コード例 #1
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_CIDADE values(sq_cidade.nextval, :descricao, :id_estado)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":descricao", baseVO.Campo("descricao").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_estado", baseVO.Campo("id_estado").Valor);
コード例 #2
 public override List<string> ObterLista(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     FieldToDataReader = "Perfis";
     Query = "select p.descricao \"" + FieldToDataReader + "\" from sj_usuario_grupo_perfil ugp join sj_perfil p "
           + "on (p.id_perfil = ugp.id_perfil) where ugp.id_usuario = " + baseVO.Campo("id_usuario").Valor.ToString();
     return base.ObterLista();
コード例 #3
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_COMPETICAO_ANO values (sq_competicao_ano.nextval, :id_ano, :id_competicao)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_ano", baseVO.Campo("id_ano").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_competicao", baseVO.Campo("id_competicao").Valor);
コード例 #4
 public void IsNullOrEmpty_bool_evaluates_false()
     var systemUnderTest = new ValueObject(true);
     Assert.IsFalse(systemUnderTest.IsNullOrEmpty, "IsNullOrEmpty should evaluate to false when ValueObject wraps a bool.");
     systemUnderTest = new ValueObject(false);
     Assert.IsFalse(systemUnderTest.IsNullOrEmpty, "IsNullOrEmpty should evaluate to false when ValueObject wraps a bool.");
コード例 #5
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_LOCAL values (sq_local.nextval, :descricao, :id_cidade)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":descricao", baseVO.Campo("descricao").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_cidade", baseVO.Campo("id_cidade").Valor);
コード例 #6
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_PALPITE values (sq_palpite.nextval, :id_usuario_grupo_perfil, :id_time_jogo, :gol)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_usuario_grupo_perfil", baseVO.Campo("id_usuario_grupo_perfil").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_time_jogo", baseVO.Campo("id_time_jogo").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":gol", baseVO.Campo("gol").Valor);
コード例 #7
 public override BaseVO ObterDadosVOPorCampo(String campo, ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO, Boolean buscaExata = true)
     NomeTabelaCliente = baseVO.NomeTabela;
     Query = buscaExata ? "SELECT * FROM SJ_USUARIO WHERE " + campo + " = :valor" :
                          "SELECT * FROM SJ_USUARIO WHERE " + campo + " like %" + baseVO.Campo("login").Valor;
     if (buscaExata) { AdicionarParametroSQL(":valor", baseVO.Campo("login").Valor.ToString()); }
     return base.ObterPorFiltro();
コード例 #8
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_USUARIO_GRUPO_PERFIL values (sq_usuario_grupo_perfil.nextval, :id_usuario, :id_grupo, :id_perfil, :pontos)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_usuario", baseVO.Campo("id_usuario").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_grupo", baseVO.Campo("id_grupo").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_perfil", baseVO.Campo("id_perfil").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":pontos", 0);
コード例 #9
 public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     Query = "insert into SJ_COMPETICAO_ANO_TIME values (sq_competicao_ano_time.nextval, "
                                                      + ":id_time, "
                                                      + ":id_competicao_ano, "
                                                      + ":pontos)";
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_time", baseVO.Campo("id_time").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_competicao_ano", baseVO.Campo("id_competicao_ano").Valor);
     AdicionarParametroSQL(":pontos", baseVO.Campo("pontos").Valor);
コード例 #10
        public void IsolatedTemplateService_CannotParseSimpleTemplate_WithDynamicModel()
            using (var service = new IsolatedTemplateService())
                const string template = "<h1>Animal Type: @Model.Type</h1>";

                Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
                    dynamic model = new ValueObject(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Type", "Cat" } });
                    service.Parse(template, model, null, null);
コード例 #11
ファイル: RegDiff.cs プロジェクト: virmitio/TempRepo
        internal RegDiff(RegistryComparison Source, RegistryComparison.Side Side)
            : this()
            var origin = Source.Output;

            foreach (var data in origin)
                int tmpIndex = data.Key.IndexOf("::");
                string path = data.Key.Substring(0, tmpIndex);
                string name = data.Key.Substring(tmpIndex + 2);

                if (!data.Value.Same)
                    if (Side == RegistryComparison.Side.A &&
                        !(data.Value.TypeA == RegistryValueType.None && data.Value.ValueA == null))
                        Data[path][name] = new ValueObject(data.Value.TypeA, data.Value.ValueA);
                    else if (!(data.Value.TypeB == RegistryValueType.None && data.Value.ValueB == null)) // Side == B
                        Data[path][name] = new ValueObject(data.Value.TypeB, data.Value.ValueB);
コード例 #12
        public override void Salvar(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
            if (baseVO.Campo("id_competicao_ano_rodada").Valor.ToString().Trim() != String.Empty)
                Query = "update SJ_COMPETICAO_ANO_RODADA set realizada = :realizada where id_competicao_ano_rodada = :id_competicao_ano_rodada";
                AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_competicao_ano_rodada", baseVO.Campo("id_competicao_ano_rodada").Valor);
                AdicionarParametroSQL(":realizada", baseVO.Campo("realizada").Valor);
                Query = "insert into SJ_COMPETICAO_ANO_RODADA values (sq_competicao_ano_rodada.nextval, "
                                                                   + ":id_competicao_ano, "
                                                                   + ":id_rodada,"
                                                                   + ":realizada)";

                AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_competicao_ano", baseVO.Campo("id_competicao_ano").Valor);
                AdicionarParametroSQL(":id_rodada", baseVO.Campo("id_rodada").Valor);
                AdicionarParametroSQL(":realizada", baseVO.Campo("realizada").Valor);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ServerBrowserUI.cs プロジェクト: SuperStarPL/Radius
    public void GUIStartServer(ValueObject serverObj)
        Debug.Log("Made it to Unity");

        foreach(var item in serverObj.Values)

        try {
            int maxPlayers = 8;
            int.TryParse((string)serverObj["max_players"], out maxPlayers);

                (string)serverObj["lan"] == "true" ? true : false,

            // Set the game time limit
            if(this.gameManager != null)
                float timeLimit = -1; // Infinite
                float.TryParse((string)serverObj.GetValueOrDefault("time_limit", new Value("-1")), out timeLimit);
                this.gameManager.GameTimeLimit = timeLimit;

