コード例 #1
        //! Create Vertex Array Object
        public void Create <T_INDEX>(TVertexFormat[] formats, T_INDEX[] indices) where T_INDEX : struct
            this._index_size    = Marshal.SizeOf(default(T_INDEX));
            this._no_of_indices = indices.Length;

            VertexAttribType v_type = this._elem_size == 8 ? VertexAttribType.Double : VertexAttribType.Float;

            GL.CreateVertexArrays(1, out this._vao);

            foreach (var vbo in this._vbos)
                GL.VertexArrayVertexBuffer(this._vao, vbo.Key, vbo.Value, IntPtr.Zero, this._vbos_stride[vbo.Key] * this._elem_size);

            foreach (var f in formats)
                GL.VertexArrayAttribFormat(this._vao, f.attribute_index, f.tuple_size, v_type, f.normalize, f.elems_offset * this._elem_size);
                GL.VertexArrayAttribBinding(this._vao, f.attribute_index, f.buffer_id);
                GL.EnableVertexArrayAttrib(this._vao, f.attribute_index);

            if (this._no_of_indices > 0)
                GL.CreateBuffers(1, out this._ibo);
                GL.NamedBufferStorage <T_INDEX>(this._ibo, this._no_of_indices * this._index_size, indices, BufferStorageFlags.None);

                GL.VertexArrayElementBuffer(this._vao, this._ibo);

コード例 #2
 public static void VertexAttribArrayObjectATI(UInt32 index, Int32 size, VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, Int32 stride, UInt32 buffer, UInt32 offset)
     Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglVertexAttribArrayObjectATI != null, "pglVertexAttribArrayObjectATI not implemented");
     Delegates.pglVertexAttribArrayObjectATI(index, size, (Int32)type, normalized, stride, buffer, offset);
     LogCommand("glVertexAttribArrayObjectATI", null, index, size, type, normalized, stride, buffer, offset);
コード例 #3
        public int GetVertexCount()
            int result = -1;

            if (this.vbo == null)
            int byteLength = this.vbo.Data.Length;
            // we know that all data types are in VertexAttribType.
            VertexAttribType type = (VertexAttribType)this.dataType;

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(VertexAttribType), type))
            uint typeLength   = type.GetByteLength();                                    // byte length of specified type.
            uint typeCount    = (uint)(this.dataSize == GL.GL_BGRA ? 4 : this.dataSize); // how many elements of specified type in one vertex?
            uint vertexLength = typeLength * typeCount + stride;                         // byte length of a single vertex.

            result = (int)(byteLength / vertexLength);                                   // how many vertex?
            if ((byteLength % vertexLength) != 0)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("GetVertexCount() error! [{0} % {1}, t:{2}, s:{3}]", byteLength, vertexLength, type, typeCount));

コード例 #4
 public static void VertexAttribLFormatNV(UInt32 index, Int32 size, VertexAttribType type, Int32 stride)
     Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglVertexAttribLFormatNV != null, "pglVertexAttribLFormatNV not implemented");
     Delegates.pglVertexAttribLFormatNV(index, size, (Int32)type, stride);
     LogCommand("glVertexAttribLFormatNV", null, index, size, type, stride);
コード例 #5
ファイル: VertexArray.cs プロジェクト: frederikja163/JAngine
 public Attribute(int index, int count, VertexAttribType type, int relativeOffset, int divisor = 0)
     Index          = index;
     Count          = count;
     Type           = type;
     RelativeOffset = relativeOffset;
     Divisor        = divisor;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MoonGL.cs プロジェクト: mksbamford/Moonfxsh
 public static void VertexAttribArray(int index, int bindingIndex, int count, VertexAttribType type,
                                      bool normalised = false, int offset = 0, int divisor = 0)
     GL.VertexAttribFormat(index, count, type, normalised, offset);
     GL.VertexAttribBinding(index, bindingIndex);
     GL.VertexBindingDivisor(index, divisor);
コード例 #7
ファイル: VertexAttribute.cs プロジェクト: XalacRlyeh/Aster
 public VertexAttribute(string name, int index, VertexAttribType type, int components, int offset)
     Name       = name;
     Index      = index;
     Type       = type;
     Components = components;
     Offset     = offset;
コード例 #8
ファイル: VertexArray.cs プロジェクト: ianuub/Ryujinxxx
        public void SetVertexAttributes(ReadOnlySpan <VertexAttribDescriptor> vertexAttribs)
            int index = 0;

            for (; index < vertexAttribs.Length; index++)
                VertexAttribDescriptor attrib = vertexAttribs[index];

                if (attrib.Equals(_vertexAttribs[index]))

