コード例 #1
ファイル: VariableEditor.cs プロジェクト: JE-00/j-esquerra
        protected virtual void DrawMultiLineProperty(Rect rect, GUIContent label, SerializedProperty referenceProp, SerializedProperty valueProp, Flowchart flowchart,
                                                     VariableInfoAttribute typeInfo)
            const int popupWidth = 100;

            Rect controlRect = rect;
            Rect valueRect   = controlRect;
            //valueRect.width = controlRect.width - 5;
            Rect popupRect = controlRect;

            popupRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;

            if (referenceProp.objectReferenceValue == null)
                //EditorGUI.PropertyField(valueRect, valueProp, label);
                CustomVariableDrawerLookup.DrawCustomOrPropertyField(typeof(T), valueRect, valueProp, label);
                popupRect.x     = rect.width - popupWidth + 5;
                popupRect.width = popupWidth;
                popupRect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, label);

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(popupRect, referenceProp, GUIContent.none);
コード例 #2
ファイル: VariableEditor.cs プロジェクト: JE-00/j-esquerra
        protected virtual void DrawSingleLineProperty(Rect rect, GUIContent label, SerializedProperty referenceProp, SerializedProperty valueProp, Flowchart flowchart,
                                                      VariableInfoAttribute typeInfo)
            int       popupWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
            const int popupGap   = 5;

            //get out starting rect with intent honoured
            Rect controlRect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, label);
            Rect valueRect   = controlRect;

            valueRect.width = controlRect.width - popupWidth - popupGap;
            Rect popupRect = controlRect;

            //we are overriding much of the auto layout to cram this all on 1 line so zero the intend and restore it later
            var prevIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

            if (referenceProp.objectReferenceValue == null)
                CustomVariableDrawerLookup.DrawCustomOrPropertyField(typeof(T), valueRect, valueProp, GUIContent.none);
                popupRect.x    += valueRect.width + popupGap;
                popupRect.width = popupWidth;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(popupRect, referenceProp, GUIContent.none);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = prevIndent;
コード例 #3
ファイル: VariableEditor.cs プロジェクト: 1194451658/fungus
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            // Q: EditorGUI.BeginProperty ??
            EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

            // The variable reference and data properties must follow the naming convention 'typeRef', 'typeVal'

            // 获得上面的VariableInfoAttribute标签
            VariableInfoAttribute typeInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(typeof(T));

            if (typeInfo == null)

            string propNameBase = typeInfo.VariableType;

            propNameBase = Char.ToLowerInvariant(propNameBase[0]) + propNameBase.Substring(1);

            // 例如:获取
            // BooleanVariable booleanRef;
            SerializedProperty referenceProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(propNameBase + "Ref");
            // bool booleanVal;
            SerializedProperty valueProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(propNameBase + "Val");

            if (referenceProp == null || valueProp == null)

            Command command = property.serializedObject.targetObject as Command;

            if (command == null)

            var flowchart = command.GetFlowchart() as Flowchart;

            if (flowchart == null)

            var origLabel = new GUIContent(label);

            if (EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(valueProp, label) > EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight)
                DrawMultiLineProperty(position, origLabel, referenceProp, valueProp, flowchart);
                DrawSingleLineProperty(position, origLabel, referenceProp, valueProp, flowchart);

コード例 #4
ファイル: VariableEditor.cs プロジェクト: 410517980/3D_0526
        public static VariableInfoAttribute GetVariableInfo(System.Type variableType)
            object[] attributes = variableType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(VariableInfoAttribute), false);
            foreach (object obj in attributes)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfoAttr = obj as VariableInfoAttribute;
                if (variableInfoAttr != null)

コード例 #5
        protected override void PrepareAllItems()
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in VariableTypes)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(item);
                if (variableInfo != null)
                    allItems.Add(new FilteredListItem(i, (variableInfo.Category.Length > 0 ? variableInfo.Category + CATEGORY_CHAR : "") + variableInfo.VariableType));

コード例 #6
        private void AddButton(ReorderableList list)
            GenericMenu        menu  = new GenericMenu();
            List <System.Type> types = FlowchartEditor.FindAllDerivedTypes <Variable>();

