/// <summary> /// Brings up the car info page for the <seealso cref="Vehicle"/> /// the <seealso cref="User"/> clicks on. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void listView1_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Vehicle v1 = (Vehicle)e.Item.Tag; if (v1 != null) { RentalControl.SelectedVehicle = v1; if (isModifySearchPage) { List <string> features = VehicleControl.DisplayCarInfo( RentalControl.SelectedVehicle.VehicleID.ToString()); modifyPanel.Visible = true; searchPanel.Visible = false; FillModifyInfo(features); } else { List <string> features = VehicleControl.DisplayCarInfo( RentalControl.SelectedVehicle.VehicleID.ToString()); carInfoPanel.Visible = true; searchPanel.Visible = false; FillInfo(features); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Get the rigidbody, box collider & vehicle control components for the attached ship object ship = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); shipCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); vc = GetComponent <VehicleControl> (); }
public void DeterminePriceTest() { Vehicle v = new Vehicle("t", "c", 1, "m", "m2", false, false, 50, "m"); int price = VehicleControl.DeterminePrice(v); Assert.AreEqual(price, v.Rate * 100); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Checkout(int id, [Bind("Id,Placa,HoraEntrada,HoraSaida,Duracao,QtdHorasCobradas,ValorHora")] VehicleControl vehicleControl) { if (id != vehicleControl.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(vehicleControl); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!VehicleControlExists(vehicleControl.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(vehicleControl)); }
/// <summary> /// AddVehicle button will take the information entered on the form and /// create a vehicle representation in the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnAddVehicle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (carColorCB.SelectedItem == null || carTypeCB.SelectedItem == null || carMakeCB.SelectedItem == null || carModelCB.Text == "" || carLocationCB.SelectedItem == null) { SetAndDisplayResponseMessage(FORM_NOT_FILLED_MESSAGE); } else { string type = carTypeCB.SelectedItem.ToString(); string color = carColorCB.SelectedItem.ToString(); int year = (Int32)carYearCB.Value; string model = carModelCB.Text.ToString(); string carMake = carMakeCB.SelectedItem.ToString(); string carlocation = carLocationCB.SelectedItem.ToString(); bool rightHand = rightHandCheck.Checked; bool manual = manualCheck.Checked; int rate = (Int32)rateBox.Value; Vehicle v = new Vehicle(type, color, year, model, carMake, rightHand, manual, rate, carlocation); VehicleControl.AddVehicle(v); if (VehicleWasAdded(v.PrimaryKey)) { SetAndDisplayResponseMessage(VEHICLE_ADDED_MESSAGE); } else { SetAndDisplayResponseMessage(VEHICLE_NOT_ADDED_MESSAGE); } ResetForm(); } }
private void ApplyTo2(Vehicle vehicle, bool noOccupants) { vehicle.ThrottlePower = Throttle; vehicle.BrakePower = Brake; VehicleControl.SetHandbrake(vehicle, Handbrake); vehicle.SteeringAngle = SteeringAngle; vehicle.AreLightsOn = Lights; vehicle.AreHighBeamsOn = Headlights; vehicle.HealthFloat = Health; vehicle.EngineHealth = EngineHealth; vehicle.Mods.PrimaryColor = PrimaryColor; vehicle.Mods.SecondaryColor = SecondaryColor; vehicle.Mods.Livery = Livery; vehicle.IsEngineRunning = EngineRunning; vehicle.CurrentRPM = RPM; vehicle.CurrentGear = Gear; if (noOccupants) { return; } foreach (PedReplica pedReplica in Occupants) { pedReplica.Spawn(vehicle); } }
/// <summary> /// VehiclewasAdded method will confirm if the vehicle could be added /// to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool VehicleWasAdded(int id) { Vehicle v1 = VehicleControl.FindVehicle(id.ToString()); string vehicleID = v1.PrimaryKey.ToString(); return(id.ToString() == vehicleID); }
public Spike3Form() { InitializeComponent(); Vehicle v1 = VehicleControl.FindVehicle("0"); pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; }
public void ApplyTo(Vehicle vehicle, SpawnFlags spawnFlags = SpawnFlags.Default) { ApplyTo2(vehicle, spawnFlags.HasFlag(SpawnFlags.NoOccupants)); if (!spawnFlags.HasFlag(SpawnFlags.NoPosition)) { vehicle.PositionNoOffset = Position; vehicle.Heading = Heading; vehicle.Rotation = Rotation; } if (spawnFlags.HasFlag(SpawnFlags.SetRotation)) { vehicle.Rotation = Rotation; } if (!spawnFlags.HasFlag(SpawnFlags.NoVelocity)) { vehicle.Velocity = Velocity; vehicle.Speed = Speed; } if (spawnFlags.HasFlag(SpawnFlags.NoWheels)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < WheelsRotations.Length; i++) { VehicleControl.SetWheelRotation(vehicle, i, FusionUtils.Wrap(WheelsRotations[i], -(float)Math.PI, (float)Math.PI)); VehicleControl.SetWheelCompression(vehicle, i, WheelsCompressions[i]); } }
