コード例 #1
        protected void OnAddbuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            TreeIter iter;

            var           msg   = Catalog.GetString("Add file");
            List <string> paths = FileChooserHelper.OpenFiles(this, msg, null, null, null, null);

            foreach (string path in paths)
                MediaFile mediaFile = Misc.DiscoverFile(path, this);
                if (mediaFile != null)

            if (Files.Count > 0)
                maxHeight = Files.Max(f => f.VideoHeight);
                sizecombobox.GetActiveIter(out iter);
                selectedVideoStandard = stdStore.GetValue(iter, 1) as VideoStandard;
コード例 #2
        void FillStandards()
            int           index = 0, active = 0;
            VideoStandard min_std = null;

            stdStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(VideoStandard));
            foreach (VideoStandard std in supportedVideoStandards)
                if (std.Height <= maxHeight)
                    stdStore.AppendValues(std.Name, std);
                    if (std == selectedVideoStandard)
                        active = index;
                if (min_std == null || std.Height < min_std.Height)
                    min_std = std;
            if (index == 0 && min_std != null)
                // No Video Standard matches the max Height of our video files, add the smallest
                // supported standard to the list.
                stdStore.AppendValues(min_std.Name, min_std);
            sizecombobox.Model  = stdStore;
            sizecombobox.Active = active;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: kuggaa/longomatch
 public ConfigState()
     /* Set default values */
     fastTagging             = false;
     currentDatabase         = Constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME;
     lang                    = null;
     autoSave                = false;
     captureVideoStandard    = VideoStandards.P480_16_9.Clone();
     captureEncodingProfile  = EncodingProfiles.MP4.Clone();
     captureEncodingQuality  = EncodingQualities.Medium.Clone();
     renderVideoStandard     = VideoStandards.P720_16_9.Clone();
     renderEncodingProfile   = EncodingProfiles.MP4.Clone();
     renderEncodingQuality   = EncodingQualities.High.Clone();
     overlayTitle            = true;
     enableAudio             = false;
     fps_n                   = 25;
     fps_d                   = 1;
     autorender              = false;
     autorenderDir           = null;
     lastRenderDir           = null;
     lastDir                 = null;
     reviewPlaysInSameWindow = true;
     defaultTemplate         = null;
     hotkeys                 = new Hotkeys();
     projectSortMethod       = ProjectSortMethod.Date;
     ignoreUpdaterVersion    = null;
コード例 #4
        public void ConfigureWatermark_TopLeftP720()
            VideoStandard videoStandard = VideoStandards.P720;
            Watermark     watermark     = Watermark.ConfigureNewWatermark(WatermarkPosition.TOP_LEFT, videoStandard);

            var expectedOffsetX = Sizes.WatermarkPadding / (double)videoStandard.Width;
            var expectedOffsetY = Sizes.WatermarkPadding / (double)videoStandard.Height;
            int expectedHeight  = (int)(videoStandard.Height * Sizes.WatermarkHeightNormalization);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffsetX, watermark.OffsetX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffsetY, watermark.OffsetY);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, watermark.Image.Height);
コード例 #5
        public void ConfigureWatermark_BottomRightP480()
            int           expectedHeight, expectedWidth;
            VideoStandard videoStandard = VideoStandards.P480;
            Watermark     watermark     = Watermark.ConfigureNewWatermark(WatermarkPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT, videoStandard);

            expectedHeight = expectedWidth = (int)(videoStandard.Height * Sizes.WatermarkHeightNormalization);
            var expectedOffsetX = (videoStandard.Width - expectedWidth - Sizes.WatermarkPadding) / (double)videoStandard.Width;
            var expectedOffsetY = (videoStandard.Height - expectedHeight - Sizes.WatermarkPadding) / (double)videoStandard.Height;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffsetX, watermark.OffsetX);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOffsetY, watermark.OffsetY);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeight, watermark.Image.Height);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: youmery/longomatch
        public static ListStore FillImageFormat(ComboBox formatBox, VideoStandard def)
            ListStore formatStore;
            int       index = 0, active = 0;

            formatStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(VideoStandard));
            foreach (VideoStandard std in VideoStandards.Rendering)
                formatStore.AppendValues(std.Name, std);
                if (std.Equals(def))
                    active = index;
            formatBox.Model  = formatStore;
            formatBox.Active = active;
コード例 #7
 public ConfigState()
     /* Set default values */
     fastTagging             = false;
     currentDatabase         = Constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME;
     lang                    = null;
     autoSave                = false;
     captureVideoStandard    = VideoStandards.P480_16_9;
     captureEncodingProfile  = EncodingProfiles.MP4;
     captureEncodingQuality  = EncodingQualities.Medium;
     renderVideoStandard     = VideoStandards.P720_16_9;
     renderEncodingProfile   = EncodingProfiles.MP4;
     renderEncodingQuality   = EncodingQualities.High;
     overlayTitle            = true;
     enableAudio             = false;
     fps_n                   = 25;
     fps_d                   = 1;
     autorender              = false;
     autorenderDir           = null;
     reviewPlaysInSameWindow = true;
コード例 #8
 private static bool TryGetStandard(string source, out VideoStandard result)
     return(VideoStandards.TryGetValue(source, out result));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Hero3Camera.cs プロジェクト: slamj1/GoPro.Hero
 public Hero3Camera VideoStandard(out VideoStandard videoStandard)
     videoStandard = base.ExtendedSettings().VideoStandard;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Hero3Camera.cs プロジェクト: slamj1/GoPro.Hero
 public async Task <Hero3Camera> VideoStandardAsync(VideoStandard videoStandard)
     return(await base.PrepareCommand <CommandCameraVideoStandard>().Select(videoStandard).ExecuteAsync() as Hero3Camera);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Hero3Camera.cs プロジェクト: slamj1/GoPro.Hero
 public Hero3Camera VideoStandard(VideoStandard videoStandard, bool nonBlocking = false)
     return(ExecuteMultiChoiceCommand <CommandCameraVideoStandard, VideoStandard>(videoStandard, nonBlocking));
コード例 #12
 public static VideoConstants Get(VideoStandard std) =>
 std == VideoStandard.Pal10MhzProgessiv ? Pal10MhzProgessiv
     : std == VideoStandard.Pal5MhzInterlaced ? Pal5MhzInterlaced
     : std == VideoStandard.Pal5MhzProgessiv ? Pal5MhzProgessiv
     : Pal5MhzProgessiv;
コード例 #13
ファイル: SvctParser.cs プロジェクト: usermonk/MediaPortal-1
        private void DecodeVirtualChannelMap(byte[] section, int endOfSection, ref int pointer, AtscTransmissionMedium transmissionMedium, int vctId)
            // Virtual channel formats depend on transmission medium.
            if (pointer + 7 > endOfSection)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: corruption detected at virtual channel map, pointer = {0}, end of section = {1}", pointer, endOfSection));

            bool freqSpecIncluded    = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
            bool symbolRateIncluded  = ((section[pointer] & 0x40) != 0);
            bool descriptorsIncluded = ((section[pointer++] & 0x20) != 0);
            bool splice         = ((section[pointer++] & 0x80) != 0);
            uint activationTime = 0;

            for (byte b = 0; b < 4; b++)
                activationTime = activationTime << 8;
                activationTime = section[pointer++];
            byte numberOfVcRecords = section[pointer++];

