コード例 #1
        public unsafe void CreateExplosionDebris(ref BoundingSphereD explosionSphere, float voxelsCountInPercent, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition voxelMaterial, MyVoxelBase voxelMap)
            MatrixD matrix = MatrixD.CreateRotationX((double)MyUtils.GetRandomRadian()) * MatrixD.CreateRotationY((double)MyUtils.GetRandomRadian());
            int     count  = this.m_voxelDebrisOffsets.Count;
            int     num    = this.m_voxelDebrisOffsets.Count;
            int     num2   = 0;

            while (true)
                if (num2 < num)
                    MyDebrisVoxel voxel = this.CreateVoxelDebris(((float)explosionSphere.Radius) * 100f, ((float)explosionSphere.Radius) * 1000f);
                    if (voxel != null)
                        Vector3D  result      = (this.m_voxelDebrisOffsets[num2] * ((float)explosionSphere.Radius)) * 0.5780347f;
                        Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref result;
                        Vector3D.Transform(ref (Vector3D) ref vectordPtr1, ref matrix, out result);
                        result += explosionSphere.Center;
                        Vector3 vector = MyUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized();
                        if (vector != Vector3.Zero)
                            (voxel.Debris as MyDebrisVoxel.MyDebrisVoxelLogic).Start(result, vector * MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(4f, 8f), voxelMaterial);
コード例 #2
ファイル: MyVoxelBase.cs プロジェクト: feiyuren233/vrage
        public unsafe int CountPointsInside(Vector3D *worldPoints, int pointCount)
            MatrixD voxelTransform = PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            int      pointCountInside = 0;
            Vector3I oldMin, oldMax;

            oldMin = new Vector3I(int.MaxValue);
            oldMax = new Vector3I(int.MinValue);
            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                Vector3D local;
                Vector3D.Transform(ref worldPoints[i], ref voxelTransform, out local);

                Vector3D minRel = local + (Vector3D)(Size / 2);
                Vector3I min    = (Vector3I)Vector3D.Floor(minRel);

                Vector3D.Fract(ref minRel, out minRel);

                min -= StorageMin;
                var max = min + 1;
                if (min != oldMin && max != oldMax)
                { // load only if range has changed
                    m_tempStorage.Resize(min, max);
                    Storage.ReadRange(m_tempStorage, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0, ref min, ref max);
                    oldMin = min;
                    oldMax = max;

                // Don't really need doubles but since position is in double and C# doesn't do SIMD yet, this makes little difference.
                var c000 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(0, 0, 0);
                var c100 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(1, 0, 0);
                var c010 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(0, 1, 0);
                var c110 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(1, 1, 0);
                var c001 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(0, 0, 1);
                var c101 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(1, 0, 1);
                var c011 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(0, 1, 1);
                var c111 = (double)m_tempStorage.Content(1, 1, 1);

                c000 = c000 + (c100 - c000) * minRel.X;
                c010 = c010 + (c110 - c010) * minRel.X;
                c001 = c001 + (c101 - c001) * minRel.X;
                c011 = c011 + (c111 - c011) * minRel.X;

                c000 = c000 + (c010 - c000) * minRel.Y;
                c001 = c001 + (c011 - c001) * minRel.Y;

                c000 = c000 + (c001 - c000) * minRel.Z;

                //Color color = Color.Green;
                if (c000 >= (double)MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                    //color = Color.Red;
                //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawText3D(worldPoints[i], c000.ToString("000.0"), color, 0.7f, false);

コード例 #3
 public unsafe void GetCornersUnsafe(Vector3D *corners)
     corners.X    = this.Min.X;
     corners.Y    = this.Max.Y;
     corners.Z    = this.Max.Z;
     corners[1].X = this.Max.X;
     corners[1].Y = this.Max.Y;
     corners[1].Z = this.Max.Z;
     corners[2].X = this.Max.X;
     corners[2].Y = this.Min.Y;
     corners[2].Z = this.Max.Z;
     corners[3].X = this.Min.X;
     corners[3].Y = this.Min.Y;
     corners[3].Z = this.Max.Z;
     corners[4].X = this.Min.X;
     corners[4].Y = this.Max.Y;
     corners[4].Z = this.Min.Z;
     corners[5].X = this.Max.X;
     corners[5].Y = this.Max.Y;
     corners[5].Z = this.Min.Z;
     corners[6].X = this.Max.X;
     corners[6].Y = this.Min.Y;
     corners[6].Z = this.Min.Z;
     corners[7].X = this.Min.X;
     corners[7].Y = this.Min.Y;
     corners[7].Z = this.Min.Z;
コード例 #4
 public unsafe override void GetCorners(Vector3D *corners)
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         corners[i] = Vector3D.Transform(corners[i], WorldMatrix);
コード例 #5
        public unsafe void DoWork()

                if (m_renderObject == null)

                if (m_renderObject is MyRenderVoxelCell)

                Vector3 directionToSunNormalized = -MyRender.Sun.Direction;

                VisibleFromSun = false;

                var line2   = new LineD(m_renderObject.WorldVolume.Center, m_renderObject.WorldVolume.Center + directionToSunNormalized * MyShadowRenderer.SHADOW_MAX_OFFSET * 0.5f);
                var result2 = MyRender.GetAnyIntersectionWithLine(MyRender.ShadowPrunning, ref line2, m_renderObject, null, m_overlapList);
                VisibleFromSun |= (result2 == null); //if nothing hit, its visible from sun

                if (m_renderObject.FastCastShadowResolve)

                Vector3D *corners = stackalloc Vector3D[8];