        } catch(InvalidValueCastException e) {
            Debug.LogWarning("Cast exception while trying to start a server: " + e);
コード例 #14
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
            ProductionControllerNCVCVo inVo = (ProductionControllerNCVCVo)vo;
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
            ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerNCVCVo> voList = new ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerNCVCVo>();
            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sql.Append("select Case When fc.times between '06:00:00' and '23:59:00' then fc.dates when fc.times between '00:00:00' and '05:59:00' then fc.dates-1 end datesss,fc.line_cd l, fc.model_cd model, *from t_ncvc_pdc_fc fc left join t_ncvc_pdc_en2 e2 on fc.fc_id = e2.en2_id left                                   join t_ncvc_pdc_en1 e1 on fc.fc_id = e1.en1_id left join t_ncvc_pdc_ca ca on fc.fc_id = ca.ca_id left join t_ncvc_pdc_ba ba on fc.fc_id = ba.ba_id left                                   join (select dates date1, line_cd line1, Case when idca3 is null then idca1 else             idca3 end id  from    (select tblca1.dates, tblca1.line_cd, idca1, idca3  from (select line_cd, o.dates, max(o.fc_id) idca1  from t_ncvc_pdc_fc o where o.times > '06:00:00'             and o.times <= '23:59:00' and o.dates >= :datefrom and o.dates <= :dateto             group by o.dates, line_cd order by dates) tblca1    left join(select line_cd, (o.dates - 1) dates, max(o.fc_id) idca3 from t_ncvc_pdc_fc o             where o.times > '00:00:00' and o.times <= '05:55:00'             and o.dates > :datefrom and o.dates - 1 <= :dateto             group by line_cd, o.dates order by idca3) tblca3             on tblca1.dates = tblca3.dates and tblca1.line_cd = tblca3.line_cd) tbl             order by dates, line_cd) l on l.line1 = fc.line_cd where fc.fc_id = l.id and l.line1 = e2.line_cd and l.line1 = e1.line_cd             and l.line1 = ca.line_cd and fc.line_cd = :line_cd order by fc.dates, fc.line_cd");

            sqlParameter.AddParameterDateTime("datefrom", DateTime.Parse(inVo.DateFrom));
            sqlParameter.AddParameterDateTime("dateto", DateTime.Parse(inVo.DateTo));
            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("line_cd", inVo.ProLine);
            //sqlParameter.AddParameterString("model_cd", inVo.ProModel);

            sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            while (dataReader.Read())
                ProductionControllerNCVCVo outVo = new ProductionControllerNCVCVo
                    //StartDay = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["dates"].ToString()),
                    TimeHour = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["datesss"].ToString()),
                    ProModel = dataReader["model"].ToString(),
                    ProLine  = dataReader["l"].ToString(),

                    FC_endplay_small        = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_endplay_small"].ToString()),
                    FC_endplay_big          = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_endplay_big"].ToString()),
                    FC_shaft_scracth        = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_shaft_scracth"].ToString()),
                    FC_terminal_low         = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_terminal_low"].ToString()),
                    FC_case_scracth_dirty   = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_case_scracth_dirty"].ToString()),
                    FC_pinion_worm_ng       = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_pinion_worm_ng"].ToString()),
                    FC_shaft_lock           = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_shaft_lock"].ToString()),
                    FC_deform               = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_ba_deform"].ToString()),
                    FC_tape_hole_deform     = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_tape_hole_deform"].ToString()),
                    FC_brush_rust           = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_brush_rust"].ToString()),
                    FC_metal_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_metal_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    FC_washer_tape_hole     = int.Parse(dataReader["fc_washer_tape_hole"].ToString()),

                    En2_insulation_resistance_ng = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_insulation_resistance_ng"].ToString()),
                    En2_cut_coil_wire            = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_cut_coil_wire"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_current_hight    = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_current_hight"].ToString()),
                    En2_ripple             = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_ripple"].ToString()),
                    En2_chattering         = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_chattering"].ToString()),
                    En2_lock               = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_lock"].ToString()),
                    En2_open               = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_open"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_speed_low  = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_speed_low"].ToString()),
                    En2_starting_voltage   = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_starting_voltage"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_speed_high = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_speed_high"].ToString()),
                    En2_rotor_mix          = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_rotor_mix"].ToString()),
                    En2_surge_volt_max     = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_surge_volt_max"].ToString()),
                    En2_wrong_post_of_pole = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_wrong_post_of_pole"].ToString()),
                    En2_err   = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_err"].ToString()),
                    En2_noise = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_noise"].ToString()),

                    En1_insulation_resistace_ng = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_insulation_resistace_ng"].ToString()),
                    En1_cut_coil_wire           = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_cut_coil_wire"].ToString()),
                    En1_lock = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_lock"].ToString()),
                    En1_wareform_ma_abnormal = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_wareform_ma_abnormal"].ToString()),
                    En1_shaft_bent           = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_shaft_bent"].ToString()),
                    En1_ripple               = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_ripple"].ToString()),
                    En1_short                = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_short"].ToString()),
                    En1_chattering           = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_chattering"].ToString()),
                    En1_no_load_current_high = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_no_load_current_high"].ToString()),
                    En1_vibration_ng         = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_vibration_ng"].ToString()),
                    En1_open      = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_open"].ToString()),
                    En1_rotor_mix = int.Parse(dataReader["en1_rotor_mix"].ToString()),

                    BA_tc_endplay_big   = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_tc_endplay_big"].ToString()),
                    BA_tc_endplay_small = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_tc_endplay_small"].ToString()),
                    BA_tc_brush_bent    = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_tc_brush_bent"].ToString()),
                    BA_tc_shaft_mix     = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_tc_shaft_mix"].ToString()),

                    BA_rto_ng  = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_rto_ng"].ToString()),
                    BA_rto_mix = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_rto_mix"].ToString()),

                    BA_app_metal_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_app_metal_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    BA_app_deform = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_app_ba_deform"].ToString()),
                    BA_app_endplate_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_app_endplate_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    BA_app_error_other             = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_app_error_other"].ToString()),

                    BA_bm_brush_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_bm_brush_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    BA_bm_metal_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_bm_metal_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    BA_bm_deform = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_bm_ba_deform"].ToString()),
                    BA_bm_endplay_deform_scracth = int.Parse(dataReader["ba_bm_endplay_deform_scracth"].ToString()),

                    CA_app_metal_dirty          = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_metal_dirty"].ToString()),
                    CA_app_tape_hole_deform     = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_tape_hole_deform"].ToString()),
                    CA_app_metal_high           = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_metal_high"].ToString()),
                    CA_app_case_deform_scracth  = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_case_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
                    CA_app_metal_deform_scratch = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_metal_deform_scratch"].ToString()),
                    CA_app_magnet_broken        = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_app_magnet_broken"].ToString()),

                    CA_mg_metal_deform_scratch = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_mg_metal_deform_scratch"].ToString()),
                    CA_mg_case_deform_scratch  = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_mg_case_deform_scratch"].ToString()),

