コード例 #1
 public FloatFloatSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type, DoubleVector nominal1, DoubleVector nominal2, Schedule schedule1, InterestRateIndex index1, DayCounter dayCount1, Schedule schedule2, InterestRateIndex index2, DayCounter dayCount2, bool intermediateCapitalExchange, bool finalCapitalExchange, DoubleVector gearing1, DoubleVector spread1, DoubleVector cappedRate1) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FloatFloatSwap__SWIG_7((int)type, DoubleVector.getCPtr(nominal1), DoubleVector.getCPtr(nominal2), Schedule.getCPtr(schedule1), InterestRateIndex.getCPtr(index1), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCount1), Schedule.getCPtr(schedule2), InterestRateIndex.getCPtr(index2), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCount2), intermediateCapitalExchange, finalCapitalExchange, DoubleVector.getCPtr(gearing1), DoubleVector.getCPtr(spread1), DoubleVector.getCPtr(cappedRate1)), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #2
 public NonstandardSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type, DoubleVector fixedNominal, DoubleVector floatingNominal, Schedule fixedSchedule, DoubleVector fixedRate, DayCounter fixedDayCount, Schedule floatSchedule, IborIndex index, DoubleVector gearing, DoubleVector spread, DayCounter floatDayCount) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_NonstandardSwap__SWIG_3((int)type, DoubleVector.getCPtr(fixedNominal), DoubleVector.getCPtr(floatingNominal), Schedule.getCPtr(fixedSchedule), DoubleVector.getCPtr(fixedRate), DayCounter.getCPtr(fixedDayCount), Schedule.getCPtr(floatSchedule), IborIndex.getCPtr(index), DoubleVector.getCPtr(gearing), DoubleVector.getCPtr(spread), DayCounter.getCPtr(floatDayCount)), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #3
 public FloatFloatSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type, DoubleVector nominal1, DoubleVector nominal2, Schedule schedule1, InterestRateIndex index1, DayCounter dayCount1, Schedule schedule2, InterestRateIndex index2, DayCounter dayCount2) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FloatFloatSwap__SWIG_12((int)type, DoubleVector.getCPtr(nominal1), DoubleVector.getCPtr(nominal2), Schedule.getCPtr(schedule1), InterestRateIndex.getCPtr(index1), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCount1), Schedule.getCPtr(schedule2), InterestRateIndex.getCPtr(index2), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCount2)), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #4
 public VanillaSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type, double nominal, Schedule fixedSchedule, double fixedRate, DayCounter fixedDayCount, Schedule floatSchedule, IborIndex index, double spread, DayCounter floatingDayCount) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_VanillaSwap((int)type, nominal, Schedule.getCPtr(fixedSchedule), fixedRate, DayCounter.getCPtr(fixedDayCount), Schedule.getCPtr(floatSchedule), IborIndex.getCPtr(index), spread, DayCounter.getCPtr(floatingDayCount)), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #5
 public NonstandardSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type, DoubleVector fixedNominal, DoubleVector floatingNominal, Schedule fixedSchedule, DoubleVector fixedRate, DayCounter fixedDayCount, Schedule floatSchedule, IborIndex index, DoubleVector gearing, DoubleVector spread, DayCounter floatDayCount, bool intermediateCapitalExchange, bool finalCapitalExchange, BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_NonstandardSwap__SWIG_0((int)type, DoubleVector.getCPtr(fixedNominal), DoubleVector.getCPtr(floatingNominal), Schedule.getCPtr(fixedSchedule), DoubleVector.getCPtr(fixedRate), DayCounter.getCPtr(fixedDayCount), Schedule.getCPtr(floatSchedule), IborIndex.getCPtr(index), DoubleVector.getCPtr(gearing), DoubleVector.getCPtr(spread), DayCounter.getCPtr(floatDayCount), intermediateCapitalExchange, finalCapitalExchange, (int)paymentConvention), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #6
 public VanillaSwap.Type type()
     VanillaSwap.Type ret = (VanillaSwap.Type)NQuantLibcPINVOKE.NonstandardSwap_type(swigCPtr);
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        public MakeVanillaSwap withType(VanillaSwap.Type type)
            MakeVanillaSwap ret = new MakeVanillaSwap(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.MakeVanillaSwap_withType(swigCPtr, (int)type), false);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #8
ファイル: FloatFloatSwap.cs プロジェクト: igitur/qlnet
        public FloatFloatSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type,
                              List <double> nominal1,
                              List <double> nominal2,
                              Schedule schedule1,
                              InterestRateIndex index1,
                              DayCounter dayCount1,
                              Schedule schedule2,
                              InterestRateIndex index2,
                              DayCounter dayCount2,
                              bool intermediateCapitalExchange         = false,
                              bool finalCapitalExchange                = false,
                              List <double> gearing1                   = null,
                              List <double> spread1                    = null,
                              List <double?> cappedRate1               = null,
                              List <double?> flooredRate1              = null,
                              List <double> gearing2                   = null,
                              List <double> spread2                    = null,
                              List <double?> cappedRate2               = null,
                              List <double?> flooredRate2              = null,
                              BusinessDayConvention?paymentConvention1 = null,
                              BusinessDayConvention?paymentConvention2 = null)
            : base(2)
            type_         = type;
            nominal1_     = nominal1;
            nominal2_     = nominal2;
            schedule1_    = schedule1;
            schedule2_    = schedule2;
            index1_       = index1;
            index2_       = index2;
            gearing1_     = gearing1;
            gearing2_     = gearing2;
            spread1_      = spread1;
            spread2_      = spread2;
            cappedRate1_  = cappedRate1;
            flooredRate1_ = flooredRate1;
            cappedRate2_  = cappedRate2;
            flooredRate2_ = flooredRate2;
            dayCount1_    = dayCount1;
            dayCount2_    = dayCount2;
            intermediateCapitalExchange_ = intermediateCapitalExchange;
            finalCapitalExchange_        = finalCapitalExchange;

