public void AddShape(VectorShape shape) { if (shape is CircleShape) { circles.Add(shape as CircleShape); } else if (shape is EllipseShape) { ellipses.Add(shape as EllipseShape); } else if (shape is PointShape) { points.Add(shape as PointShape); } else if (shape is PolyShape) { polys.Add(shape as PolyShape); } else if (shape is TextShape) { texts.Add(shape as TextShape); } else if (shape is CompoundShape) { AddShapes((shape as CompoundShape).components); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Unknown shape! " + shape); } }
private static VectorShape ParseContour(BezierContour contour, Matrix2D transform) { VectorShape vectorShape = PolyShape.Create(contour); vectorShape.TransformBy(transform); return(vectorShape); }
Point[] GetHull(VectorShape shape, Matrix matrix, int delta) { var vector = shape.Data; //vector.Transform(matrix); //return vector.PolygonHull(delta, true); var oldHull = vector.Hull(delta, true); matrix.Transform(oldHull); return(GDIConverter.Convert(oldHull)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Sprite icon out of a VectorShape. /// </summary> public static Sprite GetSprite(VectorShape shape) { Rect shapeBounds = shape.ShapeBounds; int width = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.width); int height = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.height); List <VectorUtils.Geometry> iconGeometry = shape.ShapeGeometry; Sprite sprite = VectorUtils.BuildSprite(iconGeometry, 100f, VectorUtils.Alignment.Center,, 128, true); return(sprite); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Texture2D icon out of a VectorShape. /// </summary> public static Texture2D GetIcon(VectorShape shape) { Rect shapeBounds = shape.ShapeBounds; int width = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.width); int height = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.height); List <VectorUtils.Geometry> iconGeometry = shape.ShapeGeometry; Sprite sprite = VectorUtils.BuildSprite(iconGeometry, 1f, VectorUtils.Alignment.Center,, 128, true); Texture2D iconTexture = VectorUtils.RenderSpriteToTexture2D(sprite, width, height, renderMaterial); return(iconTexture); }
protected void SetFocusedShape(VectorShape shape) { focusedShape = shape; selection.Clear(); if (shape != null) { if (!shapes.Contains(shape)) { shapes.Add(shape); } selection.Add(shape); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a Texture2D icon out of a VectorShape. /// </summary> public static Texture2D GetIcon(VectorShape shape) { VectorUtils.TessellationOptions activeOptions = VectorShape.tessellationOptions; VectorShape.tessellationOptions = tessellationOptions; shape.Dirty = true; Rect shapeBounds = shape.ShapeBounds; int width = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.width); int height = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.height); renderMesh = shape.ShapeMesh; // Save the render state and get a temporary render texture VerifyCamera(); RenderTexture activeTexture =; RenderTexture tempTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 8, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);; // Activate the render texture and draw the mesh into it renderCamera.orthographicSize = shapeBounds.height / 2; renderCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(,, -1); renderCamera.targetTexture = tempTexture; Camera.onPostRender += OnPostRender; renderCamera.Render(); Camera.onPostRender -= OnPostRender; = renderCamera.targetTexture; Texture2D iconTexture = new Texture2D(width, height); iconTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); iconTexture.Apply(); // Restore the render state and release the temporary objects = activeTexture; renderCamera.targetTexture = activeTexture; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempTexture); VectorShape.tessellationOptions = activeOptions; shape.Dirty = true; renderMesh = null; return(iconTexture); }
/// <summary> /// Add node and children into shape list. /// </summary> public static void RecurseSVGNodes(SceneNode node, Matrix2D nodeTransform, List <VectorShape> shapes) { if (node.Shapes != null) { foreach (Shape shape in node.Shapes) { VectorShape vectorShape = TryParseShapeToCircle(shape, nodeTransform); if (vectorShape == null) { vectorShape = ParseShape(shape, nodeTransform); } if (vectorShape != null) { shapes.Add(vectorShape); } //foreach (BezierContour contour in shape.Contours) //{ // VectorShape vectorShape = ParseContour(contour, nodeTransform); // if (vectorShape != null) // { // shapes.Add(vectorShape); // if (shape.PathProps.Stroke != null) // { // vectorShape.colorOutline = shape.PathProps.Stroke.Color; // if ((vectorShape.colorOutline.g > 0.99f) && (vectorShape.colorOutline.b < Mathf.Epsilon) && (vectorShape.colorOutline.r < Mathf.Epsilon)) // { // foreach (BezierPathSegment segment in contour.Segments) // { // Debug.Log(nodeTransform.MultiplyPoint(segment.P0).x); // } // } // } // } //} } } if (node.Children != null) { foreach (SceneNode child in node.Children) { Matrix2D childTransform = nodeTransform * child.Transform; RecurseSVGNodes(child, childTransform, shapes); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a Texture2D