                    CA_bonding_metal_deform_scratch = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_bonding_metal_deform_scratch"].ToString()),
                    CA_bonding_case_deform_scracth  = int.Parse(dataReader["ca_bonding_case_deform_scracth"].ToString()),
コード例 #15
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(deleteLineItemCycleTimeMasterMntDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #16
 public List<string> ObterListaJoin(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #17
 public void Incluir(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #18
 private static bool LoadValueFromPlistNode(XmlNode node, ref ValueObject value)
     if (node == null) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load a null plist value node.");
         return false;
     if (node.Name.Equals("string")) { value.val = node.InnerText; }
     else if (node.Name.Equals("integer")) { value.val = int.Parse(node.InnerText); }
     else if (node.Name.Equals("real")) { value.val = float.Parse(node.InnerText); }
     else if (node.Name.Equals("date")) { value.val = DateTime.Parse(node.InnerText, null, DateTimeStyles.None); } // Date objects are in ISO 8601 format
     else if (node.Name.Equals("data")) { value.val = node.InnerText; } // Data objects are just loaded as a string
     else if (node.Name.Equals("true")) { value.val = true; } // Boollean values are empty objects, simply identified with a name being "true" or "false"
     else if (node.Name.Equals("false")) { value.val = false; }
     // The value can be an array or dict type.  In this case, we need to recursively call the appropriate loader functions for dict and arrays.
     // These functions will in turn return a boolean value for their success, so we can just return that.
     // The val value also has to be instantiated, since it's being passed by reference.
     else if (node.Name.Equals("dict")) {
         value.val = new Hashtable();
         Hashtable htRef = (Hashtable)value.val;
         return LoadDictFromPlistNode(node, ref htRef);
     else if (node.Name.Equals("array")) {
         value.val = new ArrayList();
         ArrayList alRef = (ArrayList)value.val;
         return LoadArrayFromPlistNode(node, ref alRef);
     } else {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load a value from a non value type node: " + node + ", " + node.Name);
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #19
    // LoadDictFromPlistNode(XmlNode, Hashtable) takes an XML node and loads it as a hashtable.  Return true/false for success/failure
    private static bool LoadDictFromPlistNode( XmlNode node, Hashtable dict )
        // If we were passed a null object, return false
        if( node == null )
            Debug.LogError("Attempted to load a null plist dict node.");
            return false;

        // If we were passed a non dict node, then post an error stating so and return false
        if( node.Name != "dict" )
            Debug.LogError("Attempted to load an dict from a non-array node type: " + node + ", " + node.Name);
            return false;

        // We could be passed an null hashtable.  If so, initialize it.
        if( dict == null )
            dict = new Hashtable();

        // Identify how many child nodes there are in this dict element and itterate through them.
        // A dict element will contain a series of key/value pairs.  As such, we're going through the child nodes in pairs.
        var cnodeCount = node.ChildNodes.Count;
        for (var i = 0; i+1 < cnodeCount; i = i+2)
            // Select the key and value child nodes
            var keynode = node.ChildNodes.Item(i);
            var valuenode = node.ChildNodes.Item(i+1);

            // If this node isn't a 'key'
            if (keynode.Name == "key")
                // Establish our variables to hold the key and value.
                var key = keynode.InnerText;
                var value = new ValueObject();

                // Load the value node.
                // If the value node loaded successfully, add the key/value pair to the dict hashtable.
                if (LoadValueFromPlistNode(valuenode, value))
                    // This could be one of several different possible data types, including another dict.
                    // AddKeyValueToDict() handles this by replacing existing key values that overlap, and doing so recursively for dict values.
                    // If this not successful, post a message stating so and return false.
                    if (!AddKeyValueToDict(dict, key, value))
                        Debug.LogError("Failed to add key value to dict when loading plist from dict");
                        return false;
                // If the value did not load correctly, post a message stating so and return false.
                    Debug.LogError("Did not load plist value correctly for key in node: " + key + ", " + node);
                    return false;
            // Because the plist was formatted incorrectly, post a message stating so and return false.
                Debug.LogError("The plist being loaded may be corrupt.");
                return false;

        // If we got this far, the dict was loaded successfully.  Return true
        return true;
コード例 #20
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(updateFactoryProductionDaysMasterMntCbm.Execute(trxContext, vo));
        static void AddDataValidation(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #AddDataValidation
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            worksheet["C1"].NumberFormat = "mmm/d/yyyy h:mm";

            // Restrict data entry to a whole number from 10 to 20.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["B1"], DataValidationType.WholeNumber, DataValidationOperator.Between, 10, 20);

            // Restrict data entry to a number within limits.
            DataValidation validation = worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["F4:F11"], DataValidationType.Decimal, DataValidationOperator.Between, 10, 40);

            // Restrict data entry using criteria calculated by a worksheet formula.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["B4:B11"], DataValidationType.Custom, "=AND(ISNUMBER(B4),LEN(B4)=5)");

            // Restrict data entry to 3 symbols.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["D4:D11"], DataValidationType.TextLength, DataValidationOperator.Equal, 3);

            // Restrict data entry to values in a drop-down list specified in code.
            // Note that the list in code should always use comma to separate entries,
            // but the list in UI is displayed using culture-specific list separator.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["A4:A11"], DataValidationType.List, "PASS, FAIL");

            // Restrict data entry to values in a drop-down list obtained from a worksheet.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["E4:E11"], DataValidationType.List, ValueObject.FromRange(worksheet["H4:H9"].GetRangeWithAbsoluteReference()));

            // Restrict data entry to a time before the specified time.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["C1"], DataValidationType.Time, DataValidationOperator.LessThanOrEqual, DateTime.Now);

            // Highlight data validation ranges.
            worksheet["H4:H9"].FillColor = Color.LightGray;
            int[] MyColorScheme = new int[] { 0xFFC4C4, 0xFFD9D9, 0xFFF6F6, 0xFFECEC, 0xE9D3D3, 0xFFDFC4, 0xFFDAE9 };
            for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.DataValidations.Count; i++)
                worksheet.DataValidations[i].Range.FillColor = Color.FromArgb(MyColorScheme[i]);
            #endregion #AddDataValidation
        static void RemoveAllDataValidations(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #RemoveAllDataValidations
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Add data validations.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["D4:D11"], DataValidationType.TextLength, DataValidationOperator.Equal, 3);
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["E4:E11"], DataValidationType.List, ValueObject.FromRange(worksheet["H4:H9"].GetRangeWithAbsoluteReference()));

            // Remove all data validations.

            // Highlight data validation ranges.
            int[] MyColorScheme = new int[] { 0xFFC4C4, 0xFFD9D9, 0xFFF6F6, 0xFFECEC, 0xE9D3D3 };
            for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.DataValidations.Count; i++)
                worksheet.DataValidations[i].Range.FillColor = Color.FromArgb(MyColorScheme[i]);
            #endregion #RemoveAllDataValidations
        static void GetDataValidation(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #GetDataValidation
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Add data validations.
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["D4:D11"], DataValidationType.TextLength, DataValidationOperator.Equal, 3);
            worksheet.DataValidations.Add(worksheet["E4:E11"], DataValidationType.List, ValueObject.FromRange(worksheet["H4:H9"].GetRangeWithAbsoluteReference()));

            // Get data validation entry associated with a particular cell.
            worksheet.DataValidations.GetDataValidation(worksheet.Cells["E4"]).Criteria = ValueObject.FromRange(worksheet["H4:H5"]);

            // Get data validation entries for the specified range.
            var myValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.GetDataValidations(worksheet["D4:E11"])
                               .Where(d => d.ValidationType == DataValidationType.TextLength).SingleOrDefault();
            if (myValidation != null)
                myValidation.Criteria = 4;

            // Get data validation entries that meet certain criteria.
            foreach (var d in worksheet.DataValidations.GetDataValidations(DataValidationType.TextLength, DataValidationOperator.Equal, 4, ValueObject.Empty))
                // Change criteria operator.
                // Range D4:D11 should contain text with more than 4 characters.
                d.Operator = DataValidationOperator.GreaterThan;