            init(paymentConvention1, paymentConvention2);
コード例 #9
ファイル: FloatFloatSwap.cs プロジェクト: igitur/qlnet
        public FloatFloatSwap(VanillaSwap.Type type,
                              double nominal1,
                              double nominal2,
                              Schedule schedule1,
                              InterestRateIndex index1,
                              DayCounter dayCount1,
                              Schedule schedule2,
                              InterestRateIndex index2,
                              DayCounter dayCount2,
                              bool intermediateCapitalExchange = false,
                              bool finalCapitalExchange        = false,
                              double gearing1     = 1.0,
                              double spread1      = 0.0,
                              double?cappedRate1  = null,
                              double?flooredRate1 = null,
                              double gearing2     = 1.0,
                              double spread2      = 0.0,
                              double?cappedRate2  = null,
                              double?flooredRate2 = null,
                              BusinessDayConvention?paymentConvention1 = null,
                              BusinessDayConvention?paymentConvention2 = null)
            : base(2)
            type_         = type;
            nominal1_     = new InitializedList <double> (schedule1.size() - 1, nominal1);
            nominal2_     = new InitializedList <double> (schedule2.size() - 1, nominal2);
            schedule1_    = schedule1;
            schedule2_    = schedule2;
            index1_       = index1;
            index2_       = index2;
            gearing1_     = new InitializedList <double>(schedule1.size() - 1, gearing1);
            gearing2_     = new InitializedList <double>(schedule2.size() - 1, gearing2);
            spread1_      = new InitializedList <double>(schedule1.size() - 1, spread1);
            spread2_      = new InitializedList <double>(schedule2.size() - 1, spread2);
            cappedRate1_  = new InitializedList <double?>(schedule1.size() - 1, cappedRate1);
            flooredRate1_ = new InitializedList <double?>(schedule1.size() - 1, flooredRate1);
            cappedRate2_  = new InitializedList <double?>(schedule2.size() - 1, cappedRate2);
            flooredRate2_ = new InitializedList <double?>(schedule2.size() - 1, flooredRate2);
            dayCount1_    = dayCount1; dayCount2_ = dayCount2;
            intermediateCapitalExchange_ = intermediateCapitalExchange;
            finalCapitalExchange_        = finalCapitalExchange;

            init(paymentConvention1, paymentConvention2);
コード例 #10
            public CommonVars()
                type               = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                settlementDays     = 2;
                nominal            = 100.0;
                fixedConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount      = new Thirty360();

                index = new Euribor(new Period(floatingFrequency), termStructure);

                calendar = index.fixingCalendar();
                today    = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: igitur/qlnet
        public MakeVanillaSwap(Period swapTenor, IborIndex index, double?fixedRate = null, Period forwardStart = null)
            swapTenor_      = swapTenor;
            iborIndex_      = index;
            fixedRate_      = fixedRate;
            forwardStart_   = forwardStart ?? new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days);
            settlementDays_ = iborIndex_.fixingDays();
            fixedCalendar_  = floatCalendar_ = index.fixingCalendar();

            type_            = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
            nominal_         = 1.0;
            floatTenor_      = index.tenor();
            fixedConvention_ = fixedTerminationDateConvention_ = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            floatConvention_ = floatTerminationDateConvention_ = index.businessDayConvention();
            fixedRule_       = floatRule_ = DateGeneration.Rule.Backward;
            fixedEndOfMonth_ = floatEndOfMonth_ = false;
            fixedFirstDate_  = fixedNextToLastDate_ = floatFirstDate_ = floatNextToLastDate_ = null;
            floatSpread_     = 0.0;
            floatDayCount_   = index.dayCounter();
コード例 #12
ファイル: T_Bermudanswaption.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/QLNet
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                startYears         = 1;
                length             = 5;
                type               = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                nominal            = 1000.0;
                settlementDays     = 2;
                fixedConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount      = new Thirty360();

                termStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(new Date(19, Month.February, 2002), 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed()));

                index      = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                calendar   = index.fixingCalendar();
                today      = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: akasolace/qlnet
        public MakeVanillaSwap(Period swapTenor, IborIndex index, double? fixedRate, Period forwardStart) {
            swapTenor_ = swapTenor;
            iborIndex_ = index;
            fixedRate_ = fixedRate;
            forwardStart_ = forwardStart;
            effectiveDate_ = null;
            fixedCalendar_ = floatCalendar_ = index.fixingCalendar();
            type_ = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
            nominal_ = 1.0;
            fixedTenor_ = new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
            floatTenor_ = index.tenor();
            fixedConvention_ = fixedTerminationDateConvention_ = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            floatConvention_ = floatTerminationDateConvention_ = index.businessDayConvention();
            fixedRule_ = floatRule_ = DateGeneration.Rule.Backward;
            fixedEndOfMonth_ = floatEndOfMonth_ = false;
            fixedFirstDate_ = fixedNextToLastDate_ = floatFirstDate_ = floatNextToLastDate_ = null;
            floatSpread_ = 0.0;
            fixedDayCount_ = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.BondBasis);
            floatDayCount_ = index.dayCounter();

            engine_ = new DiscountingSwapEngine(index.forwardingTermStructure());
コード例 #14
        public MakeVanillaSwap(Period swapTenor, IborIndex index, double?fixedRate, Period forwardStart)
            swapTenor_     = swapTenor;
            iborIndex_     = index;
            fixedRate_     = fixedRate;
            forwardStart_  = forwardStart;
            effectiveDate_ = null;
            fixedCalendar_ = floatCalendar_ = index.fixingCalendar();

            type_            = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
            nominal_         = 1.0;
            fixedTenor_      = new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
            floatTenor_      = index.tenor();
            fixedConvention_ = fixedTerminationDateConvention_ = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            floatConvention_ = floatTerminationDateConvention_ = index.businessDayConvention();
            fixedRule_       = floatRule_ = DateGeneration.Rule.Backward;
            fixedEndOfMonth_ = floatEndOfMonth_ = false;
            fixedFirstDate_  = fixedNextToLastDate_ = floatFirstDate_ = floatNextToLastDate_ = null;
            floatSpread_     = 0.0;
            fixedDayCount_   = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.BondBasis);
            floatDayCount_   = index.dayCounter();

            engine_ = new DiscountingSwapEngine(index.forwardingTermStructure());
コード例 #15
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: igitur/qlnet
 public MakeVanillaSwap receiveFixed(bool flag = true)
     type_ = flag ? VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver : VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
コード例 #16
 public MakeSwaption withUnderlyingType(VanillaSwap.Type type)
     underlyingType_ = type;
コード例 #17
ファイル: T_Bermudanswaption.cs プロジェクト: Yenyenx/qlnet
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                startYears = 1;
                length = 5;
                type = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                nominal = 1000.0;
                settlementDays = 2;
                fixedConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount = new Thirty360();

                termStructure = new RelinkableHandle<YieldTermStructure>();
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(new Date(19, Month.February, 2002), 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed()));

                index = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                calendar = index.fixingCalendar();
                today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
コード例 #18
        protected override void performCalculations()
            Calendar calendar   = index_.fixingCalendar();
            int      fixingDays = index_.fixingDays();