icon out of a VectorShape (editor only version). /// </summary> public static Texture2D GetIcon(VectorShape shape, PreviewRenderUtility renderUtil) { VectorUtils.TessellationOptions activeOptions = VectorShape.tessellationOptions; VectorShape.tessellationOptions = tessellationOptions; shape.Dirty = true; Rect shapeBounds = shape.ShapeBounds; int width = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.width); int height = Mathf.CeilToInt(shapeBounds.height); // Save the render state and get a temporary render texture RenderTexture activeTexture =; = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width * 2, height * 2, 8, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); = Color.clear; // Activate the render texture and draw the shape into it =; float cameraSize =; Vector3 cameraPosition =; = shapeBounds.height / 2; = new Vector3(,, -1); Matrix4x4 drawMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; renderUtil.DrawMesh(shape.ShapeMesh, drawMatrix, renderMaterial, 0);; = cameraSize; = cameraPosition; Texture2D iconTexture = new Texture2D(width * 2, height * 2); iconTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width * 2, height * 2), 0, 0); iconTexture.Apply(); // Restore the render state and release the temporary render texture = activeTexture; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(; VectorShape.tessellationOptions = activeOptions; shape.Dirty = true; return(iconTexture); }
protected bool OnSelectToolMouse(Event guiEvent) { selectionRect =; if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown) { dragActive = false; mouseDownPosition = guiEvent.mousePosition; previousSelection = selection; selection = new List <VectorShape>(); focusedShape = null; } else if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { Vector2 shapeDownPosition = MouseToShapePoint(mouseDownPosition); Vector2 shapePosition = MouseToShapePoint(mousePosition); float minX = Mathf.Min(shapeDownPosition.x, shapePosition.x); float maxX = Mathf.Max(shapeDownPosition.x, shapePosition.x); float minY = Mathf.Min(shapeDownPosition.y, shapePosition.y); float maxY = Mathf.Max(shapeDownPosition.y, shapePosition.y); selectionRect = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); selection.Clear(); foreach (VectorShape shape in shapes) { if (shape.IsInside(selectionRect)) { selection.Add(shape); } } Repaint(); } else if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseUp) { if (selection.Count == 1) { focusedShape = selection[0]; } } return(true); }
void PaintWidenPolygon(Graphics g, Point start, Size size, int i) { invPath.Reset(); var shape = new VectorShape( new Vector(start.ToXwt(), (start + size).ToXwt())); invPath.AddLine(shape.Start.ToGdi(), shape.End.ToGdi()); pathPen.EndCap = LineCap.ArrowAnchor; g.DrawPath(pathPen, invPath); var count = shape[Anchor.MostLeft].ToGdi(); g.DrawString(i.ToString(), SD.SystemFonts.StatusFont, SystemBrushes.Control, count); invPath.Reset(); invPath.AddPolygon(GetHull(shape, Camera.Matrix, 2)); var save = g.Transform; g.Transform = new SD.Drawing2D.Matrix(); g.DrawPath(pathPen, invPath); g.Transform = save; }
private static VectorShape ParseShape(Shape shape, Matrix2D transform) { VectorShape vectorShape = PolyShape.Create(shape, transform); return(vectorShape); }
protected bool OnBrushToolMouse(Event guiEvent) { Vector2 shapePosition = MouseToShapePoint(mousePosition); if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown) { dragActive = false; PolyShape activeLine = focusedShape as PolyShape; if (activeLine == null) { PolyShape newLine = PolyShape.Create(new Vector2[] { shapePosition }); newLine.penToMeshScale = mouseToShapeScale; newLine.colorOutline = shapeOutlineColor; newLine.colorFill = shapeFillColor; SetFocusedShape(newLine); } else { activeLine.LineTo(shapePosition); if (guiEvent.clickCount > 1) { focusedShape = null; } } Repaint(); } else if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { PolyShape activeLine = focusedShape as PolyShape; if ((activeLine != null) && (activeLine.vertices.Length > 1)) { int vertexIndex = activeLine.vertices.Length - 1; Vector2 offset; if ((!dragActive) && (Vector2.Distance(mouseDownPosition, guiEvent.mousePosition) > dragMargin)) { dragActive = true; int previousIndex = vertexIndex - 1; if (!activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].segmentCurves) { activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].segmentCurves = true; offset = (activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].position - activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].position) / 2f; activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].exitCP = activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].position + offset; if ((previousIndex < 1) || (!activeLine.vertices[previousIndex - 1].segmentCurves)) { activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].enterCP = activeLine.vertices[previousIndex].position - offset; } } } if (dragActive) { activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].exitCP = shapePosition; offset = activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].exitCP - activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].position; activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].enterCP = activeLine.vertices[vertexIndex].position - offset; activeLine.Dirty = true; Repaint(); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Add a component shape. /// </summary> public void AddComponent(VectorShape shape) { _components.Add(shape); Dirty = true; }
