//Update:VehicleClassification private void UpdateVC() { if (Request.QueryString["Id"] != null) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); VehicleClassification _tran = repo.Get_VehicleClassification_List().Where(x => x.Id != id && x.ClassificationCode == txtcode.Text.Trim()).SingleOrDefault(); if (_tran != null) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "toastr", "toastr.error('Same Vehicle Classification code exist! Please try again');", true); } else { VehicleClassification _vc = db.VehicleClassifications.Where(x => x.Id == id && x.IsDeleted == false).SingleOrDefault(); _vc.BodyType = txtBodyType.Text.ToString(); _vc.ClassificationCode = txtcode.Text.ToString(); _vc.GrossWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(txtGrossWt.Text); _vc.KerbWt = Convert.ToDecimal(txtkerbWt.Text); _vc.Make = txtMake.Text.ToString(); _vc.ManufactureYear = Convert.ToInt32(txtYearManufacture.Text.ToString()); _vc.Model = txtModel.Text.ToString(); _vc.NoOfAxies = Convert.ToDecimal(txtNoOfAxles.Text.ToString()); _vc.UOMWeight = ddluom.SelectedValue.ToString(); db.SubmitChanges(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "toastr", "toastr.success('Record Update Successfully')", true); HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta(); meta.HttpEquiv = "Refresh"; meta.Content = "1;url=Add.aspx?id=" + id; this.Page.Controls.Add(meta); } } }
//Add:New VehicleClassification record private void AddVC() { if (Request.QueryString["Id"] == null) { VehicleClassification _tran = repo.Get_VehicleClassificationByCode(txtcode.Text.Trim()); if (_tran != null) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "toastr", "toastr.error('Same Vehicle Classification code exist! Please try again');", true); } else { VehicleClassification _vc = new VehicleClassification(); _vc.BodyType = txtBodyType.Text.ToString(); _vc.ClassificationCode = txtcode.Text.ToString(); _vc.GrossWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(txtGrossWt.Text); _vc.KerbWt = Convert.ToDecimal(txtkerbWt.Text); _vc.Make = txtMake.Text.ToString(); _vc.ManufactureYear = Convert.ToInt32(txtYearManufacture.Text.ToString()); _vc.Model = txtModel.Text.ToString(); _vc.NoOfAxies = Convert.ToDecimal(txtNoOfAxles.Text.ToString()); _vc.UOMWeight = ddluom.SelectedValue.ToString(); _vc.IsDeleted = false; if (repo.Add_vc(_vc)) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "toastr", "toastr.success('Saved Successfully')", true); HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta(); meta.HttpEquiv = "Refresh"; meta.Content = "1;url=Add.aspx"; this.Page.Controls.Add(meta); } } } }
public VehicleClassification GetTruckVehicleClassification(string TruckNo) { VehicleClassification VC = (from a in db.TruckMasters join b in db.VehicleClassifications on a.ClassificationCode equals b.Id.ToString() where a.TruckRegNo == TruckNo select b).SingleOrDefault(); return(VC); }
// Our constructor with all properties given public Vehicle(string VIN, double wholesaleCost, double retailPrice, int modelYear, string make, string model, string color, VehicleClassification vehicleClass) { this.VIN = VIN; this.wholesaleCost = wholesaleCost; this.retailPrice = retailPrice; this.modelYear = modelYear; this.make = make; this.model = model; this.color = color; this.vehicleClass = vehicleClass; }
//Add:New Vehicleclassification record public bool Add_vc(VehicleClassification vc) { bool status = false; if (vc != null) { db.VehicleClassifications.InsertOnSubmit(vc); db.SubmitChanges(); status = true; } return(status); }
//Delete:VehicleClassification by id public bool Delete_vc(int id) { bool status = false; VehicleClassification vc = db.VehicleClassifications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && x.IsDeleted == false); if (vc != null) { vc.IsDeleted = true; db.SubmitChanges(); status = true; } return(status); }
//Get:Previous record protected void Previous_Record_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); VehicleClassification next = null; try { next = repo.Get_VehicleClassification_List().Where(x => x.Id < id && x.IsDeleted == false).OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault(); } catch { } if (next != null) { Response.Redirect("Add.aspx?id=" + next.Id.ToString()); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "toastr", "toastr.success('No more records founds.')", true); } }
//Get:Vehicle classification record for update private void GetVCForUpdate() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Id"])) { divoptions.Style.Add("display", "block"); txtcode.Enabled = false; int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); VehicleClassification _vc = repo.Get_vcById(id); if (_vc != null) { txtBodyType.Text = _vc.BodyType.ToString(); txtcode.Text = _vc.ClassificationCode.ToString(); txtGrossWt.Text = _vc.GrossWeight.ToString(); txtkerbWt.Text = _vc.KerbWt.ToString(); txtMake.Text = _vc.Make.ToString(); txtYearManufacture.Text = _vc.ManufactureYear.ToString(); txtModel.Text = _vc.Model.ToString(); txtNoOfAxles.Text = _vc.NoOfAxies.ToString(); ddluom.SelectedValue = _vc.UOMWeight.Trim().ToString(); } } }
// Simple Truck constructor inheriting all of the methods and properties of // Vehicle public Truck(string VIN, double wholesaleCost, double retailPrice, int modelYear, string make, string model, string color, VehicleClassification vehicleClass) : base(VIN, wholesaleCost, retailPrice, modelYear, make, model, color, vehicleClass) { }
public HybridCar(string VIN, double wholesaleCost, double retailPrice, int modelYear, string make, string model, string color, int batteryLife, int MPG, string chargerType, VehicleClassification vehicleClass) : base(VIN, wholesaleCost, retailPrice, modelYear, make, model, color, vehicleClass) { this.batteryLife = batteryLife; this.MPG = MPG; this.chargerType = chargerType; }