            Date exerciseDate = exerciseDate_;

            if (exerciseDate == null)
                exerciseDate = calendar.advance(termStructure_.link.referenceDate(),

            Date startDate = calendar.advance(exerciseDate,
                                              fixingDays, TimeUnit.Days,

            Date endDate = endDate_;

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = calendar.advance(startDate, length_,

            Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, endDate, fixedLegTenor_, calendar,
                                                  DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, endDate, index_.tenor(), calendar,
                                                  DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);

            IPricingEngine swapEngine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(termStructure_, false);

            VanillaSwap.Type type = VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver;

            VanillaSwap temp = new VanillaSwap(VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver, nominal_,
                                               fixedSchedule, 0.0, fixedLegDayCounter_,
                                               floatSchedule, index_, 0.0, floatingLegDayCounter_);

            double forward = temp.fairRate();

            if (!strike_.HasValue)
                exerciseRate_ = forward;
                exerciseRate_ = strike_.Value;
                type          = strike_ <= forward ? VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver : VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                // ensure that calibration instrument is out of the money
            swap_ = new VanillaSwap(type, nominal_,
                                    fixedSchedule, exerciseRate_, fixedLegDayCounter_,
                                    floatSchedule, index_, 0.0, floatingLegDayCounter_);

            Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exerciseDate);

            swaption_ = new Swaption(swap_, exercise);

コード例 #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime timer = DateTime.Now;

            ***  MARKET DATA  ***

            Calendar calendar = new TARGET();

            Date settlementDate = new Date(22, Month.September, 2004);

            // must be a business day
            settlementDate = calendar.adjust(settlementDate);

            int  fixingDays = 2;
            Date todaysDate = calendar.advance(settlementDate, -fixingDays, TimeUnit.Days);

            // nothing to do with Date::todaysDate

            todaysDate = Settings.evaluationDate();
            Console.WriteLine("Today: {0}, {1}", todaysDate.DayOfWeek, todaysDate);
            Console.WriteLine("Settlement date: {0}, {1}", settlementDate.DayOfWeek, settlementDate);

            // deposits
            double d1wQuote = 0.0382;
            double d1mQuote = 0.0372;
            double d3mQuote = 0.0363;
            double d6mQuote = 0.0353;
            double d9mQuote = 0.0348;
            double d1yQuote = 0.0345;
            // FRAs
            double fra3x6Quote  = 0.037125;
            double fra6x9Quote  = 0.037125;
            double fra6x12Quote = 0.037125;
            // futures
            double fut1Quote = 96.2875;
            double fut2Quote = 96.7875;
            double fut3Quote = 96.9875;
            double fut4Quote = 96.6875;
            double fut5Quote = 96.4875;
            double fut6Quote = 96.3875;
            double fut7Quote = 96.2875;
            double fut8Quote = 96.0875;
            // swaps
            double s2yQuote  = 0.037125;
            double s3yQuote  = 0.0398;
            double s5yQuote  = 0.0443;
            double s10yQuote = 0.05165;
            double s15yQuote = 0.055175;

            ***    QUOTES    ***

            // SimpleQuote stores a value which can be manually changed;
            // other Quote subclasses could read the value from a database
            // or some kind of data feed.

            // deposits
            Quote d1wRate = new SimpleQuote(d1wQuote);
            Quote d1mRate = new SimpleQuote(d1mQuote);
            Quote d3mRate = new SimpleQuote(d3mQuote);
            Quote d6mRate = new SimpleQuote(d6mQuote);
            Quote d9mRate = new SimpleQuote(d9mQuote);
            Quote d1yRate = new SimpleQuote(d1yQuote);
            // FRAs
            Quote fra3x6Rate  = new SimpleQuote(fra3x6Quote);
            Quote fra6x9Rate  = new SimpleQuote(fra6x9Quote);
            Quote fra6x12Rate = new SimpleQuote(fra6x12Quote);
            // futures
            Quote fut1Price = new SimpleQuote(fut1Quote);
            Quote fut2Price = new SimpleQuote(fut2Quote);
            Quote fut3Price = new SimpleQuote(fut3Quote);
            Quote fut4Price = new SimpleQuote(fut4Quote);
            Quote fut5Price = new SimpleQuote(fut5Quote);
            Quote fut6Price = new SimpleQuote(fut6Quote);
            Quote fut7Price = new SimpleQuote(fut7Quote);
            Quote fut8Price = new SimpleQuote(fut8Quote);
            // swaps
            Quote s2yRate  = new SimpleQuote(s2yQuote);
            Quote s3yRate  = new SimpleQuote(s3yQuote);
            Quote s5yRate  = new SimpleQuote(s5yQuote);
            Quote s10yRate = new SimpleQuote(s10yQuote);
            Quote s15yRate = new SimpleQuote(s15yQuote);

            ***  RATE HELPERS ***

            // RateHelpers are built from the above quotes together with
            // other instrument dependant infos.  Quotes are passed in
            // relinkable handles which could be relinked to some other
            // data source later.