            // Add variable types without a category
            foreach (var type in types)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                if (variableInfo == null ||
                    variableInfo.Category != "")

                AddVariableInfo addVariableInfo = new AddVariableInfo();
                addVariableInfo.flowchart    = TargetFlowchart;
                addVariableInfo.variableType = type;

                GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.VariableType);

                menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, addVariableInfo);

            // Add types with a category
            foreach (var type in types)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                if (variableInfo == null ||
                    variableInfo.Category == "")

                AddVariableInfo info = new AddVariableInfo();
                info.flowchart    = TargetFlowchart;
                info.variableType = type;

                GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.Category + "/" + variableInfo.VariableType);

                menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, info);

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Class constructor.
        /// <param name="target">The target object (node, variable or generic object).</param>
        /// <param name="serializedNode">The target serialized node.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The property path.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of the property.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyType">The property type.</param>
        /// <param name="array">The array that the element belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The element index.</param>
        /// <param name="variableInfo">A variable info if the serialized property is a variable; null otherwise.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public SerializedArrayElement(object target, SerializedNode serializedNode, string path, System.Type type, NodePropertyType propertyType, Array array, int index, VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo) : base(target, serializedNode, path, type, propertyType)
            m_Array        = array;
            m_Index        = index;
            m_VariableInfo = variableInfo;
            this.label     = "Element " + index.ToString();

            // Its a variable type?
            if (propertyType == NodePropertyType.Variable)
                // Update label
                this.tooltip = (type.Name + ": " + this.tooltip).Replace("Var", string.Empty);

                // Set concreteVariable
                var         variable     = m_Array.GetValue(m_Index) as BehaviourMachine.Variable;
                System.Type variableType = variable != null?variable.GetType() : null;

                m_IsConcreteVariable = variableType != null && TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(variableType) == variableType;
コード例 #8
        protected override void PrepareAllItems()
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in VariableTypes)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(item);
                if (variableInfo != null)
                    var obsAttr = item.GetCustomAttribute <System.ObsoleteAttribute>();

                    var fliStr = (variableInfo.Category.Length > 0 ? variableInfo.Category + CATEGORY_CHAR : "")
                                 + (obsAttr != null ? FungusConstants.UIPrefixForDeprecated_RichText : "")
                                 + variableInfo.VariableType;
                    allItems.Add(new FilteredListItem(i, fliStr));

コード例 #9
        static protected void DoOlderMenu(Flowchart flowchart)
            GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

            // Add variable types without a category
            foreach (var type in VariableTypes)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                if (variableInfo == null ||
                    variableInfo.Category != "")

                GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.VariableType);

                menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, type);

            // Add types with a category
            foreach (var type in VariableTypes)
                VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                if (variableInfo == null ||
                    variableInfo.Category == "")

                GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.Category + CATEGORY_CHAR + variableInfo.VariableType);

                menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, type);

コード例 #10
ファイル: VariableEditor.cs プロジェクト: 410517980/3D_0526
        public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            VariableInfoAttribute typeInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(typeof(T));

            if (typeInfo == null)

            string propNameBase = typeInfo.VariableType;

            propNameBase = Char.ToLowerInvariant(propNameBase[0]) + propNameBase.Substring(1);

            SerializedProperty referenceProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(propNameBase + "Ref");

            if (referenceProp.objectReferenceValue != null)

            SerializedProperty valueProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(propNameBase + "Val");

            return(EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(valueProp, label));
コード例 #11
 public static void VariableDrawProperty(Variable variable, Rect rect, SerializedProperty valueProp, VariableInfoAttribute info)
     if (valueProp == null)
         EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "N/A");
     else if (info.IsPreviewedOnly)
         EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, variable.ToString());
         CustomVariableDrawerLookup.DrawCustomOrPropertyField(variable.GetType(), rect, valueProp, GUIContent.none);
コード例 #12
        public void DrawItem(Rect position, int index, bool selected, bool focused)
            Variable variable = GetVarAt(index);// this[index].objectReferenceValue as Variable;

            if (variable == null)

