerVisit":
                            model.PageviewsPerVisit = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:avgPageLoadTime":
                            model.AveragePageLoadTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);

            // Get Top Pages
            var topPages = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:pageviews",
                                Dimensions = "ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle",
                                Sort = "-ga:pageviews",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 20
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topPages).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var url = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pagePath").Value.ToLowerInvariant();
                var title = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pageTitle").Value;

                if (!model.PageViews.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageViews.Add(url, 0);
                model.PageViews[url] += value;

                if (!model.PageTitles.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageTitles.Add(url, title);

            // Get Top Referrers
            var topReferrers = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:source,ga:medium",
                                Sort = "-ga:visits",
                                Filters = "ga:medium==referral",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 5
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topReferrers).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:source").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopReferrers.Add(source, visitCount);

            // Get Top Searches
            var topSearches = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:keyword",
                                Sort = "-ga:visits",
                                Filters = "ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:keyword!=(not provided)",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 5
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topSearches).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:keyword").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopSearches.Add(source, visitCount);

            return View(model);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Analytics(int?duration)
            CacheContext.InvalidateOn(TriggerFrom.Any <SiteSettings>());

            var settings = _siteSettingsService.GetSettings();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsToken))
                const string scope = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/";
                var          next  = Url.Absolute(Url.AnalyticsWidget().AuthResponse());
                var          auth  = new Authorize
                    Url = AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl(next, scope, false, true)
                return(View("AnalyticsAuthorize", auth));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsProfileId))
                var config = new Config
                    Accounts = GetAccounts(settings),
                    Profiles = GetProfiles(settings)

                return(View("AnalyticsConfig", config));

            duration = duration ?? 30;
            var model = new ViewModels.Widgets.Analytics
                Duration     = duration.Value,
                Start        = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * duration.Value),
                End          = DateTime.Now,
                Visits       = new Dictionary <DateTime, int>(),
                PageViews    = new Dictionary <string, int>(),
                PageTitles   = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                TopReferrers = new Dictionary <string, int>(),
                TopSearches  = new Dictionary <string, int>()

            if (model.Start > model.End)
                var tempDate = model.Start;
                model.Start = model.End;
                model.End   = tempDate;

            var profiles = GetProfiles(settings);
            var profile  = profiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == settings.AnalyticsProfileId);

            if (profile == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find the specified analytics profile: " + settings.AnalyticsProfileId);
            model.Profile = profile;

            var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("analytics", "MvcKickstart")
                Token = settings.AnalyticsToken

            var analytics = new AnalyticsService(authFactory.ApplicationName)
                RequestFactory = authFactory

            var profileId = "ga:" + settings.AnalyticsProfileId;

            // Get from All Visits
            var visits = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                Metrics    = "ga:visits",
                Dimensions = "ga:date",
                Sort       = "ga:date"
            var count = 0;

            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(visits).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;

                model.Visits.Add(model.Start.AddDays(count++), value);

            // Get Site Usage
            var siteUsage = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                Metrics = "ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:percentNewVisits,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:entranceBounceRate,ga:exitRate,ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:avgPageLoadTime"
            var siteUsageResult = (DataEntry)analytics.Query(siteUsage).Entries.FirstOrDefault();

            if (siteUsageResult != null)
                foreach (var metric in siteUsageResult.Metrics)
                    switch (metric.Name)
                    case "ga:visits":
                        model.TotalVisits = metric.IntegerValue;

                    case "ga:pageviews":
                        model.TotalPageViews = metric.IntegerValue;

                    case "ga:percentNewVisits":
                        model.PercentNewVisits = metric.FloatValue;

                    case "ga:avgTimeOnSite":
                        model.AverageTimeOnSite = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);

                    case "ga:entranceBounceRate":
                        model.EntranceBounceRate = metric.FloatValue;

                    case "ga:exitRate":
                        model.PercentExitRate = metric.FloatValue;

                    case "ga:pageviewsPerVisit":
                        model.PageviewsPerVisit = metric.FloatValue;

                    case "ga:avgPageLoadTime":
                        model.AveragePageLoadTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);

            // Get Top Pages
            var topPages = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                Metrics          = "ga:pageviews",
                Dimensions       = "ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle",
                Sort             = "-ga:pageviews",
                NumberToRetrieve = 20

            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topPages).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var url   = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pagePath").Value.ToLowerInvariant();
                var title = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pageTitle").Value;

                if (!model.PageViews.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageViews.Add(url, 0);
                model.PageViews[url] += value;

                if (!model.PageTitles.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageTitles.Add(url, title);

            // Get Top Referrers
            var topReferrers = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                Metrics          = "ga:visits",
                Dimensions       = "ga:source,ga:medium",
                Sort             = "-ga:visits",
                Filters          = "ga:medium==referral",
                NumberToRetrieve = 5

            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topReferrers).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source     = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:source").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopReferrers.Add(source, visitCount);

            // Get Top Searches
            var topSearches = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                Metrics          = "ga:visits",
                Dimensions       = "ga:keyword",
                Sort             = "-ga:visits",
                Filters          = "ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:keyword!=(not provided)",
                NumberToRetrieve = 5

            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topSearches).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source     = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:keyword").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopSearches.Add(source, visitCount);