// Constructor with both inherited properties and new properites public LightTruck(string VIN, double wholesaleCost, double retailPrice, int modelYear, string make, string model, string color, long towingCapacity, long truckWeight, bool is4wd, VehicleClassification vehicleClass) : base(VIN, wholesaleCost, retailPrice, modelYear, make, model, color, vehicleClass) { this.towingCapacity = towingCapacity; this.truckWeight = truckWeight; this.is4wd = is4wd; this.grossCombinedWeight = this.towingCapacity + this.truckWeight; if (this.is4wd == true) { // Create new TransferCase object if LightTruck is 4WD // and store object in variable xferCase this.xferCase = new TransferCase(this); } }
//:Save excel data to database internal string SaveDataToServer(DataSet ds) { string result = string.Empty; using (DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext()) { string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AveryDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int _failed = 0; int _success = 0; int _update = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { try { string _TruckRegNo = dr["Truck Reg No"].ToString(); string _ClassificationCode = dr["Classification Code"].ToString(); string _StoreTareWeight = dr["Store Tare Weight"].ToString(); string _TareValidityDate = dr["Tare Validity Date"].ToString(); string _AveraTareScheme = dr["Average Tare Scheme"].ToString(); string _CurrentAverageTareValue = dr["Current Average Tare Value"].ToString(); string _UOMWeight = dr["UOM Weight"].ToString(); TruckMaster _TruckMaster = db.TruckMasters.Where(x => x.TruckRegNo == _TruckRegNo && x.IsDeleted == false).FirstOrDefault(); VehicleClassification _vc = db.VehicleClassifications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassificationCode == _ClassificationCode && x.IsDeleted == false); if (_TruckMaster != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ClassificationCode)) { _failed++; } else { _TruckMaster.ClassificationCode = _ClassificationCode; _TruckMaster.StoredTareWeight = _StoreTareWeight; _TruckMaster.TareValidityDate = _TareValidityDate; _TruckMaster.AverageTareScheme = _AveraTareScheme; _TruckMaster.CurrentAverageTareValue = _CurrentAverageTareValue; _TruckMaster.UOMWeight = _UOMWeight; db.SubmitChanges(); _update++; } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_TruckRegNo) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ClassificationCode)) { if (_vc == null) { _failed++; } else { TruckMaster t = new TruckMaster(); t.TruckRegNo = _TruckRegNo; t.ClassificationCode = _ClassificationCode; t.AverageTareScheme = _AveraTareScheme; t.CurrentAverageTareValue = _CurrentAverageTareValue; t.StoredTareWeight = _StoreTareWeight; t.TareValidityDate = _TareValidityDate; t.UOMWeight = _UOMWeight; t.IsDeleted = false; db.TruckMasters.InsertOnSubmit(t); db.SubmitChanges(); _success++; } } else { _failed++; } } } catch { _failed++; } } result = "New Added: " + _success + " Updated: " + _update + " Failed: " + _failed + ""; } return(result); }
//Get:VehicleClassification By Classification code public VehicleClassification Get_VehicleClassificationByCode(string code) { VehicleClassification vc = db.VehicleClassifications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassificationCode == code && x.IsDeleted == false); return(vc); }
//Get:Vehicleclassification by id public VehicleClassification Get_vcById(int id) { VehicleClassification vc = db.VehicleClassifications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && x.IsDeleted == false); return(vc); }
//Save Excel data to server public string SaveDataToServer(DataSet ds) { string result = string.Empty; using (DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext()) { string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AveryDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int _failed = 0; int _success = 0; int _update = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { try { string _vehicleclassificationcode = dr["ClassificationCode"].ToString(); string _make = dr["Make"].ToString(); string _model = dr["Model"].ToString(); decimal _noofaxies = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["NoOfAxies"]); string _bodytype = dr["BodyType"].ToString(); decimal _kerbwt = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["KerbWt"]); int _manufactureyear = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufactureYear"]); decimal _grossweight = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["GrossWeight"]); string _uomweight = dr["UOMWeight"].ToString(); var _vc = db.VehicleClassifications.Where(x => x.ClassificationCode == _vehicleclassificationcode && x.IsDeleted == false).FirstOrDefault(); if (_vc != null) { try { _vc.Make = _make; _vc.Model = _model; _vc.BodyType = _bodytype; _vc.NoOfAxies = _noofaxies; _vc.KerbWt = _kerbwt; _vc.ManufactureYear = _manufactureyear; _vc.GrossWeight = _grossweight; _vc.UOMWeight = _uomweight; db.SubmitChanges(); _update++; } catch { _failed++; } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vehicleclassificationcode)) { VehicleClassification _vlc = db.VehicleClassifications.Where(x => x.ClassificationCode == _vehicleclassificationcode && x.IsDeleted == false).FirstOrDefault(); if (_vlc != null) { _failed++; } else { try { VehicleClassification _v = new VehicleClassification(); _v.ClassificationCode = _vehicleclassificationcode; _v.Make = _make; _v.Model = _model; _v.NoOfAxies = _noofaxies; _v.BodyType = _bodytype; _v.KerbWt = _kerbwt; _v.ManufactureYear = _manufactureyear; _v.GrossWeight = _grossweight; _v.UOMWeight = _uomweight; _v.IsDeleted = false; db.VehicleClassifications.InsertOnSubmit(_v); db.SubmitChanges(); _success++; } catch { _failed++; } } } else { _failed++; } } } catch { _failed++; } } result = "New Added: " + _success + " Updated: " + _update + " Failed: " + _failed + ""; } return(result); }