protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { CommitVerbOptions localOptions = options as CommitVerbOptions; if (localOptions.Message == null && localOptions.MessageFile == null) { Printer.PrintError("#x#Error:## A commit message must be specified with the --message or --message-file options."); return false; } if (targets != null && targets.Count > 0) { ws.RecordChanges(status, targets, localOptions.Missing, false, RecordFeedback); } string message = localOptions.Message; if (localOptions.MessageFile != null) { using (var fs = System.IO.File.OpenText(localOptions.MessageFile)) { message = fs.ReadToEnd(); } } else { message = message.Replace("\\\"", "\""); message = message.Replace("\\n", "\n"); message = message.Replace("\\t", "\t"); } if (!ws.Commit(message, localOptions.Force)) return false; return true; }
protected void RecordFeedback(Versionr.Status.StatusEntry entry, StatusCode code, bool auto) { string name = Workspace.GetLocalCanonicalName(entry.CanonicalName); int index = name.LastIndexOf('/'); if (index != name.Length - 1) name = name.Insert(index + 1, "#b#"); var previous = Status.GetStatusText(entry); var now = Status.GetStatusText(code, true); string output = "#" + now.Item1 + "#(" + now.Item2 + ")## "; while (output.Length < 20) output = " " + output; Printer.PrintMessage(output + " " + name + "##" + (auto ? " #q#(auto)##" : "")); }
protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { RecordVerbOptions localOptions = options as RecordVerbOptions; return ws.RecordChanges(status, targets, localOptions.Missing, localOptions.Interactive, new Action<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry, StatusCode, bool>(RecordFeedback)); }
protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { ResolveVerbOptions localOptions = options as ResolveVerbOptions; ws.Resolve(targets, UnrecordFeedback); return true; }
protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { StatusVerbOptions localOptions = (StatusVerbOptions)options; if (localOptions.Objects != null && localOptions.Objects.Count > 0) { if (targets.Count == 0) { Printer.PrintError("#x#Error:##\n Could not find objects matching pattern #b#{0}##", GetPatterns(localOptions.Objects)); if (ActiveDirectory.FullName != Workspace.Root.FullName) Printer.PrintMessage(" - Relative to folder \"#b#{0}##\"", Workspace.GetLocalPath(ActiveDirectory.FullName)); return false; } } var ss = status; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ss.RestrictedPath)) Printer.WriteLineMessage(" Computing status for path: #b#{0}##", ss.RestrictedPath); int[] codeCount = new int[(int)StatusCode.Count]; if (status.MergeInputs.Count > 0) Printer.WriteLineMessage("Workspace has #b#{0}## pending merges.", status.MergeInputs.Count); foreach (var x in status.MergeInputs) { Printer.WriteLineMessage(" #c#{0}#q# from branch \"#b#{1}##\" (rev {2})", x.ID, Workspace.GetBranch(x.Branch).Name, x.Revision); } if (status.MergeInputs.Count > 0) Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); IEnumerable<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> operands = targets.Where(x => { codeCount[(int)x.Code]++; return x.Code != StatusCode.Ignored; }); if (!localOptions.All) operands = operands.Where(x => x.Code != StatusCode.Unchanged); string localRestrictedPath = null; if (ss.RestrictedPath != null) localRestrictedPath = ws.GetLocalCanonicalName(ss.RestrictedPath); if (!localOptions.NoList) { if (localOptions.Flat) { foreach (var x in operands.OrderBy(x => x.CanonicalName)) { PrintFile(ws, localRestrictedPath, x, true); } } else { var staged = operands.OrderBy(x => x.CanonicalName).Where(y => y.Staged); if (staged.Count() > 0) { Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" Changes recorded for commit:"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" (use \"vsr unrecord <file>...\" to unrecord)"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); foreach (var x in staged) { PrintFile(ws, localRestrictedPath, x); } } var nonstaged = operands.OrderBy(x => x.CanonicalName).Where(y => !y.Staged && y.Code != StatusCode.Unversioned); if (nonstaged.Count() > 0) { Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" Changes not staged:"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" (use \"vsr record <file>...\" to add files to this record)"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" (use \"vsr revert <file>...