public Box2D(Vector2_ _center, double _width, double _height) { m_x = _center.x; m_y = _center.y; m_width = _width; m_height = _height; }
public Box2D(Vector2_ _center, Vector2_ _size) { m_x = _center.x; m_y = _center.y; m_width = _size.x; m_height = _size.y; }
public void SetRange(Vector4 range) { size = new Vector2_(range.z, range.w); position = new Vector3_(range.x, range.y); offset = new Vector2_(0, range.w * 0.5f); PlayParticle(); }
public Vector3_ Check2D(Vector3_ tp, Creature target) { var n = new Vector2_(creature.x,; var t = new Vector2_(target.x,; var c = creature.colliderSize + target.colliderSize; if (t.y > n.y + creature.colliderHeight || Mathd.Abs(n.x - t.x) < c * 0.025) { return(tp); } var nx = n.x; var tx = tp.x; if (tx > nx && t.x < n.x || tx < nx && t.x > n.x) { return(tp); } var max = tx > nx ? t.x - c : t.x + c; nx = tx > nx && tx > max || tx < nx && tx < max ? max : tx; tp.x = nx; return(tp); }
/// <summary> /// Multiplies every component of this vector by the same component of scale. /// </summary> public void Scale(Vector2_ scale) { m_x *= scale.x; m_y *= scale.y; _CalculateParams(); }
/// <summary> /// Moves a point current in a straight line towards a target point. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ MoveTowards(Vector2_ current, Vector2_ target, double maxDistanceDelta) { var a = target - current; var magnitude = a.magnitude; return((magnitude <= maxDistanceDelta || magnitude == 0) ? target : current + a / magnitude * maxDistanceDelta); }
public override void OnUpdate(int diff) { //更新方向 if (ParentCreature != null && Level.current) { if (moduleAI.GetDistance(this, ParentCreature, false, false) > 4) { if (Level.current != null && Level.current.isNormal) { direction = ParentCreature.position.x > position.x ? CreatureDirection.FORWARD : CreatureDirection.BACK; if (direction == CreatureDirection.FORWARD) { followEdge = new Vector2_(Level.current.edge.x, ParentCreature.position.x - 0.5); } else { followEdge = new Vector2_(ParentCreature.position.x + 0.5, Level.current.edge.y); } } else { direction = ParentCreature.position_.x > position_.x ? CreatureDirection.FORWARD : CreatureDirection.BACK; if (direction == CreatureDirection.FORWARD) { followEdge = new Vector2_(Level.current?.edge.x ?? -1000, ParentCreature.position_.x - 0.5); } else { followEdge = new Vector2_(ParentCreature.position_.x + 0.5, Level.current?.edge.y ?? 1000); } } } else { if (Level.current != null && Level.current.isNormal) { followEdge = new Vector2_(ParentCreature.position.x - 0.5, ParentCreature.position.x + 0.5); } else { followEdge = new Vector2_(ParentCreature.position_.x - 0.5, ParentCreature.position_.x + 0.5); } } } var dis = moduleAI.GetDistance(this, ParentCreature, false, false); ///距离数值不要随便改。与AI配置有关 m_realMoving = !m_currentState.isIdle && (dis <= 4 || dis >= 6); base.OnUpdate(diff); }
public static double SignedAngle(Vector2_ from, Vector2_ to) { var nf = from.normalized; var nt = to.normalized; var num = Mathd.Acos(Mathd.Clamp(Dot(nf, nt), -1, 1)) * 57.29578; var num2 = Mathd.Sign(nf.x * nt.y - nf.y * nt.x); return(num * num2); }
public static bool Cross(Sphere2D sphere, Sphere2D other, Vector2_ tp, ref Vector2_ hit) { if (sphere.Intersect(other)) { return(true); } var o = other.center_; tp -= o; sphere.SetCenter(sphere.center_ - o); other.SetCenter(; other.radius += sphere.radius; var dir = tp - sphere.center_; var rr = other.radius * other.radius * dir.sqrMagnitude; var t = sphere.center_ + dir; var d = sphere.x * t.y - t.x * sphere.y; var dd = d * d; if (rr - dd > 0) { var proj = Vector2_.Project(-sphere.center_, dir.normalized); if (proj.magnitude <= dir.magnitude && Vector2_.Dot(proj, dir) > 0) { hit = proj + sphere.center_ + o; return(true); } } sphere.SetCenter(tp); if (sphere.Intersect(other)) { hit = tp + o; return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Dot Product of two vectors. /// </summary> public static double Dot(Vector2_ lhs, Vector2_ rhs) { return(lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the distance between a and b. /// </summary> public static double Distance(Vector2_ a, Vector2_ b) { var vector = new Vector2_(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); return(Mathd.Sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ ClampMagnitude(Vector2_ vector, double maxLength) { return(vector.sqrMagnitude > maxLength * maxLength ? vector.normalized * maxLength : vector); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the angle in degrees between from and to. /// </summary> /// <param name="from">The vector from which the angular difference is measured.</param> /// <param name="to">The vector to which the angular difference is measured.</param> public static double Angle(Vector2_ from, Vector2_ to) { return(Mathd.Acos(Mathd.Clamp(Dot(from.normalized, to.normalized), -1, 1)) * 57.29578); }
public void Set(Vector2_ _center, double _width, double _height) { SetCenter(_center); SetSize(_width, _height); }