            // Highlight data validation ranges.
            int[] MyColorScheme = new int[] { 0xFFC4C4, 0xFFD9D9, 0xFFF6F6, 0xFFECEC, 0xE9D3D3 };
            for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.DataValidations.Count; i++)
                worksheet.DataValidations[i].Range.FillColor = Color.FromArgb(MyColorScheme[i]);
            #endregion #GetDataValidation
コード例 #24
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
            ProductionControllerNCVCVo inVo = (ProductionControllerNCVCVo)vo;
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
            ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerNCVCVo> voList = new ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerNCVCVo>();
            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sql.Append(@"select (e2.dates+e2.times) datetimes, e2.model_cd,e2.line_cd, e2.process_cd, ");
            sql.Append("en2_insulation_resistance_ng, en2_cut_coil_wire, en2_no_load_current_hight, en2_ripple, en2_chattering,  en2_lock, en2_open, en2_no_load_speed_low, en2_starting_voltage, en2_no_load_speed_high, en2_rotor_mix, en2_surge_volt_max, en2_wrong_post_of_pole, en2_err, en2_noise ");
            sql.Append("from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 e2 ");
            sql.Append("where e2.line_cd = :line_cd ");
            sql.Append("and e2.dates = :dates ");
            sql.Append("and (e2.times in(select min(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '06:00:00' and '06:55:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd ) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '06:00:00' and '07:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '07:00:00' and '08:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '08:00:00' and '09:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '09:00:00' and '10:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '10:00:00' and '11:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '11:00:00' and '12:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '12:00:00' and '13:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '13:00:00' and '14:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '14:00:00' and '15:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '15:00:00' and '16:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '16:00:00' and '17:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '17:00:00' and '18:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '18:00:00' and '19:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '19:00:00' and '20:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '20:00:00' and '21:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '21:00:00' and '22:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '22:00:00' and '23:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd)) ");

            sql.Append("or e2.dates-1 =:dates and e2.line_cd = :line_cd ");
            sql.Append("and (e2.times in(select min(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '00:00:00' and '00:55:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '00:00:00' and '01:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '01:00:00' and '02:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '02:00:00' and '03:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '03:00:00' and '04:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '04:00:00' and '05:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or e2.times in(select max(times) from t_ncvc_pdc_en2 where times between '05:00:00' and '05:35:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd)) ");

            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("line_cd", inVo.ProLine);
            sqlParameter.AddParameterDateTime("dates", DateTime.Parse(inVo.Date));
            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("model_cd", inVo.ProModel);

            sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            while (dataReader.Read())
                ProductionControllerNCVCVo outVo = new ProductionControllerNCVCVo
                    //StartDay = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["dates"].ToString()),
                    TimeHour = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["datetimes"].ToString()),
                    ProModel = dataReader["model_cd"].ToString(),
                    ProLine  = dataReader["line_cd"].ToString(),

                    En2_insulation_resistance_ng = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_insulation_resistance_ng"].ToString()),
                    En2_cut_coil_wire            = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_cut_coil_wire"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_current_hight    = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_current_hight"].ToString()),
                    En2_ripple             = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_ripple"].ToString()),
                    En2_chattering         = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_chattering"].ToString()),
                    En2_lock               = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_lock"].ToString()),
                    En2_open               = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_open"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_speed_low  = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_speed_low"].ToString()),
                    En2_starting_voltage   = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_starting_voltage"].ToString()),
                    En2_no_load_speed_high = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_no_load_speed_high"].ToString()),
                    En2_rotor_mix          = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_rotor_mix"].ToString()),
                    En2_surge_volt_max     = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_surge_volt_max"].ToString()),
                    En2_wrong_post_of_pole = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_wrong_post_of_pole"].ToString()),
                    En2_err   = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_err"].ToString()),
                    En2_noise = int.Parse(dataReader["en2_noise"].ToString()),
コード例 #25
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(updateMoldTypeDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #26
 public bool ExisteRegistro(string campo, string campo_pesquisa, ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     return new AnoDAO().ExisteRegistro(campo, campo_pesquisa, baseVO);
コード例 #27
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(addInspectionTestInstructionDetailDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #28
ファイル: Entity.cs プロジェクト: Razenpok/Razensoft.Domain
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return((ValueObject.GetUnproxiedType(this).ToString() + Id).GetHashCode());
コード例 #29
 private static bool LoadArrayFromPlistNode(XmlNode node, ref ArrayList array )
     // If we were passed a null node object, then post an error stating so and return false
     if (node == null) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load a null plist array node.");
         return false;
     // If we were passed a non array node, then post an error stating so and return false
     if (!node.Name.Equals("array")) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load an array from a non-array node type: " + node + ", " + node.Name);
         return false;
     // We can be passed an empty array object.  If so, initialize it
     if (array == null) { array = new ArrayList(); }
     // Itterate through the child nodes for this array object
     int nodeCount = node.ChildNodes.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
         // Establish variables to hold the child node of the array, and it's value
         XmlNode cnode = node.ChildNodes.Item(i);
         ValueObject element = new ValueObject();
         // Attempt to load the value from the current array node.
         // If successful, add it as an element of the array.  If not, post and error stating so and return false.
         if (LoadValueFromPlistNode(cnode, ref element)) {
         } else {
             return false;
     // If we made it through the array without errors, return true
     return true;
コード例 #30
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
            ProductionControllerVo inVo = (ProductionControllerVo)vo;
            StringBuilder          sql  = new StringBuilder();
            ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerVo> voList = new ValueObjectList <ProductionControllerVo>();
            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sql.Append(@"select (o4.dates+o4.times) datetimes, o4.model_cd,o4.line_cd, o4.process_cd, ");
            sql.Append("fiapp_stamping_ba, fiapp_case_set, fiapp_tough_shaft, fiapp_case_glue_sticky, fiapp_up_low_shabby, fiapp_hole_shaft, ");
            sql.Append("fiapp_no_beat_prone_case, fiapp_hole_case, fiapp_prone_case, fiapp_lot_ng, fiapp_ter_deform, fiapp_hole_ter, ");
            sql.Append("fiapp_soder_hl,fiapp_metal_oven_low, fiapp_fundou_ng, fiapp_ter_glue_sticky, fiapp_lead_glue_sticky ");
            sql.Append("from t_productioncontroller_output04 o4 ");
            sql.Append("where o4.line_cd = :line_cd ");
            sql.Append("and o4.dates = :dates ");
            sql.Append("and (o4.times in(select min(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '06:00:00' and '06:55:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd ) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '06:00:00' and '07:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '07:00:00' and '08:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '08:00:00' and '09:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '09:00:00' and '10:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '10:00:00' and '11:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '11:00:00' and '12:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '12:00:00' and '13:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '13:00:00' and '14:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '14:00:00' and '15:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '15:00:00' and '16:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '16:00:00' and '17:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '17:00:00' and '18:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '18:00:00' and '19:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '19:00:00' and '20:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '20:00:00' and '21:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '21:00:00' and '22:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '22:00:00' and '23:05:00' and dates = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd)) ");

            sql.Append("or o4.dates-1 =:dates and o4.line_cd = :line_cd ");
            sql.Append("and (o4.times in(select min(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '00:00:00' and '00:55:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '00:00:00' and '01:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '01:00:00' and '02:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '02:00:00' and '03:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '03:00:00' and '04:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '04:00:00' and '05:05:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd) ");
            sql.Append("or o4.times in(select max(times) from t_productioncontroller_output04 where times between '05:00:00' and '05:35:00' and dates-1 = :dates and line_cd = :line_cd and model_cd = :model_cd)) ");

