static public void removeInstance(VideoTexture removeMe) { if (VTP.videoTextures.Contains(removeMe)) { VTP.videoTextures.Remove(removeMe); } }
internal pVideo(string filename, int startTime) : base( null, FieldTypes.GamefieldRatio, OriginTypes.TopLeft, ClockTypes.Audio, new Vector2(GameBase.WindowDefaultWidth / 2, GameBase.WindowDefaultHeight / 2), 0.1F, true, Color.White) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { video = new VideoTexture(filename); video.startTime = startTime; //CurrentScale = (float) GameBase.WindowWidth/video.Width; SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically; EndTime = startTime + video.length; Length = video.length; Width = video.Width; Height = video.Height; OriginPosition = new Vector2(video.Width / 2, video.Height / 2); DrawWidth = Width; DrawHeight = Height; } StartTime = startTime; Type = SpriteTypes.Video; //Disposable = true; }
static public void addInstance(VideoTexture addMe) { if (!VTP.videoTextures.Contains(addMe)) { VTP.videoTextures.Add(addMe); } }
protected override object CreateResourceConfiguration(string fileName) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); fileName = PathConvert.GetProjectPath(fileName); Texture2D configuration; if (Array.IndexOf(VideoExtensions, extension) >= 0) { if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { configuration = new ImageSequence { FileName = fileName } } ; else { configuration = new VideoTexture { FileName = fileName } }; } else { configuration = new ImageTexture { FileName = fileName } }; configuration.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); return(configuration); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI(){ //DrawDefaultInspector(); mytarget = target as VideoTexture; if(!mytarget.videoManagerScript){ mytarget.videoManagerScript = Camera.main.GetComponent<VideoManager>(); if(!mytarget.videoManagerScript){ Debug.LogError("You don't have a video manager script anywhere yet, adding one to your main cam!"); mytarget.videoManagerScript = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<VideoManager>(); } } if(EditorApplication.isPlaying){ mytarget.videoObject.drawCurrentlyPlayingDetails(); GUILayout.Label("Video Options:"); mytarget.videoObject.drawTimeline(false); mytarget.videoObject.drawSpeed(); mytarget.videoObject.drawVolume(); drawLoopStateEditor(); mytarget.videoObject.drawIsPaused(); drawTextureOptionsEditor(); drawQueueListEditor(); } else{ GUILayout.Label("Video Options:"); mytarget.videoObject.drawSpeed(); mytarget.videoObject.drawVolume(); drawLoopStateEditor(); mytarget.videoObject.drawIsPausedEditor(); drawTextureOptionsEditor(); drawQueueListEditor(); } }
public static void CreateTextureFromVideoTextureCache(IntPtr myptr, int w, int h, IntPtr texID, int w2, int h2, IntPtr texID2) { if (videoTexturesDict.ContainsKey(myptr)) { VideoTexture myTexture = videoTexturesDict[myptr]; // Debug.Log ("texture infoz: " + w + " " + h + " " + texID); myTexture.UpdateTexture(w, h, texID, w2, h2, texID2); } }
internal override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { if (video != null) { video.Dispose(); } video = null; base.Dispose(isDisposing); }
public override void Dispose() { if (video != null) { video.Dispose(); } video = null; base.Dispose(); }
internal pVideo(string filename, SkinSource source, Clocks clock, int startTime = 0) : base(null, Fields.StoryboardCentre, Origins.Centre, clock, Vector2.Zero, 0.1F, true, Color.White) { video = new VideoTexture(filename, source, clock); StartTime = (clock == Clocks.Game ? GameBase.Time : 0) + startTime; EndTime = StartTime + video.length; Width = DrawWidth = video.Width; Height = DrawHeight = video.Height; OriginPosition = new Vector2(video.Width / 2, video.Height / 2); }
static public void addInstance(VideoTexture addMe) { if (!VTP.videoTexturesDict.ContainsKey(addMe.VideoInstance)) { VTP.videoTexturesDict.Add(addMe.VideoInstance, addMe); } if (!VTP.videoTextures.Contains(addMe)) { VTP.videoTextures.Add(addMe); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { mytarget = target as VideoTexture; m_object.Update(); drawVideoPathInspector(); m_object.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(); if (mytarget.videoPaths != null && mytarget.videoPaths.Length > 0 && mytarget.videoPaths[0] != "" && EditorApplication.isPlaying && GUILayout.Button("Reload Videos")) { mytarget.load(); } if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { // mytarget.drawCurrentlyPlayingDetails(); GUILayout.Label("Video Options:"); mytarget.drawTimeline(false); mytarget.drawSpeed(); mytarget.drawVolume(); drawLoopStateEditor(); mytarget.drawIsPaused(); // drawTextureOptionsEditor(); // drawQueueListEditor(); } else { // mytarget.drawCurrentlyPlayingDetailsEditor(); GUILayout.Label("Video Options:"); mytarget.drawSpeed(); mytarget.drawVolume(); drawLoopStateEditor(); mytarget.drawIsPausedEditor(); // drawTextureOptionsEditor(); // drawQueueListEditor(); } }