/// <summary> /// Parse DXF into VectorShape list. /// </summary> public static List <VectorShape> ReadDXF(Stream dxfStream) { List <VectorShape> shapes = new List <VectorShape>(); DxfFile dxfFile = DxfFile.Load(dxfStream); Dictionary <string, Color32> layerColors = new Dictionary <string, Color32>(); foreach (DxfLayer layer in dxfFile.Layers) { layerColors.Add(layer.Name, ConvertColor(layer.Color)); } foreach (DxfEntity entity in dxfFile.Entities) { VectorShape shape = null; switch (entity.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.Point: DxfModelPoint point = entity as DxfModelPoint; shape = new PointShape(ConvertPoint(point.Location)); break; case DxfEntityType.Line: DxfLine line = entity as DxfLine; Vector2[] endpoints = new Vector2[2]; endpoints[0] = ConvertPoint(line.P1); endpoints[1] = ConvertPoint(line.P2); shape = new PolyShape(endpoints); break; case DxfEntityType.Spline: DxfSpline spline = entity as DxfSpline; if ((spline.NumberOfControlPoints % spline.DegreeOfCurve) != 1) { Debug.LogError("Invalid spline data! Wrong number of points. " + spline); break; } Vector2[] controlPoints = new Vector2[spline.NumberOfControlPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.Length; i++) { controlPoints[i] = ConvertPoint(spline.ControlPoints[i]); } shape = new PolyShape(controlPoints[0]); PolyShape shapeSpline = shape as PolyShape; switch (spline.DegreeOfCurve) { case 1: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i++) { shapeSpline.LineTo(controlPoints[i]); } break; case 2: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i += 2) { shapeSpline.CurveTo(controlPoints[i + 1], controlPoints[i]); } break; case 3: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i += 3) { shapeSpline.CurveTo(controlPoints[i + 2], controlPoints[i], controlPoints[i + 1]); } break; default: Debug.LogWarning("Spline with unsupported curve of degree: " + spline.DegreeOfCurve); break; } break; case DxfEntityType.Arc: DxfArc arc = entity as DxfArc; // If the arc is a complete circle just make one of those float startAngle = (float)arc.StartAngle; while (startAngle < 0f) { startAngle += 360f; } float endAngle = (float)arc.EndAngle; while (endAngle < startAngle) { endAngle += 360f; } float sweep = endAngle - startAngle; shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(arc.Center), (float)arc.Radius, startAngle, sweep); break; case DxfEntityType.Circle: DxfCircle circle = entity as DxfCircle; shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(circle.Center), (float)circle.Radius * dxfScale); break; case DxfEntityType.Ellipse: DxfEllipse ellipse = entity as DxfEllipse; // If the ellipse is actually a circle just make one of those if (Mathf.Approximately((float)ellipse.MinorAxisRatio, 1f)) { shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(ellipse.Center), (float)ellipse.MajorAxis.Length * dxfScale); } else { shape = new EllipseShape(ConvertPoint(ellipse.Center), ConvertVector(ellipse.MajorAxis), (float)ellipse.MinorAxisRatio); } break; case DxfEntityType.Polyline: DxfPolyline polyline = entity as DxfPolyline; if (polyline.ContainsVertices) { Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[polyline.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i] = ConvertPoint(polyline.Vertices[i].Location); } shape = new PolyShape(vertices[0]); PolyShape shapePolyline = shape as PolyShape; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; i++) { float bulge = (float)polyline.Vertices[i - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[i], bulge); } if (polyline.IsClosed) { float bulge = (float)polyline.Vertices[vertices.Length - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[0], bulge); shape.Closed = true; } } break; case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: { DxfLwPolyline lwPolyline = entity as DxfLwPolyline; Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[lwPolyline.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { DxfLwPolylineVertex lwpVertex = lwPolyline.Vertices[i]; vertices[i] = ConvertPoint(lwpVertex.X, lwpVertex.Y); } shape = new PolyShape(vertices[0]); PolyShape shapePolyline = shape as PolyShape; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; i++) { float bulge = (float)lwPolyline.Vertices[i - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[i], bulge); } if (lwPolyline.IsClosed) { float bulge = (float)lwPolyline.Vertices[vertices.Length - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[0], bulge); shape.Closed = true; } } break; default: Debug.Log("Unhandled entity of type: " + entity.EntityType); break; } if (shape != null) { if (entity.IsVisible) { Color32 shapeColor = ConvertColor(entity.Color); //layerColors.TryGetValue(entity.Layer, out shapeColor); shape.colorOutline = shapeColor; shapes.Add(shape); } } } return(shapes); }