コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 ///   Adds an explicit view model-level validation error (with the given
 ///   <paramref name="errorMessage"/> to the current VM if any of its
 ///   properties are invalid (see remarks).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   This rule is useful if a VM is displayed in a grid where not all
 ///   properties are visible in the grid. If any of the properites of a
 ///   VM (visible or not) become invalid, a view model-level (row level)
 ///   validation error is added to the VM (which is for example visualized
 ///   by a red cross to the left of the grid row). This indicates to the
 ///   user that something currently not visible may be invalid and that he
 ///   or she should open the details of the current record to correct the
 ///   validation error.
 /// </remarks>
 public static void ValidateProperties <TOwnerVM, TTargetVM, TDescriptor>(
     this ValidatorBuilder <TOwnerVM, TTargetVM, TDescriptor> builder,
     string errorMessage
     where TOwnerVM : IViewModel
     where TTargetVM : IViewModel
     where TDescriptor : class, IVMDescriptor
     builder.CheckViewModel((args) => {
         if (!args.Owner.Kernel.GetValidationResult(ValidationResultScope.PropertiesOnly).IsValid)
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 ///   Adds an expli1cit view model-level validation error (with the given
 ///   <paramref name="errorMessage"/>) to the current VM if any of its
 ///   descendants are invalid (see remarks).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   <para>Beware that the validation state is always propagated to to the
 ///      parent (meaning that <see cref="ViewModel{TDescriptor}.IsValid"/> returns false
 ///      if any descendant is invalid) but <see cref="ViewModel{TDescriptor}.GetValidationResult(ValidationResultScope)"/>
 ///      with <see cref="ValidationResultScope.Self"/> does not return an error
 ///      by default unless you add this validation rule.</para>
 ///   <para>This validation rule is most useful in hierarchical data structures
 ///      (e.g. an employee has projects which have tasks which have records) to
 ///      guide the user to the (probably not visible) record that is actually
 ///      invalid.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 public static void PropagateChildErrors <TOwnerVM, TTargetVM, TDescriptor>(
     this ValidatorBuilder <TOwnerVM, TTargetVM, TDescriptor> builder,
     string errorMessage
     where TOwnerVM : IViewModel
     where TTargetVM : IViewModel
     where TDescriptor : class, IVMDescriptor
     builder.CheckViewModel((args) => {
         // TODO: Write test to verify that target is used instead of owner.
         if (!args.Target.Kernel.GetValidationResult(ValidationResultScope.Descendants).IsValid)