/// <summary> /// Once we have a context, we are able to peform various setup routines /// that require us to connect to OpenGL. /// </summary> protected override void OnSetContext() { // find out how many video cameras there are. int numSources = VideoCaptureDevice.GetNumberOfInputDevices(); // If there's more than one, then connect to the one that is // at position '0' in the index. To change which camera to use, // simply change the index number. if (numSources > 4) { fVideoTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 4, true); } else if (numSources > 0) { fVideoTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 0, true); } // Enable texture support as we'll be using that. GI.Features.Texturing2D.Enable(); GI.TexEnv(TextureEnvModeParam.Replace); // Turn off features that we don't need, and they // just slow down video processing GI.Features.AlphaTest.Disable(); GI.Features.Blend.Disable(); GI.Features.DepthTest.Disable(); GI.Features.Dither.Disable(); GI.Features.Fog.Disable(); GI.Features.Lighting.Disable(); // Create the FaceMesh that will receive the gray texture so we // can break it up into 8x8 squares fFaceSize = new Vector3D(fVideoTexture.Width, fVideoTexture.Height, 0); fYCrCbProcessor = new YCrCbProcessor(GI, fVideoTexture.Width, fVideoTexture.Height); // Create the shader programs that will perform the colorization so we can see our results. //fRedColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.redcolorizer_fs); //fGreenColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.greencolorizer_fs); //fBlueColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.bluecolorizer_fs); fIntensityColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.graycolorizer_fs); }
// Copyright 2011-2013 Brian Chasalow & Anton Marini - [email protected] - All Rights Reserved. //this is an example of how to programmatically create a video texture entirely from code. //put this script on any gameobject, or your main camera, or wherever. public void Start() { // be sure to change myVideoPath to the full path of your video, in the form "/Users/me/Desktop/" // or, "" (this URL is valid) string myVideoPath = ""; // //---------------------------- GameObject videoTextureGO = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); = "VideoTexture"; videoTextureGO.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); videoTextureGO.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180, 0); videoTextureGO.SetActive(false); videoTextureGO.renderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent")); VideoTexture videoTextureScript = videoTextureGO.AddComponent <VideoTexture>(); videoTextureScript.videoPaths = new string[1]; videoTextureScript.videoPaths[0] = myVideoPath; videoTextureScript.IsPaused = false; videoTextureGO.AddComponent <PlaneScaler>(); videoTextureGO.SetActive(true); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override Texture CreateCameraTexture(int textureWidth, int textureHeight) { var cameraTexture = new VideoTexture() { Width = textureWidth, Height = textureHeight, Levels = 1, Faces = 0, Format = PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8 }; var adapter = Game.Current.Application.Adapter as Adapter.Adapter; var textureManager = adapter.Graphics.TextureManager; textureManager.UploadTexture(cameraTexture); this.dxDevicePtr = this.dxDevice.NativePointer; var dxTexture = textureManager.TextureFromHandle <DXTexture>(cameraTexture.TextureHandle).Texture; QCAR_setVideoTexture(dxTexture.NativePointer); return(cameraTexture); }
void createVideoTexture() { _videoTexture = new VideoTexture(moviePath, 256, 256, false, 0f, true ); // apply the texture to a material and set the UVs videoScreen.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = _videoTexture.texture; //LiveTextureBinding.updateMaterialUVScaleForTexture(videoScreen.renderer.sharedMaterial, _videoTexture.texture ); // add some event handlers _videoTexture.videoDidStartEvent = () => { Debug.Log( "Video one started" ); }; _videoTexture.videoDidFinishEvent = () => { // when the video finishes if we are not set to loop this instance is no longer valid Debug.Log( "Video one finished" ); }; Home.onClickedHomeButton += destroyVideoTexture; }
