コード例 #1
        // generateDrawIndexBuffer(..)
        // Walks the wavefront faces, feeds pre-configured verticies to the VertexSoup,
        // and returns a new index-buffer pointing to the new VertexSoup.verticies indicies.

        public static void generateDrawIndexBuffer(
            WavefrontObjLoader wff,
            out UInt16[] indicies_return,
            out SSVertex_PosNormDiffTex1[] verticies_return)
            const bool shouldDedup = true;             // this lets us turn on/of vertex-soup deduping

            var           soup          = new VertexSoup <SSVertex_PosNormDiffTex1>(deDup: shouldDedup);
            List <UInt16> draw_indicies = new List <UInt16>();

            // (0) go throu`gh the materials and faces, DENORMALIZE from WF-OBJ into fully-configured verticies

            // load indexes
            foreach (var mtl in wff.materials)
                // wavefrontOBJ stores color in CIE-XYZ color space. Convert this to Alpha-RGB
                var materialDiffuseColor = WavefrontObjLoader.CIEXYZtoColor(mtl.vDiffuse).ToArgb();

                foreach (var face in mtl.faces)
                    // iterate over the vericies of a wave-front FACE...

                    // DEREFERENCE each .obj vertex paramater (position, normal, texture coordinate)
                    SSVertex_PosNormDiffTex1[] vertex_list = new SSVertex_PosNormDiffTex1[face.v_idx.Length];
                    for (int facevertex = 0; facevertex < face.v_idx.Length; facevertex++)
                        // position
                        vertex_list[facevertex].Position = CV(wff.positions[face.v_idx[facevertex]]);

                        // normal
                        int normal_idx = face.n_idx[facevertex];
                        if (normal_idx != -1)
                            vertex_list[facevertex].Normal = CV(wff.normals[normal_idx]);

                        // texture coordinate
                        int tex_index = face.tex_idx[facevertex];
                        if (tex_index != -1)
                            vertex_list[facevertex].Tu = wff.texCoords[tex_index].U;
                            vertex_list[facevertex].Tv = 1 - wff.texCoords[tex_index].V;

                        // assign our material's diffusecolor to the vertex diffuse color...
                        vertex_list [facevertex].DiffuseColor = materialDiffuseColor;

                    // turn them into indicies in the vertex soup..
                    //   .. we hand the soup a set of fully configured verticies. It
                    //   .. dedups and accumulates them, and hands us back indicies
                    //   .. relative to it's growing list of deduped verticies.
                    UInt16[] soup_indicies = soup.digestVerticies(vertex_list);

                    // now we add these indicies to the draw-list. Right now we assume
                    // draw is using GL_TRIANGLE, so we convert NGONS into triange lists
                    if (soup_indicies.Length == 3)                       // triangle
                    else if (soup_indicies.Length == 4)                         // quad

                        // This n-gon algorithm only works if the n-gon is coplanar and convex,
                        // which Wavefront OBJ says they must be.
                        //  .. to tesselate concave ngons, one must tesselate using a more complex method, see
                        //    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon_triangulation#Ear_clipping_method

                        // manually generate a triangle-fan
                        for (int x = 1; x < (soup_indicies.Length - 1); x++)
                            draw_indicies.Add(soup_indicies[x + 1]);
                        // throw new NotImplementedException("unhandled face size: " + newindicies.Length);

            // convert the linked-lists into arrays and return
            indicies_return  = draw_indicies.ToArray();
            verticies_return = soup.verticies.ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("VertexSoup_VertexFormatBinder:generateDrawIndexBuffer : \r\n   {0} verticies, {1} indicies.  Dedup = {2}",
                              verticies_return.Length, indicies_return.Length,
                              shouldDedup ? "YES" : "NO");
コード例 #2
        // convert wavefrontobjloader vector formats, to our OpenTK Vector3 format
        // generateDrawIndexBuffer(..)
        // Walks the wavefront faces, feeds pre-configured verticies to the VertexSoup,
        // and returns a new index-buffer pointing to the new VertexSoup.verticies indicies.
        public static void generateDrawIndexBuffer(
			WavefrontObjLoader wff, 
            WavefrontObjLoader.MaterialInfoWithFaces objMatSubset,
			out UInt16[] indicies_return, 
			out SSVertex_PosNormTex[] verticies_return)
            const bool shouldDedup = true; // this lets us turn on/of vertex-soup deduping

            var soup = new VertexSoup<SSVertex_PosNormTex>(deDup:shouldDedup);
            List<UInt16> draw_indicies = new List<UInt16>();

            // (0) go throu`gh the materials and faces, DENORMALIZE from WF-OBJ into fully-configured verticies

            // load indexes
            var m = objMatSubset;

            // wavefrontOBJ stores color in CIE-XYZ color space. Convert this to Alpha-RGB
            var materialDiffuseColor = WavefrontObjLoader.CIEXYZtoColor(m.mtl.vDiffuse).ToArgb();

            foreach (var face in m.faces) {

                // iterate over the vericies of a wave-front FACE...

                // DEREFERENCE each .obj vertex paramater (position, normal, texture coordinate)
                SSVertex_PosNormTex[] vertex_list = new SSVertex_PosNormTex[face.v_idx.Length];
                for (int facevertex = 0; facevertex < face.v_idx.Length; facevertex++) {

                    // position
                    vertex_list[facevertex].Position = wff.positions[face.v_idx[facevertex]].Xyz;

                    // normal
                    int normal_idx = face.n_idx[facevertex];
                    if (normal_idx != -1) {
                        vertex_list[facevertex].Normal = wff.normals[normal_idx];

                    // texture coordinate
                    int tex_index = face.tex_idx[facevertex];
                    if (tex_index != -1 ) {
                        vertex_list[facevertex].Tu = wff.texCoords[tex_index].X;
                        vertex_list[facevertex].Tv = 1- wff.texCoords[tex_index].Y;

                // turn them into indicies in the vertex soup..
                //   .. we hand the soup a set of fully configured verticies. It
                //   .. dedups and accumulates them, and hands us back indicies
                //   .. relative to it's growing list of deduped verticies.
                UInt16[] soup_indicies = soup.digestVerticies(vertex_list);

                // now we add these indicies to the draw-list. Right now we assume
                // draw is using GL_TRIANGLE, so we convert NGONS into triange lists
                if (soup_indicies.Length == 3) { // triangle
                } else if (soup_indicies.Length == 4) { // quad

                } else {
                    // This n-gon algorithm only works if the n-gon is coplanar and convex,
                    // which Wavefront OBJ says they must be.
                    //  .. to tesselate concave ngons, one must tesselate using a more complex method, see
                    //    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon_triangulation#Ear_clipping_method

                    // manually generate a triangle-fan
                    for (int x = 1; x < (soup_indicies.Length-1); x++) {
                    // throw new NotImplementedException("unhandled face size: " + newindicies.Length);

            // convert the linked-lists into arrays and return
            indicies_return = draw_indicies.ToArray();
            verticies_return = soup.verticies.ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine ("VertexSoup_VertexFormatBinder:generateDrawIndexBuffer : \r\n   {0} verticies, {1} indicies.  Dedup = {2}",
                              verticies_return.Length, indicies_return.Length,
                              shouldDedup ? "YES" : "NO");