            // deposits
            DayCounter depositDayCounter = new Actual360();

            RateHelper d1w = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d1wRate), new Period(1, TimeUnit.Weeks),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper d1m = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d1mRate), new Period(1, TimeUnit.Months),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper d3m = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d3mRate), new Period(3, TimeUnit.Months),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper d6m = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d6mRate), new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper d9m = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d9mRate), new Period(9, TimeUnit.Months),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper d1y = new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(d1yRate), new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                   fixingDays, calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            // setup FRAs
            RateHelper fra3x6 = new FraRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fra3x6Rate), 3, 6, fixingDays, calendar,
                                                  BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper fra6x9 = new FraRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fra6x9Rate), 6, 9, fixingDays, calendar,
                                                  BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);
            RateHelper fra6x12 = new FraRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fra6x12Rate), 6, 12, fixingDays, calendar,
                                                   BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            // setup futures
            // Handle<Quote> convexityAdjustment = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.0));
            int  futMonths = 3;
            Date imm       = IMM.nextDate(settlementDate);

            RateHelper fut1 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut1Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut2 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut2Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut3 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut3Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut4 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut4Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut5 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut5Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut6 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut6Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut7 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut7Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            imm = IMM.nextDate(imm + 1);
            RateHelper fut8 = new FuturesRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(fut8Price), imm, futMonths, calendar,
                                                    BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, depositDayCounter);

            // setup swaps
            Frequency             swFixedLegFrequency  = Frequency.Annual;
            BusinessDayConvention swFixedLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
            DayCounter            swFixedLegDayCounter = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.European);

            IborIndex swFloatingLegIndex = new Euribor6M();

            RateHelper s2y = new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(s2yRate), new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                calendar, swFixedLegFrequency, swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter, swFloatingLegIndex);
            RateHelper s3y = new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(s3yRate), new Period(3, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                calendar, swFixedLegFrequency, swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter, swFloatingLegIndex);
            RateHelper s5y = new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(s5yRate), new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                calendar, swFixedLegFrequency, swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter, swFloatingLegIndex);
            RateHelper s10y = new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(s10yRate), new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                 calendar, swFixedLegFrequency, swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter, swFloatingLegIndex);
            RateHelper s15y = new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(s15yRate), new Period(15, TimeUnit.Years),
                                                 calendar, swFixedLegFrequency, swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter, swFloatingLegIndex);

            **  CURVE BUILDING **

            // Any DayCounter would be fine.
            // ActualActual::ISDA ensures that 30 years is 30.0
            DayCounter termStructureDayCounter = new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA);

            double tolerance = 1.0e-15;

            // A depo-swap curve
            List <RateHelper> depoSwapInstruments = new List <RateHelper>();

            YieldTermStructure depoSwapTermStructure = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(
                settlementDate, depoSwapInstruments, termStructureDayCounter, new List <Handle <Quote> >(), new List <Date>(), tolerance);

            // A depo-futures-swap curve
            List <RateHelper> depoFutSwapInstruments = new List <RateHelper>();

            YieldTermStructure depoFutSwapTermStructure = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(
                settlementDate, depoFutSwapInstruments, termStructureDayCounter, new List <Handle <Quote> >(), new List <Date>(), tolerance);

            // A depo-FRA-swap curve
            List <RateHelper> depoFRASwapInstruments = new List <RateHelper>();

            YieldTermStructure depoFRASwapTermStructure = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(
                settlementDate, depoFRASwapInstruments, termStructureDayCounter, new List <Handle <Quote> >(), new List <Date>(), tolerance);

            // Term structures that will be used for pricing:
            // the one used for discounting cash flows
            RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure> discountingTermStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();
            // the one used for forward rate forecasting
            RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure> forecastingTermStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();

             * SWAPS TO BE PRICED *

            // constant nominal 1,000,000 Euro
            double nominal = 1000000.0;
            // fixed leg
            Frequency             fixedLegFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
            BusinessDayConvention fixedLegConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
            BusinessDayConvention floatingLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            DayCounter            fixedLegDayCounter    = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.European);
            double     fixedRate             = 0.04;
            DayCounter floatingLegDayCounter = new Actual360();

            // floating leg
            Frequency floatingLegFrequency = Frequency.Semiannual;
            IborIndex euriborIndex         = new Euribor6M(forecastingTermStructure);
            double    spread = 0.0;

            int lenghtInYears = 5;

            VanillaSwap.Type swapType = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;

            Date     maturity      = settlementDate + new Period(lenghtInYears, TimeUnit.Years);
            Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(settlementDate, maturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency),
                                                  calendar, fixedLegConvention, fixedLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(settlementDate, maturity, new Period(floatingLegFrequency),
                                                  calendar, floatingLegConvention, floatingLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            VanillaSwap spot5YearSwap = new VanillaSwap(swapType, nominal, fixedSchedule, fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                                                        floatSchedule, euriborIndex, spread, floatingLegDayCounter);

            Date     fwdStart         = calendar.advance(settlementDate, 1, TimeUnit.Years);
            Date     fwdMaturity      = fwdStart + new Period(lenghtInYears, TimeUnit.Years);
            Schedule fwdFixedSchedule = new Schedule(fwdStart, fwdMaturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency),
                                                     calendar, fixedLegConvention, fixedLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            Schedule fwdFloatSchedule = new Schedule(fwdStart, fwdMaturity, new Period(floatingLegFrequency),
                                                     calendar, floatingLegConvention, floatingLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            VanillaSwap oneYearForward5YearSwap = new VanillaSwap(swapType, nominal, fwdFixedSchedule, fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                                                                  fwdFloatSchedule, euriborIndex, spread, floatingLegDayCounter);

             * SWAP PRICING *

            // utilities for reporting
            List <string> headers = new List <string>();

            headers.Add("term structure");
            headers.Add("net present value");
            headers.Add("fair spread");
            headers.Add("fair fixed rate");
            string separator = " | ";
            int    width     = headers[0].Length + separator.Length
                               + headers[1].Length + separator.Length
                               + headers[2].Length + separator.Length
                               + headers[3].Length + separator.Length - 1;
            string rule = string.Format("").PadLeft(width, '-'), dblrule = string.Format("").PadLeft(width, '=');
            string tab = string.Format("").PadLeft(8, ' ');

            // calculations

            Console.WriteLine("5-year market swap-rate = {0:0.00%}", s5yRate.value());