            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("line_cd", inVo.ProLine);
            sqlParameter.AddParameterDateTime("dates", DateTime.Parse(inVo.Date));
            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("model_cd", inVo.ProModel);

            sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            while (dataReader.Read())
                ProductionControllerVo outVo = new ProductionControllerVo
                    //StartDay = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["dates"].ToString()),
                    TimeHour = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["datetimes"].ToString()),
                    ProModel = dataReader["model_cd"].ToString(),
                    ProLine  = dataReader["line_cd"].ToString(),

                    App_stamping_ba        = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_stamping_ba"].ToString()),
                    App_case_set           = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_case_set"].ToString()),
                    App_tough_shaft        = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_tough_shaft"].ToString()),
                    App_case_glue_sticky   = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_case_glue_sticky"].ToString()),
                    App_up_low_shabby      = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_up_low_shabby"].ToString()),
                    App_hole_shaft         = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_hole_shaft"].ToString()),
                    App_no_beat_prone_case = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_no_beat_prone_case"].ToString()),
                    App_hole_case          = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_hole_case"].ToString()),
                    App_prone_case         = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_prone_case"].ToString()),
                    App_lot_ng             = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_lot_ng"].ToString()),
                    App_ter_deform         = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_ter_deform"].ToString()),
                    App_hole_ter           = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_hole_ter"].ToString()),
                    App_soder_hl           = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_soder_hl"].ToString()),
                    App_metal_oven_low     = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_metal_oven_low"].ToString()),
                    App_fundou_ng          = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_fundou_ng"].ToString()),
                    App_ter_glue_sticky    = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_ter_glue_sticky"].ToString()),
                    App_lead_glue_sticky   = int.Parse(dataReader["fiapp_lead_glue_sticky"].ToString()),
コード例 #31
 public ValueObject.BaseVO ObterPorFiltro(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #32
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject arg)
            MoldVo inVo = (MoldVo)arg;

            StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sqlQuery.Append("Select md.mold_id, md.mold_cd, md.mold_name, mt.mold_type_id, mt.mold_type_cd, ");
            sqlQuery.Append(" md.width , md.depth , md.height , md.weight , ");
            sqlQuery.Append(" md.production_date_time , md.life_shot_count, ");
            sqlQuery.Append(" md.comment ");
            sqlQuery.Append(" from m_mold md ");
            sqlQuery.Append("left join m_mold_type mt on md.mold_type_id = mt.mold_type_id ");
            sqlQuery.Append(" where md.factory_cd = :faccd ");

            if (inVo.MoldId > 0)
                sqlQuery.Append(" and md.mold_id = :moldid ");

            if (inVo.MoldCode != null)
                sqlQuery.Append(" and md.mold_cd like :moldcd ");

            if (inVo.MoldName != null)
                sqlQuery.Append(" and md.mold_name like :moldname ");

            if (inVo.MoldTypeId != 0)
                sqlQuery.Append(" and mt.mold_type_id = :moldtypeid ");

            sqlQuery.Append(" order by md.mold_cd");

            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sqlQuery.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.FactoryCode))
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("faccd", inVo.FactoryCode);
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("faccd", UserData.GetUserData().FactoryCode);

            if (inVo.MoldId != 0)
                sqlParameter.AddParameterInteger("moldid", inVo.MoldId);

            if (inVo.MoldCode != null)
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("moldcd", inVo.MoldCode + "%");

            if (inVo.MoldName != null)
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("moldname", inVo.MoldName + "%");
            if (inVo.MoldTypeId != 0)
                sqlParameter.AddParameterInteger("moldtypeid", inVo.MoldTypeId);

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            MoldVo outVo = new MoldVo();

            while (dataReader.Read())
                MoldVo currOutVo = new MoldVo();

                currOutVo.MoldId         = ConvertDBNull <Int32>(dataReader, "mold_id");
                currOutVo.MoldCode       = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "mold_cd");
                currOutVo.MoldName       = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "mold_name");
                currOutVo.MoldTypeId     = ConvertDBNull <Int32>(dataReader, "mold_type_id");
                currOutVo.MoldTypeCode   = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "mold_type_cd");
                currOutVo.Width          = ConvertDBNull <decimal>(dataReader, "width");
                currOutVo.Depth          = ConvertDBNull <decimal>(dataReader, "depth");
                currOutVo.Height         = ConvertDBNull <decimal>(dataReader, "height");
                currOutVo.Weight         = ConvertDBNull <decimal>(dataReader, "weight");
                currOutVo.ProductionDate = ConvertDBNull <DateTime>(dataReader, "production_date_time");
                currOutVo.Comment        = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "comment");
                currOutVo.LifeShotCount  = ConvertDBNull <Int32>(dataReader, "life_shot_count");



コード例 #33
 public ValueObject.BaseVO ObterDadosVOPorCampo(string campo, ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO, List<string> listaRetorno = null, bool buscaExata = true)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #34
ファイル: GetModelMasterMntCbm.cs プロジェクト: D-Khoa/MyGit
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(getModelDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #35
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(getInspectionSpecificationSeqDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #36
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
            InvertoryVo   inVo = (InvertoryVo)vo;
            StringBuilder sql  = new StringBuilder();
            ValueObjectList <InvertoryVo> voList = new ValueObjectList <InvertoryVo>();
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter   = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, string.Empty);
            DbParameterList  sqlParameter        = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sql.Append(@"select c.asset_id, a.invertory_time_id, a.invertory_time_cd,  a.invertory_time_name,b.invertory_equipments_id,  b.invertory_value, b.registration_user_cd, b.registration_date_time, b.factory_cd, d.asset_cd, d.asset_name, e.location_cd as beforelocation, f.rank_name , g.location_cd as nowlocation, c.warehouse_main_id from t_invertory_equipments b 
                left join m_invertory_time a on b.invertory_time_id = a.invertory_time_id
                 left join t_warehouse_main c on b.warehouse_main_id = c.warehouse_main_id
                left join m_asset d on d.asset_id = c.asset_id
                left join m_location e on e.location_id = c.after_location_id
                left join m_rank f on f.rank_id = c.rank_id
                  left join m_location g on g.location_id = b.location_id
            sql.Append(" Where 1=1 ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetCode))
                sql.Append(" and d.asset_cd = :asset_cd ");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_cd", inVo.AssetCode);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.InvertoryTimeCode))
                sql.Append(" and a.invertory_time_cd = :invertory_time_cd ");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("invertory_time_cd", inVo.InvertoryTimeCode);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.NowLocation))
                sql.Append(" and g.location_cd = :location_cd ");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("location_cd", inVo.NowLocation);

