コード例 #1
        public void LineWrite(VectorFeature feat, double[] fractionalpt, double distance)
            // Get the row and col of the cell we're looking for
            int[] rowcol = OpExtent.Pt2RowCol(fractionalpt);

            int fid = (int)feat.Feat.GetFID();

            List <string> csvRows = new List <string>();

            double finalDist = Math.Round(distance, _spacingDecimals);

            // Now we write a line to the file
            List <string> csvcols = new List <string>();

            foreach (ECols item in header)
                switch (item)
                case (ECols.FID): csvcols.Add(fid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); break;

                case (ECols.X): csvcols.Add((fractionalpt[0]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); break;

                case (ECols.Y): csvcols.Add((fractionalpt[1]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); break;

                case (ECols.DISTANCE): if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sFieldName))

                case (ECols.STATION): csvcols.Add((finalDist).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); break;
            for (int did = 0; did < _inputRasters.Count; did++)
                if (rowcol[1] > 0 && rowcol[1] < _inputRasters[did].Extent.Cols &&
                    rowcol[0] > 0 && rowcol[0] < _inputRasters[did].Extent.Rows)
                    T[] _buffer = new T[1];
                    _inputRasters[did].Read(rowcol[1], rowcol[0], 1, 1, _buffer);
                    if (_buffer[0].Equals(inNodataVals[did]))
            csvRows.Add(String.Join(",", csvcols));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the VectorFeature array with the features from the
        /// shapefile.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadFile()
            FileStream fs		= new FileStream( _Filename, FileMode.Open );
            BinaryReader br		= new BinaryReader( fs );
            VectorFeature tempFeature;
            int[] segments;
            int segmentPosition;
            int pointsInSegment;
            PointD[] tempPoints;
            PointD[] segmentPoints;

            _features = new VectorFeature[ _FeatureCount ];

            if ( _ShapeType == ShapeType.Point )
                for ( int a=0; a < _FeatureCount; ++a )
                    // Point types don't have parts (segments) / one point per feature
                    tempFeature = new VectorFeature( 1, _mapMetrics );
                    tempPoints = new PointD[ 1 ];

                    fs.Seek( _OffsetOfRecord[ a ], 0 );

                    br.ReadInt32(); //Record number (not needed)
                    br.ReadInt32(); //Content length (not needed)
                    br.ReadInt32(); //Shape type (not needed)
                    tempPoints[ 0 ] = new PointD( br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble() );

                    tempFeature.AddSegment( tempPoints );
                    _features[ a ] = tempFeature;
                for ( int a=0; a < _FeatureCount; ++a )
                    fs.Seek( _OffsetOfRecord[ a ] + 44, 0 );

                    // Read the number of parts (segments) and create a new VectorFeature
                    tempFeature = new VectorFeature( br.ReadInt32(), _mapMetrics );

                    fs.Seek( _OffsetOfRecord[ a ], 0 );

                    br.ReadInt32(); //Record number (not needed)
                    br.ReadInt32(); //Content length (not needed)
                    br.ReadInt32(); //Shape type (not needed)
                    tempFeature.Extents.Xmin = br.ReadDouble();
                    tempFeature.Extents.Ymin = br.ReadDouble();
                    tempFeature.Extents.Xmax = br.ReadDouble();
                    tempFeature.Extents.Ymax = br.ReadDouble();
                    br.ReadInt32(); // Number of parts (segments) gotten earlier
                    tempPoints = new PointD[ br.ReadInt32() ]; // Number of points

                    segments = new int[ tempFeature.SegmentCount + 1 ];

                    //Read in the segment indexes
                    for ( int b=0; b<tempFeature.SegmentCount; ++b )
                        segments[ b ] = br.ReadInt32();

                    //Read in *ALL* of the points in the feature
                    for ( int c=0; c<tempPoints.Length; ++c )
                        tempPoints[ c ] = new PointD( br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble() );

                    //Add in an ending point for the inner loop that follows (e)
                    segments[ tempFeature.SegmentCount ] = tempPoints.Length;

                    //Watch your step...
                    for ( int d=0; d<tempFeature.SegmentCount; ++d )
                        pointsInSegment = segments[ d+1 ] - segments[ d ];
                        segmentPoints = new PointD[ pointsInSegment ];
                        segmentPosition = 0;

                        for ( int e=segments[ d ]; e<segments[ d+1 ]; ++e )
                            segmentPoints[ segmentPosition ] = tempPoints[ e ];

                        tempFeature.AddSegment( segmentPoints );

                    _features[ a ] = tempFeature;

            _OffsetOfRecord	= null;  //don't need the info anymore
            _LengthOfRecord	= null;


コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor for the RenderThread. Sets up the private members
        /// of the class, but DOES NOT start the rendering process.
        /// </summary>
        /// @param metrics The MapMetrics object for this Map
        /// @param features The VectorFeature array
        /// @param type The type of shapefile we're going to draw
        /// @param beginning The array index of the VectorFeature to begin drawing with
        /// @param ending The array index of the VectorFeature to end drawing with
        /// @param pen The pen to draw the features with
        /// @param brush The brush to fill the features with
        public RenderThread( MapMetrics metrics, 
							 VectorFeature[] features,
							 ShapeType type,
							 int beginning,
							 int ending,
							 Pen pen,
							 Brush brush )
            _mapMetrics = metrics;
            _features = features;
            _shapeType = type;
            _beginningFeature = beginning;
            _endingFeature = ending;
            _pen = (Pen) pen.Clone();
            _brush = (Brush) brush.Clone();
            _gr = Graphics.FromImage( _mapMetrics.Canvas );