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                itemRects[i]       = position;
                itemRects[i].width = itemWidths[i] - 5;

                for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                    itemRects[i].x += itemWidths[j];

            var varType = variable.GetType();

            VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(varType);

            if (variableInfo == null)

            var flowchart = TargetFlowchart;

            if (flowchart == null)

            // Highlight if an active or selected command is referencing this variable
            bool highlight = false;

            if (flowchart.SelectedBlock != null)
                if (Application.isPlaying && flowchart.SelectedBlock.IsExecuting())
                    highlight = flowchart.SelectedBlock.ActiveCommand.IsVariableReferenced(variable);
                else if (!Application.isPlaying && flowchart.SelectedCommands.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.SelectedCommands)
                        if (selectedCommand == null)

                        if (selectedCommand.IsVariableReferenced(variable))
                            highlight = true;

            if (highlight)
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
                GUI.Box(position, "");

            string        key   = variable.Key;
            VariableScope scope = variable.Scope;

            // To access properties in a monobehavior, you have to new a SerializedObject
            // http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/629803/findrelativeproperty-never-worked-for-me-how-does.html
            SerializedObject variableObject = new SerializedObject(variable);


            var obsAttr = varType.GetCustomAttribute <System.ObsoleteAttribute>();

            if (obsAttr != null)
                var existingGUICol = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = Color.yellow;
                GUI.Label(itemRects[0], FungusConstants.UIPrefixForDeprecated + variableInfo.VariableType);
                GUI.color = existingGUICol;
                GUI.Label(itemRects[0], variableInfo.VariableType);

            SerializedProperty keyProp     = variableObject.FindProperty("key");
            SerializedProperty defaultProp = variableObject.FindProperty("value");
            SerializedProperty scopeProp   = variableObject.FindProperty("scope");

            key = EditorGUI.TextField(itemRects[1], variable.Key);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                keyProp.stringValue = flowchart.GetUniqueVariableKey(key, variable);

            bool isGlobal = scopeProp.enumValueIndex == (int)VariableScope.Global;

            var prevEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            if (isGlobal && Application.isPlaying)
                var res = FungusManager.Instance.GlobalVariables.GetVariable(keyProp.stringValue);
                if (res != null)
                    SerializedObject globalValue = new SerializedObject(res);
                    var globalValProp            = globalValue.FindProperty("value");

                    GUI.enabled = false;
                    defaultProp = globalValProp;

            //variable.DrawProperty(rects[2], defaultProp, variableInfo);
            VariableDrawProperty(variable, itemRects[2], defaultProp, variableInfo);

            GUI.enabled = prevEnabled;

            scope = (VariableScope)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(itemRects[3], variable.Scope);
            scopeProp.enumValueIndex = (int)scope;


            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
コード例 #13
        public void DrawItem(Rect position, int index)
            Variable variable = this[index].objectReferenceValue as Variable;

            if (variable == null)

            int width      = widthOfList;
            int totalRatio = DefaultWidth;

            float[] widths = { (80.0f / totalRatio) * width,
                               (100.0f / totalRatio) * width,
                               (140.0f / totalRatio) * width,
                               (60.0f / totalRatio) * width };
            Rect[]  rects = new Rect[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                rects[i]       = position;
                rects[i].width = widths[i] - 5;

                for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                    rects[i].x += widths[j];

            VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(variable.GetType());

            if (variableInfo == null)

            var flowchart = FlowchartWindow.GetFlowchart();

            if (flowchart == null)

            // Highlight if an active or selected command is referencing this variable
            bool highlight = false;

            if (flowchart.SelectedBlock != null)
                if (Application.isPlaying && flowchart.SelectedBlock.IsExecuting())
                    highlight = flowchart.SelectedBlock.ActiveCommand.HasReference(variable);
                else if (!Application.isPlaying && flowchart.SelectedCommands.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.SelectedCommands)
                        if (selectedCommand == null)

                        if (selectedCommand.HasReference(variable))
                            highlight = true;

            if (highlight)
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
                GUI.Box(position, "");

            string        key   = variable.Key;
            VariableScope scope = variable.Scope;