            //create command
            sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            while (dataReader.Read())
                InvertoryVo outVo = new InvertoryVo
                    InvertoryEquipmentId = int.Parse(dataReader["invertory_equipments_id"].ToString()),
                    AssetCode            = dataReader["asset_cd"].ToString(),
                    AssetName            = dataReader["asset_name"].ToString(),
                    InvertoryValue       = bool.Parse(dataReader["invertory_value"].ToString()),
                    BeforeLocation       = dataReader["beforelocation"].ToString(),
                    NowLocation          = dataReader["nowlocation"].ToString(),
                    RankNameBefore       = dataReader["rank_name"].ToString(),
                    RegistrationUserCode = dataReader["registration_user_cd"].ToString(),
                    RegistrationDateTime = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["registration_date_time"].ToString()),
                    FactoryCode          = dataReader["factory_cd"].ToString(),
                    WarehouseMainId      = int.Parse(dataReader["warehouse_main_id"].ToString()),
                    AssetId = int.Parse(dataReader["asset_id"].ToString()),
コード例 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute the dao
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trxContext"></param>
 /// <param name="vo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(changePwdDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #38
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(deleteRoleAuthorityControlDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #39
 public override List<ValueObject.BaseVO> ObterListaVO(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     if (baseVO == null)
         Query = "select * from SJ_COMPETICAO_ANO_RODADA order by id_rodada ASC";
     return base.ObterListaVO();
コード例 #40
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject arg)
            //InspectionTestInstructionVo inVo = (InspectionTestInstructionVo)arg;

            ValueObjectList <ValueObjectList <ValueObject> > inVo = (ValueObjectList <ValueObjectList <ValueObject> >)arg;
            List <int> InspectionTestInstructionList = new List <int>();

            foreach (ValueObjectList <ValueObject> getTestInstructionVo in inVo.GetList())
                if ((((InspectionTestInstructionVo)getTestInstructionVo.GetList()[0]).InspectionTestInstructionId) != 0)

            StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sqlQuery.Append(" itinsth.inspection_test_instruction_id,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinsth.inspection_test_instruction_cd,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinsth.inspection_test_instruction_text,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_id,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_cd,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_text,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_result_count,");
            sqlQuery.Append(" itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_machine_text");
            sqlQuery.Append(" from m_inspection_test_instruction itinsth");
            sqlQuery.Append(" inner join m_inspection_test_instruction_detail itinstd");
            sqlQuery.Append(" on itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_id = itinsth.inspection_test_instruction_id");
            sqlQuery.Append(" where itinsth.factory_cd = :faccd ");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailCode != null)
            //    sqlQuery.Append(" and itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_cd like :inspectiontestinstructiondetailcd ");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailText != null)
            //    sqlQuery.Append(" and itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_text like :inspectiontestinstructiondetailtext ");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionId > 0)
            sqlQuery.Append(" and itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_id = ANY(:inspectiontestinstructionid) ");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailId > 0)
            //    sqlQuery.Append(" and itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_id = :inspectiontestinstructiondetailid ");

            sqlQuery.Append(" order by itinstd.inspection_test_instruction_detail_cd");

            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sqlQuery.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sqlParameter.AddParameterString("faccd", UserData.GetUserData().FactoryCode);

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailCode != null)
            //    sqlParameter.AddParameterString("inspectiontestinstructiondetailcd", inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailCode + "%");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailText != null)
            //    sqlParameter.AddParameterString("inspectiontestinstructiondetailtext", inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailText + "%");

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionId > 0)
            sqlParameter.AddParameter("inspectiontestinstructionid", InspectionTestInstructionList);

            //if (inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailId > 0)
            //    sqlParameter.AddParameterInteger("inspectiontestinstructiondetailid", inVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailId);

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            ValueObjectList <InspectionTestInstructionVo> outVo = null;

            while (dataReader.Read())

                InspectionTestInstructionVo currOutVo = new InspectionTestInstructionVo();
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionId                = ConvertDBNull <int>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_id");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionCode              = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_cd");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionText              = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_text");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailId          = ConvertDBNull <int>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_detail_id");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailCode        = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_detail_cd");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailText        = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_detail_text");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailResultCount = ConvertDBNull <int>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_detail_result_count");
                currOutVo.InspectionTestInstructionDetailMachine     = ConvertDBNull <string>(dataReader, "inspection_test_instruction_detail_machine_text");

                if (outVo == null)
                    outVo = new ValueObjectList <InspectionTestInstructionVo>();

コード例 #41
 public void Incluir(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     new CompeticaoDAO().Salvar(baseVO);
コード例 #42
        private static void AppendValueObjectSignaturePropertyCriteriaTo(ICriteria criteria, Type entityType, string valueObjectPropertyName, ValueObject valueObject)
            if (valueObject == null)

            foreach (PropertyInfo signatureProperty in valueObject.GetSignatureProperties())
                Type   propertyType  = signatureProperty.PropertyType;
                object propertyValue = signatureProperty.GetValue(valueObject, null);
                string propertyName  = GetPropertyName(valueObjectPropertyName, signatureProperty);

                AppendSimplePropertyCriteriaTo(criteria, entityType, propertyValue, propertyType, propertyName);
コード例 #43
 public void Incluir(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     new AnoDAO().Salvar(baseVO);
コード例 #44
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(submitDispatchReportItemDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #45
ファイル: MySqlCbmInvoker.cs プロジェクト: D-Khoa/MyGit
        /// <summary>
        /// executing transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbm">cbm  to be executed</param>
        /// <param name="vo">input vo for the cbm</param>
        /// <param name="userData">userdata</param>
        /// <param name="trxFactory">TransactionContextFactory to get transactioncontext using userdata</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connectionString for connecting with another database</param>
        /// <exception cref="Com.Nidec.Mes.Framework.ApplicationException">application exception handled in cbm access and cbm invoke</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Com.Nidec.Mes.Framework.SystemException">system exception handled in cbm access and cbm invoke</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Unhandled exception occured has been thrown as system exception in cbm access and cbm invoke</exception>
        /// <returns>output vo will be returned / exception will be thrown for error cases</returns>
        internal static ValueObject Invoke(CbmController cbm, ValueObject vo, UserData userData, TransactionContextFactory trxFactory, string connectionString)
            if (cbm == null)
                MessageData messageData = new MessageData("ffce00041", Properties.Resources.ffce00041, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                logger.Error(messageData, new NullReferenceException());
                throw new SystemException(messageData, new NullReferenceException());

            if (trxFactory == null)
                //please write code here
                trxFactory = defaultTrxFactory;

            IDbTransaction dbTransaction = null;
            IDbConnection  connection    = null;
            //Get TransactionContext
            TransactionContext trxContext = trxFactory.GetTransactionContext(userData);

                connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

                trxContext.DbConnection = connection;

                dbTransaction = trxContext.DbConnection.BeginTransaction();

                //Start transaction
                ValueObject returnedVo = cbm.Execute(trxContext, vo);


            catch (ApplicationException appEx)

                MessageData messageData = new MessageData("ffce00042", Properties.Resources.ffce00042, appEx.Message);
                logger.Error(messageData, appEx);

                throw appEx; //throw original app exception
            catch (SystemException sysEx)