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    LineD line   = new LineD(corners[i], corners[i] + directionToSunNormalized * MyShadowRenderer.SHADOW_MAX_OFFSET * 0.5f);
                    var   result = MyRender.GetAnyIntersectionWithLine(MyRender.ShadowPrunning, ref line, m_renderObject, null, m_overlapList);

                    VisibleFromSun |= (result == null);

                    if (VisibleFromSun)

                if (!VisibleFromSun)
            {      /*
                    * if (m_renderObject != null)
                    * {
                    * m_renderObject.OnClose -= m_entity_OnMarkForClose;
                    * }
                // MyEntities.EntityCloseLock.ReleaseShared();
コード例 #6
ファイル: MyVoxelBase.cs プロジェクト: warex0/SpaceEngineers
        private unsafe int CountPointsInside(Vector3D *worldPoints, int pointCount)
            int      pointCountInside = 0;
            Vector3I oldMin, oldMax;

            oldMin = new Vector3I(int.MaxValue);
            oldMax = new Vector3I(int.MinValue);
            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                Vector3D local;
                Vector3I min;
                Vector3D minRel;
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldPoints[i], out local);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToVoxelCoord(ref local, out min);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToVoxelCoord(ref local, out minRel);
                minRel -= (Vector3D)min;
                var max = min + 1;
                if (min != oldMin && max != oldMax)
                { // load only if range has changed
                    m_storageCache.Resize(min, max);
                    Storage.ReadRange(m_storageCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0, ref min, ref max);
                    oldMin = min;
                    oldMax = max;

                // Don't really need doubles but since position is in double and C# doesn't do SIMD yet, this makes little difference.
                var c000 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 0, 0);
                var c100 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 0, 0);
                var c010 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 1, 0);
                var c110 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 1, 0);
                var c001 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 0, 1);
                var c101 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 0, 1);
                var c011 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 1, 1);
                var c111 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 1, 1);

                c000 = c000 + (c100 - c000) * minRel.X;
                c010 = c010 + (c110 - c010) * minRel.X;
                c001 = c001 + (c101 - c001) * minRel.X;
                c011 = c011 + (c111 - c011) * minRel.X;

                c000 = c000 + (c010 - c000) * minRel.Y;
                c001 = c001 + (c011 - c001) * minRel.Y;

                c000 = c000 + (c001 - c000) * minRel.Z;

                //Color color = Color.Green;
                if (c000 >= (double)MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                    //color = Color.Red;
                //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawText3D(worldPoints[i], c000.ToString("000.0"), color, 0.7f, false);

コード例 #7
 public unsafe void GetCornersUnsafe(Vector3D *corners)
     corners[0] = this.cornerArray[0];
     corners[1] = this.cornerArray[1];
     corners[2] = this.cornerArray[2];
     corners[3] = this.cornerArray[3];
     corners[4] = this.cornerArray[4];
     corners[5] = this.cornerArray[5];
     corners[6] = this.cornerArray[6];
     corners[7] = this.cornerArray[7];
コード例 #8
        public override bool IsAnyAabbCornerInside(BoundingBoxD worldAabb)
            MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAABB(worldAabb, Color.White, 1f, 1f, true);

                const int cornerCount = 8;
                Vector3D *corners     = stackalloc Vector3D[cornerCount];
                return(IsAnyPointInside(corners, cornerCount));
コード例 #9
        public unsafe BoundingBoxD TransformSlow(ref MatrixD worldMatrix)
            BoundingBoxD xd      = CreateInvalid();
            Vector3D *   corners = (Vector3D *)stackalloc byte[(((IntPtr)8) * sizeof(Vector3D))];

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Vector3D point = Vector3D.Transform(corners[i], (MatrixD)worldMatrix);
                xd = xd.Include(ref point);
コード例 #10
        private unsafe bool IsAnyPointInside(Vector3D *worldPoints, int pointCount)
            //bool anyInside = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                Vector3D local;
                Vector3I min;
                Vector3D minRel;
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldPoints[i], out local);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToVoxelCoord(ref local, out min);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToVoxelCoord(ref local, out minRel);
                minRel -= (Vector3D)min;
                var max = min + 1;
                m_storageCache.Resize(min, max);
                // mk:TODO Could be improved to not load the same range for each corner if they are inside the same voxel.
                Storage.ReadRange(m_storageCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0, ref min, ref max);

                // Don't really need doubles but since position is in double and C# doesn't do SIMD yet, this makes little difference.
                var c000 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 0, 0);
                var c100 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 0, 0);
                var c010 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 1, 0);
                var c110 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 1, 0);
                var c001 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 0, 1);
                var c101 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 0, 1);
                var c011 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(0, 1, 1);
                var c111 = (double)m_storageCache.Content(1, 1, 1);

                c000 = c000 + (c100 - c000) * minRel.X;
                c010 = c010 + (c110 - c010) * minRel.X;
                c001 = c001 + (c101 - c001) * minRel.X;
                c011 = c011 + (c111 - c011) * minRel.X;

                c000 = c000 + (c010 - c000) * minRel.Y;
                c001 = c001 + (c011 - c001) * minRel.Y;

                c000 = c000 + (c001 - c000) * minRel.Z;

                //Color color = Color.Green;
                if (c000 >= (double)MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                    //anyInside = true;
                    //color = Color.Red;
                //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawText3D(worldPoints[i], c000.ToString("000.0"), color, 0.7f, false);

