static void Convert(string inputPath, string outputPath, Vault.vdkContext context) { Vault.vdkLicenseInfo info = new Vault.vdkLicenseInfo(); context.GetLicenseInfo(Vault.LicenseType.Convert, ref info); if (info.queuePosition == -1) { context.RequestLicense(Vault.LicenseType.Convert); } Vault.vdkConvertContext convertContext = new Vault.vdkConvertContext(); convertContext.Create(context); convertContext.AddFile(inputPath); convertContext.SetFileName(outputPath); convertContext.DoConvert(); convertContext.Destroy(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int width = 1280; const int height = 720; Vault.vdkContext context = new Vault.vdkContext(); Vault.vdkRenderContext renderer = new Vault.vdkRenderContext(); Vault.vdkRenderView renderView = new Vault.vdkRenderView(); Vault.vdkPointCloud udModel = new Vault.vdkPointCloud(); Vault.vdkPointCloudHeader header = new Vault.vdkPointCloudHeader(); uint[] colorBuffer = new uint[width * height]; float[] depthBuffer = new float[width * height]; string server = ""; string username = "******"; string password = "******"; string modelName = "DirCube.uds"; bool pause = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (args[i] == "-u" && i + 1 < args.Length) { username = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-p" && i + 1 < args.Length) { password = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-s" && i + 1 < args.Length) { server = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-m" && i + 1 < args.Length) { modelName = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-pause") { pause = true; } } try { context.Connect(server, "C# Sample", username, password); context.RequestLicense(Vault.LicenseType.Render); Vault.vdkLicenseInfo info = new Vault.vdkLicenseInfo(); context.GetLicenseInfo(Vault.LicenseType.Render, ref info); if (info.queuePosition == -1) { UInt64 unixTimestamp = (UInt64)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine("License fetched and available for another {0} seconds.", info.expiresTimestamp - unixTimestamp); } renderer.Create(context); renderView.Create(context, renderer, width, height); udModel.Load(context, modelName, ref header); renderView.SetTargets(ref colorBuffer, 0, ref depthBuffer); double[] cameraMatrix = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -5, 0, 1 }; renderView.SetMatrix(Vault.RenderViewMatrix.Camera, cameraMatrix); Vault.vdkRenderInstance item = new Vault.vdkRenderInstance(); item.pointCloud = udModel.pModel; item.worldMatrix = header.storedMatrix; Vault.vdkRenderInstance itemFlipped = new Vault.vdkRenderInstance(); itemFlipped.pointCloud = udModel.pModel; itemFlipped.worldMatrix = header.storedMatrix; itemFlipped.worldMatrix[0] = -itemFlipped.worldMatrix[0]; itemFlipped.worldMatrix[5] = -itemFlipped.worldMatrix[5]; itemFlipped.worldMatrix[10] = -itemFlipped.worldMatrix[10]; Vault.vdkRenderInstance[] modelArray = new Vault.vdkRenderInstance[] { item, itemFlipped }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { renderer.Render(renderView, modelArray, modelArray.Length); } string imagePath = "tmp.png"; SaveColorImage(imagePath, width, height, colorBuffer); if (pause) { Console.WriteLine(imagePath + " written to the build directory."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } //! Uncomment the following line to test the convert API //Convert(modelName, modelName + ".uds", context); } finally { udModel.Unload(); renderView.Destroy(); renderer.Destroy(); context.Disconnect(); } }