                FormatInfo fmtInfo = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(attrib.Format);

                if (attrib.IsZero)
                    // Disabling the attribute causes the shader to read a constant value.
                    // The value is configurable, but by default is a vector of (0, 0, 0, 1).

                int offset = attrib.Offset;
                int size   = fmtInfo.Components;

                bool isFloat = fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.Float ||
                               fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.HalfFloat;

                if (isFloat || fmtInfo.Normalized || fmtInfo.Scaled)
                    VertexAttribType type = (VertexAttribType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribFormat(index, size, type, fmtInfo.Normalized, offset);
                    VertexAttribIntegerType type = (VertexAttribIntegerType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribIFormat(index, size, type, offset);

                GL.VertexAttribBinding(index, attrib.BufferIndex);

                _vertexAttribs[index] = attrib;

            _vertexAttribsCount = index;

            for (; index < Constants.MaxVertexAttribs; index++)
コード例 #9
        public static void VertexArrayAttribFormat(int obj, int attIndex, int size, VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, int relativeOffset)
            GL.VertexArrayAttribFormat(obj, attIndex, size, type, normalized, relativeOffset);

            if (enableErrorCheck)
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new attribute description
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of attribute in GLSL shader</param>
 /// <param name="size">Component count</param>
 /// <param name="attributeType">Type of components</param>
 /// <param name="normalized">Data is normalized</param>
 /// <param name="vertexSize">Size of full vertex</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset from beginning of vertex instance memory</param>
 public VertexAttributeDescription(string name, int size, VertexAttribType attributeType, bool normalized, int vertexSize, int offset)
     Name          = name;
     Size          = size;
     AttributeType = attributeType;
     Normalized    = normalized;
     VertexSize    = vertexSize;
     Offset        = offset;
コード例 #11
ファイル: VertexArrayBuilder.cs プロジェクト: nsglover/Bronze
 public VertexAttribute(int id, byte[] data, VertexAttribType type, int count, bool normalize, bool interleave)
     Id               = id;
     Data             = data;
     Type             = type;
     AttribCount      = count;
     ShouldNormalize  = normalize;
     ShouldInterleave = interleave;
コード例 #12
        public void SetVertexAttributes(VertexAttribDescriptor[] vertexAttribs)
            int attribIndex = 0;

            foreach (VertexAttribDescriptor attrib in vertexAttribs)
                FormatInfo fmtInfo = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(attrib.Format);

                if (attrib.IsZero)
                    // Disabling the attribute causes the shader to read a constant value.
                    // The value is configurable, but by default is a vector of (0, 0, 0, 1).

                int offset = attrib.Offset;
                int size   = fmtInfo.Components;

                bool isFloat = fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.Float ||
                               fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.HalfFloat;

                if (isFloat || fmtInfo.Normalized || fmtInfo.Scaled)
                    VertexAttribType type = (VertexAttribType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribFormat(attribIndex, size, type, fmtInfo.Normalized, offset);
                    VertexAttribIntegerType type = (VertexAttribIntegerType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribIFormat(attribIndex, size, type, offset);

                GL.VertexAttribBinding(attribIndex, attrib.BufferIndex);


            for (; attribIndex < 16; attribIndex++)