            //return anyInside;
コード例 #11
 public override bool IsAnyAabbCornerInside(ref MatrixD aabbWorldTransform, BoundingBoxD aabb)
         const int cornerCount = 8;
         Vector3D *corners     = stackalloc Vector3D[cornerCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; i++)
             Vector3D.Transform(ref corners[i], ref aabbWorldTransform, out corners[i]);
         return(IsAnyPointInside(corners, cornerCount));
コード例 #12
ファイル: MyVoxelBase.cs プロジェクト: feiyuren233/vrage
 private int CountCornersInside(ref MatrixD aabbWorldTransform, ref BoundingBoxD aabb)
         const int cornerCount = 8;
         Vector3D *corners     = stackalloc Vector3D[cornerCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; i++)
             Vector3D.Transform(ref corners[i], ref aabbWorldTransform, out corners[i]);
         return(CountPointsInside(corners, cornerCount));
コード例 #13
        public unsafe BoundingBoxD Include(ref BoundingFrustumD frustum)
            Vector3D *corners = (Vector3D *)stackalloc byte[(((IntPtr)8) * sizeof(Vector3D))];

            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref corners));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 1)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 2)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 3)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 4)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 5)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 6)));
            this.Include(ref (ref Vector3D)((Vector3D) ref (corners + 7)));
コード例 #14
 public override unsafe void DebugDraw()
     if (((this.m_aabbPhantom != null) && MyDebugDrawSettings.DEBUG_DRAW_VOXEL_MAP_AABB) && this.IsInWorld)
         BoundingBoxD aabb = this.m_aabbPhantom.Aabb;
         MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAABB(aabb, Color.Orange, 1f, 1f, true, false, false);
         foreach (IMyEntity entity in this.m_nearbyEntities)
             if (!entity.MarkedForClose)
                 BoundingBoxD xd3;
                 BoundingBoxD worldAABB = entity.WorldAABB;
                 MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAABB(worldAABB, Color.Bisque, 1f, 1f, true, false, false);
                 MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(this.GetWorldMatrix().Translation, worldAABB.Center, Color.Bisque, Color.BlanchedAlmond, true, false);
                 this.GetPrediction(entity, out xd3);
                 MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAABB(xd3, Color.Crimson, 1f, 1f, true, false, false);
         using (IMyDebugDrawBatchAabb aabb = MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawBatchAABB(this.GetWorldMatrix(), new Color(Color.Cyan, 0.2f), true, false))
             int num = 0;
             foreach (KeyValuePair <MyCellCoord, MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch> pair in this.m_workTracker)
                 BoundingBoxD xd5;
                 MyCellCoord key = pair.Key;
                 xd5.Min = (Vector3D)(key.CoordInLod << key.Lod);
                 Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref xd5.Min;
                 vectordPtr1[0] *= 8.0;
                 Vector3D *vectordPtr2 = (Vector3D *)ref xd5.Min;
                 vectordPtr2[0] -= this.m_voxelMap.SizeInMetresHalf;
                 BoundingBoxD *xdPtr1 = (BoundingBoxD *)ref xd5;
                 xdPtr1->Max = xd5.Min + 8f;
                 Color?color = null;
                 aabb.Add(ref xd5, color);
                 if (num > 250)
コード例 #15
        public unsafe BoundingBoxD Transform(ref MatrixD worldMatrix)
            BoundingBoxD oobb = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();

            Vector3D *temporaryCorners = stackalloc Vector3D[8];

            GetCornersUnsafe((Vector3D *)temporaryCorners);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Vector3D vctTransformed = Vector3D.Transform(temporaryCorners[i], worldMatrix);
                oobb = oobb.Include(ref vctTransformed);

コード例 #16
        // Assuming natural order (+Y) first
        internal unsafe static void Draw6FacedConvex(Vector3D *vertices, Color color, float alpha)
            Color cc = color;

            cc.A = (byte)(alpha * 255);

            Vector3D c = MyRender11.Environment.Matrices.CameraPosition;
            Vector3D v0 = vertices[0] - c, v1 = vertices[1] - c, v2 = vertices[2] - c, v3 = vertices[3] - c, v4 = vertices[4] - c, v5 = vertices[5] - c, v6 = vertices[6] - c, v7 = vertices[7] - c;

            DrawQuadRowWise(v0, v1, v2, v3, cc);
            DrawQuadRowWise(v4, v5, v6, v7, cc);

            DrawQuadRowWise(v0, v1, v4, v5, cc);
            DrawQuadRowWise(v0, v2, v4, v6, cc);
            DrawQuadRowWise(v2, v3, v6, v7, cc);
            DrawQuadRowWise(v3, v1, v7, v5, cc);
コード例 #17
        private unsafe MatrixD CreateGlobalMatrix()
            MatrixD   invView   = MyRender11.Environment.InvViewProjection;
            Vector3D *cornersWS = stackalloc Vector3D[8];

            Vector3D.Transform(m_cornersCS, ref invView, cornersWS);

            Vector3D centroid = Vector3D.Zero;

            for (int cornerIndex = 0; cornerIndex < 8; ++cornerIndex)
                centroid += cornersWS[cornerIndex];
            centroid /= 8f;
            MatrixD view = MatrixD.CreateLookAt(centroid, centroid - MyRender11.Environment.DirectionalLightDir, Vector3D.UnitY);
            MatrixD proj = MatrixD.CreateOrthographic(1, 1, 0, 1);

            return(view * proj * MyMatrixHelpers.ClipspaceToTexture);
コード例 #18
        private unsafe void DebugDrawFrozen(MatrixD *cascadesMatrices)
            Vector3D *verticesWS = stackalloc Vector3D[8];

            Color[] cascadeColor = null;

            cascadeColor = new[]
            var lineBatch = MyLinesRenderer.CreateBatch();