            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: virtual channel map, transmission medium = {0}, freq. spec. included = {1}, symbol rate included = {2}, descriptors included = {3}, splice = {4}, activation time = {5}, number of VC records = {6}",
                          transmissionMedium, freqSpecIncluded, symbolRateIncluded, descriptorsIncluded, splice, activationTime, numberOfVcRecords);

            for (byte i = 0; i < numberOfVcRecords; i++)
                if (pointer + 9 > endOfSection)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: detected number of virtual channel records {0} is invalid, pointer = {1}, end of section = {2}, loop = {3}", numberOfVcRecords, pointer, endOfSection, i));

                int virtualChannelNumber = ((section[pointer] & 0x0f) << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                pointer += 2;
                bool          applicationVirtualChannel = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                int           bitstreamSelect           = ((section[pointer] & 0x40) >> 6); // broadcast reserved
                int           pathSelect    = ((section[pointer] & 0x20) >> 5);             // satellite, SMATV, broadcast reserved
                TransportType transportType = (TransportType)((section[pointer] & 0x10) >> 4);
                ChannelType   channelType   = (ChannelType)(section[pointer++] & 0x0f);
                int           sourceId      = (section[pointer] << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                pointer += 2;
                Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: virtual channel number = {0}, application virtual channel = {1}, bitstream select = {2}, path select = {3}, transport type = {4}, channel type = {5}, source ID = 0x{6:x}",
                              virtualChannelNumber, applicationVirtualChannel, bitstreamSelect, pathSelect, transportType, channelType, sourceId);

                if (channelType == ChannelType.NvodAccess)
                    int nvodChannelBase = ((section[pointer] & 0x0f) << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                    pointer += 2;
                    if (transmissionMedium == AtscTransmissionMedium.Smatv)
                        pointer += 3;
                    else if (transmissionMedium != AtscTransmissionMedium.OverTheAir)
                        pointer += 2;
                    Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: NVOD channel base = 0x{0:x}", nvodChannelBase);
                    switch (transmissionMedium)
                    case AtscTransmissionMedium.Satellite:
                        if (transportType == TransportType.Mpeg2)
                            byte satellite     = section[pointer++];
                            int  transponder   = (section[pointer++] & 0x3f);
                            int  programNumber = (section[pointer] << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                            pointer += 2;
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: satellite = {0}, transponder = {1}, program number = 0x{2:x}", satellite, transponder, programNumber);
                            byte satellite   = section[pointer++];
                            int  transponder = (section[pointer++] & 0x3f);
                            pointer += 2;
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: satellite = {0}, transponder = {1}", satellite, transponder);

                    case AtscTransmissionMedium.Smatv:
                        if (transportType == TransportType.Mpeg2)
                            byte cdsReference  = section[pointer++];
                            int  programNumber = (section[pointer] << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                            pointer += 2;
                            byte mmsReference = section[pointer++];
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: CDS reference = {0}, program number = 0x{1:x}, MMS reference = {2}", cdsReference, programNumber, mmsReference);
                            byte             cdsReference         = section[pointer++];
                            bool             scrambled            = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                            VideoStandard    videoStandard        = (VideoStandard)(section[pointer++] & 0x0f);
                            bool             isWideBandwidthVideo = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                            WaveformStandard waveformStandard     = (WaveformStandard)(section[pointer++] & 0x1f);
                            bool             isWideBandwidthAudio = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                            bool             isCompandedAudio     = ((section[pointer] & 0x40) != 0);
                            MatrixMode       matrixMode           = (MatrixMode)((section[pointer] >> 4) & 0x03);
                            int subcarrier2Offset = 10 * (((section[pointer] & 0x0f) << 6) + (section[pointer + 1] >> 2)); // kHz
                            int subcarrier1Offset = 10 * (((section[pointer] & 0x03) << 8) + section[pointer + 1]);
                            pointer += 2;
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: CDS reference = {0}, scrambled = {1}, video standard = {2}, is WB video = {3}, waveform standard = {4}, is WB audio = {5}, is companded audio = {6}, matrix mode = {7}, subcarrier 2 offset = {8} kHz, subcarrier 1 offset = {9} kHz",
                                          cdsReference, scrambled, videoStandard, isWideBandwidthVideo, waveformStandard, isWideBandwidthAudio,
                                          isCompandedAudio, matrixMode, subcarrier2Offset, subcarrier1Offset);