            Console.WriteLine(tab + "5-years swap paying {0:0.00%}", fixedRate);
            Console.WriteLine(headers[0] + separator
                              + headers[1] + separator
                              + headers[2] + separator
                              + headers[3] + separator);

            double NPV;
            double fairRate;
            double fairSpread;

            IPricingEngine swapEngine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(discountingTermStructure);


            // Of course, you're not forced to really use different curves

            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            // let's check that the 5 years swap has been correctly re-priced
            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote));


            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-fut-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote));


            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-FRA-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yQuote));


            // now let's price the 1Y forward 5Y swap
            Console.WriteLine(tab + "5-years, 1-year forward swap paying {0:0.00%}", fixedRate);
            Console.WriteLine(headers[0] + separator
                              + headers[1] + separator
                              + headers[2] + separator
                              + headers[3] + separator);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-fut-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-FRA-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            // now let's say that the 5-years swap rate goes up to 4.60%.
            // A smarter market element--say, connected to a data source-- would
            // notice the change itself. Since we're using SimpleQuotes,
            // we'll have to change the value manually--which forces us to
            // downcast the handle and use the SimpleQuote
            // interface. In any case, the point here is that a change in the
            // value contained in the Quote triggers a new bootstrapping
            // of the curve and a repricing of the swap.

            SimpleQuote fiveYearsRate = s5yRate as SimpleQuote;


            Console.WriteLine("5-year market swap-rate = {0:0.00%}", s5yRate.value());

            Console.WriteLine(tab + "5-years swap paying {0:0.00%}", fixedRate);
            Console.WriteLine(headers[0] + separator
                              + headers[1] + separator
                              + headers[2] + separator
                              + headers[3] + separator);

            // now get the updated results

            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()));


            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-fut-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()));


            NPV        = spot5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = spot5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = spot5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-FRA-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            if (!(Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()) < 1e-8))
                throw new ApplicationException("5-years swap mispriced by " + Math.Abs(fairRate - s5yRate.value()));


            // the 1Y forward 5Y swap changes as well

            Console.WriteLine(tab + "5-years, 1-year forward swap paying {0:0.00%}", fixedRate);
            Console.WriteLine(headers[0] + separator
                              + headers[1] + separator
                              + headers[2] + separator
                              + headers[3] + separator);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-fut-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);


            NPV        = oneYearForward5YearSwap.NPV();
            fairSpread = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairSpread();
            fairRate   = oneYearForward5YearSwap.fairRate();

            Console.Write("{0," + headers[0].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, "depo-FRA-swap");
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[1].Length + ":0.00}" + separator, NPV);
            Console.Write("{0," + headers[2].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairSpread);
            Console.WriteLine("{0," + headers[3].Length + ":0.00%}" + separator, fairRate);

            Console.WriteLine(" \nRun completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - timer);

            Console.Write("Press any key to continue ...");
コード例 #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
                DateTime timer      = DateTime.Now;
                Calendar calendar   = new TARGET();
                Date     todaysDate = new Date(10, Month.March, 2004);
                // must be a business day
                todaysDate = calendar.adjust(todaysDate);


                IborIndex yieldIndx     = new Euribor3M();
                int[]     tenorsSwapMkt = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 };

                // rates ignoring counterparty risk:
                double[] ratesSwapmkt = { .03249, .04074, .04463, .04675, .04775, .04811 };

                List <RateHelper> swapHelpers = new List <RateHelper>();
                for (int i = 0; i < tenorsSwapMkt.Length; i++)
                    swapHelpers.Add(new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(ratesSwapmkt[i])),
                                                       new Period(tenorsSwapMkt[i], TimeUnit.Years),
                                                       new TARGET(),
                                                       new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA),

                YieldTermStructure swapTS = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(2, new TARGET(), swapHelpers,
                                                                                          new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA));

                IPricingEngine riskFreeEngine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(swapTS));

                List <Handle <DefaultProbabilityTermStructure> > defaultIntensityTS =
                    new List <Handle <DefaultProbabilityTermStructure> >();

                int[] defaultTenors = { 0, 12, 36, 60, 84, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360 }; // months
                // Three risk levels:
                double[] intensitiesLow    = { 0.0036, 0.0036, 0.0065, 0.0099, 0.0111, 0.0177, 0.0177, 0.0177, 0.0177, 0.0177, 0.0177 };
                double[] intensitiesMedium = { 0.0202, 0.0202, 0.0231, 0.0266, 0.0278, 0.0349, 0.0349, 0.0349, 0.0349, 0.0349, 0.0349 };
                double[] intensitiesHigh   = { 0.0534, 0.0534, 0.0564, 0.06, 0.0614, 0.0696, 0.0696, 0.0696, 0.0696, 0.0696, 0.0696 };
                // Recovery rates:
                double ctptyRRLow = 0.4, ctptyRRMedium = 0.35, ctptyRRHigh = 0.3;

                List <Date>   defaultTSDates    = new List <Date>();
                List <double> intesitiesVLow    = new List <double>(),
                              intesitiesVMedium = new List <double>(),
                              intesitiesVHigh   = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < defaultTenors.Length; i++)
                    defaultTSDates.Add(new TARGET().advance(todaysDate, new Period(defaultTenors[i], TimeUnit.Months)));

                defaultIntensityTS.Add(new Handle <DefaultProbabilityTermStructure>(
                                           new InterpolatedHazardRateCurve <BackwardFlat>(
                                               new Actual360(),
                                               new TARGET())));
                defaultIntensityTS.Add(new Handle <DefaultProbabilityTermStructure>(
                                           new InterpolatedHazardRateCurve <BackwardFlat>(
                                               new Actual360(),
                                               new TARGET())));
                defaultIntensityTS.Add(new Handle <DefaultProbabilityTermStructure>(
                                           new InterpolatedHazardRateCurve <BackwardFlat>(
                                               new Actual360(),
                                               new TARGET())));

                double         blackVol        = 0.15;
                IPricingEngine ctptySwapCvaLow = new CounterpartyAdjSwapEngine(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(swapTS),
                                                                               blackVol, defaultIntensityTS[0], ctptyRRLow);