            Vector3 *tmpFloatVertices = stackalloc Vector3[8];

            for (int c = 0; c < m_initializedShadowCascadesCount; c++)
                if (MyRenderProxy.Settings.ShadowCascadeFrozen[c])
                    var inverseViewProj = MatrixD.Invert(cascadesMatrices[c]);
                    Vector3D.Transform(m_cornersCS, ref inverseViewProj, verticesWS);

                    for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < 8; ++vertexIndex)
                        verticesWS[vertexIndex] += MyEnvironment.CameraPosition;

                    for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < 8; ++vertexIndex)
                        tmpFloatVertices[vertexIndex] = verticesWS[vertexIndex];

                    MyPrimitivesRenderer.Draw6FacedConvexZ(tmpFloatVertices, cascadeColor[c], 0.2f);
                    lineBatch.Add6FacedConvex(tmpFloatVertices, Color.Pink);

コード例 #19
        public unsafe void GetBounds(Vector3D *localPoints, int pointCount, out float minHeight, out float maxHeight)
            int face = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                int     num3;
                Vector3 position = *((Vector3 *)(localPoints + i));
                MyCubemapHelpers.GetCubeFace(ref position, out num3);
                if (face == -1)
                    face = num3;
            BoundingBox query = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, 0f), new Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, 0f));

            for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++)
                Vector2 vector2;
                Vector3 localPos = *((Vector3 *)(localPoints + j));
                MyCubemapHelpers.CalculateTexcoordForFace(ref localPos, face, out vector2);
                if (vector2.X < query.Min.X)
                    query.Min.X = vector2.X;
                if (vector2.X > query.Max.X)
                    query.Max.X = vector2.X;
                if (vector2.Y < query.Min.Y)
                    query.Min.Y = vector2.Y;
                if (vector2.Y > query.Max.Y)
                    query.Max.Y = vector2.Y;
            this.m_heightmap.Faces[face].GetBounds(ref query);
            minHeight = (query.Min.Z * this.m_heightRatio) + this.InnerRadius;
            maxHeight = (query.Max.Z * this.m_heightRatio) + this.InnerRadius;
コード例 #20
        public unsafe bool Intersect(ref LineD line, out double startOffset, out double endOffset)
            Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref line.From;

            vectordPtr1[0] -= this.m_voxelRangeMin;
            Vector3D *vectordPtr2 = (Vector3D *)ref line.To;

            vectordPtr2[0] -= this.m_voxelRangeMin;
            if (!this.m_octree.Intersect(ref line, out startOffset, out endOffset))
            Vector3D *vectordPtr3 = (Vector3D *)ref line.From;

            vectordPtr3[0] += this.m_voxelRangeMin;
            Vector3D *vectordPtr4 = (Vector3D *)ref line.To;

            vectordPtr4[0] += this.m_voxelRangeMin;
コード例 #21
        public unsafe bool Intersect(ref LineD line, out double startOffset, out double endOffset)
            LineD     ll          = line;
            Vector3   vector      = this.Shape.Center();
            Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref ll.To;

            vectordPtr1[0] -= vector;
            Vector3D *vectordPtr2 = (Vector3D *)ref ll.From;

            vectordPtr2[0] -= vector;
            if (!this.Shape.IntersectLine(ref ll, out startOffset, out endOffset))
            Vector3D *vectordPtr3 = (Vector3D *)ref ll.From;

            vectordPtr3[0] += vector;
            Vector3D *vectordPtr4 = (Vector3D *)ref ll.To;

            vectordPtr4[0] += vector;
            line            = ll;
コード例 #22
        private unsafe void AddEntities(float border, Vector3D originPosition, MyOrientedBoundingBoxD obb, List <BoundingBoxD> boundingBoxes, List <MyVoxelMap> trackedEntities)
            Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref obb.HalfExtent;

            vectordPtr1[0] += new Vector3D((double)border, 0.0, (double)border);
            BoundingBoxD aABB = obb.GetAABB();
            List <VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity> result = new List <VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity>();

            MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInBox(ref aABB, result, MyEntityQueryType.Both);
            if (result.Count <VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity>(e => (e is MyCubeGrid)) > 0)
            foreach (VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity entity in result)
                using (entity.Pin())
                    if (entity.MarkedForClose)
                    MyCubeGrid grid = entity as MyCubeGrid;
                    if (grid != null)
                        bool isStatic = grid.IsStatic;
                    MyVoxelMap item = entity as MyVoxelMap;
                    if (item != null)
                        this.AddVoxelVertices(item, border, originPosition, obb, boundingBoxes);
コード例 #23
        private unsafe void AddVoxelMesh(MyVoxelBase voxelBase, IMyStorage storage, Dictionary <Vector3I, MyIsoMesh> cache, float border, Vector3D originPosition, MyOrientedBoundingBoxD obb, List <BoundingBoxD> bbList)
            Vector3I vectori3;
            Vector3I vectori4;
            bool     flag = cache != null;

            if (flag)
            Vector3D *vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref obb.HalfExtent;

            vectordPtr1[0] += new Vector3D((double)border, 0.0, (double)border);
            BoundingBoxD  aABB   = obb.GetAABB();
            int           num    = (int)Math.Round((double)(aABB.HalfExtents.Max() * 2.0));
            BoundingBoxD *xdPtr1 = (BoundingBoxD *)ref aABB;

            xdPtr1 = (BoundingBoxD *)new BoundingBoxD(aABB.Min, aABB.Min + num);
            ((BoundingBoxD *)ref aABB).Translate(obb.Center - aABB.Center);
            bbList.Add(new BoundingBoxD(aABB.Min, aABB.Max));
            aABB = aABB.TransformFast(voxelBase.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled);
            Vector3I voxelCoord = Vector3I.Round(aABB.Min);
            Vector3I vectori2   = (Vector3I)(voxelCoord + num);