void OnGUI() { float yPos = 5.0f; float xPos = 5.0f; float width = ( Screen.width >= 960 || Screen.height >= 960 ) ? 320 : 160; float height = ( Screen.width >= 960 || Screen.height >= 960 ) ? 80 : 40; float heightPlus = height + 10.0f; if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos, width, height ), "Start Video Texture" ) ) { // create the video texture _videoTexture = new VideoTexture( "vid.m4v", 640, 360, true ); // apply the texture to a material and set the UVs targetOne.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = _videoTexture.texture; LiveTextureBinding.updateMaterialUVScaleForTexture( targetOne.renderer.sharedMaterial, _videoTexture.texture ); // add some event handlers _videoTexture.videoDidStartEvent = () => { Debug.Log( "Video one started" ); }; _videoTexture.videoDidFinishEvent = () => { // when the video finishes if we are not set to loop this instance is no longer valid Debug.Log( "Video one finished" ); }; } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Pause" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTexture != null ) _videoTexture.pause(); } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Unpause" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTexture != null ) _videoTexture.unpause(); } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Stop" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTexture != null ) { _videoTexture.stop(); _videoTexture = null; } } xPos = Screen.width - width - 5.0f; yPos = Screen.height - height - 5.0f; if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos, width, height ), "Back" ) ) { // if the video texture is still playing kill it OnApplicationQuit(); Application.LoadLevel( "CameraTestScene" ); } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 5, yPos, width, height ), "Play Unity Audio Clip" ) ) { GetComponent<AudioSource>().Play(); } // Second video texture yPos = 5.0f; xPos = Screen.width - width - 5; if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos, width, height ), "Start Video Texture Two" ) ) { // create the video texture _videoTextureTwo = new VideoTexture( "vid2.m4v", 480, 264, false, 0, true ); // apply the texture to a material and set the UVs targetTwo.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = _videoTextureTwo.texture; LiveTextureBinding.updateMaterialUVScaleForTexture( targetTwo.renderer.sharedMaterial, _videoTextureTwo.texture ); // add some event handlers _videoTextureTwo.videoDidStartEvent = () => { Debug.Log( "Video two started" ); }; _videoTextureTwo.videoDidFinishEvent = () => { // when the video finishes if we are not set to loop this instance is no longer valid and this texture is not set to loop _videoTextureTwo = null; Debug.Log( "Video two finished" ); }; } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Pause" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTextureTwo != null ) _videoTextureTwo.pause(); } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Unpause" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTextureTwo != null ) _videoTextureTwo.unpause(); } if( GUI.Button( new Rect( xPos, yPos += heightPlus, width, height ), "Stop" ) ) { // null check in case Stop was pressed which will kill the VideoTexture if( _videoTextureTwo != null ) { _videoTextureTwo.stop(); _videoTextureTwo = null; } } }
void OnApplicationPause( bool paused ) { if( paused ) { // if the video texture is still playing kill it if( _videoTexture != null ) { _videoTexture.stop(); _videoTexture = null; } if( _videoTextureTwo != null ) { _videoTextureTwo.stop(); _videoTextureTwo = null; } } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { // if the video texture is still playing kill it if( _videoTexture != null ) { _videoTexture.stop(); _videoTexture = null; } if( _videoTextureTwo != null ) { _videoTextureTwo.stop(); _videoTextureTwo = null; } }
public static void registerInstance( string instanceId, VideoTexture instance ) { videoTextureInstances[instanceId] = instance; }
void destroyVideoTexture() { _videoTexture.stop(); _videoTexture = null; Home.onClickedHomeButton -= destroyVideoTexture; }
public void addInstance(VideoTexture addMe){ if(!myVideoTextures.Contains(addMe)){ myVideoTextures.Add(addMe); } }
public void removeInstance(VideoTexture removeMe){ if(myVideoTextures.Contains(removeMe)){ myVideoTextures.Remove(removeMe); } }
public WebCamTexture(GraphicsInterface gi, int webCamDevice) { //fWebcamTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(gi, webCamDevice, 320, 240, true); fWebcamTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(gi, webCamDevice, true); }