\" to revert changes from working directory)"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); foreach (var x in nonstaged) { PrintFile(ws, localRestrictedPath, x); } } var untracked = operands.OrderBy(x => x.CanonicalName).Where(y => y.Code == StatusCode.Unversioned); if (untracked.Count() > 0) { Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" Untracked files:"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(" (use \"vsr record <file>...\" to add files to this record)"); Printer.WriteLineMessage(""); foreach (var x in untracked) { PrintFile(ws, localRestrictedPath, x); } } } } if (localOptions.Summary) { Printer.WriteLineMessage("\n#b#Summary:##"); for (int i = 0; i < codeCount.Length; i++) Printer.WriteLineMessage(" {0} #b#{2}## #q#{1}##", codeCount[i], codeCount[i] != 1 ? "Objects" : "Object", ((StatusCode)i).ToString()); Printer.WriteLineMessage("\n {0}#q# files in ##{1}#q# diectories ({2} ignored)", ss.Files, ss.Directories, ss.IgnoredObjects); } foreach (var x in Workspace.Externs) { bool include = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ss.RestrictedPath)) include = Workspace.PathContains(ss.RestrictedPath, System.IO.Path.Combine(ws.Root.FullName, x.Value.Location)); else include = Filter(new KeyValuePair<string, object>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>(x.Value.Location, new object()) }).FirstOrDefault().Value != null; if (include) { System.IO.DirectoryInfo directory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(Workspace.Root.FullName, x.Value.Location)); if (directory.Exists) { Printer.WriteLineMessage("\nExternal #c#{0}## ({1}):", x.Key, x.Value.Location); new Status() { DirectExtern = true }.Run(directory, options); } else Printer.WriteLineMessage("\nExternal #c#{0}## ({1}): #e#missing##", x.Key, x.Value.Location); } } return true; }
public static Tuple<char, string> GetStatusText(Versionr.StatusCode code, bool staged) { switch (code) { case StatusCode.Added: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('s', "added") : new Tuple<char, string>('e', "error"); case StatusCode.Conflict: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "conflict") : new Tuple<char, string>('e', "conflict"); case StatusCode.Obstructed: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "obstructed") : new Tuple<char, string>('e', "obstructed"); case StatusCode.Copied: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('s', "copied") : new Tuple<char, string>('w', "copied"); case StatusCode.Deleted: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('c', "deleted") : new Tuple<char, string>('w', "missing"); case StatusCode.Missing: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "error") : new Tuple<char, string>('w', "missing"); case StatusCode.Masked: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('c', "merged") : new Tuple<char, string>('w', "ignored"); case StatusCode.Modified: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('s', "modified") : new Tuple<char, string>('M', "changed"); case StatusCode.Renamed: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('s', "renamed") : new Tuple<char, string>('w', "renamed"); case StatusCode.Unversioned: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "error") : new Tuple<char, string>('a', "unversioned"); case StatusCode.Ignored: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "error") : new Tuple<char, string>('q', "ignored"); case StatusCode.Unchanged: return staged ? new Tuple<char, string>('e', "unchanged") : new Tuple<char, string>('q', "unchanged"); default: throw new Exception(); } }
public static Tuple<char, string> GetStatusText(Versionr.Status.StatusEntry x) { return GetStatusText(x.Code, x.Staged); }
private string GetStatus(Versionr.Status.StatusEntry x, bool flat = false) { if (!flat && x.Code == StatusCode.Unversioned) { return new string(' ', s_FileLeadingSpaces); } else { var info = GetStatusText(x); string format = (flat) ? " {0}{1, 12} " : " {0}{1, -11} "; return String.Format(format, "#" + info.Item1 + "#", info.Item2 + ":"); } }
private void PrintFile(Area ws, string localRestrictedPath, Versionr.Status.StatusEntry x, bool flat = false) { string name = ws.GetLocalCanonicalName(x.CanonicalName); if (FilterOptions.WindowsPaths) name = name.Replace('/', '\\'); if (localRestrictedPath != null) name = name.Substring(localRestrictedPath.Length); int index = name.LastIndexOf('/'); if (index != name.Length - 1) name = name.Insert(index + 1, "#b#"); if (name.Length == 0) name = "#q#<parent directory>##"; if (x.IsSymlink) name += " #q# -> " + (x.FilesystemEntry != null ? x.FilesystemEntry.SymlinkTarget : x.VersionControlRecord.Fingerprint); Printer.WriteLineMessage("{1}##{0}", name, GetStatus(x, flat)); if (x.Code == StatusCode.Renamed || x.Code == StatusCode.Copied) Printer.WriteLineMessage(" #q#<== {0}", x.VersionControlRecord.CanonicalName); }
protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { DiffVerbOptions localOptions = options as DiffVerbOptions; Objects.Version version = null; Objects.Version parent = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localOptions.Version)) { version = Workspace.GetPartialVersion(localOptions.Version); if (version == null) { Printer.PrintError("No version found matching {0}", localOptions.Version); return false; } if (version.Parent.HasValue) parent = Workspace.GetVersion(version.Parent.Value); if (parent == null) { Printer.PrintMessage("Version {0} has no parent", version.ID); return true; } Printer.PrintMessage("Showing changes for version #c#{0}", version.ID); } bool showUnchangedObjects = localOptions.Objects.Count != 0; List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>(); List<string> tempFiles = new List<string>(); List<System.Diagnostics.Process> diffProcesses = new List<System.Diagnostics.Process>(); try { if (version == null) { foreach (var x in targets) { if (x.VersionControlRecord != null && !x.IsDirectory && x.FilesystemEntry != null && x.Code == StatusCode.Modified) { if (Utilities.FileClassifier.Classify(x.FilesystemEntry.Info) == Utilities.FileEncoding.Binary) { Printer.PrintMessage("File: #b#{0}## is binary #w#different##.", x.CanonicalName); continue; } // Displaying local modifications string tmp = Utilities.DiffTool.GetTempFilename(); if (Workspace.ExportRecord(x.CanonicalName, Workspace.Version, tmp)) { Printer.PrintMessage("Displaying changes for file: #b#{0}", x.CanonicalName); if (localOptions.External) { tempFiles.Add(tmp); bool nonblocking = Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.HasValue && Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.Value; var t = Utilities.LimitedTaskDispatcher.Factory.StartNew(() => { var diffResult = Utilities.DiffTool.Diff(tmp, x.Name + "-base", Workspace.GetLocalCanonicalName(x.VersionControlRecord), x.Name, ws.Directives.ExternalDiff, nonblocking); if (diffResult != null) { lock (diffProcesses) { diffProcesses.Add(diffResult); } } }); if (nonblocking) tasks.Add(t); else t.Wait(); } else { try { RunInternalDiff(tmp, System.IO.Path.Combine(Workspace.RootDirectory.FullName, Workspace.GetLocalCanonicalName(x.VersionControlRecord))); } finally { System.IO.File.Delete(tmp); } } } } else if (x.Code == StatusCode.Unchanged && showUnchangedObjects && !x.IsDirectory) { var filter = Filter(new KeyValuePair<string, Objects.Record>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, Objects.Record>(x.CanonicalName, x.VersionControlRecord) }).FirstOrDefault(); if (filter.Value != null && filter.Key == true) // check if the file was really specified Printer.PrintMessage("Object: #b#{0}## is #s#unchanged##.", x.CanonicalName); } else if (x.VersionControlRecord == null && showUnchangedObjects) { var filter = Filter(new KeyValuePair<string, bool>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, bool>(x.CanonicalName, true) }).FirstOrDefault(); if (filter.Value != false && filter.Key == true) // check if the file was really specified Printer.PrintMessage("Object: #b#{0}## is #c#unversioned##.", x.CanonicalName); } } } else { if (localOptions.Local) { var records = ws.GetRecords(version); Dictionary<string, Objects.Record> recordMap = new Dictionary<string, Objects.Record>(); foreach (var x in records) recordMap[x.CanonicalName] = x; foreach (var x in targets) { Objects.Record otherRecord = null; if (recordMap.TryGetValue(x.CanonicalName, out otherRecord)) { if (x.VersionControlRecord != null && x.VersionControlRecord.DataIdentifier == otherRecord.DataIdentifier) continue; if (Utilities.FileClassifier.Classify(x.FilesystemEntry.Info) == Utilities.FileEncoding.Binary) { Printer.PrintMessage("File: #b#{0}## is binary #w#different##.", x.CanonicalName); continue; } string tmp = Utilities.DiffTool.GetTempFilename(); if (Workspace.ExportRecord(x.CanonicalName, version, tmp)) { Printer.PrintMessage("Displaying changes for file: #b#{0}", x.CanonicalName); if (localOptions.External) { tempFiles.Add(tmp); bool nonblocking = Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.HasValue && Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.Value; var t = Utilities.LimitedTaskDispatcher.Factory.StartNew(() => { var diffResult = Utilities.DiffTool.Diff(tmp, x.Name + "-base", Workspace.GetLocalCanonicalName(x.VersionControlRecord), x.Name, ws.Directives.ExternalDiff, nonblocking); if (diffResult != null) { lock (diffProcesses) { diffProcesses.Add(diffResult); } } }); if (nonblocking) tasks.Add(t); else t.Wait(); } else { try { RunInternalDiff(tmp, System.IO.Path.Combine(Workspace.RootDirectory.FullName, Workspace.GetLocalCanonicalName(x.VersionControlRecord))); } finally { System.IO.File.Delete(tmp); } } } } else Printer.PrintMessage("File: #b#{0}## is not in other version.", x.CanonicalName); } } else { List<KeyValuePair<string, Objects.Record>> updates = ws.GetAlterations(version) .Where(x => x.Type == Objects.AlterationType.Update) .Select(x => ws.GetRecord(x.NewRecord.Value)) .Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, Objects.Record>(x.CanonicalName, x)).ToList(); foreach (var pair in Filter(updates)) { Objects.Record rec = pair.Value; string tmpVersion = Utilities.DiffTool.GetTempFilename(); if (!Workspace.ExportRecord(rec.CanonicalName, version, tmpVersion)) continue; string tmpParent = Utilities.DiffTool.GetTempFilename(); if (!Workspace.ExportRecord(rec.CanonicalName, parent, tmpParent)) { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpVersion); continue; } Printer.PrintMessage("Displaying changes for file: #b#{0}", rec.CanonicalName); if (localOptions.External) { tempFiles.Add(tmpVersion); tempFiles.Add(tmpParent); bool nonblocking = Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.HasValue && Workspace.Directives.NonBlockingDiff.Value; var t = Utilities.LimitedTaskDispatcher.Factory.StartNew(() => { var diffResult = Utilities.DiffTool.Diff(tmpParent, rec.Name + "-" + parent.ShortName, tmpVersion, rec.Name + "-" + version.ShortName, ws.Directives.ExternalDiff, nonblocking); if (diffResult != null) { lock (diffProcesses) { diffProcesses.Add(diffResult); } } }); if (nonblocking) tasks.Add(t); else t.Wait(); } else { try { RunInternalDiff(tmpParent, tmpVersion); } finally { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpVersion); System.IO.File.Delete(tmpParent); } } } } } } finally { Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); foreach (var x in diffProcesses) x.WaitForExit(); foreach (var x in tempFiles) System.IO.File.Delete(x); } return true; }
protected override bool RunInternal(Area ws, Versionr.Status status, IList<Versionr.Status.StatusEntry> targets, FileBaseCommandVerbOptions options) { LogVerbOptions localOptions = options as LogVerbOptions; if (JruntingMode) localOptions.Detail = LogVerbOptions.DetailMode.Jrunting; Printer.EnableDiagnostics = localOptions.Verbose; bool targetedBranch = false; Objects.Version version = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localOptions.Branch)) { bool multipleBranches = false; var branch = ws.GetBranchByPartialName(localOptions.Branch, out multipleBranches); if (branch == null || multipleBranches) { Printer.PrintError("No unique branch found for {0}", localOptions.Branch); return false; } version = ws.GetBranchHeadVersion(branch); targetedBranch = true; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localOptions.Version)) { version = ws.GetPartialVersion(localOptions.Version); if (version == null) { Printer.PrintError("Couldn't find matching version for {0}", localOptions.Version); return false; } } if (localOptions.Limit == -1) localOptions.Limit = (version == null || targetedBranch) ? 10 : 1; if (version == null) version = ws.Version; int? nullableLimit = localOptions.Limit; if (nullableLimit.Value <= 0) nullableLimit = null; var history = (localOptions.ShowMerged ? ws.GetLogicalHistory(version, nullableLimit) : ws.GetHistory(version, nullableLimit)).AsEnumerable(); m_Tip = Workspace.Version; Objects.Version last = null; m_Branches = new Dictionary<Guid, Objects.Branch>(); foreach (var x in ApplyHistoryFilter(history, localOptions)) { last = x.Item1; FormatLog(x.Item1, x.Item2, localOptions); } if (!localOptions.Jrunting && last != null && last.ID == m_Tip.ID && version == null) { var branch = Workspace.CurrentBranch; var heads = Workspace.GetBranchHeads(branch); bool isHead = heads.Any(x => x.Version == last.ID); bool isOnlyHead = heads.Count == 1; if (!isHead) Printer.PrintMessage("\nCurrent version #b#{0}## is #e#not the head## of branch #b#{1}## (#b#\"{2}\"##)", m_Tip.ShortName, branch.ShortID, branch.Name); else if (!isOnlyHead) Printer.PrintMessage("\nCurrent version #b#{0}## is #w#not only the head## of branch #b#{1}## (#b#\"{2}\"##)", m_Tip.ShortName, branch.ShortID, branch.Name); } return true; }