            _vertexAttribs = vertexAttribs;
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new vertex attribute for use in a VertexBufferFormat object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attribIndex">Attribute index used to access this attribute in the vertex shader</param>
 /// <param name="bindingIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="size">The number of components of this vertex attribute (1 for a scalar, 3 for a vec3...)</param>
 /// <param name="relativeOffset">Relative offset of this attribute's data inside the source buffer</param>
 /// <param name="type">Data type the attribute</param>
 /// <param name="dataClass">Specifies how will this value be interpreted by shaders. Float is the default, use Integer for integer values, Double for double precision floats.</param>
 /// <param name="normalized">Specifies whether the data of this attribute is normalized to 0..1 range or -1..1 range for signed data types. Only relevant when dataClass is set to float.</param>
 public VertexAttribDescription(int attribIndex, int bindingIndex, int size, int relativeOffset, VertexAttribType type, VertexAttribClass dataClass, bool normalized)
     if (AttribIndex >= VertexBufferFormat.MaxAttributes)
         throw new Exception("Vertex attribute index is too high!");
     AttribIndex    = attribIndex;
     BindingIndex   = bindingIndex;
     Size           = size;
     RelativeOffset = relativeOffset;
     Type           = type;
     DataClass      = dataClass;
     Normalized     = normalized;
コード例 #14
        public static uint GetSizeOfType(VertexAttribType type)
            switch (type)
            case VertexAttribType.Float:

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt:

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedByte:

コード例 #15
        // Integers are being bound

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bindingindex">Binding index to map</param>
        /// <param name="attribindex">Attribute to use in GLSL to access this data</param>
        /// <param name="components">Number of components per</param>
        /// <param name="vat">Type and size of component (Byte,Int,Float etc)</param>
        /// <param name="reloffset">The offset, measured in basic machine units of the first element relative to the start of the vertex buffer binding this attribute fetches from.</param>
        /// <param name="divisor">For instancing, set to >0 for instance dividing of the data</param>
        public void AttributeI(int bindingindex, int attribindex, int components, VertexAttribType vat, int reloffset = 0, int divisor = -1)
                attribindex,                                            // attribute index
                components,                                             // no of attribs
                vat,                                                    // type
                reloffset);                                             // relative offset, first item

            if (divisor >= 0)                                           // normally use binding divisor..
                GL.VertexAttribDivisor(attribindex, divisor);           // set up attribute divisor - doing this after doing the binding divisor screws things up
            GL.VertexArrayAttribBinding(Id, attribindex, bindingindex); // bind atrib to binding
            GL.EnableVertexArrayAttrib(Id, attribindex);                // enable attrib

            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ATTRI " + attribindex + " to " + bindingindex + " Components " + components + " +" + reloffset + " divisor " + divisor);
コード例 #16
        public void SetVertexAttributes(VertexAttribDescriptor[] vertexAttribs)
            int attribIndex = 0;

            foreach (VertexAttribDescriptor attrib in vertexAttribs)
                FormatInfo fmtInfo = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(attrib.Format);


                int offset = attrib.Offset;
                int size   = fmtInfo.Components;

                bool isFloat = fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.Float ||
                               fmtInfo.PixelType == PixelType.HalfFloat;

                if (isFloat || fmtInfo.Normalized || fmtInfo.Scaled)
                    VertexAttribType type = (VertexAttribType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribFormat(attribIndex, size, type, fmtInfo.Normalized, offset);
                    VertexAttribIntegerType type = (VertexAttribIntegerType)fmtInfo.PixelType;

                    GL.VertexAttribIFormat(attribIndex, size, type, offset);

                GL.VertexAttribBinding(attribIndex, attrib.BufferIndex);


            for (; attribIndex < 16; attribIndex++)