public static bool Cross(Box2D box, Sphere2D other, Vector2_ tp, ref Vector2_ hit) { if (box.Intersect(other)) { return(true); } var o = other.center_; tp -= o; box.SetCenter(box.center_ - o); other.SetCenter(; var dir = tp - box.center_; var rr = other.radius * other.radius * dir.sqrMagnitude; var t = box.topLeft + dir; var d = box.leftEdge * t.y - t.x * box.topEdge; var dd = d * d; if (rr - dd > 0) { var proj = Vector2_.Project(-box.topLeft, dir.normalized); if (proj.magnitude <= dir.magnitude && Vector2_.Dot(proj, dir) > 0) { hit = Vector2_.Project(-box.center_, dir.normalized) + box.center_ + o; return(true); } } t = box.bottomRight + dir; d = box.rightEdge * t.y - t.x * box.bottomEdge; dd = d * d; if (rr - dd > 0) { var proj = Vector2_.Project(-box.bottomRight, dir.normalized); if (proj.magnitude <= dir.magnitude && Vector2_.Dot(proj, dir) > 0) { hit = Vector2_.Project(-box.center_, dir.normalized) + box.center_ + o; return(true); } } t = box.topRight + dir; d = box.rightEdge * t.y - t.x * box.topEdge; dd = d * d; if (rr - dd > 0) { var proj = Vector2_.Project(-box.topRight, dir.normalized); if (proj.magnitude <= dir.magnitude && Vector2_.Dot(proj, dir) > 0) { hit = Vector2_.Project(-box.center_, dir.normalized) + box.center_ + o; return(true); } } t = box.bottomLeft + dir; d = box.leftEdge * t.y - t.x * box.bottomEdge; dd = d * d; if (rr - dd > 0) { var proj = Vector2_.Project(-box.bottomLeft, dir.normalized); if (proj.magnitude <= dir.magnitude && Vector2_.Dot(proj, dir) > 0) { hit = Vector2_.Project(-box.center_, dir.normalized) + box.center_ + o; return(true); } } box.SetCenter(tp); if (box.Intersect(other)) { hit = tp + o; return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ Reflect(Vector2_ inDirection, Vector2_ inNormal) { return(-2 * Dot(inNormal, inDirection) * inNormal + inDirection); }
public void Set(Vector2_ _center, double _radius) { SetCenter(_center); m_radius = _radius; }
public static bool Cross(Sphere2D sphere, Box2D other, Vector2_ tp, ref Vector2_ hit) { var box = new Box2D(sphere.center_, sphere.radius * 2, sphere.radius * 2); return(Cross(box, other, tp, ref hit)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ Min(Vector2_ lhs, Vector2_ rhs) { return(new Vector2_(Mathd.Min(lhs.x, rhs.x), Mathd.Min(lhs.y, rhs.y))); }
/// <summary> /// Linearly interpolates between two vectors. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ LerpUnclamped(Vector2_ a, Vector2_ b, double t) { return(new Vector2_(a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t, a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t)); }
/// <summary> /// Linearly interpolates between two vectors. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ Lerp(Vector2_ a, Vector2_ b, double t) { t = Mathd.Clamp01(t); return(new Vector2_(a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t, a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t)); }
public void Set(Vector2_ _center, Vector2_ _size) { SetCenter(_center); SetSize(_size); }
public Sphere2D(Vector2_ _center, double _radius) { m_x = _center.x; m_y = _center.y; m_radius = _radius; }
public bool Contains(Vector2_ point) { return((point - center_).magnitude <= radius); }
/// <summary> /// Multiplies two vectors component-wise. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ Scale(Vector2_ a, Vector2_ b) { return(new Vector2_(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)); }
public void SetCenter(Vector2_ _center) { m_x = _center.x; m_y = _center.y; }
public void SetSize(Vector2_ _size) { m_width = _size.x; m_height = _size.y; }
public static bool Cross(Box2D box, Box2D other, Vector2_ tp, ref Vector2_ hit) { if (box.Intersect(other)) { return(true); } var o = box.center_; tp -= o; other.Set(other.center_ - o, other.size_ + box.size_); box.SetCenter(; double minx = Mathd.Min(0, tp.x), maxx = Mathd.Max(0, tp.x), miny = Mathd.Min(0, tp.y), maxy = Mathd.Max(0, tp.y); var l1 = Mathd.Abs(other.leftEdge) < Mathd.Abs(other.rightEdge) ? other.leftEdge : other.rightEdge; var l2 = Mathd.Abs(other.topEdge) < Mathd.Abs(other.bottomEdge) ? other.topEdge : other.bottomEdge; bool b1 = false, b2 = false; if (other.leftEdge < 0 && other.rightEdge > 0) { goto _l2; } _l1: b1 = true; if (l1 > minx && l1 < maxx) { var yy = tp.y / tp.x * l1; if (yy > other.bottomEdge && yy < other.topEdge) { hit.Set(l1, yy); hit += o; return(true); } } if (b2) { return(false); } _l2: b2 = true; if (l2 > miny && l2 < maxy) { var xx = l2 * tp.x / tp.y; if (xx > other.leftEdge && xx < other.rightEdge) { hit.Set(xx, l2); hit += o; return(true); } } if (!b1) { goto _l1; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Projects a vector onto another vector. /// </summary> public static Vector2_ Project(Vector2_ vector, Vector2_ onNormal) { var dot = Dot(onNormal, onNormal); return(dot < Mathd.Epsilon ? zero : onNormal *Dot(vector, onNormal) / dot); }