            // To access properties in a monobehavior, you have to new a SerializedObject
            // http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/629803/findrelativeproperty-never-worked-for-me-how-does.html
            SerializedObject variableObject = new SerializedObject(this[index].objectReferenceValue);


            GUI.Label(rects[0], variableInfo.VariableType);

            key = EditorGUI.TextField(rects[1], variable.Key);
            SerializedProperty keyProp     = variableObject.FindProperty("key");
            SerializedProperty defaultProp = variableObject.FindProperty("value");
            SerializedProperty scopeProp   = variableObject.FindProperty("scope");

            keyProp.stringValue = flowchart.GetUniqueVariableKey(key, variable);

            bool isGlobal = scopeProp.enumValueIndex == (int)VariableScope.Global;

            if (isGlobal && Application.isPlaying)
                var res = FungusManager.Instance.GlobalVariables.GetVariable(keyProp.stringValue);
                if (res != null)
                    SerializedObject globalValue = new SerializedObject(res);
                    var globalValProp            = globalValue.FindProperty("value");

                    var prevEnabled = GUI.enabled;
                    GUI.enabled = false;

                    EditorGUI.PropertyField(rects[2], globalValProp, new GUIContent(""));

                    GUI.enabled = prevEnabled;
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(rects[2], defaultProp, new GUIContent(""));

            scope = (VariableScope)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rects[3], variable.Scope);
            scopeProp.enumValueIndex = (int)scope;


            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
コード例 #14
        public virtual void DrawVariablesGUI()

            var t = target as Flowchart;

            if (t.Variables.Count == 0)
                t.VariablesExpanded = true;

            if (!t.VariablesExpanded)
                if (GUILayout.Button("Variables (" + t.Variables.Count + ")", GUILayout.Height(24)))
                    t.VariablesExpanded = true;

                // Draw disclosure triangle
                Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                lastRect.x += 5;
                lastRect.y += 5;
                EditorGUI.Foldout(lastRect, false, "");
                Rect listRect = new Rect();

                if (t.Variables.Count > 0)
                    // Remove any null variables from the list
                    // Can sometimes happen when upgrading to a new version of Fungus (if .meta GUID changes for a variable class)
                    for (int i = t.Variables.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (t.Variables[i] == null)

                    VariableListAdaptor adaptor = new VariableListAdaptor(variablesProp, 0);

                    ReorderableListFlags flags = ReorderableListFlags.DisableContextMenu | ReorderableListFlags.HideAddButton;

                    ReorderableListControl.DrawControlFromState(adaptor, null, flags);
                    listRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                    GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(300, 24);
                    listRect    = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                    listRect.y += 20;

                float plusWidth  = 32;
                float plusHeight = 24;

                Rect  buttonRect   = listRect;
                float buttonHeight = 24;
                buttonRect.x      = 4;
                buttonRect.y     -= buttonHeight - 1;
                buttonRect.height = buttonHeight;
                if (!Application.isPlaying)
                    buttonRect.width -= 30;

                if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Variables"))
                    t.VariablesExpanded = false;

                // Draw disclosure triangle
                Rect lastRect = buttonRect;
                lastRect.x += 5;
                lastRect.y += 5;
                EditorGUI.Foldout(lastRect, true, "");

                Rect plusRect = listRect;
                plusRect.x     += plusRect.width - plusWidth;
                plusRect.y     -= plusHeight - 1;
                plusRect.width  = plusWidth;
                plusRect.height = plusHeight;

                if (!Application.isPlaying &&
                    GUI.Button(plusRect, addTexture))
                    GenericMenu        menu  = new GenericMenu();
                    List <System.Type> types = FindAllDerivedTypes <Variable>();

                    // Add variable types without a category
                    foreach (var type in types)
                        VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                        if (variableInfo == null ||
                            variableInfo.Category != "")

                        AddVariableInfo addVariableInfo = new AddVariableInfo();
                        addVariableInfo.flowchart    = t;
                        addVariableInfo.variableType = type;

                        GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.VariableType);

                        menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, addVariableInfo);