            _vertexAttribs = vertexAttribs;
コード例 #17
        public void SetPointer(string name, VertexAttribType type)
            //int uniformLoc = GL.GetUniformLocation(ShaderHandle, name); // can only get pointer right after Linking
            switch (type)
            case VertexAttribType.Position:
                if (uniforms.a_position != -1)
                    GL.VertexAttribPointer(uniforms.a_position, 3, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex.Stride, (IntPtr)0);

            case VertexAttribType.TextureCoord:
                if (uniforms.a_texcoord != -1)
                    GL.VertexAttribPointer(uniforms.a_texcoord, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex.Stride, (IntPtr)(Vector3.SizeInBytes + Vector3.SizeInBytes + Vector4.SizeInBytes));

            case VertexAttribType.Normal:
                if (uniforms.a_normal != -1)
                    GL.VertexAttribPointer(uniforms.a_normal, 3, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex.Stride, (IntPtr)(Vector3.SizeInBytes));

            case VertexAttribType.Color:
                if (uniforms.a_color != -1)
                    GL.VertexAttribPointer(uniforms.a_color, 4, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex.Stride, (IntPtr)(Vector3.SizeInBytes + Vector3.SizeInBytes));
コード例 #18
        public static uint GetByteLength(this VertexAttribType type)
            uint result = 0;

            switch (type)
            case VertexAttribType.Byte: result = sizeof(byte); break;

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedByte: result = sizeof(byte); break;

            case VertexAttribType.Short: result = sizeof(short); break;

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedShort: result = sizeof(ushort); break;

            case VertexAttribType.Int: result = sizeof(int); break;

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt: result = sizeof(uint); break;

            case VertexAttribType.HalfFloat: result = sizeof(float) / 2; break;

            case VertexAttribType.Float: result = sizeof(float); break;

            case VertexAttribType.Double: result = sizeof(double); break;

            case VertexAttribType.Fixed: result = sizeof(int); break;

            case VertexAttribType.Int2101010Rev: result = sizeof(int); break;

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt2101010Rev: result = sizeof(uint); break;

            case VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt10f11f11fRev: result = sizeof(uint); break;

                throw new NotDealWithNewEnumItemException(typeof(VertexAttribType));

コード例 #19
        // floats are being bound

        /// <summary>
        /// Set up a mapping beterrn the binding index, attribindex and indicate components, type, offset and divisor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bindingindex">Binding index to map</param>
        /// <param name="attribindex">Attribute to use in GLSL to access this data</param>
        /// <param name="components">Number of components per</param>
        /// <param name="vat">Type and size of component (Byte,Int,Float etc)</param>
        /// <param name="reloffset">The offset, measured in basic machine units of the first element relative to the start of the vertex buffer binding this attribute fetches from.</param>
        /// <param name="divisor">For instancing, set to >0 for instance dividing of the data</param>
        public void Attribute(int bindingindex, int attribindex, int components, VertexAttribType vat, int reloffset = 0, int divisor = -1)
                attribindex,            // attribute index
                components,             // no of components per attribute, 1-4
                vat,                    // type
                false,                  // does not need to be normalized as it is already, floats ignore this flag anyway
                reloffset);             // relative offset, first item

            // ORDER Important, .. found that out

            if (divisor >= 0)            // normally use binding divisor..
                GL.VertexAttribDivisor(attribindex, divisor);

            GL.VertexArrayAttribBinding(Id, attribindex, bindingindex);     // bind atrib to binding    - do this after attrib format
            GL.EnableVertexArrayAttrib(Id, attribindex);

            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ATTR " + attribindex + " to " + bindingindex + " Components " + components + " +" + reloffset + " divisor " + divisor);
コード例 #20
        public int GetDataIndex(uint indexID)
            int result = -1;

            if (this.vbo == null)
            int byteLength = this.vbo.Data.Length;
            // we know that all data types are in VertexAttribType.
            VertexAttribType type = (VertexAttribType)this.dataType;

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(VertexAttribType), type))
            uint typeLength   = type.GetByteLength();                                    // byte length of specified type.(float, int, uint, ..)
            uint typeCount    = (uint)(this.dataSize == GL.GL_BGRA ? 4 : this.dataSize); // how many elements of specified type in one vertex? (1, 2, 3 or 4)
            uint vertexLength = typeLength * typeCount + stride;                         // byte length of a single vertex.

            result = (int)(vertexLength * indexID + this.startPos);