                IPricingEngine ctptySwapCvaMedium = new CounterpartyAdjSwapEngine(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(swapTS),
                                                                                  blackVol, defaultIntensityTS[1], ctptyRRMedium);

                IPricingEngine ctptySwapCvaHigh = new CounterpartyAdjSwapEngine(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(swapTS),
                                                                                blackVol, defaultIntensityTS[2], ctptyRRHigh);


                // SWAP RISKY REPRICE----------------------------------------------

                // fixed leg
                Frequency             fixedLegFrequency     = Frequency.Quarterly;
                BusinessDayConvention fixedLegConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                DayCounter            fixedLegDayCounter    = new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA);
                DayCounter            floatingLegDayCounter = new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA);

                VanillaSwap.Type swapType =
                    //VanillaSwap::Receiver ;
                IborIndex          yieldIndxS = new Euribor3M(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(swapTS));
                List <VanillaSwap> riskySwaps = new List <VanillaSwap>();
                for (int i = 0; i < tenorsSwapMkt.Length; i++)
                    riskySwaps.Add(new MakeVanillaSwap(new Period(tenorsSwapMkt[i], TimeUnit.Years),
                                                       new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days))
                                   .withFixedLegTenor(new Period(fixedLegFrequency))

                Console.WriteLine("-- Correction in the contract fix rate in bp --");

                /* The paper plots correction to be substracted, here is printed
                 * with its sign
                for (int i = 0; i < riskySwaps.Count; i++)
                    // should recover the input here:
                    double nonRiskyFair = riskySwaps[i].fairRate();
                    Console.Write(" | " + nonRiskyFair.ToString("P3").PadLeft(6));
                    // Low Risk:
                    Console.Write(" | " + (10000.0 * (riskySwaps[i].fairRate() - nonRiskyFair)).ToString("#0.00").PadLeft(6));
                    //cout << " | " << setw(6) << riskySwaps[i].NPV() ;

                    // Medium Risk:
                    Console.Write(" | " + (10000.0 * (riskySwaps[i].fairRate() - nonRiskyFair)).ToString("#0.00").PadLeft(6));
                    //cout << " | " << setw(6) << riskySwaps[i].NPV() ;

                    Console.Write(" | " + (10000.0 * (riskySwaps[i].fairRate() - nonRiskyFair)).ToString("#0.00").PadLeft(6));
                    //cout << " | " << setw(6) << riskySwaps[i].NPV() ;



                Console.WriteLine(" \nRun completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - timer);

                Console.Write("Press any key to continue ...");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Write("Press any key to continue ...");
コード例 #21
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: Yenyenx/qlnet
 public MakeVanillaSwap withType(VanillaSwap.Type type)
     type_ = type;
     return this;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: Yenyenx/qlnet
 public MakeVanillaSwap receiveFixed(bool flag)
     type_ = flag ? VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver : VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
     return this;
コード例 #23
        public override void calculate()
            /* both DTS, YTS ref dates and pricing date consistency
             * checks? settlement... */
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!discountCurve_.empty(), () => "no discount term structure set");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!defaultTS_.empty(), () => "no ctpty default term structure set");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!swaptionletEngine_.empty(), () => "no swap option engine set");

            Date priceDate = defaultTS_.link.referenceDate();

            double cumOptVal = 0.0, cumPutVal = 0.0;
            // Vanilla swap so 0 leg is floater

            int  index        = 0;
            Date nextFD       = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];
            Date swapletStart = priceDate;

            while (nextFD < priceDate)
                nextFD = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];

            // Compute fair spread for strike value:
            // copy args into the non risky engine
            Swap.Arguments noCVAArgs = baseSwapEngine_.link.getArguments() as Swap.Arguments;

            noCVAArgs.legs  = this.arguments_.legs;
            noCVAArgs.payer = this.arguments_.payer;


            double baseSwapRate = ((FixedRateCoupon)arguments_.legs[0][0]).rate();

            Swap.Results vSResults = baseSwapEngine_.link.getResults() as Swap.Results;

            double?baseSwapFairRate = -baseSwapRate * vSResults.legNPV[1] / vSResults.legNPV[0];
            double?baseSwapNPV      = vSResults.value;

            VanillaSwap.Type reversedType = arguments_.type == VanillaSwap.Type.Payer
                                         ? VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver
                                         : VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;

            // Swaplet options summatory:
            while (nextFD != arguments_.fixedPayDates.Last())
                // iFD coupon not fixed, create swaptionlet:
                IborIndex swapIndex = ((FloatingRateCoupon)arguments_.legs[1][0]).index() as IborIndex;

                // Alternatively one could cap this period to, say, 1M
                Period baseSwapsTenor = new Period(arguments_.fixedPayDates.Last().serialNumber()
                                                   - swapletStart.serialNumber(), TimeUnit.Days);
                VanillaSwap swaplet = new MakeVanillaSwap(baseSwapsTenor, swapIndex, baseSwapFairRate)

                VanillaSwap revSwaplet = new MakeVanillaSwap(baseSwapsTenor, swapIndex, baseSwapFairRate)

                Swaption swaptionlet = new Swaption(swaplet, new EuropeanExercise(swapletStart));
                Swaption putSwaplet  = new Swaption(revSwaplet, new EuropeanExercise(swapletStart));

                // atm underlying swap means that the value of put = value
                // call so this double pricing is not needed
                cumOptVal += swaptionlet.NPV() * defaultTS_.link.defaultProbability(
                    swapletStart, nextFD);
                cumPutVal += putSwaplet.NPV() * invstDTS_.link.defaultProbability(swapletStart, nextFD);

                swapletStart = nextFD;
                nextFD = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];

            results_.value    = baseSwapNPV - (1.0 - ctptyRecoveryRate_) * cumOptVal + (1.0 - invstRecoveryRate_) * cumPutVal;
            results_.fairRate = -baseSwapRate * (vSResults.legNPV[1] - (1.0 - ctptyRecoveryRate_) * cumOptVal +
                                                 (1.0 - invstRecoveryRate_) * cumPutVal) / vSResults.legNPV[0];
コード例 #24
ファイル: Makevanillaswap.cs プロジェクト: igitur/qlnet
 public MakeVanillaSwap withType(VanillaSwap.Type type)
     type_ = type;
コード例 #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double nominal = 575000000;

