public void assignValue() { tabla = gameObject.GetComponent <UITable> (); List <Transform> lista = tabla.GetChildList(); foreach (Transform t in lista) { GameObject go = t.gameObject; VariableController vc = go.GetComponent <VariableController> (); //Debug.Log (vc.getValueString()); //string vcString = vc.getValueString(); // Get the name of the object and asign the value to it if (vc.getValueString() == "Machine") { Debug.Log("Machine"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.MachineID; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "RegisterDate") { Debug.Log("RegisterDate"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.RegisterDate; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Xp") { Debug.Log("Xp"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Xp; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Yp") { Debug.Log("Yp"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Yp; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Zp") { Debug.Log("Zp"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Zp; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Xload") { Debug.Log("Zp"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Zp; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Yload") { Debug.Log("Yload"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Yload; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } else if (vc.getValueString() == "Zload") { Debug.Log("Zload"); string value = Session_App.activeMachine.Zload; Debug.Log(value); vc.setValueToLabel(value); } //bool checkVar = Session_App.values.ContainsKey (vcString); //Debug.Log (checkVar); //if(Session_App.activeMachine){ //string valueChecked = Session_App.values [vcString]; //Debug.Log (valueChecked); //vc.setValueToLabel (valueChecked); //} } }