コード例 #21
 public static void SetAttributePointer <T>(this VertexArrayBinding @this, T attribute, int size, VertexAttribType attribType, bool normalized, int stride, int offset)
     where T : IAttribute => @this.SetAttributePointer(attribute.Index, size, attribType, normalized, stride, offset);
コード例 #22
 public abstract void VertexAttribFormat([Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint index, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] int size, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] VertexAttribType type, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] bool normalized, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint stride);
コード例 #23
ファイル: Gl.cs プロジェクト: toptensoftware/FullScreenTest
 public static void VertexAttribIPointer(uint indx, int size, VertexAttribType type, int stride, IntPtr ptr)
     _bindings.glVertexAttribIPointer(indx, size, (int)type, stride, ptr);
コード例 #24
 public partial void VertexAttribFormat([Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint attribindex, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] int size, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] VertexAttribType type, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] bool normalized, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint relativeoffset);
コード例 #25
 void SetUpAttribute(VertexArrayObject vao, ShaderProgram program, string name, int size, VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, uint relativeOffset, uint bindingIndex)
     if (program.TryGetAttributeLocation(name, out var location))
         vao.AttributeFormat(location, size, type, normalized, relativeOffset);
         vao.AttributeBinding(location, bindingIndex);
         Console.Write($" Missing attribute in shader: {name}...");
コード例 #26
        private unsafe PassBuffer[] VertexShaderStage(int count, DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, VertexArrayObject vao, ShaderProgram program, GLBuffer indexBuffer)
            PassBuffer[] passBuffers = null;
            VertexShader vs          = program.VertexShader; if (vs == null)


            // init pass-buffers to record output from vertex shader.
            FieldInfo[] outFieldInfos = (from item in vs.outVariableDict select item.Value.fieldInfo).ToArray();
            uint        vertexCount   = GetVertexCount(vao, indexBuffer, type);

            //int vertexSize = GetVertexSize(outFieldInfos);
            passBuffers = new PassBuffer[1 + outFieldInfos.Length];
            void *[] pointers = new void *[1 + outFieldInfos.Length];
                // the first pass-buffer stores gl_Position.
                var passBuffer = new PassBuffer(PassType.Vec4, (int)vertexCount);
                pointers[0]    = (void *)passBuffer.Mapbuffer();
                passBuffers[0] = passBuffer;
            for (int i = 1; i < passBuffers.Length; i++)
                var      outField   = outFieldInfos[i - 1];
                PassType passType   = outField.FieldType.GetPassType();
                var      passBuffer = new PassBuffer(passType, (int)vertexCount);
                pointers[i]    = (void *)passBuffer.Mapbuffer();
                passBuffers[i] = passBuffer;

            // execute vertex shader for each vertex.
            byte[]   indexData       = indexBuffer.Data;
            int      indexLength     = indexData.Length / ByteLength(type);
            GCHandle pin             = GCHandle.Alloc(indexData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr   pointer         = pin.AddrOfPinnedObject();
            var      gl_VertexIDList = new List <uint>();

            for (int indexID = indices.ToInt32() / ByteLength(type), c = 0; c < count && indexID < indexLength; indexID++, c++)
                uint gl_VertexID = GetVertexID(pointer, type, indexID);
                if (gl_VertexIDList.Contains(gl_VertexID))

                var instance = vs.CreateCodeInstance() as VertexCodeBase; // an executable vertex shader.
                instance.gl_VertexID = (int)gl_VertexID;                  // setup gl_VertexID.
                // setup "in SomeType varName;" vertex attributes.
                Dictionary <uint, VertexAttribDesc> locVertexAttribDict = vao.LocVertexAttribDict;
                foreach (InVariable inVar in vs.inVariableDict.Values) // Dictionary<string, InVariable>.Values
                    VertexAttribDesc desc = null;
                    if (locVertexAttribDict.TryGetValue(inVar.location, out desc))
                        byte[]           dataStore        = desc.vbo.Data;
                        int              byteIndex        = desc.GetDataIndex(gl_VertexID);
                        VertexAttribType vertexAttribType = (VertexAttribType)desc.dataType;
                        object           value            = dataStore.ToStruct(inVar.fieldInfo.FieldType, byteIndex);
                        inVar.fieldInfo.SetValue(instance, value);
                // setup "uniform SomeType varName;" in vertex shader.
                Dictionary <string, UniformValue> nameUniformDict = program.nameUniformDict;
                foreach (UniformVariable uniformVar in vs.UniformVariableDict.Values)
                    string       name = uniformVar.fieldInfo.Name;
                    UniformValue obj  = null;
                    if (nameUniformDict.TryGetValue(name, out obj))
                        if (obj.value != null)
                            uniformVar.fieldInfo.SetValue(instance, obj.value);

                instance.main(); // execute vertex shader code.