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref voxelCoord, out vectori3);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref vectori2, out vectori4);
            MyOrientedBoundingBoxD xd2 = obb;

            Vector3D *vectordPtr2 = (Vector3D *)ref xd2.Center;

            vectordPtr2[0] += voxelBase.SizeInMetresHalf;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref vectori3, ref vectori4);
            MyCellCoord            coord    = new MyCellCoord {
                Lod = 0
            int     num2        = 0;
            Vector3 offset      = (Vector3)(originPosition - voxelBase.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
            Vector3 up          = -Vector3.Normalize(MyGravityProviderSystem.CalculateTotalGravityInPoint(originPosition));
            Matrix  rotation    = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.CreateFromForwardUp(Vector3.CalculatePerpendicularVector(up), up)));
            Matrix  orientation = (Matrix)voxelBase.PositionComp.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation();

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                BoundingBox box;
                MyIsoMesh   mesh;
                if (flag && cache.TryGetValue(iterator.Current, out mesh))
                    if (mesh != null)
                        this.AddMeshTriangles(mesh, offset, rotation, orientation);
                coord.CoordInLod = iterator.Current;
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.GeometryCellCoordToLocalAABB(ref coord.CoordInLod, out box);
                if (!xd2.Intersects(ref box))
                    BoundingBoxD item = new BoundingBoxD(box.Min, box.Max).Translate(-voxelBase.SizeInMetresHalf);
                    Vector3I  lodVoxelMin = (coord.CoordInLod * 8) - 1;
                    MyIsoMesh mesh2       = MyPrecalcComponent.IsoMesher.Precalc(storage, 0, lodVoxelMin, (Vector3I)(((lodVoxelMin + 8) + 1) + 1), MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0);
                    if (flag)
                        cache[iterator.Current] = mesh2;
                    if (mesh2 != null)
                        this.AddMeshTriangles(mesh2, offset, rotation, orientation);
コード例 #24
 public static void StoreToVector(this Vector256 <double> vector, Vector3D *destination) => vector.ToVector3D(&destination->X);
コード例 #25
 public static Vector256 <double> ToVector256(Vector3D *p) => Vector.FromVector3D((double *)p);
コード例 #26
 public override unsafe void Draw()
     List <MyPhysics.HitInfo> .Enumerator enumerator2;
     foreach (MyCubeBlock block in this.m_grid.BlocksForDraw)
         if (MyRenderProxy.VisibleObjectsRead.Contains(block.Render.RenderObjectIDs[0]))
     if ((MyCubeGrid.ShowCenterOfMass && (!this.IsStatic && (base.Container.Entity.Physics != null))) && base.Container.Entity.Physics.HasRigidBody)
         MatrixD  worldMatrix       = base.Container.Entity.Physics.GetWorldMatrix();
         Vector3D centerOfMassWorld = base.Container.Entity.Physics.CenterOfMassWorld;
         Vector3D position          = MySector.MainCamera.Position;
         float    num  = Vector3.Distance((Vector3)position, (Vector3)centerOfMassWorld);
         bool     flag = false;
         if (num < 30f)
             flag = true;
         else if (num < 200f)
             flag = true;
             MyPhysics.CastRay(position, centerOfMassWorld, m_tmpHitList, 0x10);
             using (enumerator2 = m_tmpHitList.GetEnumerator())
                 while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
                     if (!ReferenceEquals(enumerator2.Current.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity(), this))
                         flag = false;
         if (flag)
             float      num2      = MathHelper.Lerp((float)1f, (float)9f, (float)(num / 200f));
             MyStringId id        = ID_WEAPON_LASER_IGNORE_DEPTH;
             Vector4    color     = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
             float      thickness = 0.02f * num2;
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(centerOfMassWorld - ((worldMatrix.Up * 0.5) * num2), centerOfMassWorld + ((worldMatrix.Up * 0.5) * num2), new MyStringId?(id), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveTop);
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(centerOfMassWorld - ((worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5) * num2), centerOfMassWorld + ((worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5) * num2), new MyStringId?(id), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveTop);
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(centerOfMassWorld - ((worldMatrix.Right * 0.5) * num2), centerOfMassWorld + ((worldMatrix.Right * 0.5) * num2), new MyStringId?(id), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveTop);
             MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(ID_RED_DOT_IGNORE_DEPTH, Color.White.ToVector4(), centerOfMassWorld, MySector.MainCamera.LeftVector, MySector.MainCamera.UpVector, 0.1f * num2, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveTop, -1, 0f);
     if (MyCubeGrid.ShowGridPivot)
         MatrixD  worldMatrix = base.Container.Entity.WorldMatrix;
         Vector3D translation = worldMatrix.Translation;
         Vector3D position    = MySector.MainCamera.Position;
         float    num4        = Vector3.Distance((Vector3)position, (Vector3)translation);
         bool     flag2       = false;
         if (num4 < 30f)
             flag2 = true;
         else if (num4 < 200f)
             flag2 = true;
             MyPhysics.CastRay(position, translation, m_tmpHitList, 0x10);
             using (enumerator2 = m_tmpHitList.GetEnumerator())
                 while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
                     if (!ReferenceEquals(enumerator2.Current.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity(), this))
                         flag2 = false;
         if (flag2)
             float      num5      = MathHelper.Lerp((float)1f, (float)9f, (float)(num4 / 200f));
             MyStringId id2       = ID_WEAPON_LASER_IGNORE_DEPTH;
             float      thickness = 0.02f * num5;
             Vector4    color     = Color.Green.ToVector4();
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(translation, translation + ((worldMatrix.Up * 0.5) * num5), new MyStringId?(id2), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.Standard);
             color = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(translation, translation + ((worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5) * num5), new MyStringId?(id2), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.Standard);
             color = Color.Red.ToVector4();
             MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(translation, translation + ((worldMatrix.Right * 0.5) * num5), new MyStringId?(id2), ref color, thickness, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.Standard);
             MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(ID_RED_DOT_IGNORE_DEPTH, Color.White.ToVector4(), translation, MySector.MainCamera.LeftVector, MySector.MainCamera.UpVector, 0.1f * num5, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.Standard, -1, 0f);
             MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAxis(worldMatrix, 0.5f, false, false, false);
     if (!MyCubeGrid.ShowStructuralIntegrity)
         if ((this.m_grid.StructuralIntegrity != null) && this.m_grid.StructuralIntegrity.EnabledOnlyForDraw)
     else if (this.m_grid.StructuralIntegrity != null)
         if (this.m_grid.StructuralIntegrity != null)
             this.m_grid.StructuralIntegrity.EnabledOnlyForDraw = true;
     if (this.m_grid.MarkedAsTrash)
         BoundingBoxD localAABB   = this.m_grid.PositionComp.LocalAABB;
         Vector3D *   vectordPtr1 = (Vector3D *)ref localAABB.Max;
         vectordPtr1[0] += 0.2f;
         Vector3D *vectordPtr2 = (Vector3D *)ref localAABB.Min;
         vectordPtr2[0] -= 0.20000000298023224;
         MatrixD worldMatrix = this.m_grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
         Color   red         = Color.Red;
         red.A = (byte)(((100.0 * (Math.Sin((double)(((float)this.m_grid.TrashHighlightCounter) / 10f)) + 1.0)) / 2.0) + 100.0);
         red.R = (byte)(((200.0 * (Math.Sin((double)(((float)this.m_grid.TrashHighlightCounter) / 10f)) + 1.0)) / 2.0) + 50.0);
         Color *    colorPtr1    = (Color *)ref red;
         MyStringId?faceMaterial = null;
         faceMaterial = null;
         MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox(ref worldMatrix, ref localAABB, ref (Color) ref colorPtr1, ref red, MySimpleObjectRasterizer.SolidAndWireframe, 1, 0.008f, faceMaterial, faceMaterial, false, -1, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.LDR, 1f, null);
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates shadowmap queries and appends them to the provided list
        /// </summary>
        internal unsafe void PrepareQueries(List <MyShadowmapQuery> appendShadowmapQueries)
            Debug.Assert(appendShadowmapQueries != null, "Shadowmap query list cannot be null!");
            if (!MyRenderProxy.Settings.EnableShadows || !MyRender11.DebugOverrides.Shadows)