                    // Add types with a category
                    foreach (var type in types)
                        VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = VariableEditor.GetVariableInfo(type);
                        if (variableInfo == null ||
                            variableInfo.Category == "")

                        AddVariableInfo info = new AddVariableInfo();
                        info.flowchart    = t;
                        info.variableType = type;

                        GUIContent typeName = new GUIContent(variableInfo.Category + "/" + variableInfo.VariableType);

                        menu.AddItem(typeName, false, AddVariable, info);


コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a set of serialized properties in an array.
        /// <param name="serializedNode">The target serialized node.</param>
        /// <param name="target">The target object (node, variable or generic object).</param>
        /// <param name="targetArray">The target array.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The elements type in the array.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPath">The property path of the target array.</param>
        /// <param name="variableInfo">The variable info in the array or null.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyAttr">The property attribute in the array.</param>
        /// <returns>The serialized properties in the array.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        static SerializedNodeProperty[] GetPropertiesData(SerializedNode serializedNode, object target, Array targetArray, Type type, string currentPath, VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo, PropertyAttribute propertyAttr)
            // Create the property data list
            var propertyData = new List <SerializedNodeProperty>();
            // Get the property type
            var propertyType = SerializedNode.GetPropertyType(type);

            if (targetArray != null)
                // Variable?
                if (propertyType == NodePropertyType.Variable)
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetArray.Length; i++)
                        // Get the field value
                        object elementValue = targetArray.GetValue(i);
                        // Create the variable data
                        var variableData = new SerializedArrayElement(target, serializedNode, currentPath + "data[" + i.ToString() + "]", type, propertyType, targetArray, i, variableInfo);

                        // Create the variable children
                        SerializedNodeProperty[] children = SerializedNode.GetPropertiesData(serializedNode, elementValue, elementValue != null ? elementValue.GetType() : type, variableData.path + ".");

                        // Create the property drawer for the "Value" child property
                        if (propertyAttr != null && variableData.isConcreteVariable)
                            foreach (var child in children)
                                // It is the "Value" property?
                                if (child.label == "Value")
                                    child.customDrawer = NodePropertyDrawer.GetDrawer(propertyAttr);

                        // Set children

                        // Add the variable data to the list
                // Array?
                else if (propertyType == NodePropertyType.Array)
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetArray.Length; i++)
                        // Create the current property data
                        var currentPropertyData = new SerializedArrayElement(target, serializedNode, currentPath + "data[" + i.ToString() + "]", type, propertyType, targetArray, i, variableInfo);
                        // Get the array value
                        var array = targetArray.GetValue(i) as Array;
                        // Get array element type
                        var elementType = type.GetElementType();
                        // Create the array children list
                        var childrenList = new List <SerializedNodeProperty>();

                        // Create the array size
                        childrenList.Add(new SerializedArraySize(target, serializedNode, currentPropertyData.path + ".size", currentPropertyData, array, elementType));
                        // Create array children
                        childrenList.AddRange(SerializedNode.GetPropertiesData(serializedNode, target, array, elementType, currentPropertyData.path + ".", variableInfo, propertyAttr));

                        // Set array data children

                        // Add to list
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetArray.Length; i++)
                        // Create the current property data
                        var currentPropertyData = new SerializedArrayElement(target, serializedNode, currentPath + "data[" + i.ToString() + "]", type, propertyType, targetArray, i, variableInfo);
                        // Try to get a property drawer
                        if (propertyAttr != null)
                            currentPropertyData.customDrawer = NodePropertyDrawer.GetDrawer(propertyAttr);
                        // Add to list

コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a variable field on the GUI.
        /// <param name= "guiContent">The GUI content to draw the property.</param>
        /// <param name= "property">The variable property.</param>
        /// <param name= "node">The node that owns the variable to be drawn.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public static void VariableField(GUIContent guiContent, SerializedNodeProperty property, ActionNode node)
            var variable   = property.value as Variable;
            var isNone     = variable == null || variable.isNone;
            var isConstant = !isNone && variable.isConstant;
            VariableInfoAttribute variableInfo = property.variableInfo;
            string  popupName    = string.Empty;
            Texture popupTexture = null;