                // copy data to pass-buffer.
                    PassBuffer passBuffer = passBuffers[0];
                    var        array      = (vec4 *)pointers[0];
                    array[gl_VertexID] = instance.gl_Position;
                for (int i = 1; i < passBuffers.Length; i++)
                    var outField = outFieldInfos[i - 1];
                    var obj      = outField.GetValue(instance);
                    switch (outField.FieldType.GetPassType())
                    case PassType.Float: { var array = (float *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (float)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Vec2: { var array = (vec2 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (vec2)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Vec3: { var array = (vec3 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (vec3)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Vec4: { var array = (vec4 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (vec4)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Mat2: { var array = (mat2 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (mat2)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Mat3: { var array = (mat3 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (mat3)obj; } break;

                    case PassType.Mat4: { var array = (mat4 *)pointers[i]; array[gl_VertexID] = (mat4)obj; } break;

                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    // a general way to do this:
                    //var obj = outField.GetValue(instance);
                    //byte[] bytes = obj.ToBytes();
                    //PassBuffer passBuffer = passBuffers[i];
                    //var array = (byte*)passBuffer.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                    //for (int t = 0; t < bytes.Length; t++)
                    //    array[gl_VertexID * vertexSize + t] = bytes[t];

            for (int i = 0; i < passBuffers.Length; i++)

コード例 #27
 public void ConvertShaderDataTypeToOpenGL(ShaderDataType type, VertexAttribType openGlType)
コード例 #28
        private void VertexAttribPointer(uint index, int size, VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, int stride, IntPtr pointer)
            // TODO: GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if index​ is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
            if (size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 3 && size != 4 && size != GL.GL_BGRA)
                SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidValue); return;
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(VertexAttribType), type))
                SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidEnum); return;
            if (stride < 0)
                SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidValue); return;
            if (size == GL.GL_BGRA)
                if (type != VertexAttribType.UnsignedByte &&
                    type != VertexAttribType.Int2101010Rev &&
                    type != VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt2101010Rev)
                    SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
                if (normalized == false)
                    SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
            if (type == VertexAttribType.Int2101010Rev || type == VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt2101010Rev)
                if (size != 4 && size != GL.GL_BGRA)
                    SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
            if (type == VertexAttribType.UnsignedInt10f11f11fRev)
                if (size != 3)
                    SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
            VertexArrayObject vao = this.currentVertexArrayObject;

            if (vao == null)
                SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
            GLBuffer buffer = this.currentBufferDict[BindBufferTarget.ArrayBuffer];

            // GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object binding point and the pointer​ argument is not NULL.
            // TODO: why only when "pointer​ argument is not NULL"?
            if (buffer == null)
                SetLastError(ErrorCode.InvalidOperation); return;
            VertexAttribDesc desc = null;

            if (!vao.LocVertexAttribDict.TryGetValue(index, out desc))
                desc = new VertexAttribDesc();
                vao.LocVertexAttribDict.Add(index, desc);
            desc.inLocation = index;
            desc.vbo        = buffer;
            desc.dataSize   = size;
            desc.dataType   = (uint)type;
            desc.normalize  = normalized;
            desc.startPos   = (uint)pointer.ToInt32();
            desc.stride     = (uint)stride;
コード例 #29
ファイル: Extensions.cs プロジェクト: nsglover/Bronze
 internal static int SizeOf(this VertexAttribType type) =>
 type switch
コード例 #30
 public partial void VertexAttribFormat([Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint index, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] int size, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] VertexAttribType type, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] Boolean normalized, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint stride);