コード例 #1
ファイル: Model.csdl.cs プロジェクト: daszat/zetbox
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a &lt;Property/&gt; element describing the property 
        /// without regards for the IsList flag.
        /// </summary>
        /// therefore it can be used both when defining a type (IsList == 
        /// false) and when defining the CollectionEntry (IsList == true)
        internal static string PlainPropertyDefinitionFromValueType(ValueTypeProperty prop, string name, string implementationSuffix)
            string type = prop.GetElementTypeString();
            string maxlength = String.Empty;
            string precScaleAttr = String.Empty;
            string concurrency = String.Empty;

            // strip nullable "?"
            if (prop.IsNullable() && type.EndsWith("?"))
                type = type.Substring(0, type.Length - 1);

            switch (type)
                case "bool":
                    type = "Boolean";
                case "decimal":
                    type = "Decimal";
                case "double":
                    type = "Double";
                case "int":
                    type = "Int32";
                case "string":
                    type = "String";

            if (prop is EnumerationProperty)
                type = "Int32";
                name += implementationSuffix;

            if (prop is StringProperty)
                maxlength = String.Format("MaxLength=\"{0}\" ", ((StringProperty)prop).GetMaxLength());

            if (prop is DecimalProperty)
                DecimalProperty dp = (DecimalProperty)prop;
                // must have one space at the end
                precScaleAttr = String.Format("Precision=\"{0}\" Scale=\"{1}\" ", dp.Precision, dp.Scale);

            if (prop.ObjectClass is ObjectClass && ((ObjectClass)prop.ObjectClass).ImplementsIChangedBy() && prop.Name == "ChangedOn")
                concurrency = "ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\"";

            return String.Format("<Property Name=\"{0}\" Type=\"{1}\" Nullable=\"{2}\" {3}{4} {5}/>",
                name, type, prop.IsNullable() ? "true" : "false", maxlength, precScaleAttr, concurrency);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a &lt;Property/&gt; element describing the property
        /// without regards for the IsList flag.
        /// </summary>
        /// therefore it can be used both when defining a type (IsList ==
        /// false) and when defining the CollectionEntry (IsList == true)
        internal static string PlainPropertyDefinitionFromValueType(ValueTypeProperty prop, string name, string implementationSuffix)
            string type          = prop.GetElementTypeString();
            string maxlength     = String.Empty;
            string precScaleAttr = String.Empty;
            string concurrency   = String.Empty;

            // strip nullable "?"
            if (prop.IsNullable() && type.EndsWith("?"))
                type = type.Substring(0, type.Length - 1);

            switch (type)
            case "bool":
                type = "Boolean";

            case "decimal":
                type = "Decimal";

            case "double":
                type = "Double";

            case "int":
                type = "Int32";

            case "string":
                type = "String";

            if (prop is EnumerationProperty)
                type  = "Int32";
                name += implementationSuffix;

            if (prop is StringProperty)
                maxlength = String.Format("MaxLength=\"{0}\" ", ((StringProperty)prop).GetMaxLength());

            if (prop is DecimalProperty)
                DecimalProperty dp = (DecimalProperty)prop;
                // must have one space at the end
                precScaleAttr = String.Format("Precision=\"{0}\" Scale=\"{1}\" ", dp.Precision, dp.Scale);

            if (prop.ObjectClass is ObjectClass && ((ObjectClass)prop.ObjectClass).ImplementsIChangedBy() && prop.Name == "ChangedOn")
                concurrency = "ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\"";

            return(String.Format("<Property Name=\"{0}\" Type=\"{1}\" Nullable=\"{2}\" {3}{4} {5}/>",
                                 name, type, prop.IsNullable() ? "true" : "false", maxlength, precScaleAttr, concurrency));