            #if UNITY_4_0_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2
            var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(guiContent, EditorStyles.popup);
            var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();

            var id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard);

            // Set label color
            if (isNone && variableInfo.requiredField)
                EditorStyles.label.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            // Draw label
            rect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, id, guiContent);
            // Restore label color
            EditorStyles.label.normal.textColor = s_Styles.labelTextColor;

            if (isNone)
                popupName    = variableInfo.nullLabel;
                popupTexture = s_Styles.noneTexture;
            else if (isConstant)
                if (property.isConcreteVariable)
                    popupName    = "Constant";
                    popupTexture = s_Styles.constantTexture;
                    popupName    = variable.GetType().Name;
                    popupTexture = IconUtility.GetIcon(variable.GetType());
                popupName = variable.name;
                // Its a global var?
                popupTexture = variable.isGlobal ? s_Styles.globalBlackboardTexture : popupTexture = s_Styles.blackboardTexture;;

            // Popup button
            if (GUIHelper.EditorButton(rect, id, new GUIContent(popupName, popupTexture), s_Styles.popup))
                // Set keyboard focus to the label
                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
                // Create the menu and the list of unique names
                var menu  = new GenericMenu();
                var names = new List <string>()

                // None
                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(variableInfo.nullLabel), isNone, delegate {
                    if (isConstant && property.isConcreteVariable)
                    else if (!isNone)
                        object noneVariable;
                        if (property.type == typeof(GameObjectVar))
                            noneVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(property.type), new object[] { node.self });
                        else if (property.type.IsAbstract)
                            noneVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(property.type));
                            noneVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(property.type);
                        property.value = noneVariable;

                // Create the anonymous function to set constants
                GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 createConstant = delegate(object userData) {
                    // Get the desired variable type
                    var type = userData as System.Type;

                    // its not a constant or its an "ex global" var (an ex global var does not have a GlobalBlackboard)?
                    if (variable == null || variable.isInvalid || property.type == typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable))
                        // Create a constant
                        Variable newVariable;
                        if (property.type == typeof(GameObjectVar))
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(type), new object[] { node.self }) as Variable;
                        else if (type.IsAbstract)
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(type)) as Variable;
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as Variable;

                        property.value = newVariable;
                    else if (isNone)
                    else if ((isConstant && !property.isConcreteVariable) || !isConstant)
                        // Create a concrete variable type and update the field value!
                        Variable newVariable;

                        if (type == typeof(GameObjectVar))
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(type), new object[] { node.self }) as Variable;
                        else if (type.IsAbstract)
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtility.GetConcreteType(type)) as Variable;
                            newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as Variable;

                        property.value = newVariable;

                // Add the Constant name to the list

                // Can be constant?
                if (variableInfo.canBeConstant && property.type != typeof(BehaviourMachine.FsmEvent) && property.type != typeof(BehaviourMachine.DynamicList))
                    if (property.type != typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable))
                        menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && property.isConcreteVariable, createConstant, property.type);
                        bool variableNotNull = variable != null;
                        // If its a Variable type then add options for all concrete variables
                        if (!variableInfo.fixedType)
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/Variable"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/FloatVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteFloatVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteFloatVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/IntVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteIntVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteIntVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/BoolVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteBoolVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteBoolVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/StringVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteStringVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteStringVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/Vector3Var"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteVector3Var), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteVector3Var));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/RectVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteRectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteRectVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/ColorVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteColorVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteColorVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/QuaternionVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteQuaternionVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteQuaternionVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/GameObjectVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteGameObjectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteGameObjectVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/MaterialVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteMaterialVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteMaterialVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/TextureVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteTextureVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteTextureVar));
                            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant/ObjectVar"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteObjectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteObjectVar));
                        else if (variable != null)
                            // Get the base type
                            System.Type baseType = BehaviourMachine.TypeUtility.GetBaseType(variable.GetType());
                            if (baseType == typeof(Variable))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.Variable));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(FloatVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteFloatVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteFloatVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(IntVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteIntVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteIntVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(BoolVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteBoolVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteBoolVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(StringVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteStringVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteStringVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(Vector3Var))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteVector3Var), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteVector3Var));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(RectVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteRectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteRectVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(ColorVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteColorVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteColorVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(QuaternionVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteQuaternionVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteQuaternionVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(GameObjectVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteGameObjectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteGameObjectVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(MaterialVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteMaterialVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteMaterialVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(TextureVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteTextureVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteTextureVar));
                            else if (baseType == typeof(ObjectVar))
                                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Constant"), isConstant && variableNotNull && variable.GetType() == typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteObjectVar), createConstant, typeof(BehaviourMachine.ConcreteObjectVar));
                    menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Constant"));