            Date _marketDate;
            Date _settlementDate;
            Dictionary <string, double> _depositRates;
            Dictionary <string, double> _swapRates;
            List <RateHelper>           _rateHelpers;
            Calendar _calendar   = new TARGET();
            int      _fixingDays = 2;

            _marketDate = new Date(new DateTime(2015, 12, 17));

            _depositRates = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            _depositRates.Add("1M", 0.0045);
            _depositRates.Add("3M", 0.0070);
            _depositRates.Add("6M", 0.0090);

            _swapRates = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            _swapRates.Add("1Y", 0.0080);
            _swapRates.Add("2Y", 0.0109);
            _swapRates.Add("3Y", 0.0134);
            _swapRates.Add("4Y", 0.0153);
            _swapRates.Add("5Y", 0.0169);
            _swapRates.Add("7Y", 0.0193);
            _swapRates.Add("10Y", 0.0218);
            _swapRates.Add("30Y", 0.0262);

            _rateHelpers = new List <RateHelper>();
            foreach (var v in _depositRates)
                SimpleQuote sq = new SimpleQuote(v.Value);
                _rateHelpers.Add(new DepositRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(sq), new Period(v.Key),
                                                       _fixingDays, _calendar, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing, true, new Actual360()));
            foreach (var v in _swapRates)
                SimpleQuote sq = new SimpleQuote(v.Value);
                _rateHelpers.Add(new SwapRateHelper(new Handle <Quote>(sq), new Period(v.Key),
                                                    _calendar, Frequency.Semiannual, BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted,
                                                    new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.USA), new Euribor3M()));

            _marketDate     = _calendar.adjust(_marketDate);
            _settlementDate = _calendar.advance(_marketDate, _fixingDays, TimeUnit.Days);

            YieldTermStructure yieldTermStructure = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(
                _settlementDate, _rateHelpers, new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA));

            RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure> yieldTermStructureHandle = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();

            Frequency             fixedLegFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
            BusinessDayConvention fixedLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            DayCounter            fixedLegDayCounter = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.USA);
            double fixedRate = 0.0144;

            Frequency             floatLegFrequency  = Frequency.Quarterly;
            BusinessDayConvention floatLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            DayCounter            floatLegDayCounter = new Actual360();
            IborIndex             iborIndex          = new Euribor3M(yieldTermStructureHandle);

            iborIndex.addFixing(new Date(18, Month.Aug, 2015), 0.0033285);
            iborIndex.addFixing(new Date(18, Month.Nov, 2015), 0.0036960);
            double floatSpread = 0.0;

            VanillaSwap.Type swapType = VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver;

            Date     maturity      = new Date(20, Month.Nov, 2018);
            Date     effective     = new Date(20, Month.Nov, 2013);
            Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(effective, maturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency), _calendar, fixedLegConvention, fixedLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(effective, maturity, new Period(floatLegFrequency), _calendar, floatLegConvention, floatLegConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);

            VanillaSwap vanillaSwap = new VanillaSwap(swapType, nominal, fixedSchedule, fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter, floatSchedule, iborIndex, floatSpread, floatLegDayCounter);

            InterestRate        interestRate = new InterestRate(fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter, Compounding.Simple, fixedLegFrequency);
            List <InterestRate> coupons      = new List <InterestRate>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fixedSchedule.Count; i++)
            FixedRateBond    fixedBond = new FixedRateBond(_fixingDays, nominal, fixedSchedule, coupons, BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing);
            FloatingRateBond floatBond = new FloatingRateBond(_fixingDays, nominal, floatSchedule, iborIndex, floatLegDayCounter);

            IPricingEngine bondPricingEngine = new DiscountingBondEngine(yieldTermStructureHandle);


            IPricingEngine swapPricingEngine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(yieldTermStructureHandle);



            double swapNPV      = vanillaSwap.NPV();
            double swapFixedNPV = vanillaSwap.fixedLegNPV();
            double swapFloatNPV = vanillaSwap.floatingLegNPV();

            double bondFixedNPV = fixedBond.NPV();
            double bondFloatNPV = floatBond.NPV();

            int    w = (swapType == VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver ? 1 : -1);
            double asBondsMarketValue      = w * (bondFixedNPV - bondFloatNPV);
            double asBondsMarketValueNoAcc = w * (fixedBond.cleanPrice() - floatBond.cleanPrice()) / 100.0 * nominal;
            double asBondsAccruedInterest  = asBondsMarketValue - asBondsMarketValueNoAcc;

            Console.WriteLine("Vanilla Swap Maket Value      : {0:N}", swapNPV);
            Console.WriteLine("As Bonds Market Value         : {0:N}", asBondsMarketValue);
            Console.WriteLine("As Bonds Market Value (no acc): {0:N}", asBondsMarketValueNoAcc);
            Console.WriteLine("As Bonds Accrued Interest     : {0:N}", asBondsAccruedInterest);

            Date   rollDate      = new Date(1, Month.Nov, 2015);
            double bondFixedCash = 0;

            foreach (CashFlow cf in fixedBond.cashflows())
                if (cf.date() > rollDate & cf.date() <= _marketDate)
                    bondFixedCash += cf.amount();
            double bondFloatCash = 0;

            foreach (CashFlow cf in floatBond.cashflows())
                if (cf.date() > rollDate & cf.date() <= _marketDate)
                    bondFloatCash += cf.amount();
            double asBondsCash = w * (bondFixedCash - bondFloatCash);

            Console.WriteLine("As Bonds Settled Cash         : {0:N}", asBondsCash);
コード例 #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime timer = DateTime.Now;

            Date     todaysDate     = new Date(15, 2, 2002);
            Calendar calendar       = new TARGET();
            Date     settlementDate = new Date(19, 2, 2002);


            // flat yield term structure impling 1x5 swap at 5%
            Quote flatRate = new SimpleQuote(0.04875825);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rhTermStructure = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(
                new FlatForward(settlementDate, new Handle <Quote>(flatRate),
                                new Actual365Fixed()));