            MyImmediateRC.RC.DeviceContext.CopyResource(m_cascadeShadowmapArray.Resource, m_cascadeShadowmapBackup.Resource);

            bool        stabilize = true;
            const float DirectionDifferenceThreshold = 0.0175f;

            float shadowChangeDelayMultiplier = 180;

            for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < m_initializedShadowCascadesCount; ++cascadeIndex)

                if (m_shadowCascadeFramesSinceLightUpdate[cascadeIndex] > cascadeIndex * shadowChangeDelayMultiplier ||
                    MyRender11.Environment.DirectionalLightDir.Dot(m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex]) < (1 - DirectionDifferenceThreshold))
                    m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex]        = MyRender11.Environment.DirectionalLightDir;
                    m_shadowCascadeFramesSinceLightUpdate[cascadeIndex] = 0;

            var globalMatrix = CreateGlobalMatrix();

            float cascadesNearClip = 1f;

            float backOffset    = MyRender11.RenderSettings.ShadowQuality.BackOffset();
            float shadowmapSize = MyRender11.RenderSettings.ShadowQuality.ShadowCascadeResolution();

            for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < ShadowCascadeSplitDepths.Length; ++cascadeIndex)
                ShadowCascadeSplitDepths[cascadeIndex] = MyRender11.RenderSettings.ShadowQuality.ShadowCascadeSplit(cascadeIndex);

            double unitWidth  = 1.0 / MyRender11.Environment.Projection.M11;
            double unitHeight = 1.0 / MyRender11.Environment.Projection.M22;

            Vector3D *untransformedVertices = stackalloc Vector3D[4];

            untransformedVertices[0] = new Vector3D(-unitWidth, -unitHeight, -1);
            untransformedVertices[1] = new Vector3D(-unitWidth, unitHeight, -1);
            untransformedVertices[2] = new Vector3D(unitWidth, unitHeight, -1);
            untransformedVertices[3] = new Vector3D(unitWidth, -unitHeight, -1);

            MatrixD *cascadesMatrices = stackalloc MatrixD[MaxShadowCascades];

            for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < m_initializedShadowCascadesCount; ++cascadeIndex)
                for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < 4; ++vertexIndex)
                    m_frustumVerticesWS[vertexIndex]     = untransformedVertices[vertexIndex] * ShadowCascadeSplitDepths[cascadeIndex];
                    m_frustumVerticesWS[vertexIndex + 4] = untransformedVertices[vertexIndex] * ShadowCascadeSplitDepths[cascadeIndex + 1];

                bool skipCascade = MyCommon.FrameCounter % (ulong)m_shadowCascadeUpdateIntervals[cascadeIndex].Item1 != (ulong)m_shadowCascadeUpdateIntervals[cascadeIndex].Item2;
                bool forceUpdate = ShadowCascadeSplitDepths[cascadeIndex] > 1000f && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(m_shadowCascadeUpdatePositions[cascadeIndex], MyRender11.Environment.CameraPosition) > Math.Pow(1000, 2);
                if (!forceUpdate && skipCascade && !MyRenderProxy.Settings.UpdateCascadesEveryFrame)
                if (MyRenderProxy.Settings.ShadowCascadeFrozen[cascadeIndex])

                m_shadowCascadeUpdatePositions[cascadeIndex] = MyRender11.Environment.CameraPosition;