void Start() { restTimeer = carRestTime; currentLap = 0; vehicleControl = transform.GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); currentNode = nextNode; }
public void AddPurchaseTest() { Vehicle v = new Vehicle("type", "color", 100, "model", "make", true, true, 10, "here"); DBController.Save(v, DBObject.SaveTypes.Insert); DateTime startDate1 = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1); DateTime endDate1 = new DateTime(2018, 1, 2); Vehicle v2 = VehicleControl.FilterCar("type", "color", "make", 99, 101, true, true, "here", startDate1, endDate1).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(v2); Customer c1 = new Customer("John", "Doe", "username", "password"); DBController.Save(c1, DBObject.SaveTypes.Insert); DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 2); Purchase p1 = new Purchase(startDate, "here", v2, c1); PurchaseControl.AddPurchase(p1); Vehicle v3 = VehicleControl.FilterCar("type", "color", "make", 99, 101, true, true, "here", startDate, endDate).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNull(v3); Vehicle v4 = VehicleControl.GetAllVehicles().Where(vehicle => vehicle.VehicleID == p1.VehicleID).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(v4.IsRented); }
public void DisplayCarInfoTest() { string id = "1"; Vehicle v2 = new Vehicle("DEFAULT", "DEFAULT", 0, "DEFAULT", "DEFAULT", false, false, 0, "Madison"); List <string> features = VehicleControl.DisplayCarInfo(id); Assert.AreEqual(v2.PrimaryKey, v2.PrimaryKey); }
void Start() { carScript = (VehicleControl)target.GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); myRigidbody = target.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); cameraSwitchView = carScript.carSetting.cameraSwitchView; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Get the rigidbody, box collider & vehicle control components for the attached ship object vc = GetComponentInParent <VehicleControl> (); gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager> (); this.transform.parent = null; }
public void AddVehicleTest() { Vehicle v1 = new Vehicle("1", "Blue", 2018, "2", "3", false, false, 10, "Madison"); VehicleControl.AddVehicle(v1); Vehicle v2 = DBController.GetByPrimaryKey <Vehicle>(v1.PrimaryKey); Assert.IsNotNull(v2); }
public void PreliminaryFilterTest() { List <Vehicle> lv = VehicleControl.PreliminaryFilter(); foreach (Vehicle item in lv) { Assert.IsFalse(item.IsRented); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the <seealso cref="Vehicle"/> that the /// <seealso cref="Admin"/> has selected. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Vehicle v = RentalControl.SelectedVehicle; VehicleControl.RemoveVehicle(v); UpdateList(); carInfoPanel.Visible = false; searchPanel.Visible = true; }
private void PredictAccleration() { _possibleFastAccel = true; // get in default state _carAngle = Vehicle.Rotation.X; // Check if any wheel is not on allowed surface foreach (var wheelPos in _wheelPos) { var surface = World.Raycast(wheelPos, wheelPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -10), IntersectFlags.Everything, Vehicle); if (!_allowedSurfaces.Contains(surface.MaterialHash)) { _possibleFastAccel = false; } } // Check if car angle is too high or not on all wheels if (_possibleFastAccel) { if (_carAngle > 7 || !Vehicle.IsOnAllWheels || Utils.IsAnyTireBurst(Vehicle)) { _possibleFastAccel = false; } } // Check for player bursting car tires if (VehicleControl.GetWheelRotationSpeeds(Vehicle)[0] < 1f) { // Check if car is on same place if (Speed < 1) { _wheelPosPrev = _wheelPos; _isPosChanged = false; } if (_wheelPosPrev != null) { foreach (var pos in _wheelPos) { if (pos.Round(1) != _wheelPosPrev[ _wheelPos.IndexOf(pos)].Round(1)) { _isPosChanged = true; break; } } } if (_isPosChanged && _possibleFastAccel) { _possibleFastAccel = false; } } }
public void RemoveVehicleTest() { Vehicle v = new Vehicle(); DBController.Save(v, DBObject.SaveTypes.Insert); VehicleControl.RemoveVehicle(v); Vehicle v2 = DBController.GetByPrimaryKey <Vehicle>(v.PrimaryKey); Assert.IsNull(v2); }