                MessageData messageData = new MessageData("ffce00043", Properties.Resources.ffce00043, sysEx.Message);
                logger.Error(messageData, sysEx);

                throw sysEx; //throw original sys exception
            catch (Exception Ex)

                MessageData messageData = new MessageData("ffce00044", Properties.Resources.ffce00044, Ex.Message);
                logger.Error(messageData, Ex);

                throw new SystemException(messageData, Ex); //throw original exception as sys exception
                    if (connection != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //need to be implemented
                    MessageData messageData = new MessageData("ffce00045", Properties.Resources.ffce00045, ex.Message);
                    logger.Error(messageData, ex);

                    throw new SystemException(messageData, ex); //throw original exception as sys exception
コード例 #46
 public Command(string name, ValueObject value = null) : base(name, value ?? new ValueObject(false))
コード例 #47
 private static bool AddKeyValueToDict(ref Hashtable dict, string key, ValueObject value)
     // Make sure that we have values that we can work with.
     if (dict == null || key == null || key.Length < 1 || value == null) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to AddKeyValueToDict() with null objects.");
         return false;
     // If the hashtable doesn't already contain the key, they we can just go ahead and add it.
     if (!dict.ContainsKey(key)) {
         dict.Add(key, value.val);
         return true;
     // At this point, the dict contains already contains the key we're trying to add.
     // If the value for this key is of a different type between the dict and the new value, then we have a type mismatch.
     // Post an error stating so, but go ahead and overwrite the existing key value.
     if (value.val.GetType() != dict[key].GetType()) {
         Debug.LogWarning("Value type mismatch for overlapping key (will replace old value with new one): " + value.val + ", " + dict[key] + ", " + key);
         dict[key] = value.val;
     // If the value for this key is a hashtable, then we need to recursively add the key values of each hashtable.
     else if (value.val.GetType() == typeof(Hashtable)) {
         // Itterate through the elements of the value's hashtable.
         Hashtable htTmp = (Hashtable)value.val;
         foreach (object element in htTmp) {
             // Recursively attempt to add/repalce the elements of the value hashtable to the dict's value hashtable.
             // If this fails, post a message stating so and return false.
             Hashtable htRef = (Hashtable)dict[key];
             if (!AddKeyValueToDict(ref htRef, (string)element, new ValueObject(htTmp[element]))) {
                 Debug.LogError("Failed to add key value to dict: " + element + ", " + htTmp[element] + ", " + dict[key]);
                 return false;
     // If the value is an array, then there's really no way we can tell which elements to overwrite, because this is done based on the congruent keys.
     // Thus, we'll just add the elements of the array to the existing array.
     else if (value.val.GetType() == typeof(ArrayList)) {
         ArrayList alTmp = (ArrayList)value.val;
         ArrayList alAddTmp = (ArrayList)dict[key];
         foreach (object element in alTmp) {
     // If the key value is not an array or a hashtable, then it's a primitive value that we can easily write over.
     else {
         dict[key] = value.val;
     return true;
コード例 #48
        public static void CheckTestCasesAndConditionsAndActions(TestCasesRoot tcr)
            int testCasesCount  = tcr.TestCases.Count;
            int conditionsCount = tcr.Conditions.Count;
            int actionsCount    = tcr.Actions.Count;

            for (int testCaseIndex = 0; testCaseIndex < tcr.TestCases.Count; testCaseIndex++)
                TestCase tc = tcr.TestCases[testCaseIndex];
                Assert.That(tc.Conditions.Count == conditionsCount);
                Assert.That(tc.Actions.Count == actionsCount);
                var actionCol = tcr.ActionTable.Columns[testCaseIndex + 1];
                var conditionCol = tcr.ConditionTable.Columns[testCaseIndex + 1];

                for (int conditionIndex = 0; conditionIndex < tcr.Conditions.Count; conditionIndex++)
                    ConditionObject co = tcr.Conditions[conditionIndex];
                    Assert.That(co.TestValues.Count == testCasesCount);


                    ValueObject tcValueObject   = tc.Conditions[conditionIndex];
                    ValueObject condValueObject = tcr.Conditions[conditionIndex].TestValues[testCaseIndex];
                    Assert.That(tcValueObject == condValueObject);
                    Assert.That(tcValueObject.EnumValues == condValueObject.EnumValues);

                for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < tcr.Actions.Count; actionIndex++)
                    ActionObject co = tcr.Actions[actionIndex];
                    Assert.That(co.TestValues.Count == testCasesCount);


                    ValueObject tcValueObject     = tc.Actions[actionIndex];
                    ValueObject actionValueObject = tcr.Actions[actionIndex].TestValues[testCaseIndex];
                    Assert.That(tcValueObject == actionValueObject);
                    Assert.That(tcValueObject.EnumValues == actionValueObject.EnumValues);

            Assert.That(tcr.ConditionTable.Columns.Count == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);
            Assert.That(tcr.ConditionTable.Columns.Count == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);
            Assert.That(tcr.ActionTable.Columns.Count == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);
            Assert.That(tcr.ActionTable.Columns.Count == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tcr.ConditionTable.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                DataRow rowView = tcr.ConditionTable.Rows[rowIndex];
                Assert.That(rowView.ItemArray.Length == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);

                Assert.That(rowView[0] is ConditionObject);
                Assert.That(rowView[0] == tcr.Conditions[rowIndex]);
                for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex < tcr.ConditionTable.Columns.Count; colIndex++)
                    ValueObject vo = rowView[colIndex] as ValueObject;
                    TestCase    tc = tcr.TestCases[colIndex - 1];
                    Assert.That(vo == tc.Conditions[rowIndex]);

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tcr.ActionTable.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                DataRow rowView = tcr.ActionTable.Rows[rowIndex];
                Assert.That(rowView.ItemArray.Length == tcr.TestCases.Count + 1);