                MatrixD invView = MyRender11.Environment.InvView;
                Vector3D.Transform(m_frustumVerticesWS, ref invView, m_frustumVerticesWS);

                var bSphere = BoundingSphereD.CreateFromPoints(m_frustumVerticesWS);
                if (stabilize)
                    bSphere.Center = bSphere.Center.Round();
                    bSphere.Radius = Math.Ceiling(bSphere.Radius);

                var shadowCameraPosWS = bSphere.Center + m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex] * (bSphere.Radius + cascadesNearClip);

                var lightView = VRageMath.MatrixD.CreateLookAt(shadowCameraPosWS, shadowCameraPosWS - m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex], Math.Abs(Vector3.UnitY.Dot(m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex])) < 0.99f ? Vector3.UnitY : Vector3.UnitX);
                var offset    = bSphere.Radius + cascadesNearClip + backOffset;

                Vector3D vMin = new Vector3D(-bSphere.Radius, -bSphere.Radius, cascadesNearClip);
                Vector3D vMax = new Vector3D(bSphere.Radius, bSphere.Radius, offset + bSphere.Radius);

                var cascadeProjection = MatrixD.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(vMin.X, vMax.X, vMin.Y, vMax.Y, vMax.Z, vMin.Z);
                cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex] = lightView * cascadeProjection;

                var transformed = Vector3D.Transform(Vector3D.Zero, cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex]) * shadowmapSize / 2;
                var smOffset    = (transformed.Round() - transformed) * 2 / shadowmapSize;

                // stabilize 1st cascade only
                if (stabilize)
                    cascadeProjection.M41         += smOffset.X;
                    cascadeProjection.M42         += smOffset.Y;
                    cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex] = lightView * cascadeProjection;

                var inverseCascadeMatrix = MatrixD.Invert(cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex]);
                var corner0 = Vector3D.Transform(Vector3D.Transform(new Vector3D(-1, -1, 0), inverseCascadeMatrix), globalMatrix);
                var corner1 = Vector3D.Transform(Vector3D.Transform(new Vector3D(1, 1, 1), inverseCascadeMatrix), globalMatrix);

                var diameter = corner1 - corner0;

                var cascadeScale = 1f / diameter;
                ShadowCascadeScales[cascadeIndex] = new Vector4D(cascadeScale, 0);

                var query = new MyShadowmapQuery();
                query.DepthBuffer = m_cascadeShadowmapArray.SubresourceDsv(cascadeIndex);
                query.Viewport    = new MyViewport(shadowmapSize, shadowmapSize);

                m_cascadeInfo[cascadeIndex].WorldCameraOffsetPosition = MyRender11.Environment.CameraPosition;
                m_cascadeInfo[cascadeIndex].WorldToProjection         = cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex];
                // todo: skip translation, recalculate matrix in local space, keep world space matrix only for bounding frustum
                m_cascadeInfo[cascadeIndex].LocalToProjection = Matrix.CreateTranslation(MyRender11.Environment.CameraPosition) * cascadesMatrices[cascadeIndex];

                query.ProjectionInfo   = m_cascadeInfo[cascadeIndex];
                query.ProjectionDir    = m_shadowCascadeLightDirections[cascadeIndex];
                query.ProjectionFactor = (float)(shadowmapSize * shadowmapSize / (bSphere.Radius * bSphere.Radius * 4));

                query.QueryType    = MyFrustumEnum.ShadowCascade;
                query.CascadeIndex = cascadeIndex;




コード例 #28
        private unsafe void RasterSectorsForCollision(MyEntity entity)
            if (!(entity is MyCubeGrid))

            BoundingBoxD range = entity.PositionComp.WorldAABB;


            Vector2I top = new Vector2I(1 << m_clipmaps[0].Depth) - 1;

            Vector3D *pos = stackalloc Vector3D[8];


            // bitmask for faces, 7th bit is simple bit
            int markedFaces = 0;
            int firstFace   = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                Vector3D copy = pos[i];

                int index = MyPlanetCubemapHelper.FindCubeFace(ref copy);
                firstFace = index;
                index     = 1 << index;

                if ((markedFaces & ~index) != 0)
                    markedFaces |= 0x40;

                markedFaces |= index;

            // This way we can ensure a single code path.
            int startFace = 0;
            int endFace   = 5;

            // If we only encounter one face we narrow it down.
            if ((markedFaces & 0x40) == 0)
                startFace = endFace = firstFace;

            for (int face = startFace; face <= endFace; ++face)
                if (((1 << face) & markedFaces) == 0)

                // Offset
                var offset = 1 << m_clipmaps[face].Depth - 1;

                BoundingBox2D bounds = BoundingBox2D.CreateInvalid();
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    Vector3D copy = pos[i];

                    Vector2D normCoords;
                    MyPlanetCubemapHelper.ProjectForFace(ref copy, face, out normCoords);

                bounds.Min += 1;
                bounds.Min *= offset;

                bounds.Max += 1;
                bounds.Max *= offset;

                // Calculate bounds in sectors.
                var start = new Vector2I((int)bounds.Min.X, (int)bounds.Min.Y);
                var end   = new Vector2I((int)bounds.Max.X, (int)bounds.Max.Y);

                Vector2I.Max(ref start, ref Vector2I.Zero, out start);
                Vector2I.Min(ref end, ref top, out end);

                for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; ++x)
                    for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; ++y)
                        long sect = MyPlanetSectorId.MakeSectorId(x, y, face);

                        List <MyOrientedBoundingBoxD> boxes;
                        if (!m_obstructorsPerSector.TryGetValue(sect, out boxes))
                            boxes = new List <MyOrientedBoundingBoxD>();
                            m_obstructorsPerSector.Add(sect, boxes);

                        var bb = entity.PositionComp.LocalAABB;
                        bb.Inflate(8); // inflate by 8m to increase the likellyhood of overlap with trees' roots.

