コード例 #1
        private void FillSlots(int vehicletypeId)
            DataSet      dsddl    = new DataSet();
            VehicalnfoBL objvinfo = new VehicalnfoBL();

            dsddl = objvinfo.SelectVehicleslots(vehicletypeId);
            if (dsddl != null)
                drpAviSlot.DataTextField  = dsddl.Tables[0].Columns["SlotId"].ToString();  // text field name of table dispalyed in dropdown
                drpAviSlot.DataValueField = dsddl.Tables[0].Columns["Slot_No"].ToString(); // to retrive specific  textfield name
                drpAviSlot.DataSource     = dsddl.Tables[0];                               //assigning datasource to the dropdownlist
                drpAviSlot.DataBind();                                                     //binding dropdownlist
コード例 #2
        private void FillDropdown()
            DataSet      dsddl    = new DataSet();
            VehicalnfoBL objvinfo = new VehicalnfoBL();

            dsddl = objvinfo.SelectVehicleType();
            if (dsddl != null)
                DropdwnVtype.DataTextField  = dsddl.Tables[0].Columns["Vehicletype"].ToString();   // text field name of table dispalyed in dropdown
                DropdwnVtype.DataValueField = dsddl.Tables[0].Columns["VehicleTypeId"].ToString(); // to retrive specific  textfield name
                DropdwnVtype.DataSource     = dsddl.Tables[0];                                     //assigning datasource to the dropdownlist
                DropdwnVtype.DataBind();                                                           //binding dropdownlist
コード例 #3
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int          totAvilSlots  = 0;
            DataSet      ds            = new DataSet();
            VehicalnfoBL oVehicalnfoBL = new VehicalnfoBL();
            int          vehicleid     = Convert.ToInt32(DropdwnVtype.SelectedValue);

            ds = oVehicalnfoBL.SelectVehicleslots(vehicleid);
            if (ds != null)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    totAvilSlots = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Noof_Slots"]);
            oVehicalnfoBL.VehicleTypeId1 = vehicleid;
            int slotfrom   = Convert.ToInt32(txtFrom.Text);
            int slotto     = Convert.ToInt32(txtTo.Text);
            int totalslots = slotto - slotfrom;

            if (totAvilSlots < (totalslots + 1))
                Response.Write("You can not assign slots more than its avilability");
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = slotfrom; i <= slotto; i++)
                    oVehicalnfoBL.Allotedslots1 = i;
                    j = oVehicalnfoBL.InsertVehicleType();

                if (j > 0)
                    Response.Write("Data inserted successfully");