                // Custom variables
                if (property.type != null)
                    System.Type[] customVars = CustomVariableUtility.GetCustomVariables(variableInfo.fixedType && variable != null ? BehaviourMachine.TypeUtility.GetBaseType(variable.GetType()) : property.type);

                    // if (customVars.Length > 0) {
                    //     menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty);
                    // }

                    for (int i = 0; i < customVars.Length; i++)
                        // Get the type of the custom variable
                        System.Type customVarType = customVars[i];
                        // Get a unique name
                        string uniqueName = StringHelper.GetUniqueNameInList(names, "Custom/" + customVarType.Name);
                        // Add to the menu
                        menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(uniqueName), isConstant && variable != null && variable.GetType() == customVarType, delegate {
                            try {
                                var newVariable = Activator.CreateInstance(customVarType, new object[] { node.self }) as Variable;
                                if (newVariable != null)
                                    property.value = newVariable;
                            catch (Exception e) {

                // Boolean used to know if the variables separator was already added to the menu.
                bool separatorAdded = false;

                // Blackboard variables
                var variables = node.self.GetComponent <InternalBlackboard>().GetVariables(variable != null && variableInfo.fixedType ? BehaviourMachine.TypeUtility.GetBaseType(variable.GetType()) : property.type);

                // Add separator?
                if (variables.Count > 0)
                    separatorAdded = true;

                // Blackboard variables
                for (int i = 0; i < variables.Count; i++)
                    var v    = variables[i];
                    var name = StringHelper.GetUniqueNameInList(names, v.name);
                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), variable == v, delegate { property.value = v; });

                // Global variables
                if (InternalGlobalBlackboard.Instance != null)
                    var globalVariables = InternalGlobalBlackboard.Instance.GetVariables(property.type);

                    // Add separator?
                    if (!separatorAdded && globalVariables.Count > 0)
                        separatorAdded = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < globalVariables.Count; i++)
                        var v    = globalVariables[i];
                        var name = StringHelper.GetUniqueNameInList(names, "Global/" + v.name);
                        menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), variable == v, delegate { property.value = v; });

                // Show menu
                // Set GUI as not changed
                GUI.changed = false;

            // Draw constant properties
            if (isConstant)
                // Get children
                var children = property.children;

                // The variable is an ObjectVar?
                var         objectVar = variable as ObjectVar;
                System.Type objType   = objectVar != null ? objectVar.ObjectType : null;

                // Draw properties
                if (children.Length > 0)

                    if (property.isConcreteVariable)
                        for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                            SerializedNodeProperty childProperty = children[i];
                            if (!childProperty.hideInInspector)
                                if (childProperty.propertyType == NodePropertyType.Vector3 || childProperty.propertyType == NodePropertyType.Quaternion || childProperty.propertyType == NodePropertyType.Vector2)
                                    #if UNITY_4_0_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2

                                    DrawNodeProperty(GUIContent.none, childProperty, node, objType);

                                    #if UNITY_4_0_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2
                                else if (childProperty.propertyType == NodePropertyType.Rect)
                                    #if UNITY_4_0_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2

                                    DrawNodeProperty(GUIContent.none, childProperty, node, objType);

                                    #if UNITY_4_0_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2
                                    DrawNodeProperty(new GUIContent(childProperty.label, childProperty.tooltip), childProperty, node, objType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                            SerializedNodeProperty childProperty = children[i];
                            if (!childProperty.hideInInspector)
                                DrawNodeProperty(new GUIContent(childProperty.label, childProperty.tooltip), childProperty, node, objType);
