コード例 #1
        public void Update()
            // in flight
            if (Lib.IsFlight())
                // get info from cache
                Vessel_Info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

                // do nothing if vessel is invalid
                if (!vi.is_valid)

                // update ui
                bool has_operator = operator_cs.Check(vessel);
                Events["Toggle"].guiName = Lib.StatusToggle(exp_name, !recording ? "stopped" : issue.Length == 0 ? "recording" : Lib.BuildString("<color=#ffff00>", issue, "</color>"));
            // in the editor
            else if (Lib.IsEditor())
                // update ui
                Events["Toggle"].guiName = Lib.StatusToggle(exp_name, recording ? "recording" : "stopped");
コード例 #2
 public override void Update()
     if (Lib.IsFlight() && Features.Deploy)
         // Check if it is transmitting
         if (!Features.Science && Features.Signal)
             if (antenna != null)
                 isTransmitting = antenna.stream.Transmitting();
         else if (Features.Science)
             // get info from the cache
             Vessel_Info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);
             // consume ec if data is transmitted or relayed
             if (vi == null)
                 isTransmitting = false;
                 isTransmitting = (vi.transmitting.Length > 0 || vi.relaying.Length > 0);
         if (isTransmitting && isConsuming && !isAnimation)
             if (Features.Signal)
                 actualECCost = antenna.cost;
             else if (Features.KCommNet)
                 NetworkAdaptor adap = part.FindModuleImplementing <NetworkAdaptor>();
                 if (adap != null)
                     actualECCost = adap.ecCost;
                     actualECCost = 0;
             // Kerbalism already has logic to consume EC when it is transmitting
             isConsuming = false;
コード例 #3
 protected override void OnUpdate()
     foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
         Vessel_Info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);
         if (!vi.is_valid)
         bool manned     = vi.crew_count > 0;
         bool in_orbit   = Sim.Apoapsis(v) > v.mainBody.atmosphereDepth && Sim.Periapsis(v) > v.mainBody.atmosphereDepth;
         bool for_30days = v.missionTime > 60.0 * 60.0 * Lib.HoursInDay() * 30.0;
         if (manned && in_orbit && for_30days)
             DB.landmarks.manned_orbit = true; //< remember that contract was completed
コード例 #4
        public static void Config(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get info from the cache
            Vessel_Info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vi.is_valid)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, 20), " <color=#cccccc>VESSEL CONFIG</color>"));

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vi))

            // get data from db
            VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

            // toggle rendering
            string tooltip;

            if (Features.Signal || Features.Reliability)
            if (Features.Signal)
                tooltip = "Render the connection line\nin mapview and tracking station";
                p.SetContent("show links", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_showlink ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_showlink));
            if (Features.Reliability)
                tooltip = "Highlight failed components";
                p.SetContent("highlight malfunctions", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_highlights ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_highlights));

            // toggle messages
            tooltip = "Receive a message when\nElectricCharge level is low";
            p.SetContent("battery", string.Empty, tooltip);
            p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_ec ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_ec));
            if (Features.Supplies)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when\nsupply resources level is low";
                p.SetContent("supply", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_supply ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_supply));
            if (Features.Signal || Features.KCommNet)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when signal is lost or obtained";
                p.SetContent("signal", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_signal ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_signal));
            if (Features.Reliability)
                tooltip = "Receive a message\nwhen a component fail";
                p.SetContent("reliability", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_malfunction ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_malfunction));
            if (Features.SpaceWeather)
                tooltip = "Receive a message\nduring CME events";
                p.SetContent("storm", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_storm ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_storm));
            if (Features.Automation)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when\nscripts are executed";
                p.SetContent("script", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.SetIcon(vd.cfg_script ? Icons.toggle_green : Icons.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_script));
コード例 #5
        public static void BackgroundUpdate(Vessel v, ProtoPartSnapshot p, ProtoPartModuleSnapshot antenna, Vessel_Info vi, Resource_Info ec, double elapsed_s)
            if (Features.Deploy)
                bool isDeploy;
                bool has_ec = ec.amount > double.Epsilon;

                ProtoPartModuleSnapshot deployModule = p.FindModule("AntennaDeploy");
                ProtoPartModuleSnapshot anim;

                if (deployModule == null)
                    Lib.Debug("AntennaDeploy is null. Load vessel to try fix it");

                // if it is transmitting, leave with Kerbalism
                if (Features.Science && (vi.transmitting.Length > 0 || vi.relaying.Length > 0))

                if (has_ec)
                    if (Features.Signal)
                        anim = p.FindModule("ModuleAnimationGroup");
                        if (anim != null)
                            isDeploy = Lib.Proto.GetBool(anim, "isDeployed");
                            isDeploy = true;

                        if (!Settings.ExtendedAntenna || isDeploy)
                            Lib.Proto.Set(antenna, "extended", true);
                            ec.Consume(Lib.Proto.GetDouble(deployModule, "ecCost") * elapsed_s);
                    else if (Features.KCommNet)
                        anim = p.FindModule("ModuleDeployableAntenna");
                        if (anim != null)
                            isDeploy = Lib.Proto.GetString(anim, "deployState") == "EXTENDED";
                            isDeploy = true;

                        if (isDeploy)
                            Lib.Proto.Set(antenna, "canComm", true);
                            ec.Consume(Lib.Proto.GetDouble(deployModule, "ecCost") * elapsed_s);
                    if (Features.Signal)
                        Lib.Proto.Set(antenna, "extended", false);
                    else if (Features.KCommNet)
                        Lib.Proto.Set(antenna, "canComm", false);