void OnEnable() { SkillSystemRoot targetComponent = target as SkillSystemRoot; VehicleControl vehicleControl = targetComponent.gameObject.GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); if (vehicleControl == null) { Debug.LogError("해당 스크립트가 Attach 되기 위해서는 VehicleControl 스크립트가 존재하여야 합니다."); DestroyImmediate(targetComponent); } }
public void FixTest() { DateTime issueDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1); string Issue = "The car broke down and won't start!"; Vehicle v1 = VehicleControl.GetAllVehicles().FirstOrDefault(); VehicleIssue vI1 = new VehicleIssue(issueDate, Issue, v1); Assert.IsFalse(vI1.IsFixed); VehicleIssueControl.Fix(vI1); Assert.IsTrue(vI1.IsFixed); }
public void FindVehicleTest() { string id = "1"; Vehicle v = VehicleControl.FindVehicle(id); Vehicle v2 = new Vehicle("test", "test", 1, "test", "test", false, false, 1, "Madison"); Assert.AreEqual(v2.Make, v.Make); Assert.AreEqual(v.Model, v2.Model); Assert.AreEqual(v.VehicleYear, v2.VehicleYear); Assert.AreEqual(v.Color, v2.Color); }
// ======================================================= Unity Methods ======================================================= // // Use this for initialization void Start() { if (vehicleRigidbody == null) { vehicleRigidbody = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); } if (vehicleControl == null) { vehicleControl = gameObject.GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); } }
public Icon() { int a = 10; var vehBox = new VehicleControl(); var infoGet = new FrontPage(); vehBox.pnlVCMenu.BackColor = Color.DarkRed; vehBox.lblTESST.Text = infoGet.txtBoxTag.Text; vehBox.Top = 80; vehBox.Left = a; a = a + 90; }
public void PurchaseControlDataTest() { string location = "here"; DateTime dateEx = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1); Vehicle purchasedV = VehicleControl.GetAllVehicles().FirstOrDefault(); PurchaseControl.PickUpLocation = "here"; PurchaseControl.StartDate = dateEx; PurchaseControl.SelectedVehicle = purchasedV; Assert.AreEqual(PurchaseControl.PickUpLocation, location); Assert.AreEqual(PurchaseControl.SelectedVehicle, purchasedV); Assert.AreEqual(PurchaseControl.StartDate, dateEx); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Placa,HoraEntrada,HoraSaida,Duracao,QtdHorasCobradas,ValorHora")] VehicleControl vehicleControl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { vehicleControl.HoraSaida = vehicleControl.HoraEntrada; _context.Add(vehicleControl); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(vehicleControl)); }
public void SetVehicleListTest() { DateTime initialDateControl = new DateTime(2015, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0); DateTime finalDateControl = new DateTime(2015, 11, 15, 23, 59, 59); double hourPrice = 5; ValidityControl.AddDateControl(hourPrice, initialDateControl, finalDateControl); string board = "ABC 8801"; DateTime dateIn = new DateTime(2015, 9, 25, 15, 30, 0); VehicleEntrance vehicle = new VehicleEntrance(board, dateIn); VehicleControl.AddVehicle(vehicle); Assert.AreEqual(vehicle, VehicleControl.GetVehicleInside(vehicle.Board)); }
public void Spawn() { FollowerCam[] followerCams = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <FollowerCam>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { VehicleControl spawnedVehicle = CreateVehicle(i).GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); spawnedVehicle.vehicleID = i; // Link to camera followerCams[i].followingTarget = spawnedVehicle.transform; spawnedVehicles[i] = spawnedVehicle.gameObject; } }
void Start() { GameObject InstantiatedCar = Instantiate(CarsPrefabs[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CurrentVehicle")], startPoint.position, startPoint.rotation) as GameObject; InstantiatedCar.GetComponent <AIVehicle>().nextNode = firstAINode; CurrentVehicle = InstantiatedCar.GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); VehicleCamera.manage.target = InstantiatedCar.transform; VehicleCamera.manage.cameraSwitchView = CurrentVehicle.cameraView.cameraSwitchView; VehicleCamera.manage.distance = CurrentVehicle.cameraView.distance; VehicleCamera.manage.height = CurrentVehicle.cameraView.height; VehicleCamera.manage.angle = CurrentVehicle.cameraView.angle; }
private void Awake() { // Set up all connections between the scripts Rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); VehicleControl = GetComponent <VehicleControl>(); VehicleControl.Vehicle = this; InitializeParts(); #region Debug if (Debug.DebugEnabled) { Rb.velocity = Debug._testFlightV; } #endregion }