                    case AtscTransmissionMedium.OverTheAir:
                        if (transportType == TransportType.Mpeg2)
                            int programNumber = (section[pointer] << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                            pointer += 2;
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: program number = 0x{0:x}", programNumber);
                            bool          scrambled     = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                            VideoStandard videoStandard = (VideoStandard)(section[pointer++] & 0x0f);
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: scrambled = {0}, video standard = {1}", scrambled, videoStandard);

                    case AtscTransmissionMedium.Cable:
                    case AtscTransmissionMedium.Mmds:
                        if (transportType == TransportType.Mpeg2)
                            byte cdsReference  = section[pointer++];
                            int  programNumber = (section[pointer] << 8) + section[pointer + 1];
                            pointer += 2;
                            byte mmsReference = section[pointer++];
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: CDS reference = {0}, program number = 0x{1:x}, MMS reference = {2}", cdsReference, programNumber, mmsReference);
                            if (OnChannelDetail != null)
                                OnChannelDetail(transmissionMedium, vctId, virtualChannelNumber, applicationVirtualChannel, bitstreamSelect,
                                                pathSelect, channelType, sourceId, cdsReference, programNumber, mmsReference);
                            byte          cdsReference  = section[pointer++];
                            bool          scrambled     = ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0);
                            VideoStandard videoStandard = (VideoStandard)(section[pointer++] & 0x0f);
                            pointer += 2;
                            Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: CDS reference = {0}, scrambled = {1}, video standard = {2}", cdsReference, scrambled, videoStandard);

                        throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: unsupported transmission medium {0}", transmissionMedium));

                if (freqSpecIncluded || transmissionMedium == AtscTransmissionMedium.OverTheAir)
                    int frequencyUnit = 10; // kHz
                    if ((section[pointer] & 0x80) != 0)
                        frequencyUnit = 125;                                                                          // kHz
                    int carrierFrequency = frequencyUnit * (((section[pointer] & 0x7f) << 8) + section[pointer + 1]); // kHz
                    pointer += 2;
                    Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: frequency, unit = {0} kHz, carrier = {1} kHz", frequencyUnit, carrierFrequency);
                if (symbolRateIncluded && transmissionMedium != AtscTransmissionMedium.OverTheAir)
                    // s/s
                    int symbolRate = ((section[pointer] & 0x0f) << 24) + (section[pointer + 1] << 16) + (section[pointer + 2] << 8) + section[pointer + 3];
                    pointer += 4;
                    Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: symbol rate = {0} s/s", symbolRate);
                if (descriptorsIncluded)
                    if (pointer >= endOfSection)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: invalid section length at virtual channel map descriptor count, pointer = {0}, end of section = {1}, loop = {2}", pointer, endOfSection, i));
                    byte descriptorCount = section[pointer++];
                    for (byte d = 0; d < descriptorCount; d++)
                        if (pointer + 2 > endOfSection)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: detected virtual channel map descriptor count {0} is invalid, pointer = {1}, end of section = {2}, loop = {3}, inner loop = {4}", descriptorCount, pointer, endOfSection, i, d));
                        byte tag    = section[pointer++];
                        byte length = section[pointer++];
                        Log.Log.Debug("S-VCT: virtual channel map descriptor, tag = 0x{0:x}, length = {1}", tag, length);
                        if (pointer + length > endOfSection)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("S-VCT: invalid virtual channel map descriptor length {0}, pointer = {1}, end of section = {2}, loop = {3}, inner loop = {4}", length, pointer, endOfSection, i, d));
                        pointer += length;
コード例 #14
 public static int FrameRate(this VideoStandard videoStandard)
     return(videoStandard == VideoStandard.NTSC ? 30 : 25);