                Assert.That(rowView[0] is ActionObject);
                Assert.That(rowView[0] == tcr.Actions[rowIndex]);
                for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex < tcr.ActionTable.Columns.Count; colIndex++)
                    ValueObject vo = rowView[colIndex] as ValueObject;
                    TestCase    tc = tcr.TestCases[colIndex - 1];
                    Assert.That(vo == tc.Actions[rowIndex]);
コード例 #49
 private static bool LoadDictFromPlistNode(XmlNode node, ref Hashtable dict)
     if (node == null) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load a null plist dict node.");
         return false;
     if (!node.Name.Equals("dict")) {
         Debug.LogError("Attempted to load an dict from a non-array node type: " + node + ", " + node.Name);
         return false;
     if (dict == null) {
         dict = new Hashtable();
     int cnodeCount = node.ChildNodes.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i+1 < cnodeCount; i+=2) {
         // Select the key and value child nodes
         XmlNode keynode = node.ChildNodes.Item(i);
         XmlNode valuenode = node.ChildNodes.Item(i+1);
         // If this node isn't a 'key'
         if (keynode.Name.Equals("key")) {
             // Establish our variables to hold the key and value.
             string key = keynode.InnerText;
             ValueObject value = new ValueObject();
             // Load the value node.
             // If the value node loaded successfully, add the key/value pair to the dict hashtable.
             if (LoadValueFromPlistNode(valuenode, ref value)) {
                 // This could be one of several different possible data types, including another dict.
                 // AddKeyValueToDict() handles this by replacing existing key values that overlap, and doing so recursively for dict values.
                 // If this not successful, post a message stating so and return false.
                 if (!AddKeyValueToDict(ref dict, key, value)) {
                     Debug.LogError("Failed to add key value to dict when loading plist from dict");
                     return false;
             } else {
                 Debug.LogError("Did not load plist value correctly for key in node: " + key + ", " + node);
                 return false;
         } else {
             Debug.LogError("The plist being loaded may be corrupt.");
             return false;
     } //end for
     return true;
コード例 #50
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(deleteInspectionItemSelectionValueDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #51
 public List<ValueObject.BaseVO> ObterListaVO(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #52
 /// <summary>
 /// method definition for Execute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trxContext"></param>
 /// <param name="vo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo);
コード例 #53
 public bool ExisteRegistro(string campo_pesquisa, ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #54
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(checkMoldCategoryDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #55
 public List<string> ObterDadosPorCampo(string campo, ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO, bool buscaExata = true)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #56
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(addPaletteDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));
コード例 #57
 public List<string> ObterLista(ValueObject.BaseVO baseVO, List<string> listaPesquisa = null)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #58
ファイル: ValueObject.cs プロジェクト: giorgi02/CleanSolution
 protected static bool NotEqualOperator(ValueObject left, ValueObject right)
     return(!(EqualOperator(left, right)));
コード例 #59
        public override ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
            WareHouseMainVo inVo = (WareHouseMainVo)vo;
            StringBuilder   sql  = new StringBuilder();
            ValueObjectList <WareHouseMainVo> voList = new ValueObjectList <WareHouseMainVo>();
            //create command
            DbCommandAdaptor sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //create parameter
            DbParameterList sqlParameter = sqlCommandAdapter.CreateParameterList();

            sql.Append(@"select g.unit,c.location_cd as before, j.location_cd as after, h.detail_postion_cd, g.warehouse_main_id,c.location_cd,e.asset_cd, e.asset_no, e.asset_name, e.asset_model, e.asset_serial, e.asset_supplier, g.qty, a.account_code_cd, b.account_location_cd, f.rank_cd, b.account_location_name, g.comment_data, e.asset_life, e.acquistion_date, e.acquistion_cost, g.depreciation_start, g.depreciation_end, g.current_depreciation,g.monthly_depreciation, g.accum_depreciation_now, g.net_value, e.asset_invoice, g.registration_date_time, g.registration_user_cd from t_warehouse_main g
                           left join m_account_code a on a.account_code_id = g.account_code_id
                           left join m_account_location b on b.account_location_id = g.account_location_id
                            left join m_location c on c.location_id = g.before_location_id
                            left join m_location j on j.location_id = g.after_location_id
                            left join m_user_location d on d.user_location_id = g.user_location_id
                            left join m_asset e on e.asset_id = g.asset_id
                            left join m_rank f on f.rank_id = g.rank_id
                            left join m_detail_postion h on h.detail_postion_id = g.detail_position_id
                      where 1=1  ");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetCode))
                sql.Append(@" and   e.asset_cd  =:asset_cd");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_cd", inVo.AssetCode);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.RankCode))
                sql.Append(" and f.rank_cd  =:rank_cd");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("rank_cd", inVo.RankCode);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetModel))
                sql.Append(" and e.asset_model =:asset_model");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_model", inVo.AssetModel);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetName))
                sql.Append(" and e.asset_name =:asset_name");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_name", inVo.AssetName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetType))
                sql.Append(" and e.asset_type =:asset_type");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_type", inVo.AssetType);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AssetInvoice))
                sql.Append(" and e.asset_invoice =:asset_invoice");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("asset_invoice", inVo.AssetInvoice);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.AfterLocationCd))
                sql.Append(" and j.location_cd =:location_cd");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("location_cd", inVo.AfterLocationCd);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inVo.DetailPositionCd))
                sql.Append(" and h.detail_postion_cd =:detail_postion_cd");
                sqlParameter.AddParameterString("detail_postion_cd", inVo.DetailPositionCd);

            sql.Append(" order by  g.registration_date_time desc");
            sqlCommandAdapter = base.GetDbCommandAdaptor(trxContext, sql.ToString());

            //execute SQL
            IDataReader dataReader = sqlCommandAdapter.ExecuteReader(trxContext, sqlParameter);

            while (dataReader.Read())
                WareHouseMainVo outVo = new WareHouseMainVo
                    //  , h., i., k., o.prodution_work_content_name
                    WareHouseMainId  = int.Parse(dataReader["warehouse_main_id"].ToString()),
                    AfterLocationCd  = dataReader["after"].ToString(),
                    BeforeLocationCd = dataReader["before"].ToString(),
                    DetailPositionCd = dataReader["detail_postion_cd"].ToString(),
                    AssetCode        = dataReader["asset_cd"].ToString(),
                    AssetNo          = int.Parse(dataReader["asset_no"].ToString()),
                    AssetName        = dataReader["asset_name"].ToString(),
                    AssetModel       = dataReader["asset_model"].ToString(),
                    AssetSerial      = dataReader["asset_serial"].ToString(),
                    AssetSupplier    = dataReader["asset_supplier"].ToString(),
                    QTY                  = int.Parse(dataReader["qty"].ToString()),
                    Unit                 = dataReader["unit"].ToString(),
                    AccountCodeCode      = dataReader["account_code_cd"].ToString(),
                    AccountLocationCode  = dataReader["account_location_cd"].ToString(),
                    RankCode             = dataReader["rank_cd"].ToString(),
                    AccountLocationName  = dataReader["account_location_name"].ToString(),
                    CommnetsData         = dataReader["comment_data"].ToString(),
                    AssetLife            = int.Parse(dataReader["asset_life"].ToString()),
                    AcquisitionDate      = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["acquistion_date"].ToString()),
                    AcquisitionCost      = double.Parse(dataReader["acquistion_cost"].ToString()),
                    StartDepreciation    = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["depreciation_start"].ToString()),
                    EndDepreciation      = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["depreciation_end"].ToString()),
                    CurrentDepreciation  = double.Parse(dataReader["current_depreciation"].ToString()),
                    MonthlyDepreciation  = double.Parse(dataReader["monthly_depreciation"].ToString()),
                    AccumDepreciation    = double.Parse(dataReader["accum_depreciation_now"].ToString()),
                    NetValue             = double.Parse(dataReader["net_value"].ToString()),
                    AssetInvoice         = (dataReader["asset_invoice"].ToString()),
                    RegistrationDateTime = DateTime.Parse(dataReader["registration_date_time"].ToString()),
                    RegistrationUserCode = (dataReader["registration_user_cd"].ToString()),
 public ValueObject Execute(TransactionContext trxContext, ValueObject vo)
     return(deleteCastingMachineFurnaceDao.Execute(trxContext, vo));