                        boxes.Add(new MyOrientedBoundingBoxD((BoundingBoxD)bb, entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix));
コード例 #29
        // Iterate over sector boxes in a range.
        // TODO: Dumb version of this for small boxes
        private unsafe void RasterSectorsForPhysics(BoundingBoxD range)

            Vector2I top = new Vector2I(1 << m_clipmaps[0].Depth) - 1;

            Vector3D *pos = stackalloc Vector3D[8];


            // bitmask for faces, 7th bit is simple bit
            int markedFaces = 0;
            int firstFace   = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                Vector3D copy = pos[i];

                int index = MyPlanetCubemapHelper.FindCubeFace(ref copy);
                firstFace = index;
                index     = 1 << index;

                if ((markedFaces & ~index) != 0)
                    markedFaces |= 0x40;

                markedFaces |= index;

            // This way we can ensure a single code path.
            int startFace = 0;
            int endFace   = 5;

            // If we only encounter one face we narrow it down.
            if ((markedFaces & 0x40) == 0)
                startFace = endFace = firstFace;

            for (int face = startFace; face <= endFace; ++face)
                if (((1 << face) & markedFaces) == 0)

                double size = m_clipmaps[face].LeafSize;

                // Offset
                var offset = 1 << m_clipmaps[face].Depth - 1;

                BoundingBox2D bounds = BoundingBox2D.CreateInvalid();
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    Vector3D copy = pos[i];

                    Vector2D normCoords;
                    MyPlanetCubemapHelper.ProjectForFace(ref copy, face, out normCoords);

                bounds.Min += 1;
                bounds.Min *= offset;

                bounds.Max += 1;
                bounds.Max *= offset;

                // Calculate bounds in sectors.
                var start = new Vector2I((int)bounds.Min.X, (int)bounds.Min.Y);
                var end   = new Vector2I((int)bounds.Max.X, (int)bounds.Max.Y);

                Vector2I.Max(ref start, ref Vector2I.Zero, out start);
                Vector2I.Min(ref end, ref top, out end);

                for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; ++x)
                    for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; ++y)
                        EnsurePhysicsSector(x, y, face);
コード例 #30
        private unsafe void MarkCascadesInStencil(MyProjectionInfo[] cascadeInfo)


            MyRenderContext renderContext = MyRenderContext.Immediate;

            renderContext.DeviceContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            renderContext.SetVB(0, m_cascadesBoundingsVertices.Buffer, m_cascadesBoundingsVertices.Stride);
            renderContext.SetIB(m_cubeIB.Buffer, m_cubeIB.Format);
            renderContext.DeviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewport(0, 0, MyRender11.ViewportResolution.X, MyRender11.ViewportResolution.Y);
            renderContext.SetCB(MyCommon.FRAME_SLOT, MyCommon.FrameConstants);
            renderContext.BindDepthRT(MyGBuffer.Main.DepthStencil, DepthStencilAccess.DepthReadOnly, null);

            const int vertexCount = 8;

            Vector3D *frustumVerticesSS = stackalloc Vector3D[vertexCount];

            frustumVerticesSS[0] = new Vector3D(-1, -1, 0);
            frustumVerticesSS[1] = new Vector3D(-1, 1, 0);
            frustumVerticesSS[2] = new Vector3D(1, 1, 0);
            frustumVerticesSS[3] = new Vector3D(1, -1, 0);
            frustumVerticesSS[4] = new Vector3D(-1, -1, 1);
            frustumVerticesSS[5] = new Vector3D(-1, 1, 1);
            frustumVerticesSS[6] = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1);
            frustumVerticesSS[7] = new Vector3D(1, -1, 1);

            Vector3D *lightVertices    = stackalloc Vector3D[vertexCount];
            Vector3 * tmpFloatVertices = stackalloc Vector3[vertexCount];

            var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(m_cascadesBoundingsVertices.Buffer);

            for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < MyRender11.Settings.ShadowCascadeCount; ++cascadeIndex)
                var inverseViewProj = MatrixD.Invert(cascadeInfo[cascadeIndex].CurrentLocalToProjection);
                for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < vertexCount; ++arrayIndex)
                    Vector3D.Transform(ref frustumVerticesSS[arrayIndex], ref inverseViewProj, out lightVertices[arrayIndex]);
                    tmpFloatVertices[arrayIndex] = lightVertices[arrayIndex];

                for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < vertexCount; ++arrayIndex)
                    mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref tmpFloatVertices[arrayIndex]);

            for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < MyRender11.Settings.ShadowCascadeCount; ++cascadeIndex)
                renderContext.SetDS(MyDepthStencilState.MarkIfInsideCascade[cascadeIndex], 1 << cascadeIndex);
                // mark ith bit on depth near
                renderContext.DeviceContext.DrawIndexed(36, 0, 8 * cascadeIndex);

            renderContext.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.DepthReadOnly, null);