            // Define the ATM/OTM/ITM swaps
            Frequency             fixedLegFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
            BusinessDayConvention fixedLegConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
            BusinessDayConvention floatingLegConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
            DayCounter            fixedLegDayCounter    = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.European);
            Frequency             floatingLegFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;

            VanillaSwap.Type type           = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
            double           dummyFixedRate = 0.03;
            IborIndex        indexSixMonths = new Euribor6M(rhTermStructure);

            Date startDate = calendar.advance(settlementDate, 1, TimeUnit.Years,
            Date maturity = calendar.advance(startDate, 5, TimeUnit.Years,
            Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency),
                                                  calendar, fixedLegConvention, fixedLegConvention,
                                                  DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(floatingLegFrequency),
                                                  calendar, floatingLegConvention, floatingLegConvention,
                                                  DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);

            VanillaSwap swap = new VanillaSwap(
                type, 1000.0,
                fixedSchedule, dummyFixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0,

            swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(rhTermStructure));
            double fixedAtmRate = swap.fairRate();
            double fixedOtmRate = fixedAtmRate * 1.2;
            double fixedItmRate = fixedAtmRate * 0.8;

            VanillaSwap atmSwap = new VanillaSwap(
                type, 1000.0,
                fixedSchedule, fixedAtmRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0,
            VanillaSwap otmSwap = new VanillaSwap(
                type, 1000.0,
                fixedSchedule, fixedOtmRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0,
            VanillaSwap itmSwap = new VanillaSwap(
                type, 1000.0,
                fixedSchedule, fixedItmRate, fixedLegDayCounter,
                floatSchedule, indexSixMonths, 0.0,

            // defining the swaptions to be used in model calibration
            List <Period> swaptionMaturities = new List <Period>(5);

            swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
            swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years));
            swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(3, TimeUnit.Years));
            swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(4, TimeUnit.Years));
            swaptionMaturities.Add(new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years));

            List <CalibrationHelper> swaptions = new List <CalibrationHelper>();

            // List of times that have to be included in the timegrid
            List <double> times = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumRows; i++)
                int   j   = NumCols - i - 1; // 1x5, 2x4, 3x3, 4x2, 5x1
                int   k   = i * NumCols + j;
                Quote vol = new SimpleQuote(SwaptionVols[k]);
                swaptions.Add(new SwaptionHelper(swaptionMaturities[i],
                                                 new Period(SwapLenghts[j], TimeUnit.Years),
                                                 new Handle <Quote>(vol),
                                                 rhTermStructure, false));

            // Building time-grid
            TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(times, 30);

            // defining the models
            G2              modelG2  = new G2(rhTermStructure);
            HullWhite       modelHw  = new HullWhite(rhTermStructure);
            HullWhite       modelHw2 = new HullWhite(rhTermStructure);
            BlackKarasinski modelBk  = new BlackKarasinski(rhTermStructure);

            // model calibrations

            Console.WriteLine("G2 (analytic formulae) calibration");
            for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++)
                swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new G2SwaptionEngine(modelG2, 6.0, 16));
            CalibrateModel(modelG2, swaptions);
            Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" +
                              "a     = {0:0.000000}, " +
                              "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n" +
                              "b     = {2:0.000000}, " +
                              "eta   = {3:0.0000000}\n" +
                              "rho   = {4:0.00000}\n",

            Console.WriteLine("Hull-White (analytic formulae) calibration");
            for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++)
                swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new JamshidianSwaptionEngine(modelHw));
            CalibrateModel(modelHw, swaptions);
            Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" +
                              "a = {0:0.000000}, " +
                              "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n",

            Console.WriteLine("Hull-White (numerical) calibration");
            for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count(); i++)
                swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, grid));
            CalibrateModel(modelHw2, swaptions);
            Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" +
                              "a = {0:0.000000}, " +
                              "sigma = {1:0.0000000}\n",

            Console.WriteLine("Black-Karasinski (numerical) calibration");
            for (int i = 0; i < swaptions.Count; i++)
                swaptions[i].setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, grid));
            CalibrateModel(modelBk, swaptions);
            Console.WriteLine("calibrated to:\n" +
                              "a = {0:0.000000}, " +
                              "sigma = {1:0.00000}\n",

            // ATM Bermudan swaption pricing
            Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption "
                              + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (ATM)",

            List <Date>     bermudanDates = new List <Date>();
            List <CashFlow> leg           = swap.fixedLeg();

            for (int i = 0; i < leg.Count; i++)
                Coupon coupon = (Coupon)leg[i];

            Exercise bermudanExercise = new BermudanExercise(bermudanDates);

            Swaption bermudanSwaption = new Swaption(atmSwap, bermudanExercise);

            // Do the pricing for each model

            // G2 price the European swaption here, it should switch to bermudan
            bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("G2:       {0:0.00}", bermudanSwaption.NPV());

            bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW:       {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV());

            bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV());

            bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("BK:       {0:0.000}", bermudanSwaption.NPV());

            // OTM Bermudan swaption pricing
            Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption "
                              + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (OTM)",

            Swaption otmBermudanSwaption = new Swaption(otmSwap, bermudanExercise);

            // Do the pricing for each model
            otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("G2:       {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW:       {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            otmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("BK:       {0:0.0000}", otmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            // ITM Bermudan swaption pricing
            Console.WriteLine("Payer bermudan swaption "
                              + "struck at {0:0.00000 %} (ITM)",

            Swaption itmBermudanSwaption = new Swaption(itmSwap, bermudanExercise);

            // Do the pricing for each model
            itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelG2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("G2:       {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW:       {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelHw2, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("HW (num): {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            itmBermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(new TreeSwaptionEngine(modelBk, 50));
            Console.WriteLine("BK:       {0:0.000}", itmBermudanSwaption.NPV());

            Console.WriteLine(" \nRun completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - timer);

            Console.Write("Press any key to continue ...");
コード例 #27
ファイル: T_Swaps.cs プロジェクト: Yenyenx/qlnet
            public CommonVars()
                type = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                settlementDays = 2;
                nominal = 100.0;
                fixedConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount = new Thirty360();

                index = new Euribor(new Period(floatingFrequency), termStructure);

                calendar = index.fixingCalendar();
                today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));